Ottawa Will Either Be ‘Lexington’ Or Tiananmen Square
By: Christopher G. Adamo
The time is now to stand up for freedom and oppose urban secular progressive tyranny.
Devil Makes Me Do It
RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) mostly side with the left and now again on the COVID mandates issue. Political cartoon…
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Ottawa Will Either Be ‘Lexington’ Or Tiananmen Square
In his epic poem “Paul Revere’s Ride,” Henry Wadsworth Longfellow paints a picture of a “spark,” struck by the hoof of Revere’s horse against the pebbles beneath him, as he rode to warn of the encroaching British. Longfellow went on to metaphorically describe how that spark “kindled the land into flame with its heat.” With each passing day that the Truckers in the Canadian Capitol stand their ground, their courage and resolve has that same effect on not only the people of Canada, but Americans and the rest of the world as well.
Similar events are predictably being coordinated in the United States, with some planning a trek from as far away as California to Washington D.C. Yet the movement is reaching beyond the shores of North America, with trucker caravans gaining the public spotlight in Europe, and even as far away as New Zealand. Throughout the past two years, people around the world have had their eyes opened to the real fate that awaits humanity, if morally bankrupt leftist power mongers ever achieve uncontested authority. And the picture they’ve seen is an extremely grim one.
For far too many years, leftists have gotten away with their empty utopian promises of bliss and ease, only to deliver oppression, squalor, and eventually outright tyranny by which to preserve their uncontested dominance in the midst of enormous misery and suffering. The visceral fear felt by so many towards the Wuhan virus was seized upon by the left as the opportunity of a vast crisis on which they could demand and receive blind compliance from the peasantry. Initially the scam worked. But it has since become inescapably obvious to all but the most pathologically gullible minions that none of the subjugation and abuses of power by those in high office was ever actually about public “health and safety.”
The incidents of total disregard for mask and lockdown edicts, by the very individuals who issued them, are too numerous to recount. The same goes for the vax mandates, with Congress and White House staff (among others in places of bureaucratic privilege) totally exempted. It became apparent, even in the earliest days of the lockdowns, that those screaming with the greatest shrillness about the need for the rest of us to forfeit our God-given rights, had zero interest in doing so themselves, the moment they thought the cameras were off. To nobody’s surprise, this hypocrisy and abuse of power came entirely from the left.
As the months dragged on, the pattern of demanding submission and compliance to masks, lockdowns and vaxes, while fiercely attacking and preventing the use of actual remedies such as HCQ and Ivermectin, proved to be purely politically motivated. This agenda driven betrayal of the public trust eventually led to death from the virus on a genocidal scale, along with who knows how many collateral deaths from depression, suicide, and other manifestations of the inevitable psychosis that results from emotional isolation and imprisonment.
Livelihoods were destroyed in numbers eclipsing any economic crash in history. But the worst aspect of all of this was that the hardship was entirely deliberate and orchestrated. Still, other than adding to the stress of the day by growing enraged, what could any individual do about it all? And that’s where the Canadian Truckers have ridden, literally, to the rescue.
To the dismay of the leftist overlords, who believed themselves to be invincible and therefore unaccountable, the Canadian Truckers provide a powerful combination of a defiant front that is popular with the people on Main Street, and also the prospect of the left’s single greatest fear, which is a unifying event around which the people can rally.
The actualities of January 6, 2020 are nearly lost in the fog of leftist manipulations and lies. But the truth of that episode needs to be thoroughly understood. Prior to the Truckers, it was the closest that the people had come to uniting enmasse against the treachery of the left. In that particular case, it was the flagrant and treasonous theft of the 2020 Presidential Election. Ever since the crowd dispersed (an impossibility, were it an actual “insurrection”), leftist Democrats and their RINO enablers have been shouting down the event, in hopes of preventing any mass unification of the American people in response to all of their crimes and desecrations of the Constitution that have been committed ever since. On that basis, they’ve been able to proceed with their detestable agenda.
Now, they face the prospect of an actual uprising of the people. And if it succeeds in Canada, America will not be far behind. So the leftists/globalists have mustered all of their power to attack the Truckers, starting with Trudeau’s “Let them eat cake” moment of dismissing them as a “fringe.” Every sordid tactic of manipulation and intimidation has since been attempted, from claims that innocent people were being harmed by the honking horns, to threats of seizing their children, to the posting of snipers on rooftops surrounding the Truckers. Yet to date, absolutely none of it has worked.
The standoff could easily turn out to be “game, set, and match,” one way or another. Trudeau is motivated by his archetypical leftist arrogance, no doubt boosted by demands from other leftist globalists around the world that he not back down. Among the truckers, the understanding is universal that the leftist power grab which has inflicted so much suffering on them, their families, and their nation will never abate on its own. Leftists simply do not operate that way. So when the “dust settles,” one side will have capitulated, and the other will be thoroughly triumphant, Fake News propaganda notwithstanding.
On the morning after Paul Revere’s famous ride, the Colonial Minutemen were routed from Lexington Common by the better equipped and better trained British soldiers. But that was not the defining event of the day. Rather, it was the “Shot heard round the world,” when the first Minuteman realized he had no choice but to either go toe-to-toe against the most powerful army in the world, or surrender himself, and his posterity, to live in perpetual subjugation, under the iron fist of tyranny.
In light of that, it is the Canadian Truckers who will emerge victorious from the current impasse. They have no alternative if they are ever to be free again. And as Americans, our fate is inextricably bound to theirs!
Morning XX..
The Gulag is now open for business down Melbourne..we await with eager anticipation for the first inmates..
We will take the unvaccinated from anywhere and at anytime the planes land..
Including unvaccinated Serbian tennis players and American surfers..
Can I book you a spot?? I promise you will be well fed on toast and Vegemite.. that's guaranteed to kill all foreigners. I mean foreign bodies...we don't need weapons sent here to do that...
Nah, we have enough on the left already here fantasizing about putting other Americans who oppose all China virus mandates into gulags somewhere here. No need to feed such ambitions on their part.
I call for an immediate ban or suspending of the use of the term: China Virus.
Straight up propaganda. Total disregard for the harm done Asian-AMERICANS who are 'US' - just 'us'- by continuing to give license to "China virus" a racist term. It is down-right un-Christian to have such terms explained to some conservatives and to have it still get countenanced here.
One of my Asian neighbors is going through the ordeal of something he caught (private matters for his family) at the early beginnings of Covid 2020. He spend months in the hospital, loss considerable weight, and is on a walker. Occasionally, he can be seen driving now with assistance of his mom or dad and using a 'walker' to go up and down our block.
It is because of what I (continue) to hear occurring in New York violence against Asians that I fear for him and some drive-by or passerby. We can not do this to innocent people. The worry itself is dangerous!
And I call for war with China!
Just stop it. Not funny. Lives (here) are already at stake!
I was hoping you would be able to help with that.
A cold one for sure. Just like 1945-1990. Our current opposition is a far worse nation and much bigger menace than the Soviet Union was and more evil and genocidal.
Have you built your fallout shelter yet?
Well, if that's so, then you have a really good reason to be scared.
The residents of Ottawa want these morons gone!
A lot of the residents of the city have been very supportive of the truckers and helped them. The truckers have helped people in the city too.
We need to send weapons to the Canadian people so they can dispose of the communist government or we could let them just come to our gun shows.
Wait long enough and Biden will start an insurrectionist war in Canada.... /s
Joe’s the one who told Trudeau to do this. We need to do this in DC too.
Will he first make Trudeau promises not to wear black face in public anymore?
They likely want to do it in a joint appearance together.
I keep shaking my head about why Americans are so afraid of Communism. Is it because the only thing that unifies you is a common (ooops, I should be careful with that word - it sounds like "commie". LOL) hatred? I live in the MIDDLE of Communism and, not being a Communist myself, the only thing I have to fear is fear itself. Where have I heard that expression before? Obviously Americans have forgotten it,
Having "all things in common" is scriptural among people of good-will. So what does that make plain about it? Our conservative friends, do not wish to share with those they 'otherize.' Think about it. Some conservatives invite or compelled people to come to 'their' land-even accepted a national philosophy of "send me your tired, poor, . . . ." But, will not allow them equality or equity, because to do so would mean a perceptible lessening of the power of "white domination" in this country. It's pathetic, isn't it?
If "dominators" wanted this country all to themselves from the beginning and even now-why bother with people of color in the first place? Why not, and I mean this rhetorically only, run the natives away utterly?
Instead, people of color and every other non/some conservative 'thing' are belittled, marginalized, diminished, demonized, stigmatized, and 'otherized.'
Now to my point. Some conservatives do not want this country to come together, that would mean sharing together. Such people live for 'conquest' even between families borne to the same soil. They do not wish to share with OTHERS who are like them.
Consequently, everybody who does not believe in competitive capitalism, is on a slippery path to socialism, encountering and passing into communism along the way. Also, communism is an all encompassing category for non-conservative philosophy.
This could be why the left is making such a big deal about a protest. Jan 6th was directed at them, just like the Trucker Protest in Canada is. And what's not really surprising is that the left can't deal with it. They've come accustomed to everybody just letting them have their way [Deleted]
And we’re not going to take it anymore!
Shouldn't have in the first place. Now we have to listen to the crying and whining as they are set straight.
... Ottawa Will Either Be ‘Lexington’ Or Tiananmen Square
Neither, it will continue to be Ottawa.
Morning Hallux...and so it will be..
Never doubted that for a second..
Unfortunately there are ferals around the world who think they are acting in a failed Hollywood movie...
They should be thanking the rest of the country who are saving their arses by getting vaccinated...
Never has a minority, owed so much to the majourity, of their country/countries..
And it is no different here or in New Zealand...we are both running at 94% fully vaccinated now..
90% of those doing the protesting are, like me already vaccinated. We are protesting the extended and continuing mask, vaccine, and passport mandates. Many other free nations already ended all their mandates as have red areas here in the USA. Four Canadian provinces thanks to the truckers are protesting have ended their mandates too. Alberta, Saskatchewan, Quebec, and Prince Edward Island. That Trudeau like leftists everywhere would rather resort to a violent outcome rather than have a civil dialogue is so typical.
Let’s not be quite so literal. Hopefully the effects will be like Lexington in the long run.
You are probably right!
Thank you, Canada bashers, for my best laugh of the day. The seed itself is hilarious.
SSDD Buzz.
I'm lost when it comes to acronyms. The acronym dictionary indicated 11 possible meanings, but I'll go with Same Stuff Different Day. CUL8R
No one here I know of is bashing Canada. Just your favorite Trudeau of martial law fame. We love the Canadian working class people!
LOL. How many times have I posted that my vote was for Harper, that I have voted Conservative in Canada and Ontario for the past at least 40 years, that I have no love for Justin, especially since he stabbed Israel in the back at the UN, and more recently I posted that he's a hell of a big contrast from his father, who I thought was the best PM Canada has ever had during my lifetime, even after he hit on my daughter at a reception we all attended.
Better get your eyes examined, XXJ, you seem to have missed all that.
But it’s Jr. who is doing China’s bidding with his martial law declaration.
Here's your problem XX, there is/was no declaration of Martial Law.
You mean the authoritarian dictator jackass as Hannity referred to him as. The tyrant?
Only a jackass cares what Hannity has to say.
Rooted in Tyranny
See more Stiglich toons HERE.
In your opinion America's really in an awful situation - drug cartels and swarming immigrants from the south and tyranny from the north - maybe you should all move to Hawaii, but then you'll be closer to your BIGGEST enemy. Life ain't beautiful for America these days, eh?
Hi Buzz! Just wait until some conservatives start SEEING DEAD PEOPLE! The circle will be complete. /s
Who’s Your Daddy? – Branco
Trudeau is acting more like a communist dictator reminiscent of Mao, Stalin, and Castro. Political cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2022
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Majority of Canadians disagree with 'freedom convoy' on vaccine mandates and lockdowns (LINK) ->
Fact check: Strong majority of Canadians oppose convoy ...
Feb 15, 2022 · Sixty-five percent of respondents agreed with the following statement: "The convoy is a small minority of Canadians who are selfishly thinking only about themselves and...
Two-thirds support Trudeau's use of Emergencies Act ...
1 day ago · Two-thirds of Canadians support Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s decision to invoke the Emergencies Act to help handle the protests across the country, according to a new survey....
I don't think far-right-wing Americans have a leg to stand on criticizing what Canadians prefer for themselves. It isn't enough to try to proselytize Christianity, so far-right-wing Americans think it's their business to be critical of what citizens of a completely different country do if it isn't as far-right-wing as they are. After all, far-right-wing Americans are so "EXCEPTIONAL". They have NO right to try to encourage their dissent elsewhere, or to fund it.
Why is it that Americans feel it's their God-given right to INTERFERE in the domestic affairs of other nations?
What a disappointment - there goes my respect, and I don't mean for Trudeau who lost mine long ago. Obviously Peace, Order and Good Government in other countries is anathema to Americans. For starters, it doesn't contribute to the American arms industry, and secondly, it's a threat to the "EXCPTIONAL" A M E R I C A N W A Y .
There is no such thing as absolute freedom, because there are limitations to it no matter where you are in the world. There are laws, bylaws, regulations, rules, morality, religious requirements, common sense and good judgement. If pastors wish for others to adhere to what they preach, they are hypocrites if they themselves break laws of the land in which they live. If they want to crucify themselves to make a point, then they're just grandstanding and as far as I'm concerned they can crucify themselves and I really don't care a bit. .
The freedoms, liberty, and rights that America’s founding fathers wrote and spoke of, inalienable human rights given to us by God Himself upon our creation as equals in His sight per Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence are American rights now, aspirational rights for all. No citizen living anywhere should be satisfied with lesser rights permitted from their government that is usurping them but should be demanding more rights, freedom, individual liberty than they currently have.
Is that really what Jefferson wrote, or is it your personal addition?
You mean what's good for General Bullmoose is good for the world? It reminds me of a little story I heard as a kid. The Russian President told his people that in Russia you will be eating peaches and cream. The reply was "I don't like peaches and cream." The President replied "You'll eat peaches and cream or else...." So when General Bullmoose says "Jump", the whole world has to jump. America is the only nation that has its bases all over the world and likes to be the World's Policeman making sure that everyone in the world likes peaches and cream even if they don't.
Did you EVER think that different cultures might have different ideas about freedom than the USA does and insists upon for the world?
Anyone who makes or believes or even repeats a statement like that is so fucking ignorant that anything they have to say should be ignored, and maybe they should even be pitied. Even your chosen saint Adrian Zenz would admit that out of a population of about 11 million Uyghurs, only somewhere between one and two million have been detained, the rest live no different than any other Chinese. If you believe what Maher said, you might as well believe that even I'm in jail here, besides about 1.4 billion others. What's actually funny, is that Maher lives in a country with the world's highest incarceration rate.
I know we have an "authority" here who tells us that it is "allowable for members to call out comments as such things as "ignorance," I have to ask you on what basis is that comment "ignorant?"
If you can't figure it out for yourself then no explanation would satisfy you. But I will attempt to educate you. It is SO CONTRARY to the truth that it isn't just an outright lie, but complies with the definition of "ignorant":
The bolding in the dictionary definition below is mine to indicate what I mean.
In that case the word ignorant does not apply.
Millions of Uyghurs are being detained. The exact number is irrelevant. It is a crime against humanity.
To call it ignorant is wrong and that is why the rule that some love to use/abuse so much is wrong.
Vic, I'm surprised at you. Maher said an ENTIRE ethnic minority. The ENTIRE Uyghur ethnic minority is around 11 million peoole. Even the highest number so-called "jailed" quoted by anyone, even China-hater Adrian Zenz, is around 2 million, which is only a FRACTION of the Uyghur ethnic minority of around 11 million. Saying "entire" is ignorant of the facts applying the word "ignorant" as defined by the dictionary and bolded above by me.
But your comment indicates that what he said doesn't matter to you and you are posing your own feelings about it WHICH IS IRRELEVANT TO ANYTHING i SAID. So hey, the world is flat and the Earth revolves around the moon and pigs can fly as well, eh?
I'm more surprised at you. If Maher were to say that the Nazis committed genocide against an ENTIRE religious minority, I doubt you'd be quibbling about the percentage of Jews they actually murdered. You are citing a number from someone you claim is a "China-hater" for your number of 2 million. Is that somehow an acceptable number? Or is it just a way to call Maher "ignorant" and dismiss his point?
What my comment indicates is that only a few of us here on NT are willing to call out a crime against humanity.
How did we come to this?
Sorry Vic, but I disagree with you. The meanings of factually jailing a specific number and not intending to jail the rest is different from using the word "genocide" as applied to Hitler's wish to wipe out every person of a religion. Had he won the war he aimed to wipe out the other half of the Jews he didn't succeed in murdering. To jail only a part of a the people of a religion WITHOUT an intention to jail the rest is different from jailing all people of a certain religion. You cannot make that a comparison. .
Ask not "How did we come to this?" but ask "How did I come to this?" (with apologies to JFK)
It is genocide. Even Biden kept that designation on the evil empire that is our enemy.
Are you sure they only want to jail 20% of the Uyghurs? Why are they imprisoned?
You cannot make that a comparison. .
Because one was imprisonment and God knows what else and the other was genocide? Clearly there is a difference there, but this is no difference in going after a specific group.
Ask not "How did we come to this?" but ask "How did I come to this?" (with apologies to JFK)
That's Ok Buzz. The left hates the original quote you are utilizing.
No, I'm NOT sure, but then neither can Maher be sure of what he said, and he's the one who made the statement.
How would I know, I wasn't their lawyer. According to the CPC those who were imprisoned were actual terrorists who committed crimes, and those who were separatists, religious extremists or had tendencies to become such are, or were, in reeducation camps. Don't ask me questions I cannot possibly answer.
Only PART of a specific group, so there IS a difference.
So what? I'm not bound to any specific political dogma like so many are.
I've made my point and I have defended it. If you keep dragging me over it you will force me to flag your comments for trolling or at least declare an IMPASSE.
It will be neither. When the next shiny object comes along it will be quickly forgotten and become a mere historical footnote (imo)
You mean our very own trucker convoy beginning next week?
Is yours in Ottawa? Then obviously no I wasn't
Would that Trudeau had invoked emergency powers (sounds like what a dictator of banana republic would do) tp squelch actual acts domestic terrorism that led to the burning of dozens of churches last summer.
Terrorism okay, protests bad. I guess.
Domestic terrorism was committed by the catholic church and others of their ilk on Native Canadian children and women.
Wow. That's news to me. Can you point to those incidents of domestic terrorism the Catholic Church committed last summer? Be interested in seeing the police reports.
Of course, this is in a country where Prime Minister Black Face falsely accuses a Jewish descendant of Holocaust survivors of standing with swastika waivers, so I suppose reality is not really a constrain anymore up north.
Trying to rationalize actions now as revenge for events 80 or more years ago as if the people impacted now had something personally to do with it.
I like that you think it a 'get out of history free' card that you try to bail on the 'forefathers' with a "That ain't me" attitude. No, it may not be now. However, just how old is the institution of the Catholic Church? And how old is this republic and its institutionalized systems? How old are they, XXJefferson?!!!
Her name is MP Melissa Lantsman and he did not accuse her of doing so, he accused members of her Party doing so.
Native Canadians are still finding and digging up their dead children ... your callowness is noted.
In response to her comments. There was no excuse for what little Trudeau said.
You cut off his Last summer? No one is going to defend past Catholic Church actions….
And that justifies burning down peoples churches today?