
‘Dogs—t’: Federal Judge Decries Disruption of His Remarks by Stanford Law Students and Calls for Termination of the Stanford Dean Who Joined the Mob


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‘Dogs—t’: Federal Judge Decries Disruption of His Remarks by Stanford Law Students and Calls for Termination of the Stanford Dean Who Joined the Mob
The students appeared to have little familiarity with Duncan’s jurisprudence. Some accused him of suppressing the voting rights of African Americans, Duncan said—only to cite a case in which Duncan had actually dissented from the majority.

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

Fifth Circuit appellate judge Stuart Kyle Duncan, who was shouted down by Stanford Law School students as administrators looked on in silence, says the protesters behaved like "dogshit."

Now, in an interview with the   Washington Free Beacon , Duncan is calling on the school to discipline the students who disrupted his talk and to fire the school’s associate dean of diversity, equity, and inclusion, who stepped in during the event to chastise him and deliver what the judge described as a "bizarre therapy session from hell."

Duncan’s remarks come after nearly a hundred students at Stanford Law School disrupted his remarks in brazen violation of Stanford University’s free speech policies.

One source of the students’ ire was Duncan’s refusal, in a   2020 opinion , to use a transgender sex offender’s preferred pronouns. The Stanford event, which was sponsored by the law school’s chapter of the Federalist Society, got so out of hand that federal marshals eventually escorted Duncan from the building.

Tirien Steinbach , the school’s diversity dean, arrived on the scene when Duncan himself asked for an administrator to restore order. She then took to the podium and, in a video that has now circulated widely online, accused the judge of causing "harm."

"Your opinions from the bench land as absolute disenfranchisement" of the students’ rights, Steinbach said, accusing him of "tearing the fabric of this community."

"Do you have something so incredibly important to say," she asked him, that it is worth the "division of these people?"

Duncan warned that what happens at Stanford, long the second-ranked law school in the country, behind Yale, is unlikely to stay there. "If enough of these kids get into the legal profession," he said, "the rule of law will descend into barbarism."

Neither Steinbach nor Jenny Martinez, the dean of Stanford Law School, responded to a request for comment.

The protest is perhaps the most extreme example yet of law students shouting down conservative speakers. A similar incident occurred at Yale Law School last year when Kristen Waggoner, a prominent Supreme Court litigator, was   drowned out   by hundreds of students protesting her views on transgender issues. Also last year, students at the University of California-Hastings disrupted a talk with the libertarian law professor Ilya Shapiro, shrieking and jeering each time he opened his mouth.

The tactics used against Duncan were nearly identical. Nearly everyone in the room showed up to disrupt the proceeding, according to Duncan and two members of the Federalist Society, and many of the hundred or so students on hand were holding profane signs, including one that declared: "Duncan can’t find the clit."

Each time Duncan began to speak, the protesters would heckle him with insults, shouting things like "scumbag!" and "you’re a liar!"

The din became so loud that Duncan asked for an administrator to keep order, according to video of the event. That’s when Steinbach, the associate diversity dean, delivered her remarks. While she reminded students of the law school’s free speech policies, which prohibit the disruption of speakers, she proceeded to stand by while students continued to  heckle Duncan, videos from the event show.

She also expressed sympathy for students who wanted to "reconsider" those free speech policies, given the "harm" Duncan’s appearance had caused.

At least three other administrators—associate dean of student affairs Jory Steele, associate director of student affairs Holly Parish, and student affairs coordinator Megan Brown—were present throughout the event, according to Tim Rosenberger, a member of Stanford’s Federalist Society chapter. None of them told the students to allow Duncan to speak without interruption.

Eventually, one of the leaders of the protest instructed the students to "tone down the heckling slightly so we can get to our questions," a video obtained by the   Free Beacon   shows. So began a contentious question and answer session between Duncan, who never got to read his prepared remarks, and his critics, who continued to disrupt and jeer as he spoke.

The students appeared to have little familiarity with Duncan’s jurisprudence. Some accused him of suppressing the voting rights of African Americans, Duncan said—only to cite a case in which Duncan had actually dissented from the majority.

Other questions were less academic. "I fuck men, I can find the prostate," one student asked, according to Rosenberger. "Why can’t you find the clit?"

Duncan was escorted out of a back door by federal marshals, who told him, he said, that they were there to "protect" him.

The meltdown followed a weeklong pressure campaign against members of the Federalist Society, who were personally named and shamed by campus activists.

Over 70 students emailed the group on March 6 asking it to cancel the event or move it to Zoom, arguing that Duncan has "proudly threatened healthcare and basic rights for marginalized communities"—language Steinbach quoted uncritically in an email sent out the morning of the event. Her email, which also reminded students of the school’s free speech policies, nonetheless said the event would be a "significant hit" to students’ sense of belonging.

When the Federalist Society refused to cancel, students began putting up fliers with the names and faces of everyone on the board. "You should be ashamed," the posters read.

Other posters berated Duncan for opposing same-sex marriage, denying "Black Americans the right to vote," and denying "trans people the right to self-determination in court"—an apparent reference to a 2020 opinion in which Duncan referred to a male-to-female child pornographer using he/him pronouns.

The public shaming continued the day of the event. As Duncan was being whisked away by marshals, protesters encircled members of the Federalist Society and hurled invective at them, Rosenberg and another Federalist Society member, Harrison Nugent, said.


Such tactics have become par for the course at elite law schools. The Yale Law students protesting Waggoner likewise sought to shame the Federalist Society, which had invited her, with posters littered throughout the school.

"Through your attendance" at the event, the posters said, "you are personally complicit, along with the Federalist Society."


For Duncan, the attempt to shame individual students was the most disturbing part of the Stanford imbroglio.

"Don’t feel sorry for me," he said. "I’m a life-tenured federal judge. What outrages me is that these kids are being treated like dogshit by fellow students and administrators."

Update, 3/10/23, 10:00 PM: Shortly after the publication of this story, the dean of Stanford Law School, Jenny Martinez, said in a statement that the disruption was "not aligned with our institutional commitment to freedom of speech," adding that "the school is reviewing what transpired." She did not indicate whether the students involved in the disruption would be disciplined.


jrDiscussion - desc
Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
1  seeder  Sean Treacy    last year

The really scary part is this an "elite"  law school, supposedly training lawyers to argue rationally. Instead, they are programming commissars more fit to join the red guards and lead struggle sessions. Given the chance to listen to and question a Federal Judge, they acted like four year olds  and were encouraged to do so by an DEI administrator in violation of the school's policies.  

If nothing else, it show's what in the  "diversity" means in DEI, it's just bigots demanding conformity. 

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
1.1  Greg Jones  replied to  Sean Treacy @1    last year

It's a growing trend amongst progressives. Can't win in the arena of common sense and rational ideas, so they will revile those of any opposing viewpoints.

The very last thing the left wants is free speech, they have shown this constantly and consistently for decades now.

 A somewhat tamer version of this censorship happens here, or is at least attempted. .

Professor Principal
1.1.1  Tessylo  replied to  Greg Jones @1.1    last year

The PD&D is strong

Thrawn 31
Professor Guide
1.1.2  Thrawn 31  replied to  Greg Jones @1.1    last year

Uh huh, and conservatives love free speech? Is that what is happening in Florida? 

Right Down the Center
Senior Guide
1.1.3  Right Down the Center  replied to  Tessylo @1.1.1    last year

Your statement is weak.

Professor Quiet
1.1.4  Ronin2  replied to  Thrawn 31 @1.1.2    last year

Just  as much as Democrats.

Florida doesn't want LGBQT+ doctrine. CRT, or the 1619 project taught to their school age children. That is the exact same thing as leftist morons trying to cancel free speech from conservatives with college age students./S

Leftists wonder why I have no respect for them any more.

Professor Principal
1.1.5  Tessylo  replied to  Ronin2 @1.1.4    last year

CRT isn't being taught in schools from K-12

I never had any respect for the gqp/republicans

Professor Participates
2  Snuffy    last year

Something like 72% of Stanford's annual budget comes from federal funding.  How would the school administration change if that funding was threatened?  There's nothing like a law school allowing such an impact to free speech, is there.

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
2.1  seeder  Sean Treacy  replied to  Snuffy @2    last year
 How would the school administration change if that funding was threatened? 

Or the law school's accreditation? If a law school allowed its students to behave like this towards a liberal judge there'd would be hell to pay.  But since its a conservative, there might, at most, be mild clucks of disapproval. 

here's nothing like a law school allowing such an impact to free speech, is there.

It's crazy to me. This is the elite of the elite paying about six figures a year to  be taught to act like brats.  What's going to happen in a Court room when they hear something they find  unpleasant? 

It's a shame the administrators on site allowed this and one can only feel bad for the few stidents who wanted to learn and ask questions of an appellate judge. 

Professor Principal
3  Texan1211    last year

Typical behavior from woke assholes.

Thrawn 31
Professor Guide
3.1  Thrawn 31  replied to  Texan1211 @3    last year

Using the word woke means you really have nothing of value to say.

But yes the students are definitely the assholes here. And the admins. 

Professor Principal
3.1.1  Texan1211  replied to  Thrawn 31 @3.1    last year
Using the word woke means you really have nothing of value to say.

Then skip on by and stop bothering me with your trifling nonsense.

Thrawn 31
Professor Guide
3.1.2  Thrawn 31  replied to  Texan1211 @3.1.1    last year

But watching you respond to my nonsense is funny to me. [Deleted]

Professor Principal
3.1.3  Texan1211  replied to  Thrawn 31 @3.1.2    last year


Professor Principal
3.1.4  Texan1211  replied to  Thrawn 31 @3.1.2    last year
removed for context

Thrawn 31
Professor Guide
3.1.7  Thrawn 31  replied to  Texan1211 @3.1.4    last year

Mods not letting us get it it seems.

Thrawn 31
Professor Guide
4  Thrawn 31    last year

Jesus fucking christ. If you are in the audience, shut the fuck up and let the speakers speak. Your are going to form your opinions and can express them afterwards, but don't act like a total asshole in the middle of a talk/discussion. And shame on the admins for taking the students side. Sounds like someone is just trying to protect their job. 

We have let individualism get waaaaay out of hand in this country. Seems like too many people think the rest of society should now down to their personal whims.

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
4.1  Greg Jones  replied to  Thrawn 31 @4    last year


Thrawn 31
Professor Guide
4.1.1  Thrawn 31  replied to  Greg Jones @4.1    last year


Drinker of the Wry
Senior Expert
5  Drinker of the Wry    last year

Stanford has an “Elimination of Harmful Language Initiative” to clue the Woke on words and phrases to avoid using as they are triggers or micro-aggressive, some examples:

-  American or America since we aren’t the only country in North and South America

- Chief, for its NA connotations

- Field, for its slavery implications 

To assist with enforcement, they have a website for anonymous reporting of violators.

Professor Principal
5.1  Texan1211  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @5    last year

And these places produce our future "leaders".

Damn pitiful.

Professor Quiet
5.1.1  Ed-NavDoc  replied to  Texan1211 @5.1    last year

If I ever walk into a law office and find they are a Stanford Law School grad, I think I will turn around and walk out.

Thrawn 31
Professor Guide
5.1.2  Thrawn 31  replied to  Ed-NavDoc @5.1.1    last year

After this display I wouldn't blame you. I'd do the same. 


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