By: Ender • Short film • 4 comments • 5 years ago
I'm going to tell you something.
Okay imagine this.
So you're standing on that bridge
You are looking out across the city
You feel the wind through your hair
You're looking down at the water
Are you still with me?
Fuck, where was I
Oh yeah
Then comes that moment that you're standing on the ledge, you know?
And then that adrenaline comes.
That's the moment you get really scared
because you...
The Garden Chronicles - Week 19
By: Dig • Gardening • 12 comments • 5 years ago
It's been a busy couple of weeks. The corn got harvested in three pickings, each two days apart, and in it's place three rows of fall peas went in. I also dug a trench where some of the corn was standing and buried the stalks, after tying a dozen or so of them into shocks for Halloween decorations later on.
The weather hasn't been too bad. The rain stopped again, but temps have mostly been...
Things that make me go GRRRRRRRRRRRR
By: MsAubrey (aka Ahyoka) • Personal • 25 comments • 5 years ago
My Pontiac Firebird is nearly finished and for the last couple things, my husband and I decided to take it to a local restoration shop to button up those things. It cost me $95 to get it towed to the place. We explained the couple things we wanted done and what had been done already. Everything was new or rebuilt on it; I mean everything. There should be no replacement parts necessary. Even...
Trump Cannot Ride A Bike. He Has Trouble Walking
By: JBB • Opinions • 53 comments • 5 years ago
By: Sparty On • Family • 9 comments • 5 years ago
Got to see my Father for the first time in over five months. Through a screen and from a distance but we got to talk a little and he still has the Marine in him and managed to return the salute I gave him.
Love you Dad ..... Semper Fi!
The Garden Chronicles - Week 17
By: Dig • Gardening • 20 comments • 5 years ago
More strange weather, but it's not altogether unwelcome this time. The heat and dryness continued for a week after my last post, and we were officially in moderate drought conditions, but then it was like a switch got thrown and everything changed, literally overnight. A cold front rolled in and broke the drought with almost daily rain (I got over 4 inches in just one night a few days ago),...
Goodbye Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben
By: JBB • Opinions • 110 comments • 5 years ago
The trusted black antebellum cooks and butlers that white southern families would so often affectionately refer to as, "Aunt Bess", or, "Uncle Joe", were nearly always secretly the actual aunts and uncles of those families except that they had been born as slaves and as the results of slave rapes by white southern slave owners. This fact is why products like, "Aunt Jemima", and, "Uncle Ben",...
The Garden Chronicles - Week 15
By: Dig • Gardening • 23 comments • 5 years ago
No rain yet. I've only had an inch in the past 5 weeks. The forecasted heat wave didn't fully materialize, though, so that's good. It has been getting into the mid and upper 90's, but no 100's so far.
The grass is starting to go brown, but at least I've hardly had to mow it lately. A decent trade-off in my book.
- Sunday, July 19 -
Just after sunrise.
Cool and pleasant.
By: It Is ME • excellent • 97 comments • 5 years ago
"When you decide to live boldly without the irrational fear that is pumped into your head 24/7. Fear is a means of control over you and your mind. Break free and start living Fearless, boldly proclaim your Freedom!"
“I do not support George Floyd and a media depiction of him as a martyr for black America,” this is evidence of the black community’s tendency to “blame white people” and take no...
The Garden Chronicles - Week 14
By: Dig • Gardening • 33 comments • 5 years ago
No rain at all this past week, but the humidity dropped a bit and it was pretty nice overall. The week ahead, however, is supposed to be the hottest yet — upper 90's, with a chance of one or two 100+ days, and heat indexes of 110.
I'm not looking forward to that in the slightest, and the national weather says that much of the country east and south of me will be in the same boat. A big heat...
The Garden Chronicles - Week 13
By: Dig • Gardening • 30 comments • 5 years ago
It finally rained. I got a little over an inch a few days ago, but it wasn't much help. All it really did was green the grass up a bit, and increase the humidity. June is usually one of the wetter months, if not the wettest, but not this year. I hope it rains a good amount in July. If it doesn't, I'll be gardening in drought conditions.
It's been hot, too. Heat indexes over 100 lately. It's...
A Great 4th of July to all !
By: It Is ME • excellent • 46 comments • 5 years ago