The GOP Must Adopt a 'No Prisoners' Agenda for 2023
By: Kurt Schlichter
Source: AP Photo/Ross D. Franklin
We are going to crush the Democrats in 2022, and there will be a temptation to sigh and wipe our brow and think it’s all over, but instead of relaxing in 2023 the GOP needs to attack. Think Attila the Hun charging at the head of his horde. Think George Patton leading the Third Army. Think Brian Stelter, who is a potato, when he sees a buffet. We need to crush their dreams and make them howl in the run-up to 2024, when we will retake the presidency and put a sharpened stake through the shriveled heart of the leftist monster.
We will have power soon. We must use it.
They will cry. We must drink their tears.
Let’s understand – because many of us don’t – that there are limitations on what we can do in 1023 and 2024 because we will not control the executive branch. Grandpa Badfinger, if he is not driven to resign by his masters in the wake of the inevitable 2022 electoral bloodbath, has only one bad choice among many worse ones – to double down and fight the strong GOP majorities for two miserable years as our enemies around the world rack up even more humiliating wins over an America hobbled by liberals who hate it and the bungling Boltonian hawk bros who think America should invade pretty much everywhere.
What can a party with a firm grasp on the legislative branch but not on the executive branch do? This is especially pertinent since the filibuster will remain in effect, something the Democrats will be thanking Manchin and Sinema for come Inauguration Day 2025. We can still do five vital things. We can investigate, push the brakes, refuse to confirm, punish enemies, and impeach. Do these things break the norms, because that’s what the Dems and their media minions will say? No, they are the norms. They are the new rules the Democrats played by; we’re just going to show that they actually played themselves.
Let’s start with the power to investigate. Oh, will we investigate. Hunter Biden, you might want to snort a thick rail of Miralax to purge those innards because we are going to colonoscopy every seedy, scummy business deal you ever did for Mr. 10%..And am I ever eager for the January 6th Committee Committee to explore all the ways this kangaroo court violated the rights of citizens in a quest to suppress and oppress the enemies of the Democrats and the Democrat fellow travelers. We need to expose the truth of this total disgrace. Personally, I can’t wait until it issues communications subpoenas for the newly-unemployed Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, for Adam Schiff and for Eric Swalwell – let’s get those Fang Fang texts! Gee, that sounds like using your power to retaliate against political opponents in order to secure a partisan advantage. Yeah, a little bit, but what are you going to do? Those are the new rules, and we are powerless to disobey.
Next, we need to push the brakes. The GOP will not be able to pass laws, but it can refuse to pass laws. We must do that mercilessly. And we have a slight advantage in that our constituents are neither government employees or welfare cheats, so less government hurts them more. We must strategically refuse to fund things that almost everyone hates and let Crusty and the Congressional Dems – Pelosi will be long gone enjoying the graft she sucked out of DC back in Cali – publicly fight for them. Take CRT, please. Pass a budget with this caveat – not one penny shall be spent on any CRT/diversity crap. And let the Dems howl and President * veto it. Make them die on CRT Hill.
There are lots of other things we need to do, like defund and disestablish the FBI and NPR, that you might want to wait for the next GOP president for, but you can still cut their budget. Yeah. Let that demented old freak hold up signing a welfare bill and denying free money to bums because the GOP sliced the Volvo radio station budget 33%. Remember, the idea is always to use pain applied to one Democrat constituency to force the Dems to publicly fight for another unpopular Democrat constituency.
Next on the GOP agenda is refusing to confirm Biden nominees. Oh, the Murder Turtle has got this. The Dems hamstrung Trump in part by delaying nominees. They must suffer and learn. Of course, some can be confirmed if they are only semi-loony – for a price. But a SCOTUS justice after January 2023? Nope.
A lot of institutions have crossed us over the last few years. This is because our soft leaders failed to demonstrate that they do so at our peril. The GOP is learning a bit. The Chamber of Commerce betrayed us, and it is now dead to us. Let its head be posted on a pike to encourage the others. Institutions need to understand that choosing to side with our enemies has consequences. They must earn back any favor. And we need to make sure that any lobbying firm or media group or corporate board or whatever that hires traitors like Cheney or Kinzinger gets nothing from the GOP. Nothing. The door is shut tight. We must reestablish that to screw with our people has a price, and a painful one.
Finally, there is impeachment. Trump was faux impeached twice for nonsense. Biden, however, is willfully violating the law by throwing open the border. He must be held to account for refusing to enforce the laws passed by the Congress and signed by the president. Let the Democrats, fresh from their fake “Muh Democracy” bleating, explain why they support someone actively subverting democracy. After all, what else can you call the willful refusal to enforce the laws passed by the people’s representatives?
Now, the application of the Democrats’ new rules during the pre-new president interregnum may make the Democrats yearn for the old rules. They will cry, we will laugh. But, after they have sufficiently suffered – for they must suffer to train them that they never, ever get a free pass – we can discuss going back to the old rules. They go first, of course.
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This is tragic: Donald Trump shredded federal documents - and not a peep from you. Sickness is alive in well in this GOP. No one will fear any of your threats. Waste (squander) the time you might have to make the citizenry's (the entire citizens) lives better and some conservatives will be spending more time in political time-out in 2025 than some conservatives think. What. A. Difference. A. Day. Make.
Esther Phillips - What A Difference A Day Makes
No one cares about some conservative 'vengeance' - once people clue in on the obvious ' navels -gazing' and myopic nonsense happening - shitcanning will be on the horizon! Heck, it may be useful to allow it to come to pass. If only so the citizenry can FINALLY 'wash and rinse' some conservatives out of their hair-as God is their witness!
Trump 2024! MAGA again!
Okay, the MAGA and all of that.
But---------------I have an off-topic question I would like to ask if I may.
XXJefferson51, would you consider yourself a neocon or a theocon?
Neither one.
You telling me there is another one? Pray tell. What is it?
A populist America First nationalist conservative. You know the multiracial working and middle class coalition.
Multiracial working- and middle-class coalition? Yeah. GOPER World with Canadian Windsor through the nose.
I don't know, person. "Hang Mike Pence" and "Jews will not replace us" seems like a bunch of nails have been driven into the boards you want to cut.
(America First nationalist conservative)? Reminiscent of Nazi rallies on US soil prior to Pearl Harbor.
Nah, leave em alone. The Dimbulbs will continue to do it to themselves.
It will be TDS 2.00
Eureka! So now when some conservatives 'karen' (not that any one should listen) complaint that a liberal brought up- Donald. We, liberals, can point to old Jefferson ("the vengeful spirit") and this article as evidence of TDS ripe in the heart of Trumpism.
Lol .... I have no doubt you will. No doubt at all
BET THAT! (I will be pushing a pin to 'mount' all these types of 'karen' sounds to my wall.)
Indeed. You turned out to be right as usual.
Sounds psychotic. Trumpism needs to be put down like a rabid animal.
Opinions do vary.
Mine is that you should ease up on the Projection.
And the TDS.....but als,
we have been giving that advice for no avail.
@2.1. That's all. Have. A. Day. Okay.
Let's talk about projection. Remember "Lock her up!"? How about "Hillary's Emails!"?
What do we have now? Trump illegally destroying documents, so desperately that he tore up and ate some, and clogged up the toilet with others. Then he illegally hauled off at least 15 cases of these documents. Now it is looking like some of those 15 cases, laying around on the floor of Mar-a-Lago, included classified documents.
It appears that all the indignation the right was showing towards Hillary, has been nothing but a projection of the future of Donald Trump. One, as has been pointed out, the right is strangely quiet about.
You can talk about it all you want but you would be off topic and a little more behind on your current events as well.
I hear that liberals tears taste great!
What some conservatives are tasting tears now?!!! Pretty dramatic if you ask me.
That’s about as pathetic a drama Queen event as there is…
Trumpism will reign supreme across the land in 2022 and 2024 whether Trump runs again or not.
What has Trump done, not promised, not claimed, but actually accomplished that would earn this level of devotion for a person that flaunted so many laws while he was in office?
He gave a voice to a new heartland working, middle, and small business class multiracial coalition that is largely theistic to resist the hegemony of the bicoastal urban secular progressive elites and expect so much more than the the unemployment and fentanyl they try to shower us never getting our jobs back bitter clinging deplorables and chumps that they think us to be.
Screams volumes about what you really mean when you code-talk.
There was no code. It is quite literal.
No. That is code-talking. You 'sign' quite a lot. It's unchristian. But, you can't be shamed by man or God so I guess we're stuck with it. Still will call it out accordingly.
Inquiring minds want to know! I to would like to know what I’m supposedly saying when I call out the urban elites in our coastal cities.
So he accomplished nothing then.
If that is what Biden had accomplished since taking office America would have been a lot better off than we are now.
These people have make into an idol (god) a loser of all the people to model! It's a real tragedy. History's 'reel' is recording all the day to day antics and tactics for when the delusion breaks many will be sorry for their role in some future documentary for which they (and their offspring) can not deny! Poor, dumb ass, Kevin McCarthy, desperate to be somebody (Speaker) so much so that he fails to comprehend that the role is HONORABLE and not just a 'power-play.' History will record him as a foolish boot-licker and 'puppet' manipulated by a big-time loser! This is already a 'disaster' for Kevin McCarthy.
What you describe actually applies to Biden and Pelosi and all their worshipful enabling cultic voters.
Show us Biden and Pelosi's actual gold statue then.
And the shameless, white evangelical church mumbles not a word against it. Some conservatives, need to know that this 'thing' time has recorded for future generations to know about too (and laugh or cry).
Because white evangelicals had nothing to do with its creation. That it offended liberals was alone worth someone creating it.
The White Evangelical church creates culture wars and nit-picks anything liberals 'do.' And for well over a year now this monstrosity has been around and you're not condemning it EVEN NOW. In fact, you approve of it with a taunt. Shameless.
We didn’t create the culture wars or the cancel culture. We conservative Christians are the primary victims of those secular progressive inventions.
Kurt Schlichter sounds like he wrote the Freedom Convoy manifesto.
He didn’t write such a thing but it can be found here by a real reporter who actually took an objective look:
Poorly worded, but I get 'your' drift. Jefferson, I am processing a whole new side to your political cult. "Mercilessly," really? Y'all really want to do this?! It won't work, and y'all will lose. Because it will make it clear as a baby's clean butt that some conservatives have no platform for advancing the country as a whole. Simply dragging the country back into the 'funnel' of times that are gone in the world and the world can not and will not sustain.
Here's to not getting back on the ship that sailed . . . .
If you think you are going to enjoy making liberal life hell. . . well, it will be a two-way street! Because we liberals are going to keep pointing out your antebellum conduct and BRANDING YOU WITH IT each and every time you pull off a stunt.
More importantly, it is high time the democrats start marketing to the nation what it could look like if it tried to get to 2050 without having Trumpism ball and chained on its feet.
Dreaming bigger that ever:
If we don’t exercise fiscal restraint and limit expansion of future debt, there won’t be a viable economy for America come 2050.
You will need mental 'diversity' to achieve any world of the future—especially one such as illustrated. Can't be trying to live like its 18th century 'America' anymore. Can't be oppressing free-thinkers' genius or stifling creativity with stifling 'ancestral' rules of old.
I’m still trying to figure that out. Unless he’s saying that fiscal discipline/responsibility and capitalism are stifling “creativity” with old fashioned economic reality.
Texan, some conservatives are not being judged on merit; don't get it twisted. Some conservatives 'labor' with words and projection-smithing but when the evidence is scrutinized some conservatives are not looking out for all the citizenry-and not even for all conservatives (many are demonized, thrown-out, let-out, and censored out of the GOP) all under the auspices of the biggest lying-est leader-loser Donald J. Trump. Merit-less. Shameless. Reckless. Truthless.
Y'all chose meritless 'trash' Donald Trump over principled GOPers: Kinzinger and Cheney. Shameless. (But of course shame and conscience some conservatives hide from the public.)
Let's call it what it is: Some conservatives COVET the rights and privileges found in our country all for their 'clique' to parse out to whomsoever they will—individuals forced to become a (Trumpist) conservative of trump-mind and like dispositions. That is not merit. It is error.
Diminish this. Trumpism is trashy, indecent, anti-cooperation, 'warring,' and ramsackingly a waste of time and energy. The fact that some conservatives are trying to substitute bravado and obfuscation as merit is excessively stupid. I plan to keep that point alive and well in 2022 (as God is my witness).
I can’t wait to watch her hand over the speakers gavel to a more rural inland Californian representing an oil and Ag district!
Congrats but no cares but you. Well you and few other heavily TDS diseased left wingers.
He’s. Video sure to make liberals lives miserable…
That video is great. Gotta love kids
Thinking about what blue political leaders and their supporters still clinging to mandates feel when watching that make it feel even better!
Their reaction says it all ..... out of the mouth of babes ....
Why should it make our lives (old as we are miserable)? Kids are the future (even for a childless man like myself). Why would I envy them freedom, rights, and privileges. I would not. I, liberals, are not curmudgeons (stubborn, "meanies) who want to make like lackluster for people. I have told you this time and time again. And still you misinform and set up fake scenarios.
A word about those kids. I admire them for participating in trying to save their 'adulting' and elderly love ones back home at the end of the day! On occasion I have to stop by a school locally and it is so interesting and cute to me to see such little one bravely and SOLEMNLY wearing their facial coverings PROPERLY even when no one is observing. (Though we adults are always "angel" over our beloved "babies".)
Anyway, my heart is blessed that some relief is coming all our way-including the kids! Times of refreshing may be this year.
Last thing. As I retired last night my phone 'blasted' out a message that there is a two-point variant found overseas: "Deltaron"? Delta and Omicron variants mixed in the body of somebody? But, may cancel itself out (harmlessly). Well, we know the drill:
Watch This Space.
So bitter. All the time. Some conservatives live by the boogey-bears they can create and thrust upon others. This is the new colorblind racism: Hate 'Blue people' and their diversity.
Not really on board with the article. Essentially, it just invites endless clan warfare of all or nothing. Wild swings to one side, then the other as power shifts between clans, each vowing vengeance for imagined or real slights. It's a recipe for civil war, not governing a nation.
Problem is, in my opinion, we have a media that is doing its best to fuel this insane divide. All we get is extremists from both sides, as if there aren't any centrists in Congress at all. What we need are centrists forcing their way to the podium with a message of sanity, but the media will crush such people every chance they get. They seem to want the current state of affairs to not only continue but get worse.
No one in his or her right mind wants (or needs) a civil war. No "buts" needed. Why? Because for a nation which touts liberties and freedoms plural to fall from its pedestal and grace over oppression tendencies and policies and result to gruesome, detest, and incomprehensible war will be ignominious. Even though shamelessness is in vogue on one side already.
Of course no one wants that. Democrats are waging a cold one now. It may well take cramming a dose of their own medicine down their throats to bring it to an end.
You best believe you don't want a civil war! Why? Because if Donald J. Trump loses again-this time history will record he heavily influenced ("fulcrum") his followers to attack the homeland and then we will have to 'dismantle' his presidential library or not bother to build it at all. Traitor!
There’s a chance that 2023 and 2024 could be a cooling down period. If Biden does as Bill Clinton did in 1995-1996 after the 1994 shellacking and tacks to the center reaching deals with the opposing majority things will become better in a hurry. I think this article is a line in the sand to urge a repeat and not a doubling down like this year has been so far after last November’s elections.
I do hereby confess that I was likely being way overly optimistic and engaging in wishful thinking. I just hope that a thorough enough ass kicking will modify their behavior even if they truly don’t want to do it.
Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war. Always works well for national problem solving. Just ask Caesar.
Is that what Trudeau and Biden are going to do to solve their problems?
No, that is what Kurt Schlichter, the author of your post, wants.