'Absolute Insanity!' MSNBC's Morning Joe Rips Republicans for Trying to Take Elections Away From Voters
By: Travis Gettys (The New Civil Rights Movement)
There was a question asked of someone to point out just one law where Republicans were trying to change election laws to favor themselves.
There have been laws passed in many red states that have restricted voter access. This seed discusses how some Republicans want to change voting laws to keep themselves in power.
June 24, 2021 at 08:29 AM ET
Travis Gettys - Raw Story
MSNBC's Joe Scarborough reacted to the news that nearly half of Republicans say it would have been appropriate for state legislatures to overturn Donald Trump's election loss.
A recent poll found 46 percent of Republicans would support a substantial departure from democratic norms to keep their party in power, which GOP-led state legislatures are trying to codify into law, and the "Morning Joe" host was stunned.
"It's absolute insanity that we're talking about it in the greatest country in the world," Scarborough said. "But there are actually people who are talking about that, and want to depart from 240 years of American exceptionalism. It's crazy."
Trump's election lies undermined Republican trust in democracy, despite all evidence showing last year's vote was the most secure in history.
"I voted in Florida this past year," Scarborough said. "It was, without a doubt, the most efficient election I've ever seen in my life. I'm a politician — it's like once a politician, always a politician — [on] Election Day, I nervously go and go from one precinct to another, and I just love to see it, I love to see how many people are there, how long the lines are — ghost towns everywhere, because everybody had already voted. You could literally go up and every precinct I went to, you could go up and just vote, and I sat there going, 'My gosh, this is extraordinary how efficient Florida is, we knew who the winner was, even though the networks didn't call it. We knew the winners by 8:00, 9:00 at night, and yet the legislature and governor feels a need we must reform our election system."
"That's like Steve Jobs, a year after the iPhone, 'I must reform the iPhone,'" he added.
Emphasis mine
Don't you know that Joe has been pussy-whipped by Mika into becoming a RINO. @!@
This is one of the reasons why I do not agree with working for bipartisanship with them.
Bipartisanship will end up normalizing all the crap the Republicans pull.
Bipartisan is the only way to go. You have radical ideas and ideologies on both sides and somewhere in between would mellow out both extremes. You act as though working for bipartisanship is only going to be the radical ideas of the GOP and if that were the case, I would be more worried about the fact that if that happens, it means the democrats gave up and let them have their way. Is THAT what you are afraid of? Sure sounds like it.
But with the gqp it's my way or no way. So excuse me for calling bullshit on your 'bipartisan is the only way to go' when the gqp/repukes refuse to COMPROMISE ON ANYTHING A DEMOCRAT PRESIDENT PROPOSES - ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING!
give those assholes what they want and they'll still vote against it. it's been that way for 13 years.
Your comment makes absolutely no sense. If the dems can't get them to the table, that is a failure on their part. Also, if no discussion or talks of compromise takes place, whatever the subject, is dead on arrival. And if it were really imperative to the well being of the country, you can bet they'd both jump on. Problem seems to be pet projects and shoving shit down the throats of the citizenry for "see what we did" self aggrandizing. Like a recent discussion about voter id. There was other shit in there that the GOP wasn't about to fall for and therefore not a single one voted in favor........and some people insist on using that against them as hypocritical when indeed they were paying attention and not opening the door for the fox to infiltrate the henhouse.
It makes perfect sense. Repukes won't compromise with Democrats. Fuck 'em!
But what if they keep trying to compromise with them until eventually it's all watered down, republican bullshit and the repubs STILL won't come to the table?
I'm really starting to think that the repubs will never compromise with the dems because they want to make the dems "cry" and then point at them and say "See what a bunch of cry babies they are?"
And if the GOP had seriously engaged in an actual bipartisan effort in the last 10 years I would agree with you. But we haven’t seen anything serious from them in at least that long. Look at the last relief package, you do t go in offering less than 1/3 of what the other party is looking for if you are serious.
The ACA is another great example, the Dems watered that motherfucker down like nobody’s business for republicans, Boehner even commented that they got 98% of what they wanted (pretty sure that was the ACA), and I. The end I think it was only 1 republican voted for it. That kinda shit sends a very clear message that your party has NO interest in bipartisanship and just dangle the idea in an effort to delay. But there are 2 Dems dumb enough to still fall for it.
Those 2 aren't falling for shit. They are Dems in conservative states and going too far to the left will get them primaried at best. At worst the Reps turn those seats. Either way they lose so no... they know how to play the game.
Joe Manchin is a good example
Well this should rain on that parade........And I am glad this worked out. For you and JR
Well, good. I'm glad to see bipart working somewhere
And then you get shit like this that tells you even though it was good, it was bad..........to some twits.......
Gotta have something to be offended by and create angst no matter what I guess. Plus the extra 15 minutes of fame this week...................
She'll grow up someday. Hopefully
I really don't spend a lot of time on AOC since she's not my rep
Chances are people never heard of yours or Jim's Representative in Congress. Who has not heard of AOC? In national politics that means she is a lot smarter than your reps...
We love her in The Bronx. That's what matters.
I would worry a lot more about the big olde ugly dumbasses MGT and Bobert in your own jaundiced eye instead of the beautiful young Congresswoman from the Bronx...AOC!
A party of Louis Gohmert has no room to talk.
You're right. People don't know who Rick Crawford is because he never does anything
Damn, John! You're making me defend Jim below.
I think bipartisanship is the only way, also. The Democrats did compromise on the Voter ID bill which the Repubs have been yammering about over the last 20 years and still it wasn't good enough for them
This will work only if SANE people are elected. Ones who are actually looking out for the betterment of the country & it's people, not their pockets and their special interests. Lately I see that is completely lacking in our governments (federal & state).
And Veronica hits it out of the park!
If we could get sane people to actually run...
I know - talk about slim pickins
I would make some bipartisan deals without saying I am embracing bi-partisanship. An embrace of bi-partisanship at this point will just make the assholes think they have won. We have seen this movie before.
I get what you're saying...bait and switch or something like that. It could work. But so what if they feel like they won? It's about the American people and winning for them
How best to describe the modern American version of bipartisanship …. hmmmm
That is it! Exactly the gop's go-to dirty trick...
Have the R's considered with their attempts at voter suppression that it includes their own base(s)? They will alienate their own so much that they will vote against them once they are able to vote.
This thang just shows how dishonest the damn gop is!
Here's a good question for the conservatives/republican/right wing members of NT:
What would it take for you to come to the table and play nice with the Democrats? What are you willing to compromise on? What do you want the Democrats to compromise on. I've admitted that I think only bipar is the way to go and so has Just Jim. But what about the rest of you?
Pick any subject: Voter rights, infrastructure, health care, Jan 6 commission...anything you like
p.s. only serious discussion will be considered. Maybe a bit late in the game but here is a Red Box Rule for this thread: No trolling, no taunting, no off-topic, and no meta.
It is like Lucy pulling the football away from Charlie Brown, every time, at the very last moment. Every proposed compromise is just a fade, a dirty trick...
It's kind of amusing that Americans crticize a country where the people can't vote while doing their damndest to prevent Americans from voting. The interesting thing is, which nation is moving forward faster...infrastructure, eradication of poverty, containment of the virus, booming economy....