If people really listen with their eyes closed and their mind at peace, they can hear the different songs the various areas of a river or brook 'sings' as it flows along. The different twists, turns and currents create songs.
The faster currents have a stronger and more vibrant song than the softer, lilting songs of the slower flow of calmer waters. The presence of rocks, trees and under growth also can affect the sound of their songs.
Sitting beside a river or brook listening to their songs is very peaceful, inspiring, Spiritual and speaks to our hearts.
A beautiful picture that is truly inspiring and peaceful, Mac.
Exactly, Mac. As each river and brook is unique, they have their own song that is like no other. In addition to the peaceful lilting song of the various rivers and brooks, is the beauty of the early morning sunlight embracing the ever changing pristine water as it flows along.
I can almost hear the babbling of the brook. How much more peaceful than the daily babble that seems to fill our ears.
Sorry for the delay. Saw Luther's note two days back and it reminded me of something my daughter posted from one of her hikes here locally.
Following the instructions from Raven Wing's helpful "How To Post Non-YouTube Videos" tutorial I got Megan to email her video and I've done my best to post them here.
It's about 60 seconds of a babbling brook from where she first crossed it to where it became a bit of a waterfall.
The video came in two small clips.
This is my first attempt at a non youtube video posting, (Thanks for the help Raven Wing), so wish me luck.
FANTASTIC!!!! It's not that often that I can open videos but you sure did those right. Your daughter has more than a good eye - she is REALLY smart! Using a video for those scenes not only gives a panoramic view, but depicts the sound and motion as well for a scene that is tremendously enhanced by doing so.
Reba discovered what squeaky toys are and now guards her two squeaky toys....She loves to chase them, pounce on them then protect them between her front legs.
I took Reba for a walk today and she discovered how good rolling in the grass is. I don't believe that she ever had the chance to do that in her life time. It was very cool to watch her become a playful loving dog despite the first horrific years of her life.
Reba is discovering so many new things in her new world that she never know existed before. So many things that many of our fur babies take for granted, are just now being discovered by her.
It's the Bird house we've had in our back yard for the last 8 years. Not sure if it's the SAME bird family, but they look the same. They are house cleaning their house to move back in.
I was looking for something to symbolize Spring. Since no newborn Whitetail Deer were available (mom pretty much keeps them hidden away), I had to go a similar but a bit more domestic route.
These little ones are standing right next to a 4 ft high fence post.
The Peacock, named Prince Albert just shows up now and then. He and the cat chase each other around and Prince Albert isn't afraid of the dogs. The dog shown here isn't sure that the heck it is, he's never see a peacock before.
The peacock lives about 1/4 mile away and just decides to come for a visit on occasion.
I took the photos this morning and when I first saw the peacock wandering around I had to do a double take...LOL
Proving that you should always take your camera (or at least your phone if it includes a camera) with you all the time in order to capture those special scenes.
I've never heard a peacock make a sound but man they sure can. When they do it is very loud and it sounds like they are saying ''help me''....LOL, it's true. Prince Albert did it a couple of times today.
My Mother lived next door to a couple that had a male and female Peacock when she was a young girl. She said when the female got scared or upset she would scream sounding like a woman screaming for help. Mother said she would do that during the night at time and it was enough to raise the hair on the back of her neck straight up, and gave her goose bumps all over. It was really very scary.
So I can imagine how the male in your case must sound with he belts one out.
It's that time again.
If people really listen with their eyes closed and their mind at peace, they can hear the different songs the various areas of a river or brook 'sings' as it flows along. The different twists, turns and currents create songs.
The faster currents have a stronger and more vibrant song than the softer, lilting songs of the slower flow of calmer waters. The presence of rocks, trees and under growth also can affect the sound of their songs.
Sitting beside a river or brook listening to their songs is very peaceful, inspiring, Spiritual and speaks to our hearts.
A beautiful picture that is truly inspiring and peaceful, Mac.
© A. Mac/A.G.
An absolutely great combining of a photo to a quotation.
Exactly, Mac. As each river and brook is unique, they have their own song that is like no other. In addition to the peaceful lilting song of the various rivers and brooks, is the beauty of the early morning sunlight embracing the ever changing pristine water as it flows along.
I can almost hear the babbling of the brook. How much more peaceful than the daily babble that seems to fill our ears.
Thank you Mac
My pleasure, luther28 @2.
Sorry for the delay. Saw Luther's note two days back and it reminded me of something my daughter posted from one of her hikes here locally.
Following the instructions from Raven Wing's helpful "How To Post Non-YouTube Videos" tutorial I got Megan to email her video and I've done my best to post them here.
It's about 60 seconds of a babbling brook from where she first crossed it to where it became a bit of a waterfall.
The video came in two small clips.
This is my first attempt at a non youtube video posting, (Thanks for the help Raven Wing), so wish me luck.
Oh wow, great work AH.
Truly beautiful and inspiring, AH, Thank you so much for sharing. It is very soothing to the Spirit. (smile)
You are very welcome, AH. I am truly glad that you found the instructions of how to post a non-YouTube video helpful.
You did well!
FANTASTIC!!!! It's not that often that I can open videos but you sure did those right. Your daughter has more than a good eye - she is REALLY smart! Using a video for those scenes not only gives a panoramic view, but depicts the sound and motion as well for a scene that is tremendously enhanced by doing so.
Thanks everyone.
I'll let Megan know ya'll enjoyed her share. (smile)
Beautiful! My kind of places!
Reba discovered what squeaky toys are and now guards her two squeaky toys....She loves to chase them, pounce on them
then protect them between her front legs.
So cute!
Reba is such a sweetheart. I am glad that she is finding out what a whole new world awaits her. One that she so deserves.
Love the Koi.
An artistic expression of the Malaysian Trumpet Snail I found in my tank this week.
Ha, love that photo EG.
Very well conceived ad executed, EG!
Beautiful creature. How did it get into your tank?
In the crab apple tree next door a few minutes ago.
I took Reba for a walk today and she discovered how good rolling in the grass is. I don't believe that she ever had the chance to do that in her life time. It was very cool to watch her become a playful loving dog despite the first horrific years of her life.
The pure joy was something to behold.
My back has been so itchy I wish I could do what Reba is doing.
Reba is discovering so many new things in her new world that she never know existed before. So many things that many of our fur babies take for granted, are just now being discovered by her.
Here is my creation for this week;
Awesome, as usual.
Thank you Buzz.
Very nice RW....I like the wood grain background.
Thanks Kavika. I like working with various wood grains as backgrounds, as they tend to add simplicity to the overall image.
Thank you Mac.
Our Usual's are setting up house again this year !
??? I see what looks like a B&W furry thing, but what is it?
It's the Bird house we've had in our back yard for the last 8 years. Not sure if it's the SAME bird family, but they look the same. They are house cleaning their house to move back in.
I was looking for something to symbolize Spring. Since no newborn Whitetail Deer were available (mom pretty much keeps them hidden away), I had to go a similar but a bit more domestic route.
These little ones are standing right next to a 4 ft high fence post.
You never know what is going to show up at the dog/cat shelter.
A visitor comes calling.
WoW! That is amazing! Does the Peacock live at the sanctuary, or simply show up now and then? It doesn't seem to be that afraid of the dog.
The Peacock, named Prince Albert just shows up now and then. He and the cat chase each other around and Prince Albert isn't afraid of the dogs. The dog shown here isn't sure that the heck it is, he's never see a peacock before.
The peacock lives about 1/4 mile away and just decides to come for a visit on occasion.
I took the photos this morning and when I first saw the peacock wandering around I had to do a double take...LOL
Proving that you should always take your camera (or at least your phone if it includes a camera) with you all the time in order to capture those special scenes.
Thank you for the information. It is good that the Peacock has a safe place to come and play as well.
I've never heard a peacock make a sound but man they sure can. When they do it is very loud and it sounds like they are saying ''help me''....LOL, it's true. Prince Albert did it a couple of times today.
My Mother lived next door to a couple that had a male and female Peacock when she was a young girl. She said when the female got scared or upset she would scream sounding like a woman screaming for help. Mother said she would do that during the night at time and it was enough to raise the hair on the back of her neck straight up, and gave her goose bumps all over. It was really very scary.
So I can imagine how the male in your case must sound with he belts one out.