Article History
Did the Anthropocene begin with the deaths of 50 million Native Americans?
By: Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley • Anishinaabe - The First People • 4 Comments • 10 years ago
The scale of human obliteration was so massive that it ushered in a shift in the makeup of atmosphere, leading scientists to propose that 1610 be recognized as the beginning of the Anthropocene the moment when humans began to alter Earths processes. In a paper published in the journal Nature...
Archaeologists find two lost cities deep in Honduras jungle
By: Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley • Anishinaabe - The First People • 5 Comments • 10 years ago
While searching for the fabled "White City," or the "City of the Monkey God," rumored to be located in a remote part of the Mosquitia rain forest in Honduras, an archaeological team instead found the remains of a an unknown civilization.Read more:...
Scientist 'killed Amazon indians to test race theory'
By: Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley • Anishinaabe - The First People • 8 Comments • 10 years ago
Geneticist accused of letting thousands die in rainforest"In its scale, ramifications, and sheer criminality and corruption it is unparalleled in the history of anthropology," Prof Turner says in a warning letter to Louise Lamphere, the president of the American Anthropology Association (AAA).The...
Second incident: Beer Poured on Indian Women at Rodeo, Indian community frustrated at lack of arrests
By: Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley • Anishinaabe - The First People • 4 Comments • 10 years ago
Roughly 150 people attended a public forum Monday night in South Dakota to discuss race relations in the community following an incident at a hockey game in Rapid City last month where57 Native American children were doused with beer by fans shouting racist slurs at them.On January 24th, a group...
Mustangs of Las Colinas World's Largest Equestrian Sculpture | Horses Running Through Fountains | Irving, TX
By: Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley • Anishinaabe - The First People • 4 Comments • 10 years ago
Historical Information provided by the Mustangs Of Las Colinas websiteBen H. Carpenter had a vision. His vision was to transform his familys ranch, fondly named El Ranchito de Las Colinas, meaning the Little Ranch of the Hills, into a world class development. Las Colinas would be transformed from...
'Groundbreaking' Report Reveals Canada's Utter Failure on Indigenous Women
By: Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley • Anishinaabe - The First People • 3 Comments • 10 years ago
Human rights commission points to colonization, poverty, and discrimination as root causes of violence against Indigenous women and girlsCanadian governments on both federal and provincial levels, as well as law enforcement officials, have "failed to adequately prevent and protect Indigenous...
Merry Christmas in Native American and First Nation Languages
By: Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley • Anishinaabe - The First People • 13 Comments • 10 years ago
Aleut: Kamgan UkudigaaAPALACHICOLA CREEK Nettv-Cako-RakkoALUTIIQ ALASKA Spraasnikam! [Happy Holidays]Western Apache: Gozhqq KeshmishAYMARA Sooma Nawira-raBlackfoot I'TaamomohkatoyiiksistsikomiCENTRAL AHTNA C'ehwggelnen DzaenCherokee: Danistayohihv &Aliheli'sdi Itse UdetiyvasadisvCheyenne:...
Evidence for Pre-Clovis Inhabitants of Americas Emerges from Sea Floor
By: Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley • Anishinaabe - The First People • 5 Comments • 10 years ago
A fisherman inadvertently dragged up one of the most significant pieces of evidence for the existence of ancient inhabitants of North America prior to the Clovis people, who walked the land some 15,000 years ago. A small wooden scallop trawler was dredging the seafloor off the coastline of...
Rock Doc: Kennewick Man’s bones tell quite a story
By: Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley • Anishinaabe - The First People • 3 Comments • 10 years ago
Carbon-14 dating indicates Kennewick Man lived about 9,000 years ago. His ancient bones have told researchers an interesting tale about the route the first people in North America may have taken in their journey to reach our part of the world.One tough dudeBut first, some specifics about the man...
Scientists find remains of Ice Age infants in elaborate but mysterious grave
By: Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley • Anishinaabe - The First People • 6 Comments • 10 years ago
Scientists havefound two infants buriedunder an ancient dwelling, sitting beneath apreviouslydiscovered set of toddler remains. At 11,500 years old, this Alaskan graveisn't the oldest in North America-- but it's the oldest to show such elaborate burial practices, indicating that Native Americans...