

Damn It President Obama Stop Playing Games With Moscow And Kissing Up To Vladimir!!!

Damn It President Obama Stop Playing Games With Moscow And Kissing Up To Vladimir!!!

By: Alan Curtis Montgomery  •  default  •  2 comments  •  11 years ago
Write RUPERT MURDOCH'S Tomb Stone Epitath: "The Man Who Destroyed Journalism"

Write RUPERT MURDOCH'S Tomb Stone Epitath: "The Man Who Destroyed Journalism"

By: Jonathan Livingston Pigeon-Poo,  •  default  •  6 comments  •  11 years ago
Syria, and Pro-Government Hackers, Are Back on the Internet - NYTimes.com (With Further Information And My Commentary At The End)

Syria, and Pro-Government Hackers, Are Back on the Internet - NYTimes.com (With Further Information And My Commentary At The End)

By: Alan Curtis Montgomery  •  default  •  2 comments  •  11 years ago
NRA is now the new KKK.

NRA is now the new KKK.

By: retired military ex Republican  •  default  •  4 comments  •  11 years ago
Note To Bashar al-Assad: GAME OVER!

Note To Bashar al-Assad: GAME OVER!

By: Alan Curtis Montgomery  •  default  •  5 comments  •  11 years ago
Congressional vanity laws made to order boutique style :yuh think!

Congressional vanity laws made to order boutique style :yuh think!

By: Coral Atlas  •  default  •  1 comments  •  11 years ago
Having Trouble Coming? It's Easier Over The Internet - Sebastian Dangerfield, Sexed Up-ologist, MU (Mixed Up) - Thank You

Having Trouble Coming? It's Easier Over The Internet - Sebastian Dangerfield, Sexed Up-ologist, MU (Mixed Up) - Thank You

By: Jonathan Livingston Pigeon-Poo,  •  default  •  9 comments  •  11 years ago
My 1998 Brochure to Teenage Smokers (cover and page 1)

My 1998 Brochure to Teenage Smokers (cover and page 1)

By: storyartist  •  default  •  6 comments  •  11 years ago
My 1998 Brochure to Teenage Smokers (page 2)

My 1998 Brochure to Teenage Smokers (page 2)

By: storyartist  •  default  •  2 comments  •  11 years ago
My 1998 Brochure to Teenage Smokers (page 3)

My 1998 Brochure to Teenage Smokers (page 3)

By: storyartist  •  default  •  0 comments  •  11 years ago
The 64,000 dollar question -:- The 800 pound "guerrilla" in the room and the man made disaster

The 64,000 dollar question -:- The 800 pound "guerrilla" in the room and the man made disaster

By: kpr37  •  default  •  3 comments  •  11 years ago
The REALLY BIG LIES in America today ...

The REALLY BIG LIES in America today ...

By: Coral Atlas  •  default  •  4 comments  •  11 years ago
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