Free Speech Is A Threat To Democrats
By: Derek Hunter
Derek is exactly right. He makes his points clear and precise and calls out democrats and the secular progressive elite establishment for exactly who and what they are. He shows how free speech is anathema to them. He shows that their diversity mantra does not include different beliefs and opinions from their dogma being freely expressed.
Source: Britta Pedersen/Pool via AP
To hear liberals talk about our Founding Fathers you’d think they were nothing but a bunch of racist, sexist Neanderthals who only stopped raping and murdering anyone not white long enough to write some words conservatives revere for their awfulness. These evil monsters existed to oppress trans people and stole everything they had from black people somehow. Change just a few of a adjectives and you’re got yourself a pretty accurate description of the modern Democrat Party.
Democrats have always been what they accuse us of being. Which party contains the “sexists” who used the full power of their party’s machine, and eventually the White House and Presidency, to quell “bimbo eruptions”? Which party consists for people who call Clarence Thomas and Tim Scott “Uncle Toms”? Which party, when not smearing him, ignores the existence of Ric Grenell, the first openly gay member of any Presidential Cabinet?
You know the answers to those questions and all the rest like them.
Now we see the left, once again, exposing themselves for what they really are. When Elon Musk offered almost 10 percent more than the company is worth to buy Twitter, any normal person who owned stock would have been ecstatic at the prospect. The stock had already surged since it was reported he’d been gobbling up shares, so another 10 percent is like an unexpected Christmas bonus, especially if you’d been holding the stock for a while.
Instead, this news was greeted like a loud fart in an elevator. How could that be? It’s because Musk has threatened to institute what the left fears more than almost anything – actual free speech on a public platform.
If you’re terrified by the prospect of free speech for everyone, you’re probably a fascist. It doesn’t really matter how much “fair trade” coffee you drink or how many pictures of yourself holding up a haloed cartoon drawing of George Floyd you have in your Facebook profile photos, you are everything your virtue signaling pretends to be against. You are those mini-Nazis screaming “THIS IS WHAT DEMOCRACY LOOKS LIKE!” endlessly to prevent someone they don’t agree with from speaking without irony or self-awareness.
People with confidence in their beliefs, and facts on their side, don’t do everything possible to prevent contrary opinions from being heard. Democrats are terrified that Elon Musk has publicly stated his belief that people, even and especially people with unpopular opinions or thoughts contrary to the establishment, should be free to express them online. This terrifies the left.
Progressives have never embraced free speech as anything more than a shield to protect themselves from responsibility for what they inspire (see James Hodgekinson), because the very idea is a threat to their hold on power. They don’t debate, they’re ill-equipped to, they just insist and threaten others into silence. If people were allowed to spread ideas, to contradict progressive dogma openly, who knows where that might lead?
Would some bad ideas spread too? Of course. Progressivism is popular again among self-proclaimed academics the way it was in the early 20th century, until Hitler exposed the horrors of it, especially its embrace of eugenics. But bad ideas will always exist, which is why the United States has traditionally embraced the idea of allowing anyone with an idea to express it.
Democrats are learning the hard way that their message isn’t selling to Hispanic voters in particular. They’d hoped to capture the Hispanic vote the way they have the black vote – with empty promises to address problems they’ve created met with blind loyalty. Put all the polling data shows it’s been a failure for Democrats, playing identity and race politics to garner their support.
The reason why is pretty simple: whether they just immigrated here legally yesterday or 3 generations ago, they know they came to the United States to get away from what Democrats are promising to impose here. Socialism/fascism/communism are what either they or their parents or grandparents fled, why would they want that here?
They’ve heard all these promises of equality and equity before and it ended up in terror. Why would they replace what they ran to with what they were running from?
Democrats can’t have this and other truths spread freely, they can’t have jokes told that belittle sacred cows on the left, they can’t be seen as anything other than magnanimous, which they decidedly are not. Anyone who dares rock that boat is a threat to what they insist the world must be. They aren’t in the business of convincing people, they are in the business of silencing dissent.
Elon Musk threatens that. So much so that media outlets are applauding Saudi Arabia’s government, a stakeholder in Twitter, for objecting to Musk’s offer. After years of attacking Saudi Arabia for the murder of Jamal Khashoggi, and with a history of homophobia (try being gay there), they’re now heroes to the left because they believe in nothing but their own power, and us being able to express ourselves freely is a threat to that power.
That kind of tells you everything you need to know about Democrats today, doesn’t it?
Derek Hunter is the host of a free daily podcast ( subscribe! ), host of a daily radio show on WCBM in Maryland , and author of the book, Outrage, INC. , which exposes how liberals use fear and hatred to manipulate the masses. Follow him on Twitter at @DerekAHunter
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I love hearing from the people who make the claim that "real Socialism/fascism/communism" has not been applied properly.
Hatred is strong in some...
Also nothing but a bed of lies.
You must be so proud, I mean after all, it takes a lot of work to hate about half of your fellow countrymen.
The author and I are pointing out those that hate and also act upon their hate. We have no hate toward anyone, just a desire to be free and to expose those who threaten that desire across a wide threat vector including to the bill of rights by the domestic enemies of freedom, particularly the spoken and written kind.
What a load of shit.
It is the truth and nothing but the whole truth
Them alternative facts aye...
Getting Pooped On
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Read More »Really. Go look at Nerm L's differing thoughts on Ukraine - all perfectly sane points - and how he's vilified. Liberal intolerance is a disease.
Funny as I saw a bipartisan group talking to him.
Also Liberals are not the ones fanning the so called culture wars.
Exactly, all over the map.
After all, who could support someone exclaiming that both Russia and Ukraine are the bad guys and good riddance if they kill each other?
So you (and Texan, it appears) support the sentiment that Russia and Ukraine are essentially the same so let them kill each other and good riddance? You support the heartless sentiment that shows no empathy for the citizens killed, raped, mutilated, etc. by an invading military? You support the lack of empathy for the Russian people who are forced to fight in this Putin aggression and for their families who must deal with their deaths all because of Putin's ego?
Liberals have started all of the culture wars. They are simply mad that conservatives are actually at long last fighting back and even starting to go on the offensive against the woke cancel culture.
And just how did they start it?
It is actually a made up meme by right wing people to keep the base riled up.
Seems to works like a charm.
I’ll go on the record as supporting Ukraine openly. I admire the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian military and the all in support of Ukraine by its people. I see Zelensky as a man who stepped up to a huge challenge big time Churchill style. I am in awe that they have held out like this in the face of real evil when many thought they couldn’t hold out for a week. My Franklin Graham Easter articles were likely a giveaway as to the side I’m on along with showing off Redding’s Sundial Bridge illuminated in Blue and Yellow. I do sympathize with the average Russian opposed to this war and those that have protested it. I support dissident Russians as well as displaced Ukrainians being given immediate refugee status in the USA.
Good to hear. It is surprising that someone would not have empathy for the Ukrainian people (and the Russian people other than Putin and his supporters).
History in the making.
I agree with you. Well said.
You voted up @2.2. Do you normally vote up comments with which you disagree?
Do you support the sentiment that Russia and Ukraine are essentially the same so let them kill each other and good riddance?
I asked a question. Note the question mark in my original comment. I also phrased it with the word 'appears' which is not assuming but noting the appearance. And when you objected I did not insist I knew your position but asked you a probative question to clear things up.
So per your 'answer' you ignored the actual content of squiggy's comment and just went for 'liberals suck'.
Now, since you continue to fail to answer my question, do you want us all to think that you hold the position that Russia and Ukraine are essentially the same so let them kill each other and good riddance?
Or do you hold the position that Russia and Ukraine are not the same (and indeed there is an invader and a defender here) and we should not wish that they kill each other off with good riddance?
The position that it is good for Russia and Ukraine to kill each other and good riddance is rather extreme and speaks volumes about an individual's character. If I voted up a comment that claimed that this and others are "all perfectly sane points" I sure as hell would want to clear that up if I did not agree.
You know what they say about those who assume…
Maybe use your impasse option….
... and I'm going to rob and rape your grandmother. Thank you for confirming my thought.
Like I said, it's a disease - he can't help himself.
The Russian military invaded Ukraine and set about murdering / raping / mutilating / ... civilians. So on top of brutal aggression of its own choosing, the Russian military has engaged in horrific inhumane attacks on civilians. Further, the Russian people are in many cases involuntary pawns in this aggression and are losing their lives and the lives of loved ones and suffering from the economic consequences of this war. All due to the ego and power aspirations of Putin and his followers.
Given this, someone has actually claimed: it is good for Russia and Ukraine to kill each other and good riddance and similar vile sentiment.
And you deem this as "all perfectly sane points".
That would always the preferred option.