WOKE NATION, am I in trouble? I WOKE at 6:00 AM. Did I commit a crime?
Category: News & Politics
By: eat-the-press-do-not-read-it • 2 years ago • 45 comments
"I am here to tell you that I will DEMOLISH the WOKE MOVEMENT by moving my clock back an HOUR. Who's with me?" - Gug. Desensitizers
Did I commit a crime when my cat (Jill) woke me this morning as she does every day? Or, did she?
Will Governor De-Sanitizer de-sanitize me? I have been doing this all of me life! Am I a CAREER CRIMINAL?
Is my cat in peril?
Will DeSantis ever GROW UP?
Inquiring Minds Want to Know, the other Kind Doesn't Give a Shat?
My fellow News Talkers.com, please help me. I am sweating bullets, this a.m.! Is the Mini Trump after me?
All I know about Desantis is that he has never met a right or freedom he didn't want to restrict.
There is something chronologically askew with these MAGA-LLLLOOOOONS?
That sounds like De-Insane-this will be on me cakes, in a NY Heartbeat.
Wait, there is a knock at the door. A short man with White Boots that go all the way up to his ARSE.
Are those rain boots or seeing that you are quite into the color white: Rent A 'date'?
Do Not Open It. HE/SHE is dangerous. Shout through the door, "I am NOT HOME". He is stupid, too!
Yet, he is dressed out in 'smart' boots! Stupid is cancelled !
Puss in boots
Did some illiterate person, make the mistake, and "WOKE" you up so you might get your fat, obese ARSE to a job that you HATE, and, now you are in DEEP SHAT with Mini-Trump?
What are we to do? We can't change the past!
Are you going to be crushed by Governor De Insane? Should I change my address, and move to China? What? What can I do?
I would think that when someone is going to run for the highest office in the land that grammar would not be their TOP PRIORITY!
Dude, up voting yourself is weak.
Thrawn 31, shatting on someone's style is desperate. If I didn't like my own post, why should anyone else like them?
The issue is WOKE, not me.
What presidential candidate in their right state of mind would campaign on GRAMMAR? Woke vs Awaken? Really, that is so childish. Who gives a Rat's Patootie if people use SLANG to express themselves?
There are bigger FISH TO FIRE:
Fake Seminar.
Reality is not always rosy. It can be viciously brutal!
Just saying, up voting yourself.... nah.
Well, then DON'T do it!
It's WOKE!
I thought you knew. There is no hope for fixing those types of problems in D.C.! Better to just attack the liberals and minorities who don't have the numbers to defend themselves.
Aren't liberals the majority?
I asked the "majority" if they're "liberals" butt, as usual, they remained silent.
I’m sorry that they don’t respond to you,
Maybe they're not woke....
Yet they self identify as liberal, outrageous.
That is simple-minded. But it could explain why some conservatives lie so very much about nearly every political thing.
I remain clueless as to your meaning or point.
I remain clueless as to your meaning or point.
This is certainly a change in policy for you, CB!
Did you switch your party to the "SORE LOSERS"?
I am thinking about joining the KLAN. Do you want to join me? I get a discount of 50% off the membership if I bring a reluctant friend.
Who the HELL knows? There is no Liberal Party, there is, however a party of MORON, a Party of Cork Sakers, a Party of Gun Fetishes, and a Party of "Let's Burn It all down", according to my sauces. (Steve Bunions and Edward R. Murrow).
[Ed still talks to me]
Join the crowd. I have no idea what I am saying and never had. I am from the "Spit It Out" tribe of "The Talk Too Much-Say Little."
In France, they called us "Jabber Mouth", and pulled our pants down every time we started to speak. Eventually, we migrated to 'Murrkkka and blended in with the MAGA-LUNATIC Party of "Know It Alls" where they follow our advice, because they have none of their own!
I can categorically tell you; I have never made CENTS in me life.
Nope. I am still your friend CB and my, our, views are aligned 99.99 percent.
To whom are you addressing this one, Eat?! It's quite a change in policy for you, Eat!
I think "Eat" joined a Scottish Klan called "MacAdamia."
When he found out that the MacAdamia Klan was fucking nuts, he knew he would fit right in.
People all over the world love MacAdamias.
Please don't confuse the Scottish MacAdamia Klan with other klans.
The fucking KKK is an American Klan that is full of nasty bigoted nuts.
I seriously doubt that "Eat" would ever be interested in joining the idiotic KKK.
Well, that 0.1 % percent has me up at night, "Walking the Floor Over You". How could you say a thing like that to me?
The News Talkers.Communist is a harsh place for sensitive people.
Go to bed and calm yourself. I am at 99.99% with all my friends! Must leave room for a 'rebellious moment' or two or three, or fo— wait a minute!
Note: We are having great sleeping weather for weeks now in 'stormi-fornia'!
WARNING: If you are going to Fla. this Spring to get a BLOW JOB..."Don't Say, Gay".
It is a new state LAW signed by Gov. De Satan. That word turns kids into "Queers", instantly, according to Florida Governor De Santas. And, he should know!
It is against the LAW!
That is the effect we strive for, "Clueless" It is like a Yoga state of Meditation, only clueless!
Our household is part of the woke group while my neighbor who just sold his house is a Trumpette and feels that Florida is too woke for him so they are moving back to MTG Land so they can stay in his current comatose state.
It is safer not to know than to KNOW!
Gracias, Amigo!
I have insomnia so I can't go to Florida anymore.
Well, that is a great side benefit.
I'm a married man so I love "side benefits."
Have you ever "eaten a Side Salad Sideways"? It is delicious, juicy, and very fulfilling. Climatic, almost!
Breaking news out of Florida -- Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis wants to outlaw drag racing stating: "Children are being harmed watching men in dresses and high heels running track. We won't put up with this!"
Stay tuned for further developments.
Watch out: Ru Paul's Drag Race - your good run in Florida is coming to a close:
Is this PORN? Obscenity?
Mrs. DeSantis hates that nasty transvestite shit.
Mrs. DeSantis