By: JBB • Opinions • 264 comments • 5 years ago
Making abortions illegal does not reduce the steady demand for terminations by even one case. The real abortion rate in Mexico and Czechoslovak, where elective abortions are mostly illegal, is at least twice that of the United States which plainly illustrates the only pertinent point.
Making abortions illegal does not stop women from aborting. What it does is to make criminals of the women,...
Schoolhouse Rock... I loved these.
By: MsAubrey (aka Ahyoka) • Personal • 14 comments • 5 years ago
I sure wish they made these today. They're so educational. My son learned a lot about grammar and basic math from these. Then when he did a project regarding the branches of government, we watched the ones that were related to that subject. I love these and they bring back a lot of memories.
Which one is / was your favorite?
I think we need some music today...
By: MsAubrey (aka Ahyoka) • Personal • 152 comments • 5 years ago
What kind of home do you live in / what kind of area [city, country, urban...]?
By: MsAubrey (aka Ahyoka) • Personal • 93 comments • 5 years ago
I live in a suburban town just south of Detroit called Wyandotte. Neighbors homes are near mine, but we're a close neighborhood. We all know each others names and help each other when needed. The type of home I live in is what one might consider a farm style house; it was built in 1906. We've put $65,000 into it to make it our own and to make it warmer, more efficient, and more comfortable....
How weird are your pets?
By: MsAubrey (aka Ahyoka) • Personal • 82 comments • 5 years ago
I have a dog named Rocky. He is an American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT) and about a year and a half old; it's an estimate because he's a rescue.
I also have a 5 year old cat named Palooza; she's a rescue too, but she was born in the home of one of the rescue employees so we know her age.
Rocky is a mama's boy that clings to me like white on rice. He is NOT scared of thunder or...
What's your favorite automobile?
By: MsAubrey (aka Ahyoka) • Personal • 115 comments • 5 years ago
For me, I can't possibly pick just one vehicle for my favorite. Now, I will say that I prefer the styling of the previous generations. It seems that every modern vehicle I actually like or am attracted to for one reason or another, it's discontinued. That's pretty frustrating. One of my downfalls is that I prefer a manual transmission over an automatic. Today, it's a theft deterrent; however,...
Poseidon Strikes Back
By: JBB • Opinions • 29 comments • 5 years ago
Q: What do you call a bunch of inbred Trumpistas bobbing up and down in the middle of Lake Travis?
A: Proud buoys
End of life sadness
By: MsAubrey (aka Ahyoka) • Personal • 10 comments • 5 years ago
Yes, she is 96. Yes, she lost her husband a little over 3 years ago. My neighbors Bob and Donna became family. I've been helping Donna's daughter with some of the stuff most people struggle with doing. The end of life stuff is sad. And I don't care what anyone else believes, I believe that she'll soon be with her love again. I love their story.
They lived across the street from each other...
What are some of your favorite smells? Guess we could include sounds too...
By: MsAubrey (aka Ahyoka) • Personal • 103 comments • 5 years ago
There's a lot of scents that I love; all for different reasons. The smell of tar on a spring morning reminds me of the home I lived in until the age of 8. The city would spray tar on the gravel road in front of my house every spring to help keep the dust down and gravel in place. The smell of a rain storm coming. The smell of Turbo Blue fuel being burned in a hot rod. The smell of Georgio...
Mabon Approches
By: Veronica • Wiccan • 17 comments • 5 years ago
Night and day are again of equal length and in perfect equilibrium - dark and light, masculine and feminine, inner and outer, in balance. But we are again on the cusp of tra nsition and from now the year now begins to wane and from this moment darkness begins to defeat the light. ( )
September 21st or 22nd holds the date for the next...
The Garden Chronicles - Week 21
By: Dig • Gardening • 54 comments • 5 years ago
August turned out to be fantastic. One of the driest on record, but with the exception of a handful of hot days it was strangely cool and mild, and the lack of rain kept the humidity down most of the time. Dryness aside, I wish every August could be like this one.
Hurricane Laura turned east before any of its rain could reach me, but I got a little from a regular storm a couple of days...
Something other than pandemic, political, or religion...
By: MsAubrey (aka Ahyoka) • Personal • 32 comments • 5 years ago
No, this has nothing to do with photography either. A conversation the other day sparked some thoughts. How many of you plan or have planned the major events or circumstances in your lives? Let me explain a little... the conversation revolved around careers and what got us to the point of current careers. It got me thinking... my dad went into the Navy shortly after high school and learned...