

Beating Vegas, & Bringing Home the Bacon

Beating Vegas, & Bringing Home the Bacon

By: Charlie Courtois  •  default  •  0 comments  •  11 years ago
Walking With the Wind

Walking With the Wind

By: Windancersong Riverwalker  •  default  •  0 comments  •  11 years ago
Otis; Meet you on the Rainbow Bridge;

Otis; Meet you on the Rainbow Bridge;

By: Susan Paul  •  default  •  2 comments  •  11 years ago
Problem...Congressional Stagnation  Solution...Congressional Term Limits Through the I/R Process

Problem...Congressional Stagnation Solution...Congressional Term Limits Through the I/R Process

By: Time Lord  •  default  •  4 comments  •  11 years ago
Unsolicited and unwanted phone calls

Unsolicited and unwanted phone calls

By: Sparrow  •  default  •  2 comments  •  11 years ago
Interesting finding my birdies on another's website.

Interesting finding my birdies on another's website.

By: TheBirdLady  •  default  •  0 comments  •  11 years ago
Who owns the Media?

Who owns the Media?

By: retired military ex Republican  •  default  •  0 comments  •  11 years ago
Gotta Sequester? Or Was Cheney Right That 'Deficits Don't Matter'?

Gotta Sequester? Or Was Cheney Right That 'Deficits Don't Matter'?

By: Rorschach  •  default  •  0 comments  •  11 years ago
Rape, sharia law and the American left (Huff-Po) that supports it:- "If the doors of perception were cleansed"

Rape, sharia law and the American left (Huff-Po) that supports it:- "If the doors of perception were cleansed"

By: kpr37  •  default  •  2 comments  •  11 years ago
In My "Racially" un - "ENTITLED" Offense - a reflective perspective!

In My "Racially" un - "ENTITLED" Offense - a reflective perspective!

By: Moonchild63  •  default  •  0 comments  •  11 years ago
Turkish elite seem to take perverse delight, as they descend in to an Islamist fit of intellectual madness

Turkish elite seem to take perverse delight, as they descend in to an Islamist fit of intellectual madness

By: kpr37  •  default  •  9 comments  •  11 years ago
My First Cat as an adult Gillian Lisette  Part II

My First Cat as an adult Gillian Lisette Part II

By: Gail J. Hall  •  default  •  2 comments  •  11 years ago
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