In latest report, Afghan watchdog says Biden agencies 'refused to cooperate' with disclosure rules | Just The News
By: Just The News

A watchdog overseeing U.S. funding to Afghanistan said in a little-noticed report earlier this season that the Biden administration has broadly refused to cooperate with traditional funding disclosures regarding the embattled Middle Eastern nation.
The Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction said in its quarterly report to Congress on Oct. 30 that "for the first time in its history it was "unable this quarter to provide Congress and the American people with a full accounting of this U.S. government spending [in Afghanistan] due to the noncooperation of several U.S. government agencies."
"The United States Agency for International Development, which administers the majority of U.S. government spending for Afghanistan, and the Treasury Department refused to cooperate with SIGAR in any capacity," the report said, "while the State Department was selective in the information it provided pursuant to SIGAR's audit and quarterly data requests."
The group said the State Department shared "high-level funding data but not details of agency-supported programs in Afghanistan."
The group said the disclosure failures were in "direct violation" of U.S. statute.
"SIGAR has notified Congress of this matter," the report said.
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Wonder why the Dumpster Fire is refusing to cooperate. Wonder what they are hiding. Giving aid to the enemy maybe?
The corruption of the Biden regime continues to spread and grow.
Well, he only promised to aim for the highest standards of transparency. Aim high and blame the prior guy when you fail to meet your promises. It's the ol' Washington two-step.
And not a peep from the "democracy dies in the darkness" crowd.
Afghan Watchdog? Really? How about these 'watchdog traitors' doing a study focusing on the Afghan withdrawal under the agreements of The Trump Administration to have all US forces removed from Afghanistan by May 1st, 2021? I wonder how that would have looked like? All Biden did was extend it by 90 days.
I think that Trump’s negotiation with the Taliban without the Afghan government was wrong and I think that he gave too many concessions. However, after Trump, the Taliban violated the agreement and Biden didn’t have to then abide by it.
Afghan Watchdog? Really? How about these 'watchdog traitors' doing a study focusing on the Afghan withdrawal under the agreements of The Trump Administration to have all US forces removed from Afghanistan by May 1st, 2021? I wonder how that would have looked like? All Biden did was extend it by 90 days.
So anyone that doesn't agree with Brandon the human fuck up machine is now a traitor?
How about you learn some facts. Like why Brandon unilaterally extended the withdrawal deadline to Sept 11th?
Read it and weep. The human fuck up machine unilaterally extended the troop withdrawal date to 9/11. Trump had it set for May 1st for a reason. Afghan winter ends May 1st. Guess what the Taliban and Al Qaeda were waiting for?
Brandon also pressured the president of Afghanistan not to sound the alarm about the imminent Taliban surge and threat of a full collapse of the Afghan military and government.
Know what else the human fuck up machine failed to do? He failed to warn US citizens, green card holders, and special VISA holders to get out. He was more concerned about image in Afghanistan than saving US lives. You don't withdraw troops before all civilians are out. Seems that Brandon failed basic tactics; along with with lying about what his military advisors told him to do.
Of course his generals then threw Brandon under the bus in the Congressional investigations. Saying they urged him not to withdraw from Afghanistan.
"But Trruuummmmppppp!!!!!!" The excuse is getting more pathetic each and every time Democrats and leftists use it.
Accept the facts. If Trump had botched the Afghanistan withdrawal the Democrats would have impeached him instantly over it. Why should Brandon be held to anything less?
Before you demand someone accept facts perhaps you should know the facts yourself.
I ask again: How would the Afghan withdrawal played out had the Trump Administration's original agreement with the Taliban of May 1st, 2021 occurred? Do you know?
Biden extended it 90 days.
That's unknowable. Trump administration agreed to withdraw from the country by May 1, 2021, if the Taliban negotiated a peace agreement with the Afghan government and promised to prevent terrorist groups like al-Qaeda and the Islamic State from gaining a foothold. The Taliban violated that agreement.
Every time you repeat this nonsense it only harms your credibility. The State Department
started warning State Department Employees, American passport holders, green card
holders, contractors and their families in April
giving all Americans and their dependents at least 4 months to get out before the
Afghan government's collapse in August.
No one foresaw the total collapse and capitulation to the Taliban,
at least not the people who started complaining on September 1st.
The fact is that Biden is being held to the same standard that Gerry Ford
was when we left Vietnam and left behind everything except our people and Navy.
Vietnam promptly used our Army and Air Force equipment to invade Cambodia.
Did you want to impeach Gerry Ford?
We cut and ran from Beirut Lebanon with the bodies of 220 Marines, 18 USN Corpsmen
and 3 US Army soldiers, did you want to impeach President Reagan?
Most US Forces withdrew a year before Ford became president.
Were you advocating that we stay longer?
It is not unknowable.
The Taliban never had any intention of abiding by any agreements they made and Biden and his minions were naive enough to believe that they would. Many innocent people paid the price for that.
Except, it was Trump and his minions who negotiated the US's Afghanistan exit agreement with the damn Taliban...
Prove it! I provided a link that says they did not. If the state department was issuing warnings for everyone to get out of Afghanistan the US media would have picked it up. Should be easy to find media announcements warning people.
I did find one article from NPR that Brandon downsized the Embassy in Kabul in April. Guess everyone should have taken that as the get the fuck out warning- though it doesn't state any was given.
Of course it doesn't help when Brandon is twisting the arm of the Afghani president to lie about the situation there.
He is? No, I think Biden has an army of people ready & willing to cover for him in all the coming investigations.
What planning was that. It looked more like a knee jerk reaction cluster f#*k on Biden's part!
(12) CBS Evening News on Twitter: "Top U.S. diplomat says the State Department put out repeated warnings every three weeks to Americans in Afghanistan telling them to leave since April: “People chose not to leave. That's their business," Ross Wilson said." / Twitter
April 27,2021
State Department Orders Departure Of Nonessential Personnel From Kabul Embassy : NPR
So lets see the link to that "warning".
Please. For those of us that were in country in 2012 saw it coming. It was no secret and only took a cursory glance to see what was going on.