Woman On Delta Air Lines Flight Goes Viral After Allegedly Breastfeeding Her Cat
Category: Pets & Animals
Via: sister-mary-agnes-ample-bottom • 4 years ago • 26 commentsBy: Bernadette Giacomazzo

Delta Air Lines is back in the news thanks to an unruly passenger, but not in the traditional form. This time around, the passenger’s unruliness doesn’t have anything to do with fistfights, masks, or any other sort of post-pandemic nonsense.
The unnamed Delta Air Lines passenger went viral for allegedly whipping out her breast…to feed her cat. Yes, you read that correct. We can’t make this up.
Yahoo News reports that the passenger was flying from Atlanta to Syracuse, New York when the incident occurred. Though it’s unclear when the flight happened, what’s clear is that an ACARS (Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System) message from the plane first prompted this messy story to hit the wires.
“Req Redcoat meet AC Pax (passenger) in (seat) 13A is breastfeeding a cat and will not put cat back in its carrier when FA (flight attendant) requested,” the message reads.
“Redcoats” on Delta Air Lines flights are “elite airport customer service experts” (per the airline’s website) who specifically handle on-the-flight incidents like this one.
Some questioned whether the message was even real. But, according to the outlet, an aviation expert on Twitter “personally confirmed” the validity of the incident.
Delta Airlines hasn’t commented about the story. It is unclear, too, what punishment — if any — the woman faced for breastfeeding her cat on the flight.
Morning Sister..
That's exactly what I was going to say...🤣🤣
uh, yeah...
I've seen some ridiculous shenanigans at 35,000 feet, but this? It used to drive me nuts when a granola mommy in 5D would spank out a nipple and start feeding her 4-year-old while I gave the safety demo. After reading this article, I think I would rather have an entire row of granola mommies nursing children old enough to understand the jokes on Seinfeld re-runs.
Yeah, one, (or even multiples of one) do not rise to the level of this one...
There are some STRANGE people out there....
I like the article pic, even the cat is saying WTF!!!
I had to make sure this wasn't satire...It wasn't..
The earth is off it axis.
Yep, I had to read it two or three times just to make sure it was not satire. Does not look that way.
Makes a change from politics and the virus...I had to read it twice as well...
I saw a similar article yesterday and dismissed it as fake. Then today, I was completely surprised (with a generous helping of WTF) to learn it was true.
"You are supposed to love your pets, not looovvveeee your pets." (G. Garafalo - The Truth About Cats And Dogs)
See I said the other day you mob were a bit weird..I can't stop laughing...I need a cappuccino..
You best add a drop of whiskey to your cappuccino.
Got sixty year old scotch...was my grandfather's...not opened...yet..
Forget the cappuccino. I'll take a couple of shots of Crown Royal instead!
I turn feral without my coffee... and it is not a good look...🐨🐨
As much as I hate to admit it, there's more... Apparently, it was one of those hairless cats. A lady sitting in the same row said that she took the cat out of its carrier, swaddled it like a newborn baby, and spent several minutes trying to get it to 'latch' on. I wouldn't even begin to know how one would deal with that. Wait. Yes I do. Double up on sedatives and set my internal alarm clock for wheels down at my final destination.
Why? Why would someone breast feed a cat? Is she getting sexual gratification from it or is she just Looney Tunes?
Strange people and you are probably right on both counts. Cats have a pretty rough texture to their tongues............EEEEEWWWWWW
I had a cat that would lick my feet...when he got bored he bit them
Oh, do I miss the days of Pan Am. That would never have happened
This is the weirdest thing I have seen this week
Relax everyone, just a little titty for her kitty.
Good one!