Facebook Allows Praise of Ukraine's Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion
Category: News & Politics
Via: moose-knuckle • 3 years ago • 12 commentsBy: The Intercept

The reversal raises questions about Facebook's blacklist-based content moderation, which critics say lacks nuance and context.
Sam Biddle
Sam Biddle
February 24 2022, 5:44 p.m. Photo illustration: Soohee Cho for The Intercept, Getty ImagesPhoto illustration: Soohee Cho for The Intercept, Getty Images
Facebook will temporarily allow its billions of users to praise the Azov Battalion, a Ukrainian neo-Nazi military unit previously banned from being freely discussed under the company's Dangerous Individuals and Organizations policy, The Intercept has learned.
The policy shift, made this week, is pegged to the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine and preceding military escalations. The Azov Battalion, which functions as an armed wing of the broader Ukrainian white nationalist Azov movement, began as a volunteer anti-Russia militia before formally joining the Ukrainian National Guard in 2014; the regiment is known for its hardcore right-wing ultranationalism and the neo-Nazi ideology pervasive among its members. Though it has in recent years downplayed its neo-Nazi sympathies, the group's affinities are not subtle: Azov soldiers march and train wearing uniforms bearing icons of the Third Reich; its leadership has reportedly courted American alt-right and neo-Nazi elements; and in 2010, the battalion's first commander and a former Ukrainian parliamentarian, Andriy Biletsky, stated that Ukraine's national purpose was to "lead the white races of the world in a final crusade … against Semite-led Untermenschen [subhumans]." With Russian forces reportedly moving rapidly against targets throughout Ukraine, Facebook's blunt, list-based approach to moderation puts the company in a bind: What happens when a group you've deemed too dangerous to freely discuss is defending its country against a full-scale assault?
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According to internal policy materials reviewed by The Intercept, Facebook will "allow praise of the Azov Battalion when explicitly and exclusively praising their role in defending Ukraine OR their role as part of the Ukraine's National Guard." Internally published examples of speech that Facebook now deems acceptable include "Azov movement volunteers are real heroes, they are a much needed support to our national guard"; "We are under attack. Azov has been courageously defending our town for the last 6 hours"; and "I think Azov is playing a patriotic role during this crisis."
The materials stipulate that Azov still can't use Facebook platforms for recruiting purposes or for publishing its own statements and that the regiment's uniforms and banners will remain as banned hate symbol imagery, even while Azov soldiers may fight wearing and displaying them. In a tacit acknowledgement of the group's ideology, the memo provides two examples of posts that would not be allowed under the new policy: "Goebbels, the Fuhrer and Azov, all are great models for national sacrifices and heroism" and "Well done Azov for protecting Ukraine and it's white nationalist heritage."
In a statement to The Intercept, company spokesperson Erica Sackin confirmed the decision but declined to answer questions about the new policy.
Azov's formal Facebook ban began in 2019, and the regiment, along with several associated individuals like Biletsky, were designated under the company's prohibition against hate groups, subject to its harshest "Tier 1" restrictions that bar users from engaging in "praise, support, or representation" of blacklisted entities across the company's platforms. Facebook's previously secret roster of banned groups and persons, published by The Intercept last year, categorized the Azov Battalion alongside the likes of the Islamic State and the Ku Klux Klan, all Tier 1 groups because of their propensity for "serious offline harms" and "violence against civilians." Indeed, a 2016 report by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights found that Azov soldiers had raped and tortured civilians during Russia's 2014 invasion of Ukraine.
The exemption will no doubt create confusion for Facebook's moderators, tasked with interpreting the company's muddled and at time contradictory censorship rules under exhausting conditions. While Facebook users may now praise any future battlefield action by Azov soldiers against Russia, the new policy notes that "any praise of violence" committed by the group is still forbidden; it's unclear what sort of nonviolent warfare the company anticipates.
Facebook's new stance on Azov is "nonsensical" in the context of its prohibitions against offline violence, said Dia Kayyali, a researcher specializing in the real-world effects of content moderation at the nonprofit Mnemonic. "It's typical Facebook," Kayyali added, noting that while the exemption will permit ordinary Ukrainians to more freely discuss a catastrophe unfolding around them that might otherwise be censored, the fact that such policy tweaks are necessary reflects the dysfunctional state of Facebook's secret blacklist-based Dangerous Individuals and Organizations policy. "Their assessments of what is a dangerous organization should always be contextual; there shouldn't be some special carveout for a group that would otherwise fit the policy just because of a specific moment in time. They should have that level of analysis all the time."
Though the change may come as welcome news to critics who say that the sprawling, largely secret Dangerous Individuals and Organizations policy can stifle online free expression, it also offers further evidence that Facebook determines what speech is permissible based on the foreign policy judgments of the United States. Last summer, for instance, Motherboard reported that Facebook similarly carved out an exception to its censorship policies in Iran, temporarily allowing users to post "Death to Khamenei" for a two-week period. "I do think it is a direct response to U.S. foreign policy," Kayyali said of the Azov exemption. "That has always been how the … list works."
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It's shocking to me watching people in the West cheer on groups like this.
Which people are you watching cheer for the Nazi's? This seed doesn't actually identify or claim anyone in the west is praising Azov, it merely states that Facebook will no longer block praise for the group.
What I find shocking is that some on the right are believing the bullshit propaganda coming out of Russia about Ukraine and/or their President being a bunch of Nazi's. That is total bullshit fabricated by Russia because of a handful of fringe Ukrainian white supremacy groups. The fact is we have those groups here in America too, should that justify an invasion by Russia if they claim they're doing it to rid the world of Nazi's? And if they killed off all the white supremacists and Nazi's here in America how would another Republican ever get elected?
Rational humans with more than half a brain are supporting Ukraine in its fight against a vile lying piece of shit sniveling aggressor who prove themselves just as bad as the Nazi's by their violent actions and illegal invasion. If it were up to me I'd get approval from Ukraine to send in our air force to destroy any Russians who crossed the border into Ukraine. Just bomb the fuck out of them like we helped the Israelis do in the 6 day war. We'd never have to enter Russian air space, we'd only be flying in approved Ukrainian air space. Either that or rush approval for their entrance to NATO and have a multi-national force go in with boots on the ground to wipe the slimy smirk off that fucker Putin's disgusting face.
Here you go.
I heard Putin refer to the democratically elected Ukrainian Government as drug users and Nazis as his rational for invasion….
For the most part that is blanket disinformation by Putin. Our media has spent the last 10 years authoring articles though about the Neo Nazi militias in Ukraine and their problematic political influence. Over the last few months our Media decided to ignore the lightning bolts on the Neo Nazi Militias, the swastikas and flags in favor of a narrative that they are just poor brave citizens willing to fight for their country. It's not exactly who they are. The president aside, the country has more White nationalists than any other country and they hold several seats in parliament.
It's a complicated country but white nationalism isn't. We need to proceed cautiously with our support. No American wants to fund hate.
Oh, so you have to go to some other link than the one seeded to find it.
Yes, but only useless half wits would believe anything that pile of runny excrement has to say.
Well the alt-Reich here in America may give them a run for their money.
Well, no American should want to fund hate. Sadly, there are still many of the same piece of shit white nationalists and white supremacists here in America.
" Based in St. Petersburg, Russia, the Russian Imperial Movement (RIM) is an extreme right, white supremacist militant organization. It is also one of the groups working to fuel white supremacy in the West. According to its spokesperson , RIM aims to “continue to establish contacts with right-wing, traditionalist and conservative organizations around the world to create a ‘Right-wing International.’” This effort has involved both visits by RIM representatives worldwide and social media campaigns aimed at sharing their message with a broader audience. For example, RIM organized the World National Conservative Movement (WNCM) in 2015, convening white nationalists worldwide against the West and values of liberalism. Aside from organizing these events, RIM representatives have been personally engaged with white nationalists worldwide, including visits to the United States. Such connections go back to 2017, when RIM officials visited US white nationalist Matthew Heimbach. Heimbach would go on to be one of the organizers of the 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, VA."
I am just trying to understand everything involved in this conflict without the knee jerk flag waiving. Let's keep this on Ukraine though, we can all agree White Nationalism is bad.
This is another interesting link on the same conversation.
Well if Putin said it...it must be true!
I think the President of Ukraine is good for their country, my issue is with some of parliament and the military. There is a lot not to like there, an 80 year history of White nationalists who have done horrible things.
When it comes to total honesty-- I put Putin in the same category as Trump...two of the most honest politicians in the world...two men who would never tell a lie!
(Double /sarcasm . . . with a Cherry on top!)
Not sure of what you are referring to...does that comment refer to The Ukraine..or the United States?
Accusing Ukraine's leaders of being is not only shocking...but totally ridiculous. In fact, two of Ukraine's leaders are actually..Jews!
Ukraine’s Newly Elected President Is Jewish. So Is Its Prime Minister.
(But then again, when it comes to truth-telling, basicall Vladimir Putin is not significantly different than our former president...people are saying that therefore perhaps we should stop with the "finger pointing"?)