
GOP Gov. Who Says Trump Played A Role In Insurrection Says We Need Him As Pres. To Effect Cultural Change

By:  John Russell  •  3 months ago  •  81 comments

GOP  Gov. Who Says Trump Played A Role In Insurrection Says We Need Him As Pres. To Effect Cultural Change

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New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu appeared on This Week on ABC today. 

During the interview George Stephanopoulos repeatedly asked him why he is supporting Trump considering that Sununu previously has said that Trump played a role in the Jan 6 2021 insurrection. 

Sununu dodged the question as best he could, but eventually had to answer it.  He claims that Trump is the only choice because Americans want cultural change. He didnt completely specify what that means but it includes wokeism, and anti-semitism from the left, and general "elitism". 

As Stephanopoulos kept asking him why he supported Trump , he kept saying "it's not me, 51% of the American people do".

So, that means 49% of the American people are not demanding Trump led "cultural change". That would appear to be a quite sizable minority. This points to the emptiness of the Sununu/GOP claim. A demand for change by 51% of the population is not a mandate, it is not even much of a consensus. 

Let's stipulate that America is evenly split on Sununu's rationale for supporting Trump. On what possible basis does that make a habitual lying narcissist maniac the logical choice for president? 

Republicans and conservatives are not "America" all by themselves. There is a broad spectrum of ideologies that contribute to the political discourse. There is a far more compelling case for keeping Trump nowhere near the presidency than there is for putting him back in because 51% of the people want cultural change. 



‘I know it doesn’t make any sense’: Chris Sununu melts down after flip to support Trump
ABC host George Stephanopoulos grilled New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu (R) for supporting Donald Trump after attacking him during the primaries.

During a Sunday interview on ABC’s This Week program, Stephanopoulos asked Sununu if he would support Trump even if he is convicted in a criminal trial. While supporting Nikki Haley earlier, Sununu had said Trump should drop out if convicted.
“This morning, history being made, tomorrow that criminal trial, will your support for Donald Trump continue even if he’s convicted in Manhattan?” the ABC host asked.

“Yeah, look, this trial is not going to have major political ramifications that a lot of people I think think it may have,” Sununu scoffed. “When it comes to these issues, people see it more as reality TV at this point.”

“Well, yeah, you’re going to politics, though I’m asking you about right and wrong,” Stephanopoulos pointed out. “You’re comfortable with the idea of supporting someone who’s convicted of a federal crime as president?”

“Well, I don’t — I don’t think any American is comfortable with any of this,” Sununu replied. “But I mean, when it comes to actually looking at each of these trials as they kind of take place, whether it’s this year or next year, as they kind of line up the right now, this is about an election.”

“Look, nobody should be shocked that the Republican governor supporting the Republican president,” the governor added.
“You said, it is clear that President Trump’s rhetoric and actions contributed to the insurrection,” Stephanopoulos pressed.

Sununu said he stood by his statement about Jan. 6.

“His actions absolutely contributed to that,” he admitted. “There’s no question about that. I hate the election denialism of 2020. Nobody wants to be talking about that in 2024. I think all of that was absolutely terrible.”
“But wait a second right there,” the ABC host interrupted. “Your words were very, very clear on January 11th, 2021. You said that President Trump’s rhetoric and actions contributed to the insurrection.”

“That doesn’t make any sense to me, Governor,” Stephanopoulos observed. “I’m sorry. You’re saying it’s not about Trump. You’re saying he would be the president. And you’ve said he’s someone who’s contributed to an insurrection.”
“I understand it doesn’t make sense to you, George, but look at the polls,” Sununu responded. “What you’re telling me is you don’t understand why 51% of this country is supporting Donald Trump.”

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Professor Principal
1  author  JohnRussell    3 months ago
Sununu stands by his Trump criticism but says convictions wouldn't be disqualifying (msn.com)

New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu on Sunday reaffirmed his support for Donald Trump in the 2024 general election while standing by some -- but not all -- of his past criticism of the former president.

In an interview on ABC News' "This Week," Sununu, a Republican who  campaigned against Trump in the GOP primary  before becoming a Trump defender, was repeatedly pressed by anchor George Stephanopoulos about his previous views.

Sununu said he stood by a 2021 denunciation of Trump over Jan. 6 but said he no longer believes that Trump should leave the race if he is convicted in one of his four criminal cases. (Trump denies all wrongdoing.)

He said that backing Trump was about more than just Trump and argued that many Americans agree that "culture change" is needed in the federal government.

"For me, it's not solely about him; it's about maintaining a Republican administration, Republican secretaries and Republican rules that prioritize states' rights, individual rights, and parents' rights," Sununu told Stephanopoulos.
Professor Principal
2  TᵢG    3 months ago

Sununu's argument is irrational.   He thinks it does not matter how outrageously bad a candidate is for the nation as long as that candidate garners sufficient votes.

That is not leadership, it is pure political pandering.

Big disappointment.

Professor Principal
2.1  Kavika   replied to  TᵢG @2    3 months ago

He can’t run for governor again and his job interview (s)sucked so what does a wannabe do? Well of course he sticks his nose up walking eagles ass and begs for an appointment in the Walking Eagle admin.

Professor Principal
2.2  Tessylo  replied to  TᵢG @2    3 months ago

Did you used to float him as a potential presidential candidate?

Professor Principal
2.2.1  TᵢG  replied to  Tessylo @2.2    3 months ago

Yes, he was my favorite.    Anyone who would support Trump is excluded from my consideration.

Professor Principal
2.2.2  JBB  replied to  TᵢG @2.2.1    3 months ago

Sununu is an invertebrate...

Professor Principal
2.2.3  Tessylo  replied to  JBB @2.2.2    3 months ago

Another spineless republican.  Those who possess them are a rarity nowadays.

Masters Guide
3  Thomas    3 months ago
He said that backing Trump was about more than just Trump and argued that many Americans agree that "culture change" is needed in the federal government.

Before we do culture change in the federal government:

  • What EXACTLY does this change look like, and
  • Who is going to oversee this "culture change"

A lot of people bitch about the government. A lot of people have ideas about how to "fix" government. A lot of people also make poor life decisions. One thing I am sure of is that I would not want Trump determining the direction of this "culture change" when we have seen the content of his character.

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
4  Greg Jones    3 months ago

Forget cultural change, most rational and normal Americans do not like the direction that Biden and his far-left progressive handlers are attempting to take this country. It won't amount to a blowout, but I expect Trump to win both the electoral and popular votes this time around. The Republicans should be able to hang on to the House by a few votes, and are very likely to take back the Senate.

The Democrats have shown repeatedly over the last few years that the character of politicians doesn't matter all the much, just delivering the goods and staying in power are all they seem to care about.

Professor Principal
4.1  TᵢG  replied to  Greg Jones @4    3 months ago
The Democrats have shown repeatedly over the last few years that the character of politicians doesn't matter all the much, just delivering the goods and staying in power are all they seem to care about.

It is amazing that you write this and apparently have no recognition that this is exactly the key problem with the GOP today.   Greg, the GOP is nominating a vindictive, narcissistic, dishonest scoundrel who is the only PotUS in US history to try to steal a US presidential election with coercion, fraud, lying, and incitement.   He is entirely untrustworthy and demonstrably will throw the CotUS and the nation itself under the bus merely to spare his fragile ego.

In a comment focused on character, to direct your criticism at Biden while ignoring the modern epitome of outrageously poor character — Trump — is truly amazing.   How could you possibly not see the profound difference ... the abysmal character of Trump?

The GOP continues to be its own worst enemy.   And that is not good for the nation.

Professor Principal
4.1.1  author  JohnRussell  replied to  TᵢG @4.1    3 months ago

i think greg's mind is made up

Professor Principal
4.1.2  TᵢG  replied to  JohnRussell @4.1.1    3 months ago


Professor Quiet
4.1.3  Ed-NavDoc  replied to  TᵢG @4.1    3 months ago

"The GOP continues to be it's own worst enemy.  And that is not good for the nation."

While I actually agree with you on that, do you seriously believe the same is not just as true for the liberal Democrats as well?

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
4.1.4  Sean Treacy  replied to  Ed-NavDoc @4.1.3    3 months ago

That the democrats are struggling to beat Donald trump is all the proof you need of that,  

Professor Principal
4.1.5  TᵢG  replied to  Ed-NavDoc @4.1.3    3 months ago
While I actually agree with you on that, do you seriously believe the same is not just as true for the liberal Democrats as well?

I have stated on numerous occasions that the D party has failed to take advantage of a great opportunity.   They could have easily won the White House with another candidate.   They are, after all, running against a vindictive, narcissistic scoundrel who should never be anywhere near a position of power.

But when I rationally compare the failures of the parties in 2024, there is no comparison between the wholesale failure of the GOP basically selling out to the  sickening demagogue Trump and the failure of the D party to push Biden into retirement.   

When in our history has a political party nominated a known traitor and scoundrel like Trump??   Has it ever happened?   Andrew Jackson is the most likely name and he is not even close.   And will this party also be the first to nominate a felon?   If Trump is convicted, I bet you they will.

What has happened to the GOP?   Can you imagine what Reagan would say?   Eisenhower?   Lincoln?

Professor Quiet
4.1.6  Ed-NavDoc  replied to  TᵢG @4.1.5    3 months ago

I would say Aaron Burr, but I think he had already been ousted as vice president and was tried for treason after.

Professor Principal
4.1.7  TᵢG  replied to  Ed-NavDoc @4.1.6    3 months ago

Probably the best answer one can give.


Burr's nomination was done when his reputation was still good.   Very good, in fact.    Years after the end of his term (he was not ousted from the VP slot) he was tried for treason in 1807 for trying to create an independent nation.   

Maybe if he was nominated after 1807 (after killing Hamilton and after his treason trial) he would be an example similar to Trump.   But as it stands, the GOP appears to be making history with Trump given all that is known about him prior to his nomination.

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
4.1.8  Greg Jones  replied to  TᵢG @4.1    3 months ago

Your overwrought and blindly biased opinions about Trump are noted. and discarded. 

It's sad you won't admit that Biden is destroying our country, our democracy, and our way of life.

Professor Principal
4.1.9  TᵢG  replied to  Greg Jones @4.1.8    3 months ago
... blindly biased opinions about Trump ...

Yeah, those obnoxious facts are very inconvenient ... they mess up the carefully protected confirmation bias and cause cognitive dissonance.

Professor Principal
4.1.10  Tessylo  replied to  Greg Jones @4.1.8    3 months ago

Why the hell would anyone say that when it's not true and that it is your former 'president' who is guilty of those things.

Professor Principal
4.2  Tessylo  replied to  Greg Jones @4    3 months ago

The projection is palpable.

Professor Principal
4.3  Gsquared  replied to  Greg Jones @4    3 months ago
I expect Trump to win both the electoral and popular votes this time around

You obviously have a very poor opinion of the American people.

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
4.3.1  Greg Jones  replied to  Gsquared @4.3    3 months ago

And you fail to understand the mood of the country, and a growing majority of its citizens.

Professor Principal
4.3.2  JBB  replied to  Greg Jones @4.3.1    3 months ago

And yet, Donald Trump has never ever polled above 50% nationally and has never ever won a majority vote in any general election...

So, there is that!

Professor Guide
4.3.3  GregTx  replied to  JBB @4.3.2    3 months ago

Mmmm, has Biden?...

Professor Principal
4.3.4  Gsquared  replied to  Greg Jones @4.3.1    3 months ago
the mood of the country, and a growing majority of its citizens

... are definitely swinging more and more against Trump and MAGAism.

Professor Principal
4.3.5  Tessylo  replied to  Greg Jones @4.3.1    3 months ago

lol, which is exactly what I did as soon as I saw this projection

Professor Guide
5  Tacos!    3 months ago

These people need to stop pretending they stand on some kind of moral high ground. We have several examples now of people acknowledging the wrongness of Trump’s words and actions, and then going on to say that it doesn’t matter. 

And that’s fine. If you want a piece of shit like Trump to be president in spite of admitting to his atrocious nature, then, by all means, campaign your little heart out. But don’t simultaneously try to tell the rest of us that morality matters to you, because it clearly does not.

Masters Guide
5.1  Thomas  replied to  Tacos! @5    3 months ago
"For me, it's not solely about him; it's about maintaining a Republican administration, Republican secretaries and Republican rules that prioritize states' rights, individual rights, and parents' rights," Sununu told Stephanopoulos.

This is where he descends into bullshit. The Republican Party does not prioritize individual rights or parents' rights. I am not really sure of the states rights either. If the Republican Party did prioritize individual rights, the LGBTQ issue would not be an issue at all. Likewise with the parents rights. They would not be trying to roll back the progress of the past couple of decades with their culture war dramatization. The Republican party is for the removal of personal rights from some individuals and parents. Try as they might, there is no way to pose their actions except with the Animal Farm quote:

“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”

Professor Guide
5.1.1  GregTx  replied to  Thomas @5.1    3 months ago
“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”

Yeah, that's what we see...

Professor Guide
5.1.2  Tacos!  replied to  Thomas @5.1    3 months ago

If it really were about rights and policies and so on, they had a handful of less obnoxious candidates who would have done all that. DeSantis, Haley, Christie, etc. But rather than support any of those more competent, less morally bankrupt candidates, they chose to go with the guy who regularly cheats on his wife and is facing a few dozen felony charges.

If there were no option but Trump, then I could see the “hold your nose and vote” argument. But they did not have to stick with him.

Masters Guide
5.1.3  Thomas  replied to  GregTx @5.1.1    3 months ago
Yeah, that's what we see...

About time

Masters Guide
5.1.4  Thomas  replied to  Tacos! @5.1.2    3 months ago

Less obnoxious? Yes, they are, some more than others. Still oriented towards selectively taking rights away? Also yes. That is the policy that Republicans are pushing, especially in the state and local governments.

Professor Principal
5.1.5  TᵢG  replied to  Tacos! @5.1.2    3 months ago
But they did not have to stick with him.

For emphasis, since this has been my main theme regarding the GOP since Jan 21, 2021.

Masters Guide
5.1.6  Thomas  replied to  TᵢG @5.1.5    3 months ago

Trump is Trump. Lying, cheating, and bullying have long been his MO. The Republican mantra has long been to keep rights from certain groups because it has been a reliable vote-getting mechanism. When MAGA came along it co-opted the Republican Party mechanics. Now MAGA has re-invented the Republican Party in its own image and installed "faithful" people in positions of power. So the whole party is now Republican in name only. We can watch as the old GOP leaves because there is "no room" for them under the shrinking Big Tent. Think January 6th was a peaceful protest? No? There is no room for you. Think Biden stole the election? Yes? You are in! 

It keeps getting worse and the old party faithful have stuck to their guns while the party, the Trumps' GOP, has marched steadily rightward. 

Professor Guide
5.1.7  Tacos!  replied to  Thomas @5.1.4    3 months ago
Still oriented towards selectively taking rights away? Also yes.

Totally. But we can’t even get to the policy debate because we’re too busy being distracted by a maniac.

Professor Quiet
5.1.8  Ed-NavDoc  replied to  GregTx @5.1.1    3 months ago

Funny that when I hear the left talk about promoting parent's rights, a certain county school board in Virginia comes to mind. 

Professor Guide
5.2  GregTx  replied to  Tacos! @5    3 months ago

Morality left the house a loonnnggg time ago.

Professor Principal
5.2.1  Tessylo  replied to  GregTx @5.2    3 months ago

The republican house fer sure.

Right Down the Center
Senior Guide
6  Right Down the Center    3 months ago

"On what possible basis does that make a habitual lying narcissist maniac the logical choice for president?" .

When the alternative is seen as worse for the country.

Professor Principal
6.1  TᵢG  replied to  Right Down the Center @6    3 months ago
When the alternative is seen as worse for the country.

Why do you think Biden is worse for the nation than Trump?

Professor Guide
6.1.1  GregTx  replied to  TᵢG @6.1    3 months ago
You obviously have a very poor opinion of the American people.

Why do you think Biden is better for the nation?

Professor Principal
6.1.2  TᵢG  replied to  GregTx @6.1.1    3 months ago

What is your reasoning for that remark?

Professor Principal
6.1.3  TᵢG  replied to  GregTx @6.1.1    3 months ago

I asked a question and you simply ask the inverse of me.    Worse, I have probably compared Trump to Biden over a hundred times by now.   I do not believe for a second that you missed every single one of my answers.

Professor Guide
6.1.4  GregTx  replied to  TᵢG @6.1.2    3 months ago

Probably the same reasons as most citizens, immigration and the economy.....nor do I think you've missed mine. Suck it up buttercup, the answers don't change till the problems do.

Professor Principal
6.1.5  TᵢG  replied to  GregTx @6.1.4    3 months ago

A simplistic comparison that entirely ignores all the known negatives of Trump.

Professor Guide
6.1.6  GregTx  replied to  TᵢG @6.1.5    3 months ago

In your opinion. 

Masters Guide
6.1.7  Thomas  replied to  GregTx @6.1.1    3 months ago
Why do you think Biden is better for the nation?

Because he doesn't want absolute immunity..

Professor Guide
6.1.8  GregTx  replied to  Thomas @6.1.7    3 months ago

Are you sure?..

Professor Guide
6.1.9  GregTx  replied to  TᵢG @6.1.3    3 months ago
I asked a question and you simply ask the inverse of me. 

And?... Are you unable to answer?

Masters Guide
6.1.10  Thomas  replied to  GregTx @6.1.8    3 months ago


Right Down the Center
Senior Guide
6.1.11  Right Down the Center  replied to  TᵢG @6.1    3 months ago

Why do you think my response was what I thought and not just an answer to the question in general?  If a person thinks Trump is still better for the country even after taking all his baggage into  consideration that is a possible basis for making him a logical choice.

Professor Principal
6.1.12  author  JohnRussell  replied to  Right Down the Center @6.1.11    3 months ago

Conducting yourself as a traitor is not mere "baggage". 

Right Down the Center
Senior Guide
6.1.13  Right Down the Center  replied to  GregTx @6.1.1    3 months ago

Good question.  It certainly can not be Joes coherency

Right Down the Center
Senior Guide
6.1.14  Right Down the Center  replied to  JohnRussell @6.1.12    3 months ago

Of course it is.

Professor Principal
6.1.15  author  JohnRussell  replied to  Right Down the Center @6.1.14    3 months ago


Right Down the Center
Senior Guide
6.1.16  Right Down the Center  replied to  JohnRussell @6.1.15    3 months ago


Professor Principal
6.1.17  TᵢG  replied to  Right Down the Center @6.1.11    3 months ago

All these words to yet again deflect instead of answering a simple question.

Right Down the Center
Senior Guide
6.1.18  Right Down the Center  replied to  TᵢG @6.1.17    3 months ago

The question is disingenuous.  Why answer a question whose premise is incorrect?

Professor Principal
6.1.19  TᵢG  replied to  Right Down the Center @6.1.18    3 months ago

By this reply, you do not think Biden is worse for the nation than Trump.

Freshman Quiet
6.1.20  Igknorantzruls  replied to  TᵢG @6.1.19    3 months ago

refusal to answer, states much,

unless questions posed, as they example often are not worthy, for the amount of shit shoveled, can not be explained, unless by that of a cult member, with whom logic and reason have faded out of season, as they back the one who would use treason, as he betrays a nation , a nation with so many thinking minds off, on vacation, as this Trump Duration has proven beyond occasional, and so persuasion ALL, of his followers inconclusion ALL, have proven quite delusion ALL, and since they've proven for themselves unable to think clear, we will be fortunate to get out of here, and that is stunning   

Right Down the Center
Senior Guide
6.1.21  Right Down the Center  replied to  TᵢG @6.1.19    3 months ago

I am thinking of a number between 0 and 10. What is it?

Freshman Quiet
6.1.22  Igknorantzruls  replied to  Right Down the Center @6.1.21    3 months ago


Freshman Quiet
6.1.23  Igknorantzruls  replied to  Right Down the Center @6.1.21    3 months ago

stated cause it DOZEN matter the reply when conversing with so many 


Right Down the Center
Senior Guide
6.1.24  Right Down the Center  replied to  Igknorantzruls @6.1.23    3 months ago

Sorry to hear it

Right Down the Center
Senior Guide
6.1.25  Right Down the Center  replied to  Igknorantzruls @6.1.22    3 months ago

That's what I thought.

Professor Principal
6.1.26  Tessylo  replied to  TᵢG @6.1.2    3 months ago


Professor Principal
7  JBB    3 months ago

Sununu is Half-a-MAGA. Half-a-MAGA too much!

Professor Principal
8  author  JohnRussell    3 months ago
The share of voters who view the nation as headed in the wrong direction remains a high 64 percent. Almost 80 percent of voters still rate the nation’s economic conditions as fair or poor, including a majority of Democrats. And both Mr. Biden and Mr. Trump remain unpopular, for familiar reasons. Most voters think Mr. Biden is too old. A majority believe Mr. Trump has committed serious federal crimes.

“Just blah,” said Beth Prevost, a 59-year-old hairdresser and independent voter in Windsor Locks, Conn., summing up the feelings of so many about the rematch. She said she was leaning toward Mr. Biden as “the lesser of the two evils.”

“You can recover from bad policies, but you can’t recover from a bad heart,” Ms. Prevost said. “And Donald Trump has a bad heart.”

Biden Shrinks Trump’s Edge in Latest Times/Siena Poll – DNyuz
Professor Principal
9  author  JohnRussell    3 months ago

‘Humiliating Interview!’ Gov. Sununu Gets Destroyed on Social Media Following Viral Clash With Stephanopoulos

https://am11.mediaite.com/med/cnt/uploads/2024/04/sununu-300x169.jpg 300w, 1200w, 768w, 1536w, 2048w, 288w, 432w," src="https://am11.mediaite.com/med/cnt/uploads/2024/04/sununu.jpg" >

New Hampshire Gov.   Chris Sununu   (R) faced criticism on social media after   George Stephanopoulos   confronted the former   Nikki Haley -backer over newfound support of former President   Donald Trump .

During   a Sunday interview   on ABC’s   This Week , Stephanopoulos asked Sununu how he could support Trump as the Republican nominee despite the governor previously saying he believed Trump “contributed to an insurrection.” During the GOP primary, Sununu demanded the party move past Trump and support   Nikki Haley .

Sununu also said he now does not believe Trump should drop out of the general election race if he is convicted in the classified documents case — which is also a reversal from a prior stance.

“Drop out after being the nominee?” Sununu told Stephanopoulos. “Of course not. You know that. That’s that’s not to be expected at all. All of these cases, by the way, the average American, it’s all conflated, right? We watch the stuff, we watch the details. The average American sees it more as reality TV.”

Critics on social media bashed Sununu over the viral interview — in which he seemed to pull a full 180 from his previous positions about Trump.

When you have no core convictions or values and all you want is power… you will flip flop, waffle, and accept anything including a bigoted, lying, divisive, multi-indicted insurrectionist!   — Jaime Harrison (@harrisonjaime)   April 14, 2024

Chris Sununu’s smug arrogance is one of the more annoying things in American politics today   — Adam Kinzinger (Slava Ukraini) (@AdamKinzinger)   April 14, 2024

Sununu doesn’t **need** to endorse Trump, Mike pence and Nikki Haley have NOT. Sununu is making some kind of craven calculus.   — Molly Jong-Fast (@MollyJongFast)   April 14, 2024

George Stephanopoulos brought receipts and humiliated Republican Chris Sununu:
— Luke Beasley (@lukepbeasley)   April 14, 2024

“Me and 51 percent of America,” Sununu says, which mendaciously overstates America’s support for Trump   — Brian Stelter (@brianstelter)   April 14, 2024

Wow   @ChrisSununu . Then what the hell did you endorse and support   @NikkiHaley   for? Her 5-inch heels?
And no, 51% of Americans do not support insurrection or want a convicted felon for president. But you do. Just say that. Saying bullsh*t with a smile doesn’t make it less…  
— Michael Steele (@MichaelSteele)   April 14, 2024

This is fucking insanity. What the hell is wrong with people?

How did we get to a point where nothing – not even attempting to overthrow our government – disqualifies someone for office?  

— Rob “Stats” Guerrera (@statsonfire on threads) (@StatsOnFire)   April 14, 2024

Humiliating interview for   @ChrisSununu   — Tommy Vietor (@TVietor08)   April 14, 2024


Have a tip we should know?   tips@mediaite.com

Professor Principal
9.1  TᵢG  replied to  JohnRussell @9    3 months ago

The parasitic Trump infection strikes again.

Right Down the Center
Senior Guide
9.1.1  Right Down the Center  replied to  TᵢG @9.1    3 months ago


Professor Principal
10  author  JohnRussell    3 months ago

This is fucking insanity. What the hell is wrong with people?

How did we get to a point where nothing – not even attempting to overthrow our government – disqualifies someone for office?    t.co

— Rob “Stats” Guerrera (@statsonfire on threads) (@StatsOnFire)    April 14, 2024

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
10.1  Greg Jones  replied to  JohnRussell @10    3 months ago

Because that is not what happened. There was no insurrection planned or attempted....just a few hours delay to a ceremonial function.

The American people simply are not buying this insurrection or overthrowing the government bullshit.

Thrawn 31
Professor Guide
10.1.1  Thrawn 31  replied to  Greg Jones @10.1    3 months ago

Yeah, Reagan is laughing at you as well

Freshman Quiet
10.1.2  Igknorantzruls  replied to  Greg Jones @10.1    3 months ago

cause too many are too ignorant does not a convincing argument make

Professor Principal
10.1.3  Tessylo  replied to  Thrawn 31 @10.1.1    3 months ago

The world is laughing at King Maga and all his magats.

Professor Principal
11  Gsquared    3 months ago

Sununu has sunk as low as you can go.  From here on his opinion about anything is totally discredited.

Professor Principal
11.1  CB  replied to  Gsquared @11    3 months ago

I agree (and I never valued his opinion much to start). . .what is interesting is Nikki Haley PROMISED she was 'nowhere near the end of her race (fight) against Trump'. . . she was going all the way to the end of the primaries. . .and then she folded within a matter of hours or days after her last 'effort.' She was playing the politician (lying) game too. However, didn't she know that her fellow politicians and Trump supporters knew she was bluffing? 

Professor Principal
11.1.1  Gsquared  replied to  CB @11.1    3 months ago
I never valued his opinion much to start

Neither did I.

Robert in Ohio
Professor Guide
12  Robert in Ohio    3 months ago

The idea that Trump could effect a positive cultural change is ludicrous


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