Susan Rice stepping down as Biden's domestic policy adviser
Susan Rice is out of the White House, President Biden announces
Interesting action. Wonder what her next step might be.
Susan Rice is stepping down as President Biden's domestic policy advisor, the White House announced Monday.
"I surprised a lot of people when I named Ambassador Susan Rice as my Domestic Policy Advisor," Biden said in a statement announcing her departure. "Susan was synonymous with foreign policy, having previously served as National Security Advisor and UN Ambassador. But what I knew then and what we all know now – after more than two years of her steady leadership of the Domestic Policy Council – it’s clear: there is no one more capable, and more determined to get important things done for the American people than Susan Rice."
With her experience in foreign affairs and now the past two years domestic affairs, with her stepping down now is she setting herself up to possibly run for President in 24?
I think she's someone with a level head who I could support going there. Thoughts?
I think she is jumping a sinking ship. Brandon is too old; mentally challenged; and has way too many skeletons coming out of the closet. She will either attach herself to leading opponent of Biden that is hoping to gain access to the Clinton/Obama political machine- or bide her time for until the next batch of Democrat presidential hopefuls come out. Why be president when you can run the country from behind the puppet?
Is what she did for Clinton, Obama, and Brandon is considered level headed? Judging by her rolls in the Obama and Brandon administration- I would say stay well clear.
This may be very true, but at the same time she was working for the then President who set direction which she had to follow. If she decides to run, I think she will deserve a closer look.
possibly. She already has about three years experience.
Whataboutism 101 by Jbb
Off Topic
In my opinion, she is the far left puppeteer that pulls Biden's strings and is the main manipulator that comes up with all the stupid shit that comes out of Biden's administration.
But you might be right as to her intentions....she's twice as bright as Joe and Kamala put together.
You could be right, I don't know her political leanings all that well so I don't know how hard core to the left she is. She's always been working for someone else in power. But she is very smart and capable and definitely a better choice than Biden or Trump. I'm just waiting to see how the race comes down...
The idea that she is "far left" is ridiculous.
As we are all aware, there are certain members of NT who consider any affiliation with the Democratic Party to be far left. Hell, if you changed the name of Ronald Reagan in his memoirs they would label them far left screeds.
At best you could argue she is a far leftist hawk.
I'm not convinced she is far left as she was always working at the direction of someone else who was president, but she is a liberal and she is a hawk. But she has the foreign affairs experience, global experience and more recently the domestic experience to serve her moving forward. I think the worst I can think of her is she is known to micro-manage her people. Not sure that's a good trait for a president as they have to balance so many things.
At least she gives the Democrats a better candidate if she decides to run. I refuse to vote for Biden and don't care for RFK Jr. and Marianne Williamson is just way out of her depth.
Exactly, her parents taught her to "never use race as an excuse or advantage," and she was a high school student government president, valedictorian at National Cathedral School, graduated with honors from Stanford, and was a Rhodes Scholar, where she earned Master and Doctor of Philosophy in International Relations. If anyone wanted to criticize her, it would be for 'acting white'.
"Rice championed a human rights and anti-poverty agenda, elevated climate change and LGBT and women's rights as global priorities, and committed the U.S. to agreements such as the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty , Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities ,"
Championed human rights?! An agenda against poverty?! Spoke on climate change and LGBT / rights of women?!?! Rights for People with Disabilities?! Nuclear Treaties?
Sounds like a far-left wacko - lock her arse up ASAP!!! She's probably behind the Bud Light scandal. Selling baby parts on pizzas. Trying to steal / take away my nukes. Giving my tax dollars to those socialists and feeding hungry folks who are too lazy to pull up their bootstraps
So Joe has put out a video where he declares he is running for re-election. Couldn't do it live I guess. And it looks like the DNC will be doing all they can do to cover for him as they also announced yesterday that they would not have any presidential debates. Wonder how many live appearances he will make on the campaign trail?
With 51% of registered Democrats saying they don't want Joe to run again, maybe Rice should think harder about jumping into the race.
As bad as she was on most issues, she was supposedly the only senior leader who gave any consideration to securing the border in the admin. The open border lunatics running the asylum now won't even any voices offering anything approaching reason.
Susan Rice is a poor mans Condoleezza Rice
No relation ....