Renaming Mount McKinley Obama's Insult To Competence
McKinley: All competenceMcKinley: All competence View Enlarged ImagePolitics: President Obama says he's changing the name of Alaska's Mt. McKinley to Denali. Given President McKinley's record on racial healing, fiscal discipline, global power and disaster response, Obama's got some timing.Ohioans were right to take President Obama's unilateral changing of the name of the 20,200-foot peak to Mount Denali as an insult.The mountain, North America's highest, was named after one of America's best presidents, William McKinley, a native of Canton, Ohio. Now, after nearly 100 years, at the current president's whim, the mountain will be called by its Native American name.It's not just that the decision bypasses Congress' naming authority, as Rep. Rob Portman pointed out. It's the timing.Though forgotten, McKinley, who was assassinated by an extremist, was renowned for his competence and achievements.The Ohio Republican was a staunch ally and supporter of equal rights for African Americans at a time when "progressives" such as Woodrow Wilson favored re-segregating the federal workforce while others, such as Margaret Sanger, plotted to reduce the number of black babies.McKinley also opened the gates to America's rise as a global power by deciding to build the Panama Canal and by winning Cuba's freedom from Spain in the months-long Spanish-American War of 1898.Favoring fiscal discipline and a gold standard, he brought years of economic prosperity to the U.S. And he held a dim view of Prohibition, another "progressive" social policy hobbyhorse that failed miserably.Moreover, in a policy right out of today's news pages, McKinley sent criminal immigrants back home but without demonizing all immigrants.And his cleanup following 1900's Storm of the Century in Galveston, Texas, which killed 10,000, was lauded for being both swift and highly competent.Read More At Investor's Business Daily: Follow us: @IBDinvestors on Twitter | InvestorsBusinessDaily on Facebook
sorry but I rather support the change back to its original naming by those that lived there far longer than those that acquired it in a purchase, Denali it was , Denali it is , let Ohio name something within their borders for their favorite son. Or let those in Alaska find something about him to name something after him like say a county?
Well denali has always what the people up there have called it, sorry but it was sec of state Seward who bought Alaska as a territory in 1867 under Andrew Johnson , the land was considered worthless back then and people were upset that the money was spent after the war, thus Sewards folly and Ak was called sewards ice box for a number of years .
I also agree that Congress can name whatever they want to whatever they decide , but , the people that live there , not congress should decide that name , in this case , the name was foisted on a territory before statehood in a process they had little if any real say in , so the state and its people revert to a name that's been used for a thousand years before congress existed , good for them , bad for those wishing to make false legacies .
Personally I think it should be up to the locals , and if congress wishes to RENAME anything after someone , they should have to wait at least 100 years , and the person its named for , should have had an impact on the area renamed after them.
''Another question is how many other mountains there and in the rest of the states that once had Native American names and now have their present name are we going to be pressured to change back based on this precedent?''
All of them, I hope.
Once again XX, you simply miss the point or are practicing willful ignorance. It was shown to you on another article, that the change was not illegal. That the people of Alaska don't use the name McKinley, they use Denali or ''The Great One'' which is the translation of Denali.
Do you live in Alaska, have you ever been there? Perhaps the locals, including Alaska Natives know a hell of a lot more about it than you.
Marks points are right on target.
BTW, the senator that proposed this, is Senator Lisa Murkowski, a Republican. And she personally thanked Obama for the name change. She posted a video on you tube about this.
Here is a quote from her.
One of those long-time supporters is Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), who introduced legislation in January to get the peak renamed, but again Ohio lawmakers tried to block it. She posted a video to YouTube Sunday, applauding Obamas decision to change the name.
For generations, Alaskans have known this majestic mountain as the great one, she said in the video, appearing in front of the snow-topped mountain. Id like to thank the president for working with us to achieve this significant change to show honor, respect and gratitude to the Athabascan people of Alaska.''
The original bill changing the name was signed by Woodrow Wilson...Do you know what party he was, XX?
BTW, the title of this article is an insult to anyone with a brain.
That's the best you got XX...LOL, the article is pure bs.
Whatever XX. It's simple another one of your article that doesn't deal with reality.
According to Wikithe name "Denali" does not mean 'The Great One,' as is commonly cited, but is instead based upon this verb theme meaning 'high' or 'tall.
Dean, in the Athabascan language it's interpreted into English as the High One, or the Great One.
This is common with most Indian languages. In our language, Anishinaabe it's interpreted as one of three things, The good people, the first people or the original people.
What's "incompetent" here is the lauding of the tenets of the seeded article itself.
Zeal-Without-Knowledge Obama-Haters Pander to their Like-"Minded" Base and Make a Political Mountain out of a Molehill of an Issue
I have long and frequently contended that the right-wing, zeal-without-knowledge Obama-hating know-nothings, will repudiate virtually everything and anything the President says, does or tries to do.
The most recent example of my contention regarding right-winghatred and stupidity- driven vitriol is the Donald Trump/Ted Cruz, et al bitch-fest-pandering to a know-nothing base regarding the return of the name "Denali" to what became re-named, "Mt. McKinley".
The molehill-significant issue made mountain sized by haters-for haters!
Hey stupid-is-as-stupid does critics of the return to the name "Denali" instead of "McKinley," President William McKinley the mountain's namesake had absolutely no connection to the mountain named after him buy a gold miner in Alaska.
President William McKinley the mountain's namesake had absolutely no connection to the mountain named after him buy a gold miner in Alaska.
So, how'd "Denali" lose its name?
Conservative Obama haters embarrass themselves time-after-time-after-time but don't have the good sense to know that they've embarrassed themselves. So I've taken it upon myself to let you boys know you should be embarrassed and that your hatred of Obama is palpable, noticeable and tells us who you and how your "minds" are where complicated thoughts go to die, or, die of loneliness.
Renaming the mountain "Denali" restores it to its rightful owners, the indigenous people who lived there centuries before one Republican sycophant put a label on what wasn't his!
Why not ?
Only stupid people would object to returning the mountain to it's native name. Why was it named after a person anyway , when it already had a name ? If the mountain had been discovered by William McKinley, or he was responsible somehow for it being of benefit to multitudes of people, maybe there would be a case for it bearing his name. Neither of those are the case.
Stupid people just want to whine about Obama.
It has nothing to do with political correctness in fact, if you read the facts, it was Republican-motivated political grandstanding that changed the name in the first place.
As or
I've already explained that, but for you XX, it's because there was never a rational reason for the McKinley name THERE WAS ABSOLUTELY NO CONNECTION BETWEEN McKINLEY and Denali.
Maybe a picture will help.
The people who are upset by this don't care about that at all AMac. Their only interest is in connecting the atrocity (the name change) to Obama.
''It's yet another example of both the triumph of political correctness and the Obama administration's utter indifference to America's heritage.''
Denali was American long before McKinley, Alaska, Ohio or the U.S....Are you saying that the native people of Alaska are not Americans, or that they are lesser Americans.
It has great cultural meaning to the Athabasan people. It's interpreted as the High One, or The Great One, which is a direct reference to their creation beliefs XX.
For someone that is so worried about the ''War on Christians'', your quite the hypocrite.
Additionally you stated earlier in this post that you didn't care about the name change one way or another, except that it does by the President instead of congress. You were proven wrong there. It was done by Sally Jewell, of the DOI. References were given to you on other article confirming this, yet you keep changing what you are standing for.
Give it a rest XX.
Of course you can disagree with my side XX, and no where did I say that it was racist. In fact what it his is a pile of BS.
It's intent is to ''blame'' Obama for the change. Which, has been pointed out to you as political BS. Facts are facts, and you don't have any XX.
Your side blows. Having to tolerate this level of ignorance sucks.
In theory you are correct. In practice, your complaint EXISTS because Barack Obama is president.
If President Mitt Romney approved this name change by his Secretary of the Interior, you wouldn't say a fucking thing.
Give it a rest.
Uh, how is this "indifference to America's heritage", when the old name has been used for thousands of years? Aren't Native Americans part of this heritage? I think they are!
McKinley was a great man, but calling a mountain by its original name is really more competent than naming it after someone who had nothing to do with the mountain...
How 'bout we re-name the Mississippi, "The Dick Cheney" since he sold us down the River with the Iran WMD bullshit?
At least there's some sort of actual connection, idiomatic that it be
rather than idiotic as with McKinley/Denali of which there is NO CONNECTION, METAPHORICAL OR LITERAL.
It never ceases to amaze how you guys play dumb.
Benefit of the doubt you are playing, right?
There are a lot of people in Washington State that think Mount Rainier's name should be changed to Mt Tahoma (or more correctly Mt Tacoma) it's, Indian name.
You know what? I couldn't care less as long as I still get to go up there and throw snowballs on my birthday.