
Misinformed USA: Why average Americans vote for Republicans


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  cm  •  10 years ago  •  55 comments

Misinformed USA: Why average Americans vote for Republicans

Misinformed USA: Why average Americans vote for Republicans

Robert Sobel

One can only wonder why average working class Americans would vote for a party that is so obvious in their bias towards the wealthy. It would make sense that someone in the top 1 percent of the income bracket would vote for the Republican party since they have the wealthiest American's best interest at heart. You could even make the case that highly religious Christians would vote for Republicans even though, at times, they vote against their own best economic interests. So the question remains, while scratching your head, why do working class Americans vote for Republican candidates?

I once sat down and spoke with an acquaintance of mine, trying to get a grip on what people are thinking about the future of our country. He said he voted for Mitt Romney in 2012 because, "we need a business person to get our debt down." I asked where he got his news and information from, and after trying to deflect from the question, the answer finally came. "I don't pay attention too much, but when I do, I watch Fox." Fox News is the primary source for information for millions of Americans across the country and that's where the problem starts.

Whether it's Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity or other right wing ideologues, Fox News is a tunnel vision information outlet with only one particular agenda that is being pushed through. Millions of Americans watch Fox News, listen to the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Neal Boortz, Michael Savage and others while getting information from right wing think tanks like the Heritage Foundation and the Cato Institute . With big businesses and billionaire allies, the truth and facts in American have gone from a clear right and wrong, black and white situation to muffled shades of gray. It's not to say that Fox News, the Cato Institute and others like them totally lie because that would be too difficult to pull off. What these think tanks do, is take a fact and twist it to fit their own personal agenda, leaving out key information that would contradict with the platform they're trying to create.

A perfect example in describing the way groups like the Cato Institute operate is a report that came out by alternet.org . In the early 2000s, the Cato Institute released a report that suggested that families receiving welfare were making between $17,000 and $25,000 a year, but the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities countered that claim. The Center for Budget and Policy Priorities showed that the average income for welfare recipients was below $9,000 a year, which is nearly $3,000 a year below the poverty line.

The misinformation also comes from another right wing think tank, the Heritage Foundation. In 2011, when Paul Ryan released the "Ryan" Republican budget, the Heritage Foundation claimed that unemployment would drop to 6.4% in 2012 and to 2.8% in 2022. A report released by the Washington Monthly pointed out that these claims were extremely exaggerated. The CBO , the Congressional Budget Office, showed the errors of the Heritage Foundation's report and the director of the Heritage Foundation's Center for Data Analysis, William Beach, was forced to walk backed the claims.

In 2009, the Heritage Foundation released ads attacking the Employee Free Choice Act , a bill that was brought to congress that would give all employees the right to form a union without fear of being fired from their current job. Since the Heritage Foundation is bought and paid for by million and billionaire conservatives, the idea of having workers unite with more power and freedom threatens their control at the top. The ads released painted a false picture about the Employee Free Choice Act, claiming that unions will bully workers into joining them with an attempt to take money from the employee. According to the Huffington Post , the Heritage Foundation "frame(s) the EFCA issue based on bald-faced lies. Business-financed 'think tanks' like Heritage propagandize workers against their own interests in psychologically sophisticated ways, often pulling on their heartstrings and framing their anti-union stance as 'common sense.'"

Average Americans need to be more informed about what is going in the country, but also where to get their information. The argument isn't about holding a liberal or conservative ideology, it's about facts that are based on truth and not information based on twisted logic. Americans need to learn to dig a little deeper to find honest reporting, not just believe something that falls in their lap at the expense of a billionaire funded think tank or news organization.

(Updated: 2/20/2014)



jrDiscussion - desc
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  CM    10 years ago

Get informed people, stop listening to those LOUD MOUTHED talk show hosts, think for yourselves...

Robert in Ohio
Professor Guide
link   Robert in Ohio    10 years ago

Perhaps because they do not like, support or want the agenda professed and pushed by the other side.

Of course that is just a wild guess but it is just as likely as any other theory on the matter

Professor Expert
link   Krishna    10 years ago

Misinformed USA: Why average Americans vote for Republicans

But the "average American" voter put Obama (a Democrat) in the White House!

Perhaps those "average American voters" are actually a minority of the population?

Professor Silent
link   Cerenkov    10 years ago
Maybe people vote the way they do out of an honest belief that their candidate's views are correct. Maybe they are not "misinformed" or stupid, and maybe your arrogantly presumptuous.
Professor Quiet
link   sixpick    10 years ago


Freshman Silent
link   seeder  CM    10 years ago

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Professor Participates
link   1stwarrior    10 years ago

Yup - you can't fix stupid, 'specially if they're a Democrat.

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   Petey Coober    10 years ago

Why would people vote for someone who is clearly incompetent in performing the one task most needed to improve the jobs situation ... Obama ? Anyone could have done better than he did on that . Tax reform ? He's scared of even talking about it ...

Professor Quiet
link   sixpick    10 years ago

Wikipedia:Potentially unreliable sources

Sites that appear to be news media but aren't



In August 2009, Examiner.com was named one of the fastest-growing network of localized websites by Nielsen Online . It grew faster in the 12 months from August 2008 than any of the other top 30 Internet news sites in the United States, as it increased page views more than 342 percent, attracting 7,569,000 unique users. [ 7 ] Examiner.com reports that it received 20.8 million unique visitors to Examiner.com sites in July 2010, with 60.1 million page views served, according to Omniture . [ 2 ]

Examiner.com reports adding over 3,000 articles a day, to a growing library of 1.5 million pieces of content.

So, let me explain this to you. Since Examiner.com, where this article originated is growing by leaps and bounds, a potentially unreliable source and all articles I've seen are liberal in nature, it just goes to prove Democrats are a very naive bunch and get their news from unreliable sources. Grin.gif

Freshman Silent
link   seeder  CM    10 years ago

The idea that you are so angry, makes me think the article is on the right track...

Professor Expert
link   Krishna    10 years ago
Misinformed USA: Why average Americans vote for Republicans

CM-- I believe this headline is inaccurate. The average American leans Democratic, not Republican.

In the last two presidential elections, more Americans voted democratic than Republican. So-- the average American does not vote Republican!

My perception is that significantly more Americans are Democrats than Republicans. But I wanted to know the facts so I googled it:

In U.S., Democrats Re-Establish Lead in Party AffiliationIn 2012, 47% identified or leaned Democratic, 42% Republican
by Jeffrey M. Jones

PRINCETON, NJ -- An average of 47% of Americans identified as Democrats or said they were independents who leaned Democratic in 2012, compared with 42% who identified as or leaned Republican. That re-establishes a Democratic edge in party affiliation after the two parties were essentially tied in 2010 and 2011.

Gallup polls

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser    10 years ago

GREAT article, CM!!!

I think that many people get their news from FOX, and then, listen to their preachers that Obama is the Devil. There is no reasoning with some people, either. It is difficult to speak sense to people that firmly believe that the earth is only 6,000 years old.

FOX is the worst thing to happen to this country. As far a journalism, real reporting of facts, and neutral bias, FOX loses on all counts. Their constant innuendo and downright lies feed a contingent of people who are dying to be told what to do, and have no desire to think.

It amazes me that many of those on NT, who are seemingly educated people, listen to such lies and believe them as the gospel truth. The most ridiculous claims are taken as truth. Then you have a Greek chorus of hate spewers, who take the anger people have for economic woes of the country, placing blame on a president who has their best interest at heart. The propaganda machine is alive and well. There are many of those who would believe that Obama is the cause of a solar eclipse, even to the point of plotting it.

Thanks for the article-- I think you hit the nail on the head!

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser    10 years ago

People can make up their own mind. But this has gone beyond a difference of opinion, to the point of utter madness.

Look at the front page of NT. Read the titles of the article. And tell me that your statement is not the pot calling the kettle black.

We all say we want discussion of differing opinions, but the republicans are unwilling to allow that to happen, ridiculing and calling people the bad word: liberals. Tree-hugging liberals. etc. etc. It becomes sickening after a while.

Anyone can vote for whomever they wish. As soon as the republican party stops the utter madness that is the Tea Party, I will gladly listen to what they have to say. Until then, their beliefs and plans for our country are, without a doubt, untenable. To me, anyway.

Democrats are NOT socialists, anymore than republicans are Nazis. Take your pick. There is plenty of blame to go around on BOTH sides of the aisle. Maybe we should stop blaming this and blaming that for our troubles, and work together to solve our problems. Our political system is broken-- I sure haven't seen the republicans working to put it back together.

Freshman Silent
link   seeder  CM    10 years ago

I think that many people get their news from FOX, and then, listen to their preachers that Obama is the Devil. There is no reasoning with some people, either. It is difficult to speak sense to people that firmly believe that the earth is only 6,000 years old.

Thank you Dowser, I always enjoy your comments...

There are many of those who would believe that Obama is the cause of a solar eclipse, even to the point of plotting it.

LMAO!!!! there are those floating the idea that Obama planned the assassination of JFK...and those that would believe it...

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser    10 years ago

And why shouldn't he be? Any thing he tries to do is met with complete and utter hysteria from the republican party. It doesn't matter WHAT he does-- when he talks 'sense', he is accused of tearing down the country.

Right now, the only party truly tearing down the country is the republicans, and their idea that nothing the president does is even worth discussing.

I haven't seen much job growth ideas from the House. Have you? They all need to put up or shut up.

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser    10 years ago

Absolutely, Mickey.

And that is exactly what disgusts me. Their goal is not to be a public servant, but to bleed the public. They don't care a damn about the country, just their own personal agendas.

To be honest and fair, you find it on both sides of the aisle-- but the republicans have organized it openly. Mitch McConnell-- "My goal is to make this a one-term presidency." He goal should be to serve his constituents and do what is best for the country as a whole. Not once, has he voted for his constituents-- and it is obvious that he cares nothing for the country as a whole.

Professor Expert
link   Krishna    10 years ago

Not once, has he voted for his constituents-- and it is obvious that he cares nothing for the country as a whole.

I'm not too familiar with Kentucky politics. (I gather its a fairly Republican state? Or is it evenly divided?)

But if, in fact, he continually does not vote for his constituents-- then why do they keep re-electing him?

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   Petey Coober    10 years ago

Any thing he tries to do is met with complete and utter hysteria from the republican party.

Dowser ,

Accusing Romney of corruption during the election process was also hysteria . Dirty politics begets more dirty politics ...

Freshman Silent
link   seeder  CM    10 years ago

But if, in fact, he continually does not vote for his constituents-- then why do they keep re-electing him

There has been more awareness because of the internet, people are learning more about their government..

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   Petey Coober    10 years ago

Dowser ,

Please list a few of these lies propagated by Fox .

Professor Quiet
link   sixpick    10 years ago

Another low information voter.

Wikipedia:Potentially unreliable sources

Sites that appear to be news media but aren't

But don't worry, Examiner.com is growing by leaps and bounds and only has liberal articles, so it shows the liberals are getting their information from sites that:

Sorry, if you need any help, I'd be glad to inform you of the truth.

Professor Quiet
link   sixpick    10 years ago

Well, maybe the last paragraph in this article will clarify it for you Randy.

Average Americans need to be more informed about what is going in the country, but also where to get their information. The argument isn't about holding a liberal or conservative ideology, it's about facts that are based on truth and not information based on twisted logic. Americans need to learn to dig a little deeper to find honest reporting, not just believe something that falls in their lap at the expense of a billionaire funded think tank or news organization.

(Updated: 2/20/2014)


Professor Quiet
link   sixpick    10 years ago

Well good for you. I hope you're being informed. It's hard to get the news anywhere and take it at face value.

Freshman Silent
link   seeder  CM    10 years ago

Is this the "HYSTERIA" you speak about Petey???

Romney, Jobs And China Lets Connect Dots

by Dave Johnson:

Will Mitt Romney create jobs and help our economy, or will he just take us back to the Bush-era, send-jobs-to-China destruction that made him rich? With Romney there is no way to connect what he says with what he means or might do. So we are forced to read tea leaves and look for signs. Should be reading Chinese tea leaves?

The Fire Sale Of Our Economy

Mitt Romney made his huge fortune partly by taking over companies, sending the good-paying American jobs to places like China or using the threat to do that to force wage and benefit cuts and keeping that money for himself and his business partners. A Washington Post story says that Romneys company not only took advantage of this technique, but actually helped pioneer the technique!

While Romney and those like him became enormously wealthy from this since-Reagan fire-sale of American factories, companies, industries and technologies, our economy suffered terribly. Working peoples wages stagnated and people turned to credit cards and borrowing on their homes just to get by. Evenually the economy collapsed.The Romneys and Wall Street 1%er types did very well from this destruction of our economy and our capacity to earn a living, as they have been doing since the collapse. China has also done very well by this. And they are all trying to keep things that way.

Connecting Dots

Dot : Under Bush we lost 50,000+ factories and 1/3 of our manufacturing jobs. Non-manufacturing was also hit hard with outsourcing of jobs to other countries. Companies then used the threat to move other jobs to force wage and benefit cuts here. If you dont agree to this well just move your job, too.

Dot : Since the recovery began the richest 1% received 93% of the economic gains . Its all going to the top to the Romneys among us.

Dot : Washington Post : Romneys Bain Capital invested in companies that moved jobs overseas . Note that Romneys company pioneered the practice. They didnt just do it, they pioneered it,

Mitt Romneys financial company, Bain Capital, invested in a series of firms that specialized in relocating jobs done by American workers to new facilities in low-wage countries like China and India.

During the nearly 15 years that Romney was actively involved in running Bain, a private equity firm that he founded, it owned companies that were pioneers in the practice of shipping work from the United States to overseas call centers and factories making computer components

Dot: The Supreme Courts Citizens United decision allows unlimited secret money to influence our elections. Secret, as in we dont even know what country the money comes from, never mind what companies or billionaires.

Dot: Huge amounts, from the 1%ers, all coordinated: Romney plans posh weekend donor retreat featuring Rove and VP hopefuls ,

The presumptive Republican nominee and his senior advisers and aides are hosting two days of policy sessions and campaign strategy discussions at the Deer Valley resort for more than 100 top fundraisers and their spouses. Those who raised more than $100,000 are expected to attend. Roves appearance could raise questions because of laws barring any coordination between super PACs and campaigns.

Dot: One source (of many) of this flood of money has been disclosed. Casino billionaire Sheldon Adelson, has already given $10 million to Romneys campaign, promises a limitless amount $100 million or more . (He has $25 billion, largely thanks to China.) There are also allegations of corruption, bribery and violations of US law in the operation of these Chinese-licensed casinos.

Dot: Adelsons exclusive Chinese-granted casino license is worth billions, and he has used his influence with Republicans in Congress to help China. Adelson influenced Republicans to help China get the Beijing Olympics and then received the license to build casinos in Chinese territory. From the New Yorker , The Brass Ring: A multibillionaires relentless quest for global influence ,

In July, 2001, Adelson met with a Vice-Premier of China, Qian Qichen [and] met with the mayor of Beijing, who asked Adelson for help with a matter pending in the U.S. House of Representatives, which he believed was threatening Chinas chance to host the Olympics.

Adelson immediately made calls on his cell phone to Republican friends in Congressincluding Tom DeLay, then the majority whipwho had received generous support from Adelson. DeLay told him that there was indeed a resolution pending opposing Chinas Olympic bid, saying, Chinas abominable human rights record violates the spirit of the games and should disqualify Beijing from consideration. Three days later, the International Olympics Committee voted in Chinas favor. [Adelson received the casino license soon after, in early 2002 - dj]

[] In May, 2004, the first gamblers entered the Sands Macao. Its construction costs were two hundred and sixty-five million dollars, and Adelson made back his initial investment in a year. In December, 2004, Adelson took Las Vegas Sands public (according to Forbes, he owns sixty-nine per cent of the stock) and became a multibillionaire, overnight.

Adelson used his influence with the Republicans in Congress to help China get the Olympics, and then got a casino license worth billions to him. What else has he helped or will he help China get?

Dot: McCain: Adelson funding Romney Super PAC with foreign money .

Senator and Romney presidential campaign surrogate John McCain (R-AZ) said Thursday that casino magnate Sheldon Adelson is indirectly injecting millions of dollars in Chinese foreign money into Mitt Romneys presidential election effort.

Owing China

It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it! Upton Sinclair.

When China offers you a path to make a huge fortune, you start to have a hard time understanding how this can hurt your own country. As I said last week in Why Cant Apple Make Your IPhone In America? ,

China offers our business leaders an amazing deal a deal that they cant refuse. The owners and managers of our companies get really, really rich if they play along with China. Nerver mind if the companies go away later, theyre rich.

In fact, China has essentially recruited our own business leaders to fight against our own government.

Romneys Bain Capital, and so many others, have made fortunes from offshoring our jobs, factories, industries, technologies and our economy. Fortunes. And now they are applying those China-made fortunes to our election process.

How Much Of Romneys Campaign Money Comes From Or Depends On China?

So we know about one source of secret money funding Romneys campaign, and this source is directly obliged to China for much of his multi-billion fortune, and has influenced our government on Chinas behalf in the past. But we dont know anything about much of the rest of the money that is being spent on the flood of negative ads and other persuasion and election efforts.

How many of Romneys other funding sources are dependent on China for their fortunes, directly or indirectly? And how much will this lead them to have trouble understanding how shipping jobs and factories and industries to China hurts our country?

The question is out there, and really should be answered before the election. How much of Romneys huge, secret, campaign war chest comes directly or indirectly from China? And beyond China, where else is Romneys campaign money coming from?

Chucky Stuart
Freshman Silent
link   Chucky Stuart    10 years ago

CM, I have a theory based on what I've learned during the course my existence. While I believe it's true that the working class on the whole benefits more from a democrat administration, perceptions may at times override economic benefits. In general, most folks aren't very ideological and rely mostly on perception. This general perception is that republicans are malevolent and democrats are incompetent. If their own particular lot in life does not get better under a particular administration, they may very well give the other guys a chance. They may get tired of incompetence and decide to give malevolence a chance. Since malevolence never works out for them, they shift back to incompetence. And the cycle continues.

Freshman Silent
link   seeder  CM    10 years ago

Why are you having a problem with the examiner Six??? do I complain when you post articles from Breitdbart, Snopes, The Caller, Glen Beck, and your various right wing sources??? NO, I do not, I look at it and decide if I buy what they are selling...

Freshman Silent
link   seeder  CM    10 years ago

I tend to agree, expect on the part of The Democrats, there may be some forms of incompetence been viewed, but mostly, Democrats consider humanity, rather than money: e.g of the current republican congress:

House Votes To Strip Deportation Relief From Dreamers

08/01/2014 10:00 pm EDT

Why would they do that to people who have been brought to this Country as children or even babies, they do not know any other life style, WHY ARE REPUBLICAN/TEA PARTY SO MEAN SPIRITED?????

WASHINGTON -- House Republicans voted on Friday to strip protections from undocumented immigrants known as Dreamers, putting more than a half-million young people at risk for deportation despite their longstanding ties to the United States.

The bill was approved 216 to 192, largely along party lines. Four Democrats -- Reps. John Barrow (D-Ga.), Nick Rahall ( D-W.Va .) Mike McIntyre (D-N.C.) and Collin Peterson (D-Minn.) -- voted with Republicans to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals policy, making more than 550,000 undocumented young people vulnerable to deportation. A larger group of 11 Republicans broke ranks to vote with Democrats against the bill: Reps. Jeff Denham (R-Calif.), David Valadao (R-Calif.), Cory Gardner (R-Colo.), Mike Coffman (R-Colo.), Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-Fla.), Mario Diaz Balart (R-Fla.), Dave Reichert (R-Wash.), Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.), Joe Heck (R-Nev.), Mark Amodei (R-Nev.) and Fred Upton (R-Mich.).

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/08/01/house-bill-daca_n_5643287.html" target="_blank"> ....

WHY, WHY!!!!!!

These children does not stop their progress in any way, these children just want to go on with their lives....

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser    10 years ago

John Paul, Kentucky politics is weird and has always been weird. We've had two republican governors since 1950, and they were both such utter duds, even their own party abandoned them. So, the gubernatorial elections are strongly democrat.

Mitch McConnell has gotten federal money to build some things in the state, notably a waterfront park in my home town. It is truly beautiful, and has really added to the aesthetic value of the city. But, it ignores the problems found in the city. To be honest, it is sort of like gilding a casket.

Great idea, but what did it really accomplish? The Mitch McConnell pavilion is an outdoor venue for small concerts, (no more than 500 people-- if that). It created no jobs, as it was built by out-of-state contractors. It is maintained by the existing parks department that closed two other small parks, in order to avoid hiring anyone. The homeless veterans are still gathering up under the bridge. There are no additional clinics, training facilities, services, etc.

He keeps getting elected here, because the churches are behind him, and preaching that Obama is the Devil. Seriously. My husband works with a fellow whose preacher told him that if he voted for a democrat, he couldn't belong to the church. And this is not unusual.

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser    10 years ago

You just can't fix stupid, dear 1st. No matter what party they ascribe to.

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser    10 years ago

OK, Petey, visit Snopes.com

Fox news will be airing a revealing documentary about President Obama

Obama admits he is a Muslim

Attack on the US embassy in Benghazi

There are more, but I thought that Snopes was a more reliable source.

Professor Expert
link   Krishna    10 years ago

But if, in fact, he continually does not vote for his constituents-- then why do they keep re-electing him

There has been more awareness because of the internet, people are learning more about their government..

So, if I understand you correctly, people continue voting for Mcconnell because they are now more aware (due to the 'net?)

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser    10 years ago

Again, please, no one is attacking YOU, or your point of view. It isn't personal.

Yet, I have been attacked for expressing my point of view, reviled, dis-respected, etc. Again, I think it is the pot calling the kettle black. Not YOU per se, just in general.

No one's hands are completely clean these days, are they?

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   Petey Coober    10 years ago

How much of Romneys huge, secret, campaign war chest comes directly or indirectly from China? And beyond China, where else is Romneys campaign money coming from?

These might be good questions to ask if this process wasn't so heavily scrutinized . You can be certain that someone on the Dem side would have found & published such a link if there was one . Instead all we get is salacious innuendo .
Romney made his money the way everyone was making it back then , by outsourcing jobs . He was [& still is] the one person with the most intimate knowledge on what parts of the tax code need reforming to get jobs reshored . But instead his motives are maligned . If he was the president you know that he would be under a magnifying glass from day one .

Freshman Silent
link   seeder  CM    10 years ago

Romney made his money the way everyone was making it back then , by outsourcing jobs .

And that makes him uniquely qualified to be elected President of the USA?? I think he should be viewed as an enemy to the American Workers..

He was [& still is] the one person with the most intimate knowledge on what parts of the tax code need reforming to get jobs reshored

What on earth are you talking about??? You actually think Romney knows how to fix the tax code??? what group of people do you think created that tax code?? and how was he able to take advantage of the loop holes??? It certainly was not Mr Romney the genius...

Freshman Silent
link   seeder  CM    10 years ago

I would say 54 Million Voters more than Romney the out source of jobs to China, was able to get to believe his lying lips...

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   Petey Coober    10 years ago

And that makes him uniquely qualified to be elected President of the USA?? I think he should be viewed as an enemy to the American Workers..

You just don't get it . The employment damage has already been done . What is needed now is someone to fix the tax code . Obama is completely incompetent in that area . That is the problem with electing someone with NO real world experience .

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   Petey Coober    10 years ago

If the President is such an bad man

Not bad , incompetent ...

why did he get re-elected?

Ignorant voters vote for the incompetent rather than the knowledgeable .

Professor Silent
link   Cerenkov    10 years ago
You tell half the population that they are too stupid to vote and you think you hit a nerve? Well yes, gross elitism is generally offensive to many people. Give yourselves a pat on the back before continuing to tell the stupid folk how to live.
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  CM    10 years ago

Petey, you are clueless...

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   Petey Coober    10 years ago

Yes . I am clueless as to why Obama is so incompetent at his job . If he had the ability to work with congress instead of antagonizing them this change might have already happened . But instead we are stuck with presidente Innocente . When is he gonna learn about money ?

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   Petey Coober    10 years ago

Speaking of hateful , here is Presidente Innocente declaring his political opposition to be haters . He is playing the race card every chance he gets :


Keeps repeating how wonderful & likeable he is and anyone who doesn't see it is a hater . What a sick joke ...

Freshman Silent
link   seeder  CM    10 years ago

How about you Badfish, did you tell your other self...images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQE6qVY9kLUQpGyDtYQ5-hlRqhvqmhr3xX4xFU1BUzWfVTzyxrmVfQ_Mg

Freshman Silent
link   seeder  CM    10 years ago

Thanks, its a good resemblance I would say...

Freshman Silent
link   seeder  CM    10 years ago

BF: page # 4 Well, I am always the same, if you don't like what I say, tough shit..I will always give my honest views and will always ignore the critics, I am not looking to fit into any group of people, so, that's it...In my experience, I have learned, those who live in glass houses should never throw stones...

Freshman Silent
link   seeder  CM    10 years ago

I had a feeling, people lacking the art of comprehension, would have a problem with my position on immigration, I have made it clear, I am not against the Dream Act, Obama signed for young people who were brought to the USA by their parents years ago and remained in this country to be given an opportunity to go on with their lives, I do have a problem with the children who are currently crossing the border and looking to be given refugee status, those children, I believe are been brought here and their country's leaders are taking advantage of the laws of the USA enacted for children who are been trafficked...IS THAT CLEAR ENOUGH FOR YOU BADFISH???? or do I need to break it down further????

Freshman Silent
link   seeder  CM    10 years ago

I am talking about WTF you are talking about on Page # 4 with your Sybil nonsense....

Did we forget to take our meds?

Apparently, you forgot to take yours...

Freshman Silent
link   seeder  CM    10 years ago

I have said it several times, we cannot take on the World's problems, the laws for refugee status does not only apply to the children in Central America, it applies to the entire world with exception of Mexico and Canada, the Central American children are coming in greater numbers than anyone expected and overwhelms the system...we cannot afford it...Where will this great number of children to be housed, and what about American Children and our own homeless population??

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   Petey Coober    10 years ago

Where exactly is the compassion in your position?

For the US taxpayers ... Get a clue . The world is a big place with billions of people . Do you expect the US to take care of them all ?

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   Petey Coober    10 years ago

Odd that you would say that :

House OKs bill to address border crisis

Freshman Silent
link   seeder  CM    10 years ago

The incompetent Idiot train led by John Boehner and the GOP.....

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser    10 years ago

I have no idea how many children, or where they are being housed, but Louisville has taken in quite a few. Doctors, dentists, etc. are donating their time and supplies to provide medical care.

Freshman Silent
link   seeder  CM    10 years ago

BF from page # 3

Berry is most notable for having a writer help him Author Dreams of my Communist Deadbeat Father.

Exactly how does did that qualify him to run anything other than a book tour and campaign?

BF # 7 Above:

I actually support the President on immigration.

You are a hypocrite BF, one side of your mouth supports the president, the other side doesn't, you are only about the convenience for yourself and self interest, you are not for the American people and what's best for America, you are not to be taken seriously...

Freshman Silent
link   seeder  CM    10 years ago

Where exactly is the compassion in your position?

My compassion lies with AMERICANS, Health care, housing, education, take care of Americans First is where my compassion lies, I understand these are children from Central America, they are not the only children this law applies to, it applies to all the world, we cannot take on the world's problems, AMERICANS FIRST....


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