
Here's how we know the Republican Party has become an autocratic movement - Los Angeles Times

Via:  Devangelical  •  7 months ago  •  21 comments

By:   Stuart Stevens (Los Angeles Times)

Here's how we know the Republican Party has become an autocratic movement - Los Angeles Times
Donald Trump proved in 2016 that he understood the true nature of the Republican Party better than the party's leaders. He still does.

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some republicans think that autocracy is a viable alternative when consistently demonstrating they cannot govern.

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

It's often said that Donald Trump has a cultlike following. But that's far too benign.

"Star Wars" has a cultlike following. Taylor Swift has her cult of "Swifties." A political organization that has no platform other than loyalty to the leader is not a cult, it's an autocratic movement.

The tragicomic chaos in the House in the last week is the natural result of a political party that has lived under Trump's thumb. It should end any pretense that the current Republican Party is a serious governing party.

As Hannah Arendt wrote in "The Origins of Totalitarianism": "Total loyalty is possible only when fidelity is emptied of all concrete content, from which changes of mind might naturally arise. The totalitarian movements, each in its own way, have done their utmost to get rid of the party programs which specified concrete content and which they inherited from earlier, non‑totalitarian stages of development."

It seems like another time in another galaxy, but not that long ago there actually was some ideological diversity within the Republican Party.

In 1966, Time ran a cover story highlighting the winners of the 1966 midterm elections as a "Republican Resurgence," after the Goldwater defeat of 1964. Time's editors selected six Republicans as being emblematic of this rebirth: California Gov. Ronald Reagan, Michigan Gov. George Romney, Illinois Sen. Charles Percy, Oregon Sen. Mark Hatfield, Massachusetts Sen. Edward Brooke and New York Gov. Nelson Rockefeller.

The six governors and senators had differences of opinion on almost all major issues. Hatfield, deeply influenced by his service in World War II, never voted for a bill to authorize U.S. military engagement. He was one of only two Republican senators who voted against the 1991 Gulf War.

With Sen. George McGovern, Hatfield co-sponsored 1971 legislation calling for a complete withdrawal from Vietnam. Reagan, on the other hand, was consistently supportive of the Vietnam War and campaigned against the creation of Medicaid.

In the 1990s and early 2000s, the Republican governors who were pro-choice governed states with a larger collective population than the Republican antiabortion governors. Bill Weld of Massachusetts, Pennsylvania's Tom Ridge, Arnold Schwarzenegger in California and New York's George Pataki all were proudly pro-choice.

Today, there are no Republican governors who support abortion rights, and many are actively working to criminalize abortions in their states. The Republican Party three decades ago was overwhelmingly a white-dominated party, but it allowed for at least some dissent and disagreement.

While it is difficult to attribute any deliberate or methodical plan to Donald Trump, whose mind operates like an old-fashioned pinball machine on tilt, his basic antidemocratic, strongman instincts have crushed dissent in the Republican Party, empowering the underlying authoritarian impulses within the party. A once-center-right political party with core ideological principles is now marching toward the formation of an autocratic state.

It's possible that Trump will not be the Republican nominee in 2024, but his success in molding the party to his image ensures that anyone who wins will continue down an authoritarian path.

When Ron DeSantis ran for governor of Florida in 2018, he aired a commercial showing his toddler daughter building a border wall with toy blocks, followed by a shot of him holding his infant son and reading from a book, "Then Mr. Trump said, 'You're fired.'" His wife also appeared in the ad, saying, "People say Ron is all Trump, but he is so much more."

What's unfolding in the Republican Party is an inevitable step in the cycle of authoritarian movements. What once was deemed sufficiently pure is judged to be inadequate and in need of purging.

The Night of the Long Knives, the murder of Leon Trotsky, the Red Guards, the Khmer Rouge — each was the result of a radical movement further purifying its core membership and ideology, and something very similar is taking place among today's Republicans.

When Trump emerged in 2015, he was initially rejected by Republican voters. In May 2015, Donald Trump polled at 3% among Republicans and Republican-leaning independent voters. While it's not unusual for a new and still-unknown candidate to start with a low number, Trump had almost a 100% name recognition among potential voters.

Republicans knew who he was; they just didn't like him. A May 2015 Washington Post-ABC News poll found that just over 20% of Republicans viewed Trump favorably. By early December 2015 — and after his attack on John McCain's war record, his mocking of a disabled reporter and his calling for a Muslim ban — Trump had surged to his largest lead during the Republican primary, opening up a 35%-to-16% margin over Ted Cruz.

Jeb Bush, who led the field in early polling, was by then at the same 3% level of support that Trump had in May. The media coverage of Trump's rise evidenced an unwillingness to grasp Trump's appeal. "Donald Trump Leads Florida Polls, Despite Call for Muslim Travel Ban" was the headline in the New Times Broward-Palm Beach. "Trump Poll Surge Continues Despite Backlash Over Muslim Ban," trumpeted the Dec. 10, 2015, broadcast of Voice of America News.

This was like reporting that Jim Beam sold a lot of bourbon even though it contained alcohol. Trump was rising with Republican voters because of his racism and religious bigotry.

There was no backlash with the majority of Republican primary voters. The exact opposite was occurring. Trump's hate was creating a surge of appeal.

Donald Trump understood the true nature of the Republican Party better than the party's leaders. "This suggestion is completely and totally inconsistent with American values," then-Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said as he denounced Trump's proposed Muslim ban. "I do not think it is reflective of our principles, not just as a party but as a country," then-House Speaker Paul Ryan said of the ban.

But it was his call for a Muslim ban that helped Trump clinch the 2016 nomination. McConnell and Ryan and the establishment donor class of the Republican Party would never admit publicly that the xenophobia and racism that appealed to Trump voters were far more motivating to Republican voters than the small-government, low-taxes, constitutionally conservative so‑called "values" they insisted were the true core of the party.

But their commitment to their deeply held beliefs was so weak that they now supported a man who bragged he was "the king of debt," refused to release his tax returns to show he even paid taxes and whose Muslim ban was a religious test that was anathema to constitutional principles.

They didn't care about anything but remaining in power, and they thought they could use Trump while controlling him.

There is a childlike need for many Republicans in what was once "the establishment" to believe that the Trump years were some aberration, that the party was "hijacked" by Donald Trump. The problem with this is that the passengers on the hijacked plane do not cheer for the terrorist. But in the Republican Party, the hijacker is the most popular person on the plane.

Trump and Trumpism dominate the Republican Party because he represents what the Republican Party wants to be. There is no "normal" for the party to return to. It is an autocratic movement, not a traditional American political party. To believe this movement cannot win and end democracy as we know it would be as dangerously naive as thinking that the Donald Trump who announced his candidacy in 2015 with 3% of support within the party could never be elected president.

None of us can choose history, but history can choose us. The fate of the American experiment is in our hands. America or Trump? The next 13 months will decide our future.

Stuart Stevens is an advisor to the Lincoln Project, a political consultant and the author of several books. This article is an adapted excerpt from his latest book, "The Conspiracy to End America: Five Ways My Old Party Is Driving Our Democracy to Autocracy," which will be published Oct. 10

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Professor Principal
1  seeder  devangelical    7 months ago

an unamerican voting coalition of xenophobes, racists, thumpers, and homophobes...

Professor Principal
1.1  Tessylo  replied to  devangelical @1    7 months ago

I read an excellent remark regarding the former 'president' that is so true

'Prolonged exposure to the former 'president' is injurious to intelligence and fatal to principles. . . it is like a disease. . you are infected and succumb to it. . . the people I know who I once thought well of who have now lost their minds are legion. . . it's depressing

Professor Principal
1.1.1  seeder  devangelical  replied to  Tessylo @1.1    7 months ago

it's like being a shipwreck survivor in one of those lost at sea life boat movies. no food, no water, some drink from the ocean, and they go wacko and swim off into the sunset... ... except I'd feel sorry for one of them...

Professor Principal
2  Gsquared    7 months ago

I read this Op/Ed piece earlier this morning.  Stuart Stevens, a long time Republican strategist, media consultant and campaign operative, knows exactly what he is talking about and is 100% correct.

Professor Principal
2.1  seeder  devangelical  replied to  Gsquared @2    7 months ago

the next highly anticipated major humiliation by the trump wing of the republican party. witnessing former trump lackeys and cult members, across 4 criminal indictments, provide most of the incriminating evidence needed for the conviction of their hero, while "blaming the dems" as it all unfolds, will be hysterical.

Professor Principal
2.1.1  Tessylo  replied to  devangelical @2.1    7 months ago

What would the scum do without their scapegoats?

PhD Guide
3  GregTx    7 months ago
A political organization that has no platform other than loyalty to the leader is not a cult, it's an autocratic movement.

Who's the likely Democrat nominee again?...

Professor Principal
3.1  JBB  replied to  GregTx @3    7 months ago

The man who whooped Trump, who will again...


Professor Participates
3.1.1  bugsy  replied to  JBB @3.1    7 months ago


PhD Guide
3.1.2  GregTx  replied to  JBB @3.1    7 months ago

Right.. so is he the favored nominee?

Professor Principal
3.1.3  JBB  replied to  bugsy @3.1.1    7 months ago

My definition of cool is whooping Trump!

Drinker of the Wry
Junior Expert
3.1.4  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  JBB @3.1.3    7 months ago


Professor Principal
3.1.5  Tessylo  replied to  JBB @3.1.3    7 months ago

The former 'president' said he could kick President Biden's ass.  Isn't that hilarious?!!! He also said he had a better body than President Biden.  Isn't that delusional??????!!!!!!!

Professor Principal
3.1.6  Texan1211  replied to  JBB @3.1    7 months ago


Professor Principal
3.1.7  JBB  replied to  GregTx @3.1.2    7 months ago


Professor Principal
3.1.8  JBB  replied to  Texan1211 @3.1.6    7 months ago


Professor Principal
3.1.9  Texan1211  replied to  JBB @3.1.8    7 months ago


Professor Participates
3.1.10  bugsy  replied to  Texan1211 @3.1.6    7 months ago


Professor Principal
3.1.11  Texan1211  replied to  bugsy @3.1.10    7 months ago


PhD Guide
3.1.12  GregTx  replied to  JBB @3.1.7    7 months ago


Professor Principal
4  JBB    7 months ago

Not since Napoleon returned from Elba has ever such a doomed comeback failed so miserably...


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