Rep. Ruben Gallego pushes for the VA to strip benefits from service members and veterans who stormed Capitol
Category: News & Politics
Via: flynavy1 • 4 years ago • 33 commentsBy: (John L. Dorman) 16 hrs ago (MSN)

© House Television via AP Rep. Ruben Gallego (D-Arizona) speaks as the House reconvenes to debate the objection to confirm the Electoral College vote from Arizona, after insurrectionists stormed the US Capitol on January 6, 2021. House Television via AP
- Rep. Gallego wants service members who participated in the Capitol riot to lose their benefits.
- He said the group's actions are "not representative of the large population of American veterans."
- Nearly 20 percent of the individuals charged in the riot had a military background, per NPR.
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Democratic Rep. Ruben Gallego of Arizona, a Marine Corps veteran, last week called on Veterans Affairs Secretary Denis McDonough to withdraw benefits from active-duty service members, veterans, or military retirees who participated in the deadly January 6 Capitol riot.
"The behavior of these individuals is not representative of the large population of American veterans, the vast majority of whom served honorably and are appalled by the thought of insurrection in the country they served," he wrote in a letter. "Yet, many of the veterans and service members who attacked their own government actively and enthusiastically enjoy benefits not available to their fellow citizens."
Such benefits include access to disability compensation, more affordable healthcare options, and vocational opportunities.
Gallego added: "This situation is unjust. Any retiree or service member who stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6 forfeited their moral entitlement to the support of the people of the United States."
Nearly 20 percent of the individuals charged in the riot had a military background, according to an NPR report.
Gallego, a member of the US House Armed Services Committee, asked McDonough to work with Attorney General Merrick Garland to identify the riot participants, citing 38 U.S. Code § 6104 as a rationale to withdraw benefits.
Section 6104 of the US code covers benefits for veterans and their dependants.
In addition to McDonough, Gallego also sent letters to Garland, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, and Secretary of Homeland Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.
Federal prosecutors have already charged more than 300 people for their involvement with the attack, with more individuals expected to face federal charges.
In his personalized letter, Gallego asked Austin and Mayorkas to "quickly identify, investigate and prosecute any active service member or retiree who participated in the attack."
He added: "Insurrectionists should not enjoy benefits they no longer deserve."
During the insurrection, Gallego, who served in the Iraq War, sheltered several members of the media in his office.
Five people died during the violent rioting spree, including Capitol Police Officer Brian D. Sicknick, in what was the most significant breach of the US Capitol since 1814.

Let's hear from the vets out there....
My take is that oath we took upon enlistment, is "once sworn is still sworn". Not that there is much in the way of vets benefits left to take, but yes, as they violated their oath to defend the US Constitution, I think they shouldn't count on those benefits.
Can vets still be dishonorably discharged? I know active service can be, but is there an equivalent for veterans?
I know active service can be, but is there an equivalent for veterans?
And here is the answer
Veterans could lose their VA benefits for two reasons: Incarceration and multiple foreclosures.
For incarcerated veterans, a reduction or loss of benefits is determined by the crime committed and the resulting prison sentence E.G. whether the offense was a felony or misdemeanor. Benefits commonly affected by a prison sentence include educational as well as disability entitlements. Veterans who have more than one foreclosure will lose their VA home loan benefit, though this entitlement can be regained.
Seems to be a loophole in there. If a vet commits sedition then flees the country to avoid prosecution and incarceration, they would retain their VA benefits?
For those who perpetuated crimes heavy enough to be sentenced to prison time will already lose benefits. Most people that stormed the capital building will not serve any time. They will at most get probation. Should any vets that fall into this category still have their benefits stripped? Maybe.... Maybe not... Stupidity does have consequences.
WOW I'm sure that's an Unexpected kick in the ... for some of those "patriots".
Gotta pay if yur gonna play I guess. Ouch !
idiots !
Irresponsibility has consequences !
How about we strip all benefits from every last politician in the federal government; and those that work directly under them as hirelings? That sounds reasonable since not a damn single one of them represent us. They are all more concerned with staying in power; and keeping the lobbyist money coming in. Defending the Constitution has nothing to with the actions they carry out on a daily basis.
Funny how we didn't hear a single damn Democrat try this with any of the riots, assault, looting, arson, or destruction of federal property over the course of the last couple years. Of course those were left wing Brown Shirts doing it; so that makes it OK. Seems they are only concerned with alt right radicals that served in the military that step out of line.
By all means prosecute anyone that took part in the Capital riot to the fullest extent of the law; but don't be a partisan asshole and stop there.
Of all that were involved in anyway in what happened 01-06-21 YES !!!
I've go no problem with that. They too would be in violation of their oath of office.
As far as the rest of Ronan's screed..... let others decide for themselves the fact from fiction.
There is already proof that certain members of Congress not only encouraged the riot, but aided in its inception. Republican Oregon Rep. Mike Nearman is on video opening a door at the capitol so that rioters could gain access. This SOB needs to be removed and brought up on charges as a traitor.
Until the t's are crossed and the i's dotted, Nearman who there is absolute proof against should be censured and removed. He should also be barred legally from any reelection or holding any public office ever again. Also, he should receive absolutely no benefits once he does leave office.
Any active duty involved should be court-martialed
Without a doubt Trout as they are in violation of the UCMJ.
I am behind this 100%. Also, they should not receive stim checks.
I am behind this 100%. Also, they should not receive stim checks.
I suspect that this, and the stripping of benefits, might raise legal and Constitutional questions as there are family and medical issues involved with many of these vets.
Such vindictiveness comes at a time when ex-cons have most their rights restored, and illegal aliens are rewarded for breaking the laws. Jail time and fines should suffice if convicted of felonies.
gee, too fucking bad...
They weren't thinking of their family members when they decided to become seditious traitors.
Let's punish spouses and children now for actions of one parent.
That makes sooo much fucking some world.......
ROFL - Apparently it makes total sense to the majority of conservatives who have advocated for stripping social services from the poor too many times to count. Yeah, keep pretending you give a fuck about children.
Perhaps they should have thought of that before trying to overthrow the government? Just a thought.
That's the problem, They weren't thinking. Now many maybe though...
"O-Shit WTF did I do ?
Any active duty should be court-martialed.
Any retired vet drawing any type of benefits if found guilty and jailed should lose all benefits.
JAG is probably drafting CM paperwork for the active duty busted. Say goodbye to your careers, money, benefits, freedom, and the chance at any good job with a DD hanging around your necks to those who violated their oaths. These are Trump's losers and he could give a shit about any of them.
Always a trail of tears in trump's wake.. Always !
Yep and I'd say in the hope that he could soon declare Martial law and at least postpone the transfer of power for the time being.
Martial law can be invoked when a government is unable to function.
martial law
IMO: President trump was so power hungry he was willing to kill and actually try to take over our government in any way he could.
Personally I'm just thankful the asshole failed !
IMO: This man should certainly be stripped of any legal right to ever hold a public office again. Period !
He also needs to be stripped of his freedom and all money/property.
100% agree.