Over 100 migrants break through razor wire, knock down guards as they illegally cross El Paso border in wild scene

A group of over 100 migrants attempting to enter the US illegally rushed a border wall Thursday, breaking through razor wire and knocking over guards in the process.
The Post witnessed around 600 migrants amassed at the international border on the Mexican side, who the Texas National Guard were attempting to push back in small groups amid a ‘spring surge’ of migrants arriving to the southern border hoping to get asylum in the US.
The situation grew tense as women and children were separated from adult males and video shows the migrants then crying out for help and rushing to the border gate.
“We have women and children, we’re hungry,” The Post heard one male migrant scream, even though the children were already in the group being prepared for processing into the country.
“Help, help, help, they’re kids.”
A group of men with hoodies, gloves and winter jackets then pull the fencing away as a group of five guards form a defensive position to fill the gap.
Some migrants can be seen putting their hands up in surrender in the video, but seconds later, others scramble through, knocking the guards out of the way.
The group then runs to the border gate and starts to shout at the national guardsmen on the other side. The Texas National Guard then quickly moved to secure the area.
The Post observed the guardsmen firmly holding onto their rifles and standing their ground before the migrants, who heavily outnumbered them. A few put their hands directly on the migrants and shoved them backwards in response to being pushed.
“Get the f— back,” one guard yelled.
A source told The Post the group has since been pushed back to Mexico.
In recent days, thousands of migrants have once again descended on El Paso, with the city’s migrant dashboard showing between 2,000 and 2,500 people held in border patrol custody over recent weeks and over 600 people a day released into the US either on parole or to pursue asylum claims.
Texas has deployed its National Guard troops to the border with Mexico as part of Republican Gov. Greg Abbott’s Operation Lone Star.
On Tuesday, the state began to prepare to implement SB4, a new law to allow state and local authorities to make arrests for illegal entry, but an appeals court blocked the measure after the Supreme Court said it would allow the law to go into effect.
This is a developing story. Please check back for updates.
A group of over 100 migrants attempting to enter the US illegally rushed a border wall Thursday, breaking through razor wire and knocking over guards in the process.
The Post witnessed around 600 migrants amassed at the international border on the Mexican side, who the Texas National Guard were attempting to push back in small groups amid a ‘spring surge’ of migrants arriving to the southern border hoping to get asylum in the US.
Yeah, we ain't got no problem at the border.
Congrats on submitting the story of the day.
A lily livered leftist liberal appeals court judge trying to out do the Supreme Court decision that was supposed to be final. Pathetic!
Goes back to my statement in another thread - Andy Jackson is alive and well in the South - again?
'Member, Jackson told the SCOTUS that since they made the ruling/opinion, let them enforce it and totally ignored the decision as is the 5th.
It takes two or more appellate courts to file an appeal to a SCOTUS decision - the 5th is only one appellate court.
I clicked on the link to the original article. And-- it looks like the write up was inaccurate-- it was clearly a fence, not a wall.
Kishna - the term "wall" is/has been used over the years. The fast majority of the border security is made up of fencing/barriers. Example, Eagle Pass, one of the most popular areas for Illegal Aliens has barriers/fencing as their deterrent. At the present time, there are no physical "walls" on the borders - just fencing and barriers.
Congress has been considering expanding the barriers currently deployed along the U.S. international land border. Currently, the United States Border Patrol USBP deploys fencing, which aims to impede the illegal entry of individuals, and vehicle barriers, which aim to impede the illegal entry of vehicles but not individuals along the border. The USBP first began erecting barriers in 1990 to deter illegal entries and drug smuggling in its San Diego sector. The ensuing 14 mile-long San Diego primary fence formed part of the USBPs Prevention Through Deterrence strategy, which called for reducing unauthorized migration by placing agents and resources directly on the border along population centers in order to deter would-be migrants from entering the country. In 1996, Congress passed the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act which, among other things, explicitly gave the Attorney General now the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security broad authority to construct barriers along the border and authorized the construction of a secondary layer of fencing to buttress the completed 14 mile primary fence. The Secure Fence Act of 2006 directs DHS to construct 850 miles of additional border fencing. While the San Diego fence, combined with an increase in agents and other resources in the USBPs San Diego sector, has proven effective in reducing the number of apprehensions made in that sector, there is considerable evidence that the flow of illegal immigration has adapted to this enforcement posture and has shifted to the more remote areas of the Arizona desert. A number of policy issues concerning border barriers generally and fencing specifically may be of interest to Congress, including, but not limited, to their effectiveness, costs versus benefits, location, design, environmental impact, potential diplomatic ramifications, and the costs of acquiring the land needed for construction.
OK, if you say so.
But then what is this-- since its not a "wall"-- is it a "fence"?
Border "Fence"
Keep trying - you can't believe what the government sez ' bout the "construction" - you can't/won't believe when proof if given - what do you need?
Yeah, there "may" be occasional differences, but that sure as hell doesn't make it "SOP" for the construction projects.
I guess you are not aware of the fact that the "fence" in comment 1. 3. 2. is not in the U/S. nor is it on the U.S. border.
What do you think "the government" has said about the "fence" pictured in comment # 1. 3. 2. , above?
(Asking for a friend)
Don't know where it's at, but it ain't in the U.S. - kinda doubt it'd be approved though - doesn't look "think" enough.
Mayorkas immediately awarded them green cards and offered them a million a piece for the trauma the border guards caused them.
Will they also get to vote by simply checking a box?
Yep. Just as long as they mark the box with the D.
Probably "S/".
Without affirming anything in the article which may be right (or not all right); these people have no right to push through (and assault) anybody. It is not a U.S. problem that their home lands are so dysfunctional. Nor is it the fault of the U.S. president that Mexico can not properly secure its own southern border to prevent crossings into that country in the first place!
Guardsmen were assaulted, some injured.
Of course, looking at the 'flood' of humanity which breached the gate and came through to the next gate enclosure. . . assault and injuries to the national guard are not acceptable.
Ed Lavandera on Erin Burnett OUTFRONT says it is not clear what cause this disturbance, but the migrants for whatever reason wanted to get to the secondary gate enclosure for purposes of turning themselves in to be processed for asylum or deportation. The story is ongoing.
The video clip, short as it is, is disturbing. As time permits I will try to find a longer clip for proper context.
You missed CB’s entire point, it’s Mexicos fault that Biden is a worthless piece of shit that can’t secure the border. It would be funny if it wasn’t so fucking sad.
Let's be adults here and not misleading and given over to misinformation, George. One has to ask why Mexico lets people from other countries pass through their border into the country just as a way-stop when it causes indefinite jams at their northern border. I wonder what does Mexico get out of this. Just saying.
That is a felony no matter how it is looked at.
You know they aren't going to acknowledge that.
What a pathetic excuse. Nobody cares about Mexico's policy. Quit trying to make excuses for Biden's utter failure to do what he is obligated to do.
I know, so let me allow all of our readers to have a look:
The last time I recall seeing something like that 13 US Servicemembers were killed.
Congress is holding hearings on that now. The same guy was in charge
And they'll try to blame somebody else for a problem THEY caused.
Yup, congress should have fixed it....Not the democrat-controlled congress they started with, the new one.
Partisan nonsense. Both things can happen and MAGAs damn well know it. I don't care about partisan bull, Jeremy. Best to keep it away from me!
And another pathetic excuse.
It could be fixed the same way it was caused - EO.
Still for all its 'bravado' and 'splash' . . . the video lacks context. And MAGAs know. And certainly people being 'angry' and pulling down a small section of a fence is no cause to DEHUMANIZE them and state they should be shot death as you hinted at in your 4.2 above!
Ridiculous. This incident is not nearly as severe as Afghanistan and you know it.
Opinions will vary.
To the topsy-turvy worlds, plural, some root themselves in, I suppose it does.
And I want everyone to know that it has already been reported that Biden's border patrol already released most of them into the country.
Jean-Pierre noted that everyone was apprehended by border agents but couldn't say if they were deported.
White House blamed Republican, Texas Gov. Abbott for migrants attacking authorities | Fox News
I do.
(But I also realize that there's nothing we can do to change that).
Just as long as none of the illegals aren't injured they could care less.
Wonder how many people are gonna notice - where are the women and children??? All of those in the video "appear" to be men in their teens/20's/30's.
Notice the rush and push to cross - definitely not very law-abiding and they ain't gonna be "doing the jobs 'Mericans won't do".
Biden needs to be impeach - quickly - as does his former "Border Czar" who doesn't even know where the border is.
Please note that comment 4.2 is BELOW, not above.
Wow. A whole comment just for that minutia. Thanks, 1stWarrior. I will set aside some time in my busy days. . . somewhere. . . to feel 'bad' about the word "above." /s
IF this is true, it is time for an old-fashioned Texas roundup it seems.
At least start passing out the rubber bullets.
I'd prefer the 1970 Ohio National Guard.
The Kent State Shooting (4 shot dead) . . . so, tearing down a fence is proportional to being shot and possibly killed. I see. Well, since you won't see these people at the Southern Border as human, perhaps Texas and other border states should announce a policy and post signs that our stance is to treat the area like it is the "Berlin Wall" (600 shot dead over a period of years) and any unauthorized individual approaching will be shot and 'leaking' before or on entry into the U.S. (It they get that far.) /sarc.
In the news video, it is clear and evident that these individuals acting together knew they were not going to get very far, because within a matter of steps they came to a visible and larger barrier fence with guards and their forward progress was checked and halted.
Are you trying to draw a comparison between two completely dissimilar actions?
Try passing through the DMZ from South Korea to North Korea illegally and see what the NK military does.
Little factoid, the Berlin wall was created to keep the residents of east Germany in east Germany, a com bloc nation, and to keep those residents from fleeing Soviet rule to the free west, it was also erected to starve the NATO factions out of Berlin, until the airlift proved that couldn't be done.
The soviets didn't think NATO could do it and didn't like that they could and support all those free Germans in west Berlin
I could say more but the point is, those illegally crossing the southern border are being treated better than if they tried the same thing elsewhere.
I think you missed the point. Vic E. invoked "1970 Ohio National Guard" at 4.2. DuckDuckGo it and up pops Kent State Shooting where shots were fired and deaths were recorded. It is Vic E. who is harkening back to gun violence of some kind as having to take place in this incident. I simply made a clarifying of this 'position.'
And yes, the DMZ between South and North Koreas did come to mind. But, this is not a military operation per se at our southern border. So, I chose the Berlin Wall (which really was a construct between 'borders') as a better visual for what Vic E. suggested.
I hope that is clear and plain now.
Yeah I know about Kent State, the protests and the NG involvement and what happened, when I was in school it was required study material.damn that makes me old.
I simply mentioned NK because that was the first one that came to mind, think the Iranians would be any different, or any other authoritarian state ran by a despot?
Sometimes the use of firearm's are what's required to get the desired result, of course my training in such matters dictates it is a last resort if applicable at all.
And assault on troops , NG or Federal or law enforcement should NEVER be tolerated , allowed , or condoned for ANY reason.
If that means allowing those in those positions to use their firearm's to protect themselves and their comrades, so be it.
The word will get around.
Honestly, I understand you point. And in my mind, I actually could see and hear one of the guardpersons firing a warning shot or shots into the air. To be clear that very short clip airing is indefensible (unless we can get better footage and context of what was going on). It looks bad. Migrants should not be accosting border agents or our national guard for I know from a childhood experience that in certain situations. . .the National Guard will shoot to kill.
The migrants are treading on thin ground with this kind of display of 'force' on borderland for which their rights, if any, severely limited.
I would like to thank whomsoever is in charge of the guard at the border who directed them not to fire on these men for their pointed stupid aggression of tearing open and down a barrier right in front of men with guns and charging across to the next fence. Politically, it would have been a disaster playing out on our television screens.
You might have misheard, I can attest that guardsmen or federal troops will not fire warning shots , neither will LEO, if they fire it would be as a last resort and center of mass. Who ever fires is responsible for where ever the round ends up , so warning shots are a no no.
Being no gunshot casualties resulted, I would lean towards you misheard or heard something that sounded like gunshots.(Fireworks maybe) But in that situation viewed would lead to an escalation no one would like to see the results of.
I think the solution on the border is to build a wall. A high, solid concrete structure. That would prevent any unauthorized person from crossing over. (And the would be gates and border guards at intervals).
The Post called the barrier here "a wall". It was not-- it was a fence.
I think the solution on the border is to build a wall. A high, solid concrete structure. That would prevent any unauthorized person from crossing over. (And the would be gates and border guards at intervals).
BTW, I also think we should build a wall on the Canadian border.
IMO the only downside is the cost-- at least if going be be a proper wall.
Some people might criticize it because it wouldn't let people cross into the U.S.-- but it would be built with openings with moveable gates and border guards.
P.S: if instead of the fence here there was a proper border wall (solid reinforced concrete-- and very high) these people wouldn't have been able to rush the border guards.
I saw they called it a wall, i got a chuckle out of that. its still a border barrier demarking a national border
As for type of barrier , you will always have someone tell you how it can be circumvented , and those desperate enough will do so . 10 ft wall = 16 ft ladder
a couple years ago i checked out how other countries did their borders to keep out those they didnt want crossing unless it was at appropriate entry points , i think mexicos southern border has what you mention , many have simple tall multiple layer fencing , be it chain link or another type , almost always in concert with concertina or razor wire .
I think in my opinion , the big issue is getting these border crossers to understand cross at checkpoints and entry points and be processed there is ok , cross anywhere else is an illegal act that earns you an immediate trip back where you came from regardless of asylum claim .
If their first act to get into the country is an illegal one , its most likely they wont be wanted here in the first place .
illegal crossing at the canadian border is not as high as the southern border , but its getting worse , people are finding it easier to go to canada on a tourist visa , and cross over that one and BP is aware of it and reporting same . but the crossings go both ways too , some that came across the southern border try and get into canada as well.
I seem to remember that illegals crossing in from Canada was not much of a problem many years ago. But as you say its happening more.
But still. IMO every country should be able to protect its borders.
agreed 100% on border protection , and i will go one further , each country has the right to determine whom they will let enter it as well.
For the record the Berlin Wall was meant to keep people in.
We are trying to keep the invaders out.
I did not state at 4.2.6 I heard a gunshot/s, I wrote and meant: "In my mind. . . ." That is, as in "In my mind's eye, I actually could see and hear. . . ."
That said, I can see where this misunderstanding comes in.
Thank you for sharing. I didn't know that.
Spent time missing the point. . . I see.
Rather like the wall recently put up around the Biden beach house in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware.
But that is a completely different thing. That is to protect Brandon and his family.
The rest of us don't matter.
Or the fence dems put up around their 2016 national convention, while using the slogan “build bridges, not walls.”
Gotta hide and protect the secure documents, eh?
Or like some countries in other parts of the world, fire three warning shots in the back then yell halt./s
I think somebody just got a free campaign film.
Special thanks to the New York Post for filming the wild animals.
That is uncalled for and I am disappointed that I could speak open and honest with you above at 3.1.1 only to be appalled by your attitude about a story not yet properly 'vetted' for accuracy and see you dehumanize people. Some of us are so quick (too quick) to slash-out with foul and subtle or not so subtle racial overtones. Moreover, if you say later that you did not mean for your words to come across that way. . . then you should have stipulated that in your initial comment where you do so.
They did that to themselves.
C'mon. Don't just write anything. 'Somebody' might question MAGAs' claim to humanity instead of those men.
Where have you been- Democrats, leftists, and this Administration have done nothing but dehumanize MAGA.
Yeah. But nobody, right or left has to buy 'stock' and take up residence on Ad-hominen street!
Amen to that.
Egypt is building a wall on its border with Gaza to keep Palestinian terrorists out of Egypt. This one looks pretty solid:
Egypt is very smart. They build sturdy things like pyramids. There are problems you want to keep out of your country if you want to protect your people and prosperity.
Saudi Arabia is building a whole series of barriers between Saudi Arabia and Iraq to keep out terrorists from Iraq. (It has several different things to detect and protect infiltration):
I could find an image to post here where the text is clear-- so if you want to read it its here:
Saudi Arabia Is Building A 600-Mile 'Great Wall' To Shield Itself From ISIS
I first read about this some time ago when ISIS was pretty powerful. Since its been mostly defeated in the Middle East I don't know if the Saudis are still building this wall.
(There are still a lot of various terror groups in the area)
I bet they are not very friendly to those who cross it
The Dominican Republic is doing the same to keep Haitians out. They learned their lesson after the earthquake.
We passed a new threshold yesterday as far as what illegal migrants can get away with.
Under the Texas law that has been put on hold, those animals would have been arrested.
Under Biden's border rules they will be given a date to appear somewhere in our grandchildren's future and released into the US.
The video shows you are, yet again, wrong.
Just stop. It's not a good look. Moreover, we saw worse from MAGAs at the Capitol on January 6, 2021. Even so, I would not dehumanize MAGAs.
I feel you. I'd hate to be proven wrong by a video too.
Once again proven, MAGAs don't compromise. It's all or nothing. Well, I will give MAGAs nothing! Even a fool would not compare that short clip at the border to January 6, 2021 at the U.S. Capitol. (I don't even have to reproduce the video, people can draw on it from memory.)
And no, I am not doing a whataboutism. I have already stated that the incident at the border is bad, wrong, and that people, migrants, could have gotten killed as the National Guard is not to be 'played' with—they will shoot to kill. But, dehumanizing people for political rhetoric and personal political gain is wrong!
Yes and we saw BLM and Antifa all during the "Summer of Love"- yet they got a pass by the leftists, Democrats, media, FBI, and DOJ.
Those illegally crossing the border are also getting a free pass by the very same entities.
Can you say the same with the Jan 6th rioters that are still being hunting down? They ran out of those that entered the Capitol building and are now hunting down those that had the temerity to tread on the poor grass to get pictures with monuments.
You say you are not dehumanizing MAGA; but with each comment you make you backhandedly are.
You think Democrats and leftists compromise?
Brandon could end the border crisis he created tomorrow; yet refuses to do so.
And BLM and Antifa have not a thing to do with the border. They got a 'pass' as you say because the states they are in permitted it or didn't in individual cases. I don't know. By now, adults realize that not all likes are alike. That is, different states have different actions they can take based on state laws and what is prosecutable (on the books) versus what they wish to do to anybody they disagree with in attitude and behavior.
In any case, BLM and Antifa are not at the southern border. That is what this discussion is about. So if you feel compelled to talk about BLM/Antifa try harder to explain the relationship between those two situations.
[✘] As for the cuss and curse words I use to describe Trump; I don't apologize for it because he has demonstrating that he doe not mean me and mine well and that make him an exception to the rule of calling him out anyway I essentially need to do.
Well BRANDON ain't ending it right now and for the record Biden is not unduly required to make MAGAs happy just because. In any case, get your people straight-Brandon is not on this site as far as anybody knows!
He’s doing a poor job of solving it, for sure. But the idea that Biden created our problems at the border is ridiculous. This shit has been going on for decades.
What's there to compromise?
compare that short clip at the border to January 6, 2021 at the U.S. Capitol.
Actually I agree. There is no comparison. One situation they tore down the border barrier and assaulted military personnel. The other was a protest.
That would be a first. Not this time but when you do...
We're not brooks. . .so no need to babble on.
The End.
And yet here you are.
Just imagine if they put that kind of effort into improving their own country.
Tacos! If I take your point about this affront being something these men should try at home, because clearly they think less of our National Guard than they should. And that is a mistake some of the migrants will regret if they cross the line one time to many. The National Guard does not play.
That said, this incident is many times easier to do (pull down a fence in front of guardpersons and cross) than facing gangs back home who will shoot them without pause.
Wonder where the Dem/Libs/"Others" are to fuel the conversation???