It Is ME

Best Speech ever.... to the so-called righteous folks in this country !

By:  It Is ME  •  excellent  •  5 years ago  •  72 comments

Best Speech ever.... to the so-called righteous folks in this country !
Don't try to make a "New Country", make the old one work !

Democrats running for president now, and the people like AOC, Talib, and the other "Lefty" Oldy moldy "Beer drinkers" ….etc. STILL say "Change" is needed, for VOTES …….. are overboard in their Promises. Even when things are going good, they aren't "Satisfied" and tell us it's still bad! 

Those TYPES will  NEVER be satisfied !

They want a NEW country. 

Well, this IS a NEW COUNTRY, and THIS COUNTRY is what "Other" folks flock to, and it's only 300 + or - years old.

I don't see anyone running towards countries that have been up and running for thousands and thousands of years...… do you ?

The "Left" praises other countries …… Yet …… I don't see them packing their bags to move there ! 


jrBlog - desc
It Is ME
Masters Guide
1  author  It Is ME    5 years ago

"Progressive" types want to be like the "REST". Problem is, they won't move to the places they want this country to emulate ! jrSmiley_99_smiley_image.jpg

pat wilson
Professor Participates
1.1  pat wilson  replied to  It Is ME @1    5 years ago

"Lefty" Oldy moldy "Beer drinkers" 

I may lean left and I'm an old beer drinker but "moldy" ??? I don't think so.

Besides, I thought the lefties drank wine and lattes.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
1.1.1  author  It Is ME  replied to  pat wilson @1.1    5 years ago
Besides, I thought the lefties drank wine and lattes.

That's what they want you to think anyway.

They just "Dye" beer and call it.... Latte Wine .

Professor Silent
1.2  SteevieGee  replied to  It Is ME @1    5 years ago

So...  You want America to be where everybody agrees with the fearless leader, those who disagree are jailed, women are happy to be victimized when they're not busy being barefoot and pregnant, and minorities are reduced to a peon worker class.  Why don't you go to Saudi Arabia?

It Is ME
Masters Guide
1.2.1  author  It Is ME  replied to  SteevieGee @1.2    5 years ago

Apparently...."MANY" of those you hate.... have been correct !

Best Economy …… EVER !

Isn't "Money" what you crave too ?

"Money" makes for an easier life.....doesn't it ?

Gary A. Patterson Jr
Freshman Silent
1.2.2  Gary A. Patterson Jr  replied to  SteevieGee @1.2    4 years ago

Isn't that where your from because our American President is being attacked by leftist that cant function in society and want everyone to pay their way. The only reason you vote for them is free everything and its destroying America. What leftist want to do is taking all our freedoms. So just because your a tyrant don't take it out on President Trump anyone else would have quit by now. He continues to stand for the people your just to blind to see it. !!

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
1.2.3  Perrie Halpern R.A.  replied to  Gary A. Patterson Jr @1.2.2    4 years ago


First of all welcome. How did you hear about NT?

Where did Steve say anything about wanting to take away freedoms? In fact, he is talking about freedoms he is worried about being removed from us. 

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
2  Perrie Halpern R.A.    5 years ago

It is me, I am not a leftie. I am an independent and this is just one sweeping generalization of what people want as their country. I want my country to move more to the moderate. I feel that the extremes of both parties have taken over. And I don't know anyone who wants to move to Europe so I don't even understand where you are going with this.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
2.1  author  It Is ME  replied to  Perrie Halpern R.A. @2    5 years ago

"Moderate" is just another way of saying ….. "Everyone should be the same". Agreeable. Borg like ! 

The "Progressive" actually wants everyone to be "Moderate" too. "Moderation" didn't get this country where it's at today. It took Individual "Ferocity" for that to occur in such a short time.

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
2.1.1  Perrie Halpern R.A.  replied to  It Is ME @2.1    5 years ago

You need to look up the definition of moderate:

Definition of   moderate

1 a :   avoiding extremes of behavior or expression   :   observing reasonable limits a   moderate   drinker
b :   CALM ,   TEMPERATE Though very much in favor of the measure, he expressed himself in   moderate   language.
It means not given to extremes, as some in both parties are and are trying to dictate policy here in this country. That is why there are more independents now than ever and in either party. 
Progressives don't want moderation. You said so in this very article with your examples you used. Those are not people any indie would vote for.
It Is ME
Masters Guide
2.1.2  author  It Is ME  replied to  Perrie Halpern R.A. @2.1.1    5 years ago
That is why there are more independents now than ever and in either party. 

A True "Independent", look's to governance of themselves. Like a Libertarian.


1. Not governed by a foreign power; self-governing.
2. Free from the influence, guidance, or control of another or others; self-reliant: an independent mind.
3. Not determined or influenced by someone or something else; not contingent: a decision independent of the outcome of the study.


1. an advocate or supporter of a political philosophy that advocates only minimal state intervention in the free market and the private lives of citizens.
2. a person who advocates civil liberty.
3. a person who believes in the doctrine that human beings possess free will.

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
2.1.3  Perrie Halpern R.A.  replied to  It Is ME @2.1.2    5 years ago

I've been an independent all my life and we are not Libertarians. We are issue-driven, and for each independent that is different. 

And I am not sure where you got your definitions from, but independents. as most Americans are not for being governed by a foreign power. Self-governance may or may not be an issue they are interested in. The rest is just a definition of independent people, not necessarily in politics. 

It Is ME
Masters Guide
2.1.4  author  It Is ME  replied to  Perrie Halpern R.A. @2.1.3    5 years ago

Foreign Power, wasn't of the literal sense in the definition. 

Professor Principal
4  JBB    5 years ago

History leaves those opposed to progress behind...

There are good reasons, "You can't fight progress", is a cliche. It is because it is a truth. Also, the far right's lameass attemps to rebrand "progress" as "socialism" is a big fail and that is because it is not true...

The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
4.1  The Magic 8 Ball  replied to  JBB @4    5 years ago
to rebrand "progress" as "socialism" is a big fail 

I have to agree here..

we all know socialism is not progress, it is regressive.


I knew eventually we would agree on something :)

Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
4.1.1  Dismayed Patriot  replied to  The Magic 8 Ball @4.1    5 years ago
we all know socialism is not progress, it is regressive.

Very true. It's why I love capitalism and democracy and wouldn't ever think about supporting a socialist system of government. But to understand this fact, it takes actually getting educated and understanding what socialism is which apparently some on the right refuse to do. Most of those on the right I've spoken to clearly don't understand what socialism is or understand the fact that it does NOT equate to mere social programs like social security or Medicare or taxes. I feel rather silly having to explain this to some, but taxes are also NOT socialism.

We've already agreed and understand that some essential needs of a society must be shared as any one person, group or business would not be able to afford to build all our roads, water, sewer and power infrastructure which are essential to a society. There are some on the left who want to debate what things are non-essential and want to add things like higher education and health care to the "essential" list. Accepting those things as essential does NOT make America a socialist country. That's just a bullshit narrative coming from mentally deficient bigots who were just using the "socialist" smokescreen to discriminate against those they are ideologically and religiously opposed to.

So no, we will never be a socialist nation because there isn't any large enough organized group suggesting such a thing. Are there some on the left who also don't understand what socialism is? Of course, and they're always the ones the right likes to quote saying "See! They called for socialism!". But that's nothing but a bunch of misinterpreted hot air or left wing extremist loonies who do not represent the vast majority on the left.

Senior Guide
4.2  XXJefferson51  replied to  JBB @4    5 years ago

socialism and progressivism are not progress but regression.   

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
5  Buzz of the Orient    5 years ago
"I don't see anyone running towards countries that have been up and running for thousands and thousands of years...… do you ?"

Yes, I do.  Due to antisemitic terrorism - running to Israel.