
We Are In a New Civil War - Where Stupid Vs. Sane!


Category:  News & Politics

By:  eat-the-press-do-not-read-it  •  5 months ago  •  82 comments

We Are In a New Civil War - Where Stupid Vs. Sane!
Which side are you on?

Brothers & Sista of the CORNHOLE DEGENERATION, if'n' for some perverted reason your think "DIRTY DIAPER DONNIE" is going to fix the crack in your oversized butt.

You be mistaken!

Donnie doesn't give a RAT'S PATOOTIE about you, or anything, butt his own cracked arse.

Ask yourself this:

"Is Donnie sending money to me?"

Well, Hells Bell, girlfriend, youse be sending MONEY, Honey to a Billionaire, who doesn't give a "Freakin' Frack" about you, your kids, your jobs, your plight, or your dental problem with your ragged, jagged tooth.

So why in HADES are you sending that FAT, ORANGE BEAST money?

When asked by a reporter, "Mister Trump, why do the poor, the crumpled, Mass of Disgruntled Asses support you?"

Trump replied, "STUPID PEOPLE LOVE ME!"

Are you one of TRUMP's STUPID PEOPLE!

"Enquiring Minds Want To Know", the other kind doesn't give a SHAT!


jrDiscussion - desc
Eat The Press Do Not Read It
Professor Guide
1  author  Eat The Press Do Not Read It    5 months ago

Do you know that for over a decade, TRUMP paid LESS in taxes than you did, and he allegedly is a billionaire.

Maybe, we should all become a BILLIONAIRE by lying, cheating, stealing, conning, starting fraudulent business like T-Rump does.

Junior Expert
1.1  George  replied to  Eat The Press Do Not Read It @1    5 months ago

Which decade was this? please tell me you aren't relying on Rachel Maddow info?

Eat The Press Do Not Read It
Professor Guide
1.1.1  author  Eat The Press Do Not Read It  replied to  George @1.1    5 months ago

No, George, at 82.5.14 years, I have participated in a variety of campaigns, even ran for public office in Dayton, Ohio.

I have been a Democrat, Independent, Republicans, and currently vote DEMOCRAT, once I researched Reagan's corrupted two turns in office.

I like and trust Rachel Maddow. She is a STANFORD graduate.  Like Clinton, she is a "Rhodes' SCHOLAR", and has a Doctor of Philosophy.

In 2023, Rachel received the "HILLMAN PRIZE" for Broadcast Journalism.

2020 Alfred I. duPont-Columbia University Award. It is the equivalent of the Pulitzer Prize.

2018 Peabody Award

2017 Emmy Award

2011 Emmy Award

2009 Grace Award

I assume you have not receive any of these awards for you extensive knowledge of politics.

Junior Expert
1.1.2  George  replied to  Eat The Press Do Not Read It @1.1.1    5 months ago

So what are you basing your comment that trump didn't pay taxes for a decade? surely you have a source.

Professor Quiet
1.1.3  cjcold  replied to  George @1.1.2    5 months ago

His own words. Trump said only fools pay taxes.

Eat The Press Do Not Read It
Professor Guide
1.1.4  author  Eat The Press Do Not Read It  replied to  Eat The Press Do Not Read It @1.1.1    5 months ago

Oops, I didn't intend to shame, blame or scandalized, you.

If I did, I am certain you will understand.

Don't swat flies away, while addressing an audience.

Just DON'T SHAT your pants in public, Donnie.

Eat The Press Do Not Read It
Professor Guide
1.1.5  author  Eat The Press Do Not Read It  replied to  George @1.1.2    5 months ago

I do, and , obvious you do not. I would suggest that one broaden their research material to more than


It is not a News entity. It is registered as an

ENTERTAINMENT entity, which enables them to say, "Any DAMN outrageous thing they wanted to say to misguided folks to follow their lead, and alot of people did, and still do.

Professor Principal
2  devangelical    5 months ago

meh, I'm ready.

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
2.1  Trout Giggles  replied to  devangelical @2    5 months ago

I'm not. I live in a very red state, with very red neighbors. I'm surrounded

Eat The Press Do Not Read It
Professor Guide
2.1.1  author  Eat The Press Do Not Read It  replied to  Trout Giggles @2.1    5 months ago

Trout Giggles: 

Don't be.  STUPID is not going to win again.

The ONLY things this "gaslighter" is going to win is TIME IN PRISON!

Once that happens, the RED will fade to purple, and slowly all will be forgiven. 

The bought MEDIA has saturate false stories to install REPUBLICANS who suck from BILLIONAIRES TITS, and have gotten rich themselves, selling their SOUL to rich bastards only interested in WEALTH & POWER.

UBER RICH have always worshipped GREED!

Junior Quiet
2.1.2  afrayedknot  replied to  Trout Giggles @2.1    5 months ago

“I'm surrounded.”

As am I. The best we can do is be good neighbors… ignoring the flags that fly, the yard signs, the bumper stickers, et.al. and let them be…in civility while staying true to ourselves in the hope that our example would be reciprocated.   Peace. 

Professor Quiet
2.1.3  Ronin2  replied to  Eat The Press Do Not Read It @2.1.1    5 months ago
The bought MEDIA has saturate false stories to install REPUBLICANS who suck from BILLIONAIRES TITS, and have gotten rich themselves, selling their SOUL to rich bastards only interested in WEALTH & POWER.

Gluesenkamp Perez is one of only five Democrats in the U.S. House who represent areas carried by former President Donald Trump in 2020. One of the others, Ohio Rep. Marcy Kaptur, has been passing out a chart lately showing all 435 congressional districts in the nation, ranked by median income.

It   shows the sea change   that’s taken place in politics in recent years — both nationally and in Washington state.

Democrats now represent 9 of the 10 wealthiest districts in America. Of the 195 districts richer than the national household median income (about $71,000), Democrats out-represent Republicans by 2 to 1. While the 240 districts below the median are represented 2 to 1 by the GOP.

Tech-rich Washington state is a major part of this trend. We have 3 out of the nation’s 25 most prosperous political districts, all represented by Democrats — the Eastside’s 1st District (ranked No. 10 wealthiest) and 8th District (ranked 24th), along with Seattle’s 7th District (ranked 25th).

The 1st District, with a median household income of $121,000, is represented by one of Congress’   more affluent members , Suzan DelBene.

Meanwhile the only two congressional districts in the state with incomes below the national median are the two represented by Republicans. Eastern Washington’s 5th District, domain of Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers, is the state’s poorest, its median income of $62,800 ranking it 282nd.

Which one is the party of the rich again?

Professor Quiet
2.1.4  cjcold  replied to  Trout Giggles @2.1    5 months ago

Thank you for your service in a combat zone!

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
2.1.5  Trout Giggles  replied to  cjcold @2.1.4    5 months ago

I never served in a combat zone. I never even deployed anywhere. And thank you for yours

Professor Quiet
2.1.6  arkpdx  replied to  afrayedknot @2.1.2    5 months ago


Eat The Press Do Not Read It
Professor Guide
2.1.7  author  Eat The Press Do Not Read It  replied to  Ronin2 @2.1.3    5 months ago

We are the Party of SMART.

An income of $121,000 does not make one RICH.

T-RUMP  claims that he is worth billion, then begs his supporters to send him MONEY.

We are not talking whose RICH, we are discussing who is 

S T U I D?

Professor Quiet
2.1.8  Ronin2  replied to  Eat The Press Do Not Read It @2.1.7    5 months ago

Seems you didn't read the links. The rich are supporting Democrats. Better for their tax breaks.

As for Trump, he can never have enough money. I expect nothing less from him.

Not everyone can be as fortunate as Brandon to own multiple mult million dollar properties on a Senator/VP salary. Or have multi billionaire friends they can slum with over the weekend if they are bored and need a change of scenery.

Professor Principal
2.1.9  devangelical  replied to  Trout Giggles @2.1.5    5 months ago
I never served in a combat zone.

I thought you said you dated other service members...

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
2.1.10  Trout Giggles  replied to  devangelical @2.1.9    5 months ago

LOL! Good point!

I married one

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Expert
2.2  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  devangelical @2    5 months ago
meh, I'm ready.

Are you sure, you rarely seem ready here.

Eat The Press Do Not Read It
Professor Guide
2.2.1  author  Eat The Press Do Not Read It  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @2.2    5 months ago

Wry, is a very wry fellow, and a joy to read.

Eat The Press Do Not Read It
Professor Guide
2.3  author  Eat The Press Do Not Read It  replied to  devangelical @2    5 months ago

We MUST stop TRUMP and this "Clown Show" that calls themselves the Republican Party!

Professor Quiet
2.3.1  Ronin2  replied to  Eat The Press Do Not Read It @2.3    5 months ago

Reelect Brandon and Democrats they are not done funneling money to Ukraine- their family members and cronies will starve w/o the kickbacks.

We need more unvetted illegal immigrants entering this country and sucking down resources intended for veterans and poor US citizens.

Brandon/Democrats promise to not spending money until inflation is back at 9%; and only they can afford meat of any kind.

Eat The Press Do Not Read It
Professor Guide
3  author  Eat The Press Do Not Read It    5 months ago

Is it the BLEACH BLONDE hair, the Orange MakeUp,or,  his lack of control of his bowels, bladder, mouth, lies, and raping that enamours you to him?

23 WOMEN came forward an accused the "ORANGE CHEETO" of rape and/or "Sexually Assaulting" them.

Two of those 23, alleged that Trump raped them when they were 12 and 13 years old, and living in Jeffrey Epstein's NYC Mansion.

These grown litigants took their case to court, but it got shot down three different times, not for lack of evidence, but because the STATUES OF LIMITATIONS had expired.

(Or words not remotely similar to these. However, you get the jest of these comments, I trust.) 

If your daughter was RAPED by "Dirty Diaper Donnie" when she was 12 or 13 years old, would you still support him?

If you are supporting Donnie, he raped someone child, when they were that age.

Doesn't that bother you?  Or, is every crime he has been in for 60 yrs. all created by a CROOKED government, not a crooked man!

We make mistakes. I voted for NIXON over JFK, anyone over Carter, and, I, too, was involved in Reagan campaign.

So, don't cling to a mistake because it hurts to recognized that you have been BAZZOOLED by the country's leading CON ARTIST.

Junior Expert
3.1  George  replied to  Eat The Press Do Not Read It @3    5 months ago

Is there a minimum? how many women have to accuse them of rape before it matters?

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
3.1.1  Trout Giggles  replied to  George @3.1    5 months ago

didn't you ask that question in another article of Eat the Press's? How many more times til it becomes trolling?

Junior Expert
3.1.2  George  replied to  Trout Giggles @3.1.1    5 months ago

They seem to be fixated on the number of women, i personally think 1 rape is too many, but if you feel it takes more i'm just curious of the number required. How many times must a person be accused of rape before you notice? 2? 5? 10?

Junior Quiet
3.1.7  afrayedknot  replied to  George @3.1.2    5 months ago

“How many times must a person be accused of rape before you notice? 2? 5? 10?”

And how many times does a person need be held liable for sexual abuse? Particularly a candidate for the highest office in the land. 

Once should be enough, don’t you think? Or don’t you think? 

Professor Principal
3.1.8  Tessylo  replied to  afrayedknot @3.1.7    5 months ago


Junior Expert
3.1.9  George  replied to  afrayedknot @3.1.7    5 months ago

Of course once is enough, so i won't be voting for trump.  so do you not believe any of Bidens accusers or do they have to sue first? do you think Ashley Biden lied about her father in her private diary, or are you going to deflect?

Junior Quiet
3.1.10  afrayedknot  replied to  George @3.1.9    5 months ago

“Ashley Biden…”

Hunter Biden, Jill Biden, ‘Brandon’…don’t ask if I am deflecting…some have it down to an art…and it’s always in the myopic eye of the beholder.

“…so i won't be voting for trump…”

….and yet you continually, constantly, and in obvious obfuscation feel compelled to carry his water…

Junior Expert
3.1.11  George  replied to  afrayedknot @3.1.10    5 months ago

Deflection noted by your failure to answer the question. 

Junior Expert
3.1.12  George  replied to  afrayedknot @3.1.10    5 months ago
.and yet you continually, constantly, and in obvious obfuscation feel compelled to carry his water…

This post is a complete fabrication. unlike what others believe, pointing out bidens faults to his sycophants is not supporting trump. Your messiah raped a child, his child. and no number of deflections will change that fact.

Professor Principal
3.1.13  TᵢG  replied to  George @3.1.12    5 months ago
Your messiah raped a child, his child. and no number of deflections will change that fact.

George, you claim to be an attorney (at least at some point in your life) so explain to us all how you go from a single sentence diary entry about showering with her dad (with no corroboration by modern day Ashley Biden) to Biden raping his daughter (with no allegation by Ashley at any time in her life)?

What is your criteria for considering something an established fact?

Junior Expert
3.1.14  George  replied to  TᵢG @3.1.13    5 months ago

Seriously defending a grown man showering inappropriately with his teenage daughter, Her own words. obviously you have never interviewed a rape victim, or a child who has been abused by a relative. so i really don't care what your opinion is on what is a fact or not. 

Professor Principal
3.1.15  TᵢG  replied to  George @3.1.14    5 months ago

I asked you to offer criteria, I did not opine.   You offered no criteria.   All you did was go personal and snarky.

If you were trying a case of rape and the only piece of evidence is a single sentence (uncorroborated by the author) in an old diary and no allegation by the alleged rape victim, how far do you think you would get with a rational jury?

"taking a shower with dad" = Biden rapes own daughter ???

You need quite a bit more than that.

Professor Principal
3.1.16  Tessylo  replied to  TᵢG @3.1.13    5 months ago

'What is your criteria for considering something an established fact?'

The former 'president' or a magat said so 

Note, no answer, just continued PD&D+delusion and defense of the indefensible

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
3.1.17  Sean Treacy  replied to  TᵢG @3.1.15    5 months ago
taking a shower with dad" = Biden rapes own daughter ???

Is that what she wrote?

Professor Principal
3.1.18  TᵢG  replied to  Sean Treacy @3.1.17    5 months ago

If you have a point, make it.

Professor Principal
3.1.19  TᵢG  replied to  Tessylo @3.1.16    5 months ago
The former 'president' or a magat said so 

Even Trump, to my knowledge, has not suggested that Biden raped his daughter.   So if even Trump is not perpetuating this allegation that is significant.

Junior Expert
3.1.20  George  replied to  Sean Treacy @3.1.17    5 months ago

Anything to defeat trump, even if it means supporting a pedophile for president.

Professor Principal
3.1.21  TᵢG  replied to  George @3.1.20    5 months ago

Now you claim Biden is both a pedophile and a rapist.

All from a single sentence in an old diary that has not been corroborated by the author and with no allegation of any wrongdoing by Biden from his daughter.

Again, what bizarre criteria do you use to establish something as a fact in your mind?

Professor Participates
3.1.22  bugsy  replied to  TᵢG @3.1.21    5 months ago
Now you claim Biden is both a pedophile and a rapist.

Where did he do that? Why are you trying to argue something not said.

He asked if you had ever interviewed a rape victim, or someone abused by a relative as a child. He never said Biden raped his daughter

Most times, the victim will not talk about it or actually admit to being sexually abused as many times  they are something they care about (a puppy, for instance) have been threatened by harm if they say something.

Also, the shower accusation was written by his daughter herself. Why does it need to be corroborated years later when it was corroborated in her own diary? Are you insinuating that someone else wrote the accusation?

Professor Principal
3.1.23  TᵢG  replied to  bugsy @3.1.22    5 months ago
Where did he do that?

Pay attention.   I am not going to walk you through this thread and explain things to you.

Professor Participates
3.1.24  bugsy  replied to  TᵢG @3.1.23    5 months ago

I believe it is you that should pay attention.

You accused George in 3.15, of him in 3.14 equating taking a shower the same as rape.

I correctly pointed out you are wrong. Nowhere did he did that.

Professor Principal
3.1.25  TᵢG  replied to  bugsy @3.1.24    5 months ago

You are demonstrably wrong and anyone reading the thread knows it.

Start reading the thread.   Start here:

George @3.1.12Your messiah raped a child, his child. and no number of deflections will change that fact.

Know what is going on before you start making accusations.

Professor Participates
3.1.26  bugsy  replied to  TᵢG @3.1.23    5 months ago


Professor Participates
3.1.27  bugsy  replied to  TᵢG @3.1.25    5 months ago


Professor Participates
3.1.28  bugsy  replied to  TᵢG @3.1.25    5 months ago

[] I am going to [] take the high road and admit that I was wrong. I missed that.[]

Junior Expert
3.1.29  George  replied to  bugsy @3.1.28    5 months ago

I no longer am going to try to explain things to people who are so indoctrinated into a cult of Biden or Trump hate that they refuse to learn. You explained it quit well. They demand evidence from an obvious victim of assault that the victim is still dealing with in therapy, and has been indoctrinated into protecting the family image at all costs. this revelation isn’t some ancient writings of a recovered memory. This is a diary that was kept by the victim while in rehab. It’s loss was investigated by the FBI which makes it credible. And anyone that is stupid enough to think a father in politics where image is everything is taking innocent showers with his teenage daughter is not going to be able to see anything but their closed minded preconceived conclusions.

Professor Principal
3.1.30  TᵢG  replied to  George @3.1.29    5 months ago

You deem Biden a rapist and a pedophile and instead of supporting your claimed facts you deem those who challenge you stupid.

Professor Participates
3.1.31  bugsy  replied to  TᵢG @3.1.30    5 months ago
instead of supporting your claimed facts you deem those who challenge you stupid.

Oh the irony

Professor Participates
3.1.32  bugsy  replied to  bugsy @3.1.28    5 months ago


Right Down the Center
Masters Guide
3.1.33  Right Down the Center  replied to  bugsy @3.1.32    5 months ago


Professor Participates
3.1.34  bugsy  replied to  Right Down the Center @3.1.33    5 months ago


Right Down the Center
Masters Guide
3.1.35  Right Down the Center  replied to  bugsy @3.1.34    5 months ago


Eat The Press Do Not Read It
Professor Guide
3.1.36  author  Eat The Press Do Not Read It  replied to  George @3.1    5 months ago

It up to 26 now, that have come forward?

What % of the total is that?

Professor Quiet
3.2  Ronin2  replied to  Eat The Press Do Not Read It @3    5 months ago

You need to come up with some new material.

You still can't come to grips that Brandon has his own accusers- one of which is his own then teenage daughter.

I bet you voted for Bill Clinton, who actually went to Epstein's island several times (ditching his secret service to do so) and took countless flights on the Lolita Express. He also has several women accusing him of sexual harassment and rape.

I am sure you will repeat another mistake and vote for Brandon again.

Eat The Press Do Not Read It
Professor Guide
3.2.1  author  Eat The Press Do Not Read It  replied to  Ronin2 @3.2    5 months ago

I did vote for CLINTON, and net him in Lawrenceburg, IN.

He, unlike TRUMP, is a Rhodes Scholar, college graduate, and attorney, former governor for 6 yrs, and president for 8 yrs.

Trump is a SERIAL RAPIST, a Career Sweendler (3500 Lawsuits Filed Against Donnie) a thief, stole TOP SECRET DOCUMENTS, that he is suspected of sharing with his buddy, PUTIN.

Professor Quiet
3.2.2  Ronin2  replied to  Eat The Press Do Not Read It @3.2.1    5 months ago

So being a rapist is OK, so long as they are well educated Democrat rapists.

As for classified documents seems you forget both Bill and Hillary held/mishandled classified documents; as did Obama; as did Brandon- who has a crack addicted son with access to where they were "stored" conducting business with China, Ukraine, and Russia.

that he is suspected of sharing with his buddy, PUTIN.

Trump would have to get in line behind Hunter, and Brandon's brother.

I can't stand Trump- I am voting for the lesser of two evils. Democrats don't deserve to be in office at any level for what they have put this country through over the last 8 years and counting. 

But all Democrats/leftists have is "But Trruuummmmppppp!!!!!!" Since Brandon has done nothing but make things worse for Americans since he took the oath of office; he has nothing else to run.

Professor Quiet
3.3  cjcold  replied to  Eat The Press Do Not Read It @3    5 months ago
NIXON over JFK, anyone over Carter

We all make mistakes. 

But yours were huge insane mistakes!!!!

Eat The Press Do Not Read It
Professor Guide
3.3.1  author  Eat The Press Do Not Read It  replied to  cjcold @3.3    5 months ago

My vote didn't overturn any election, I would agree, that in retrospect, had I understood more about politics, then, than now, my vote would have been different.

Eat The Press Do Not Read It
Professor Guide
4  author  Eat The Press Do Not Read It    5 months ago

To those who comment, I thank you.

We must pull together or, like some of our fellow citizens, our trousers will slide below the crack, and we will be EXPOSED!

Professor Principal
4.1  devangelical  replied to  Eat The Press Do Not Read It @4    5 months ago
some of our fellow citizens

.. are within that crack.

Eat The Press Do Not Read It
Professor Guide
4.1.1  author  Eat The Press Do Not Read It  replied to  devangelical @4.1    5 months ago

Amen, devanigal, that is why I "preach da tooth", fer free.

No BUY BULLS for sale!

Professor Quiet
4.2  cjcold  replied to  Eat The Press Do Not Read It @4    5 months ago

I only bare my ass for plumbers wages!

Eat The Press Do Not Read It
Professor Guide
4.2.1  author  Eat The Press Do Not Read It  replied to  cjcold @4.2    5 months ago

That is a selling point in some locales, not so much in others.

Professor Expert
5  Nerm_L    5 months ago

The GOP didn't create the Monster.  It was young Dr. Clintonstein who tried to Steele the election and created the Monster.


Professor Principal
5.1  Hallux  replied to  Nerm_L @5    5 months ago
The GOP didn't create the Monster.

Perhaps not but they fed, clothed, issued countless sycophantic denials about it, and in what can only be described as abject ignorance, became its pets all wanting to express their red tie subjugation at weekly arse kissing events.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
6  Buzz of the Orient    5 months ago


I just wanted to post a comment that wouldn't raise a lot of controversy.

(Deleted for no reason whatsoever by me, Buzz of the Orient)

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
6.1  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @6    5 months ago

Fortunately no tickets or points have been awarded.

Robert in Ohio
Professor Guide
7  Robert in Ohio    5 months ago

 Stupid Vs. Sane!

An appropriate description of the political situation in America, but since both the Democrats and the Republicans are in the stupid category so I am not sure who is on the "Sane" side of the equation. 

Professor Principal
7.1  JBB  replied to  Robert in Ohio @7    5 months ago

That is simply not true. The fallacy within all false equivalencies is that they are FALSE! 

Robert in Ohio
Professor Guide
7.1.1  Robert in Ohio  replied to  JBB @7.1    5 months ago

Good thing my opinion was not a "false equivalency" then!   Different situations bring out the stupid in those on the left and those on the right but it balances over time and issues that stupid is a non-partisan descriptor of most politicians.

I appreciate your view that all on the left are virtuous and wise and those on the right are evil and stupid, but that too is only an opinion (yours) and that does not make it any where close to a fact.

Professor Principal
7.1.2  JBB  replied to  Robert in Ohio @7.1.1    5 months ago

No, because I do not believe all the left are virtuous and wise. So, that opinion of (yours) is false, also! The MAGA stand alone...

Professor Guide
7.1.3  GregTx  replied to  JBB @7.1.2    5 months ago

But do you believe that they are more virtuous and wise than any on the right?....

Sophomore Quiet
7.1.4  Igknorantzruls  replied to  Robert in Ohio @7.1.1    5 months ago

“Different situations bring out the stupid in those on the left and those on the right but it balances over time and issues that stupid is a non-partisan descriptor of most politicians.“

No, in Trumps case, it does not balance out, irregardless of “time”, as we have all witnessed more than i thought, at least in my lifetime, an abomination, inspired by how ones hatred for the Obama Nations, and Trump played on the ever evident of the ever evidence eagerly incessantly provided, asz their racial insecurities, proved so many just can’t hide it, and with Trump, these formerly campaign killing attributes, became badges of honor/dishonor that so many obviously could not and no longer did hide. Dr.Jeckle no longer need Hyde, with Trump normalization for a Maga mess of a formerly great nation. Our two party bought  and brought forth two not worth, but only one is pure a placental after birth matter of complete and disgraceful splatter that is the true embodiment of what IS THE MATTER 

with US today. There’s no viable comparison, and i mean NONE 

Trump is the GOP creation that is bringing down this nation, and his judges have made it quite difficult to abort. 

Fck him and his supreme Quart, cause he is no liter, just a bottom of bottle feeder of lies, lies from the tablecloth or from the screen, either way, just plain obscene

Professor Quiet
8  arkpdx    5 months ago

Well I'm a:





So that puts me squarely in the same camp. 


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