New Political Ad Uses Donald Trump Jr.’s Words To Attack His Father
Category: News & Politics
Via: flynavy1 • 5 years ago • 37 commentsBy: Tanya A. Christian

Though the words used to narrate the MeidasTouch video were intended for presumptive democratic nominee Joe Biden, the attack ad does a masterful job at depicting how Donald Trump and his family do the very things they accuse Biden of. From teleprompter gaffes to nepotism to small turnouts at rallies, Trump has very publicly made the same missteps.
Amid the coronavirus pandemic and a flailing political campaign, those mistakes have been amplified. As noted in the ad, more than 135,000 American residents have lost their life to the novel outbreak. Andrew Bates, Director of Rapid Response for the Biden campaign, credits that to Donald Trump spending the last six months “disastrously mismanaging the worst public health crisis in a century, the whole time failing to heed the warnings and guidance of medical experts.” He also adds in a statement shared with ESSENCE, that tens of millions have lost their jobs due to this very reason.
Thousands have retweeted the "Bye Don Jr." ad in support of an end to “hypocrisy, stupidity, and nepotism.” Only voter turnout in November will determine if that will actually take place.
Very clever..... Typical Trump crime family projections that reflect the truth about Trump himself.
what will trumpski's defective spawn do and where will they go when daddy scumbucks eventually takes that slow wagon ride feet first down pennsylvania avenue? after lives of privilege and entitlement, I really don't think any of them can see past tomorrow.
What's Joe Biden say about this ?
Probably the same thing as the Lincoln Project Republicans do.....
Probably ?
or Does !
When Joe Speaks on his own....No One understands him.
Why, because Joe doesn't speak in Qanon code?
Trump and his crime family are trapped in a corner of their own doing.
Joe doesn't speak in a Coherent way at all..... Period !
WHAT ?????????????????
Joe saying things are going in the right direction !
The point of this seed is that Don Jr. made a fool of himself and his dad..... again! Worse.... he never saw it coming.
I have to ask you.... How does it feel when so many traditional republicans are coming out in favor of electing Biden even with all of his faults that you like to point out?
Joe Biden.... The Democrats best man for the Job.... Can't put a thought together !
Don Jr. isn't running for President !
About as much as the "Hillary has this sowed up" Polls did !
Not bothersome at all !
And how many members strong? does this "Republican Anti-Trump movement" have that the CNN types say they have, compared to the actual voting public count ?
By the way..... Don Jr. was speaking about Biden and Clan, but it was fun watching how someone can Warp what someone says, into something else....... as has been Usual since Jan. 2017 !
We'll we're going to find out come November who America chooses for the next president now aren't we....?
If Trump is smart, he'll keep his low yield IQ son off the air. With the help like that of Don Jr...... who needs political opponents?
Just like WE did in '16.
Funny thing Politics. When someone gets elected you don't like, there isn't a damn thing one can do about it, no matter how much one wishes it weren't so.
Even the Democrat House, with all that POWER, showed us they aren't "Above" us peons either. They couldn't even get him out !
They did do one thing better than most folks. They actually made themselves look like FOOLS.......ON PURPOSE !
Not many Peons are willing do that shit on purpose.
But I suppose....that Fancy Dancy Pen they all received from Nancy was worth it.
Stay with just Mopping.
How about we put a bet on this IT IS Me, XD....
If Trump wins, I'll bug out of NT for a year.... no reregs, nothing (I've never done that anyway..and Perrie knows it!)
If Biden wins, both of you depart NT for the same amount of time....
(We need to have more Lincoln Project videos in comments and seeds here!
In my best Stargate imitation of the Black List guy "I can read that!!!
"In the day(s) of King (glorious leader) Toot'nDodderingAurantius (old orange fart) ..."
Sorry but I think you spelled "fart" incorrectly. I'll dig out some of my ancient 2ply scrolls and double check it before I finish the translation.
(REF 3.1.13) No takers on the the bet eh boys.....?
Both of you must know a losing bet when it's offered to you, and I sure as hell wouldn't bet on Trump's reelection chances right now either....
Can't put a thought together
Oh like Trump can.
I see many similarities of Crooked donnie to Henry VIII (I love English history).
Henry loved, praised, looked up to, sought advice from and when he had no more use for them killed them - Anne Boleyn, Sir Thomas More, Thomas Cromwell and so on.
Crooked donnie does the same thing but instead of killing them he just trashes them and denigrates them when they are no longer loyal to him and go against him.
Trump reminds me of Henry VIII, but only weight wise.
What advice has he ever listened to?
I'm really sorry for posting this about our fearless leader. On second thought, no I'm not.
I keep forgetting. Which one is he? Uday or Qusay?
I keep forgetting. Which one is he? Uday or Qusay?
LOL-- best comment of the day (week?)
All I know is if my dog had a face like theirs, I would shave its ass and teach it to walk backwards.