Excavation uncovers secret underground Nazi WMD factory
Excavation uncovers secret underground Nazi WMD factory

This undated photo provided by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia shows part of a seizure of radioactive substances, including iridium-192 and europium-152. (AP Photo/Georgia Interior Ministry)
Suspiciously high radiation levels around the Austrian town of St. Georgen an der Gusen had long fueled theories that there was a buried bunker nearby where Nazis had tested nuclear weapons during WWII.
Those suspicions came one step closer to being confirmed last week after the opening of a 75-acre underground complex was dug out from below the earth and granite used to seal off the entrance, the Times of Israel reports.
The excavation team was led by Austrian filmmaker Andreas Sulzer, who says the site was "likely the biggest secret weapons production facility of the Third Reich"a facility that probably relied on forced labor from the nearby Mauthausen-Gusen concentration camp and may have even been the testing location for a nuclear bomb, the Daily Mirror reports.
The weapons facility was believed to have been manned by SS General Hans Kammler and situated near the B8 Bergkristall factory, where the first working jet-powered fighter was created, International Business Times reports; Sulzer first got wind of the site after seeing references to it in an Austrian physicist's diary.
"Up to 320,000 inmates are said to have died because of the brutal conditions in the subterranean labyrinth," Sulzer tells the Sunday Times , per the Times of Israel .
Those inmates were chosen for skills in physics, chemistry, or other sciences that would advance the Nazis' quest for WMD, Sulzer says. Digging at the site was halted by local officials who demanded a permit, but Sulzer says excavation will restart next month.
"We owe it to the victims to finally open the site and reveal the truth," he says, per the Mirror . (The US is still keeping nuclear warheads around to fight asteroids ?)
"We owe it to the victims to finally open the site and reveal the truth," he says, per the Mirror. (The US is still keeping nuclear warheads around to fight asteroids ?)
There are many people that claim that the first bomb we dropped on Japan was not an American design but a German one. It was built in metric when the ones we were building were in english measure.
Roids? not in my bed of asters...
ok, I'll bite.
Elaborate please...
This is yet another proof of Obama's fecklessness!
As I said, many people believe.
Actually it was decided early in the Manhattan project that the American effort would be directed at an implosion device. That would be the fast track to a successful atomic weapon although more technically difficult. The gun type design was a design that was considered by the scientists and engineers as a design that would work without any real doubts or needing a full field test even though it was a less efficient design. Besides the gun design worked on U-235 only which was very difficult to produce in quantity. The implosion device working with plutonium as it's fissionable material was easier to supply. (plutonium being a by product of the U-235 nuclear refining process)
They actually built 7 of the little boy devices, (delivered by the USS Indianopolis) the first 6 being used to test the device around Tinian to make sure all the mechanics and electronics worked as designed. The last being the only one fully armed and dropped on Hiroshima. (the actual 141 lbs of fissile material, U-235 for the bomb wasn't delivered by the navy, it was delivered by air three days before the actual drop of the bomb)
I believe in late 1947, the Army ordered another 20 or so of the little boy design to be manufactured, given problems being experienced at the time with plutonium production at Hanford although there was insufficient U-235 for all the cores. This was viewed as a stop gap in case they couldn't solve the issues at Hanford. They did and these remaining devices were retired I believe in '54 or so after being designated as a nuclear device deliverable by the navy. (the P2V neptune becoming the first navy aircraft able to deliver nuclear weapons)
My dates could be wrong but I do believe that was the true story.
I don't believe they faked the moon landing either.
But truth is stranger than fiction to some people.
Wait a minute....I don't remember seeing anything political in the article....
A fascinating story. It seems that WWII could have played out in a very different way.
Soros! You forgot Soros!
How can you make such a mistake? You are excommunicated! You must render your tin-foil hat. A helicopter (black, of course) will pick you up for transfer to Area 51.
I'm glad you enjoyed it Perrie...
The picture does not show anything that came out of any Nazi nuclear weapons facility.
Why do I say this?
The five caps in the picture? they have the international radiation trefoil on them. The three magenta triangles around a magenta dot on a yellow background
The shape was settled at the University of California Radiation Laboratory in Berkeley sometime in 1946.
The colors were standardized at Oak Ridge National Lab in early 1948.
By the late 50s, ANSI standards and federal regulations had codified the version of the warning sign used today. Present regulations also permit the use of black as a substitute for magenta. In fact, black on yellow is the most common color combination outside of the U.S. (taken from the link above)
The Nazis were long gone by the '50's
You also might want to check out, the Alsos mission . They followed the armies into Germany and much like operation paperclip, were seeking out German nuclear scientists and the location of their facilities, which were looted and the materials were transported to England or the USA. the facilities were dynamited sealed if they were underground like this one to hide the fact that they even existed.
German nuclear research was around five to seven years behind ours, and that would have been if they devoted the resources to it that we did, they didn't. Nuclear research was very low priority for the Germans, the fact is they didn't even start and run a nuclear pile (reactor) by the time the war was over. they had built a small one, but never had fuel in sufficient quantities to test it to see if it even worked.
By that time we had six reactors working 24/7 split between Oak Ridge and Hanford producing tons of plutonium for implosion devices because we had already moved beyond U-235 as a nuclear bomb fuel.
I have a very hard time believing this story.
I think that the Daily Mail's coverage of the story explains it well:
Daily mail has no new information, I will follow and see if they actually come up with something.
But I doubt it.
The Me-262 construction facility was raided by the 1st army and operation paperclip, as was the V-2 production facility by the 3rd army which was in the Russian sector. We stripped as much as we could before we were forced to turn it over, we didn't leave much behind.
We sealed and disguised the V-2 facility before we left but the Russians found it with ease.
Obviously the facility exists, but the pic above is a clear phony, I doubt that anything exists in that complex, and it's state would be in very poor condition.