Maddow Blog Comment section

I heard that might happen
In a final show of hypocrisy Steve Benen denied knowing his blog comment section was going bye bye.
I can only hope I had a small part in the decision to get rid of the propaganda blog. Now the hope is there are so few people reading his mindless drivel that he ends up losing his job.
Next is the great Maddow herself. With less and less people buying into her spin she might find herself on the unemployment line with Steve. At least that would go a little way toward the press getting crediblity back.
You should post the first comment to start off your own 'work.' So, glad to help out (I guess). And, what is this about?
It's nothing important just another political hitpiece.
No, actually it is not. But the fact you feel you can answer the question for me says alot about you.
If one of the things it says is that I have a complete disinterest in anything even remotely political then you got at least one thing correct
Nope, try again
Was there a point there someplace?
You should post the first comment to start off your own 'work.' Just so you know. It is something of a rule here. (Smile.)
Glad to see you found your way over. Yea his blog has less than a year I'm guessing. Once their site traffic goes way down they will have to start cutting the fat. It's pretty easy to get censored at this site. Kinda stinks given it was a free for all at the maddow blog.
Just thought I would check things out and see if my liberal friends from MB are OK. Shutting down comments must have been devastating. I have to admit I haven't read Steve since a couple days after the comment section went bye bye. Guess that tells you what I thought about him as a writer.
Curious as to who does the censoring.
Where is the 'captain' for this ship? HellOOO? HellOo?
Sorry, I have a job and can't always make it here.
Okay, can you tell us what this is about now? Who is "Steve" and why should I miss him? And, what's your view of Rachel Maddow?
Hmm. Thank you for sharing. I knew nothing about any of that.