It Is ME

A Great 4th of July to all !

By:  It Is ME  •  excellent  •  4 years ago  •  46 comments

A Great 4th of July to all !
"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same." Ronald Reagan


jrBlog - desc
It Is ME
Masters Guide
1  author  It Is ME    4 years ago

Nothing better than this Country !

To bad some think there is a NEED to destroy it from within.

Those types will be "Defeated !

"The people made worse off by slavery were those who were enslaved. Their descendants would have been worse off today if born in Africa instead of America. Put differently, the terrible fate of their ancestors benefitted them."

"People who have time on their hands will inevitably waste the time of people who have work to do. "

"It is amazing that people who think we cannot afford to pay for doctors, hospitals, and medication somehow think that we can afford to pay for doctors, hospitals, medication and a government bureaucracy to administer it."

It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong.

Thomas Sowell

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Participates
2  Paula Bartholomew    4 years ago

I used to love that song.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
2.1  author  It Is ME  replied to  Paula Bartholomew @2    4 years ago
I used to love that song.

You still should !

Happy "Independence Day" ! jrSmiley_24_smiley_image.gif

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Participates
2.1.1  Paula Bartholomew  replied to  It Is ME @2.1    4 years ago

It was hijacked by Trump for his rallys so therefore, I won't hold it in the high esteem that I used to.

Professor Principal
2.1.2  Texan1211  replied to  Paula Bartholomew @2.1.1    4 years ago

smart move. everyone knows the meaning and thought behind the song changes when someone we don't like plays it.

Professor Principal
2.1.3  JBB  replied to  Texan1211 @2.1.2    4 years ago

Who we? Do you keep spiders in your pocket?

Senior Guide
2.1.4  XXJefferson51  replied to  Paula Bartholomew @2.1.1    4 years ago

Really?  He didn’t say one word about his re-election or the various campaign issues in either his Mt. Rushmore or Tribute to America speeches.  It was all about exceptional American Greatness 

Professor Principal
2.1.5  Texan1211  replied to  JBB @2.1.3    4 years ago

sniff, sniffl . wah.

you are being so mean to me!!!


lady in black
Professor Quiet
4  lady in black    4 years ago

Happy 4th to all....it is also my late husband's birthday, he would be 61 today.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
4.2  author  It Is ME  replied to  lady in black @4    4 years ago

Condolences to you and yours !

Your husband and I were Born on the same day and year. I'm 61 today too.

Have a "Blessed Day" Lady. jrSmiley_15_smiley_image.gif

lady in black
Professor Quiet
4.2.1  lady in black  replied to  It Is ME @4.2    4 years ago

Thank you.  No wonder you're a fire cracker.....so was he jrSmiley_91_smiley_image.gif

It Is ME
Masters Guide
4.2.2  author  It Is ME  replied to  lady in black @4.2.1    4 years ago


Gotta love those "Independent type" Guys huh.

Senior Guide
5  XXJefferson51    4 years ago

A great way to celebrate 🎉 Independence Day!

Trump Announces National Garden of American Heroes


Rejecting the "merciless campaign to wipe out our history, defame our heroes, erase our values and indoctrinate our children" in his July 3 Mount Rushmore speech, President Donald Trump announced an executive order to celebrate American heroes.

"Under the authority vested in me as president of the United States, I am announcing the creation of a new monument to the giants of our past,"  Trump said in his Friday night speech in South Dakota. "I am signing an executive order to establish the National Garden of American Heroes, a vast outdoor park that will feature the statues of the greatest Americans to ever live.

"From this night and from this magnificent place, let us go forward united in our purpose and re-dedicated in our resolve. We will raise the next generation of American patriots. We will write the next thrilling chapter of the American adventure.

"And we will teach our children to know that they live in a land of legends, that nothing can stop them, and that no one can hold them down. They will know that in America, you can do anything, you can be anything, and together, we can achieve anything."

Trump's executive order is an effort to strike back at the destruction of American momuments in an election year. Its location and makeup will be flushed out by the Task Force for Building and Rebuilding Monuments to American Heroes, and it will be finished by July 4, 2026.

A portion of order reads:

"The National Garden should be composed of statues, including statues of John Adams, Susan B. Anthony, Clara Barton, Daniel Boone, Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, Henry Clay, Davy Crockett, Frederick Douglass, Amelia Earhart, Benjamin Franklin, Billy Graham, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, Martin Luther King, Jr., Abraham Lincoln, Douglas MacArthur, Dolley Madison, James Madison, Christa McAuliffe, Audie Murphy, George S. Patton, Jr., Ronald Reagan, Jackie Robinson, Betsy Ross, Antonin Scalia, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Harriet Tubman, Booker T. Washington, George Washington, and Orville and Wilbur Wright." https://www.newsmax.com/politics/monuments-national-park-executive/2020/07/04/id/975686/


Account Deleted
Freshman Silent
5.1  Account Deleted  replied to  XXJefferson51 @5    4 years ago
Harriet Tubman

Really - she gets a statue instead of being on the $20? Bet he's planning a really small statue.

Professor Principal
5.1.1  Texan1211  replied to  Account Deleted @5.1    4 years ago

What would you consider a small statue? How big does it need to be to lose that designation in your opinion?

Need to know if we are going to bet!

Split Personality
Professor Guide
5.1.2  Split Personality  replied to  Account Deleted @5.1    4 years ago

Funny thing about Harriet T, she is only supposed to appear on one side of the $20 with Andrew J

still occupying the other side, a supposed Obama compromise.

Started in 2016 by Jack Lew, a final design was promised by 2020, now that that is done,

Steve Mnuchin says it may take 4 more years to over come security issues...

Perhaps they should contract the process out to Elon Musk and Spacex. 

They seem to accomplish more with less $$ in a shorter amount of time.

Senior Guide
5.1.3  XXJefferson51  replied to  Texan1211 @5.1.1    4 years ago

I wonder if our leftists think Stephen Douglass and Martin Luther King Jr. and Jackie Robinson will get mini statues too because they are African Americans?  

Senior Guide
5.1.4  XXJefferson51  replied to  Split Personality @5.1.2    4 years ago

I have no problem with that compromise with one face on each side of the $20 bill.  

Professor Guide
6  GregTx    4 years ago

The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
7  The Magic 8 Ball    4 years ago

this year the city fireworks display was the biggest ever....   yet the official city display was canceled.

so we took matters into our own hands.... LOL

the people lite this city up from end to end on their own for hours on end.

all one had to do was go outside and look up.     fireworks everywhere all at once.

the best 4th this city has seen in decades....  it was awesome :)

Senior Guide
7.1  XXJefferson51  replied to  The Magic 8 Ball @7    4 years ago

It was like that all over California in cities and counties the mayor or governor outlawed fireworks displays and gatherings.  In most cases there were more fireworks than ever before.  Instead of city events there were multiple dozens of smaller neighborhood block parties where privately purchased ones were used.  I live in a county not hard hit by the Newscum so we had our fireworks where over half the city could see them from home or their business.  The rest simply assembled in areas around town with a view in our cars or sidewalks as the civic center and rodeo grounds where they are launched from was closed to the public.  Many I’m the state made a point of celebrating independence because our governor/mayor told us not to!  

The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
7.1.1  The Magic 8 Ball  replied to  XXJefferson51 @7.1    4 years ago
 Many I’m the state made a point of celebrating independence because our governor/mayor told us not to!  

that is the best reason to celebrate the declaration of independence ever.