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That time the Morgan Motor Company designed a modern coupe, the Aeromax

That time the Morgan Motor Company designed a modern coupe, the Aeromax

Via: Outis  •  Alternative Energy  •  4 Comments  •  1 Like  •  last year

Morgan is still best known for making throwback roadsters and for still using wood.

Does Boeing Stand a Chance Anymore??

Does Boeing Stand a Chance Anymore??

Via: Outis  •  Health, Science & Technology  •  10 Comments  •  2 Likes  •  last year

What does Boeing’s latest crisis tell us about their position compared to Airbus? How far behind Airbus are Boeing today, and could they recover...

Is THIS a Squid? Do Squids Even Exist?

Is THIS a Squid? Do Squids Even Exist?

Via: Outis  •  The Zoo  •  2 Comments  •  2 Likes  •  last year

What's a squid? Is an octopus a squid? Is a cuttlefish a squid? Is there such a thing as a squid? Let's take a dive into the shocking diversity of...

The Perseverance rover’s 15.44-mile path had it landed at the Washington Monument

The Perseverance rover’s 15.44-mile path had it landed at the Washington Monument

Via: Outis  •  Travel, Geography and Foreign Cultures  •  2 Comments  •  last year

From landing to today's position

NEW Citroen e-C3 – FULL details on CHEAP new electric car!

NEW Citroen e-C3 – FULL details on CHEAP new electric car!

Via: Outis  •  News & Politics  •  7 Comments  •  2 Likes  •  last year

The new Citroen e-C3 is one of the CHEAPEST electric cars you can buy – but will it be any good?

This Is How We'll Clean Up Space Junk

This Is How We'll Clean Up Space Junk

Via: Outis  •  Health, Science & Technology  •  4 Comments  •  1 Like  •  last year

We know pollution is a problem on earth, but we’re filling space with our junk too. And if we don’t figure out a way to clean up space junk, we...

Sympathy for the Machine

Sympathy for the Machine

Via: Outis  •  Religion & Ethics  •  26 Comments  •  1 Like  •  last year

The saddest piece of art I’ve ever seen is about a robot. Actually, it is a robot. It’s a mechanical arm by artists Sun Yuan and Peng Yu that must...

How the Squid Lost Its Shell

How the Squid Lost Its Shell

By: Outis  •  News & Politics  •  3 Comments  •  2 Likes  •  last year

The ancestors of modern, squishy cephalopods like the octopus and the squid all had shells. In ancient times, their shell was their greatest asset...

Scientists keep discovering 'impossible galaxies'. What does this mean?

Scientists keep discovering 'impossible galaxies'. What does this mean?

Via: Outis  •  Health, Science & Technology  •  7 Comments  •  2 Likes  •  last year

A bright red speck appears against the backdrop of a space photo, but astronomers say it shouldn't be there.

The 2023 Hugo Fraud and Where We Go From Here

The 2023 Hugo Fraud and Where We Go From Here

Via: Outis  •  Entertainment  •  3 Comments  •  1 Like  •  last year

And as a final kick in the teeth, that fraud? Really fucking badly done. It’s a farce, as well as a fraud.

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