
POLITICO Playbook: How Palm Beach is preparing for a possible Trump indictment - POLITICO


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Via:  pat-wilson  •  3 years ago  •  10 comments

By:   Nahal Toosi and Nick Niedzwiadek (POLITICO)

POLITICO Playbook: How Palm Beach is preparing for a possible Trump indictment - POLITICO
Law enforcement officials in Palm Beach County, Fla., have actively prepared for the possibility that Manhattan District Attorney CY VANCE could indict former President DONALD TRUMP while he’s at Mar-a-Lago, according to two high-ranking county officials involved in planning sessions.

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SCOOP: PALM BEACH MAKES CONTINGENCY PLANS IN CASE TRUMP IS INDICTED — Law enforcement officials in Palm Beach County, Fla.,have actively prepared for the possibility that Manhattan District Attorney CY VANCE could indict former President DONALD TRUMP while he's at Mar-a-Lago, according to two high-ranking county officials involved in planning sessions.

Among the topics discussed in those meetings: how to handle the thorny extradition issues that could arise if an indictment moves forward.

An obscure clause in Florida's statute on interstate extradition gives Gov. RON DESANTIS the ability to intervene and even investigate whether an indicted "person ought to be surrendered" to law enforcement officials from another state — which means that asMar-a-Lago prepares to close down for the season and Trump relocates to Bedminster, N.J., it isn't just the Florida heat he's leaving behind: He could lose a key piece of political protection.

"The statute leaves room for interpretation that the governor has the power to order a review and potentially not comply with the extradition notice," says JOE ABRUZZO, clerk of the Circuit Court of Palm Beach County, the official who would be in charge of opening a potential fugitive-at-large case.

One wrinkle to Abruzzo's potential role in all of this: He is a former close associate of President JOE BIDEN'S younger brother, FRANK. Abruzzo tells Playbook that despite his friendship with the Biden family, "the full extent of the law will be followed and carried out appropriately, without bias."

If an indictment comes down while Trump is in Bedminster for the summer, this could all play out very differently.New Jersey's extradition statute is similar to Florida's, giving the governor the power to investigate an out-of-state warrant. But its governor is Democrat PHIL MURPHY, who is no fan of Trump's, and would not likely intervene to stop Trump's extradition. In the event of an indictment, Trump's lawyers could also negotiate a condition of surrender, which could cut local law enforcement out. An attorney for Trump declined to comment.

With Trump settling down in New Jersey for the next few months, Florida is unlikely to have to sort through this any time soon. But the clock is ticking on the Manhattan D.A.'s investigation: On March 12, Vance said in a statement that he will retire at the end of 2021, and speculation abounds that his office — which is currently investigating whether Trump and his businesses committed banking and tax fraud, among other lines of inquiry — could issue indictments before passing the case along to his successor.

And that means that Palm Beach County may yet have to get involved depending on whether Trump is indicted, of course, and whether that happens after Mar-a-Lago reopens in the fall.


jrDiscussion - desc
pat wilson
Professor Participates
1  seeder  pat wilson    3 years ago

Mar a Lago or Bedminster ? He can't summer in New York either. Maybe his golf club in Scotland or Dubai. Maybe he can go work on the trump Tower in Moscow, hahahahahahahahahaha

Professor Principal
2  Kavika     3 years ago

Scotland doesn't want him, he's pissed off most of Scotland.

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
3  Hal A. Lujah    3 years ago

But ... but ... he can’t leave Mar-a-Lago, he’s an employee now!  How could they possibly survive without their best worker bee?

Professor Principal
3.1  Tessylo  replied to  Hal A. Lujah @3    3 years ago


pat wilson
Professor Participates
4  seeder  pat wilson    3 years ago


The legal reality is decidedly to the contrary. If Trump is indicted in New York, both the U.S. Constitution and a federal statute dating to 1793 require DeSantis (or the governor of whatever state Trump is in at the time) to hand him over. And if DeSantis still refuses, a 1987 Supreme Court decision makes clear that federal courts can order him to comply. Unlike in cases of international extradition, where treaties often leave significant room for political and diplomatic machinations and maneuvering , the law of interstate extradition is both clear and straightforward.

Professor Guide
5  MrFrost    3 years ago
An obscure clause in Florida's statute on interstate extraditiongives Gov.RON DESANTISthe ability to intervene and even investigate whether an indicted "person ought to be surrendered" to law enforcement officials from another state — which means that asMar-a-Lago prepares to close down for the season and Trump relocates to Bedminster, N.J., it isn't just the Florida heat he's leaving behind: He could lose a key piece of political protection.

I don't think it would come to this.. If it did, the feds would likely step in and that would be game over for trumpy. 

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
6  Buzz of the Orient    3 years ago

How many YEARS does it take to review a guy's and his corporations' tax returns and financial records?  I always thought that justice delayed was justice denied, and I'm sure a LOT of people can't wait to see him being cuffed and his head held down as he's shoved into the back seat of a cruiser.  From the news published over the past couple of years there were lots of proceedings being brought against him - where the hell are they now, or were they all just a lot of bullshit?

pat wilson
Professor Participates
6.1  seeder  pat wilson  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @6    3 years ago

I don't think there will be a perp walk but indictments are imminent.

Professor Principal
6.1.1  Tessylo  replied to  pat wilson @6.1    3 years ago

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Professor Principal
7  Tessylo    3 years ago

I've heard this is true - that the trumpturd is going to be indicted soon.  PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE LET IT BE TRUE.  


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