What are you watching on Halloween?

Halloween is here and in my case 2 inches of snow too. The dog and I are on our own tonight and we don't get very many trick 'r treaters so I plan on watching Trick 'R Treat on Max tonight and later the original 1978 Halloween on BluRay.
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Last night I watched Evil Dead Rise on 4K BluRay. Watching it while drinking a bloody mary was an... interesting experience. I have a Philips Hue sync box I run my disk player through that controls lights behind and around my tv in sync with the movies. So, yeah... I was having some fun.
What have you, or are you wanting for the spooky season?
I try to not be repetitious in choosing topics for my movie quizzes, and since I have previously posted Hallowe'en, Horror and Weird Movie quizzes I refrained from posting a Hallowe'en one this time, and the same will go for Christmas movies in December. If and when I run out of different topics down the road I may have no choice but to repeat them.
Until I moved away from Canada I never missed doing customary Hallowe'en traditions, such as dressing up and "trick or treating" when I was a kid, and then dressing up and accompanying our kids to do the same. As the weather was always a little crispy at that time of year we always had a big coffee urn prepared to provide coffee for the parents accompanying their kids and of course we carved faces in pumpkins and had an adequate supply of wrapped candies and chocolate for the kids.
Hallowe'en is not celebrated where I am now.
If and when I run out of different topics down the road I may have no choice but to repeat them.
Actually you have more choices than you may know! If you run out of the more popular holidays, here are a few more to get you started:
Upcoming Holidays (November 2023)
Heck-- for Veteran's Day alone we get no less than 5 holidays!
Just noticed-- we get 2 for Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving Day itself of course-- and then a second one as well: "Day After Thanksgiving" holiday.
I really Iike that idea ("Day After Holiday")-- for example, we should get 5 "Day After Veterans Day" holidays!
Actually we should make enough holidays to get 364 holidays. Then we would get 1 day that's a "Nothing Important Happened on this Date" Holiday!
Borrowing a line that Jordon Jaye (Mathew Espinosa) spoke in the movie Be Somebody, "I'll keep that in mind."
I don't watch much horror but I'm always up for The Exorcist...the original with Linda Blair (is that her name?)
And The Omen with Gregory Peck and Lee Remick
I watched that on one of the streaming services about a couple of months ago. It's always a fun movie.
I don't watch much slasher horror stuff, it's too predictable to me. maybe some harold and maude or clockwork orange.
I get it. Sometimes that's the fun part. Mostly it just get's tedious and it becomes about the gore and body count. I don't get into a lot of that stuff. If you run across it, check out The Woman In Black. It's a slow burn ghost story.
I don't slasher flicks, either. The first Halloween was ok, but the rest sucked.
I like a movie that has me on the edge of my seat and makes me question what did I just see
Me too. I also like something with some humor to break some of the tension.
If I were writing a monster movie, it would be more like Jaws and Alien than most movies these days.
Love Harold and Maude!
it's probably the production manager efficiency in me. you're a john wick fan, why fuck around with cutlery when you can use a firearm to decorate a wall with the contents of somebody's skull and move on to the next victim. knives, swords, axes, hatchets, give me a break. chainsaws, maybe...
30 minutes into a slasher picture and I'm thinking victims that f'n stupid deserve to get carved up and I'm rooting for the killer.
hitchcock did it pretty well with the directing of his movies. psycho, the birds, etc, etc...
I have found some TV shows that are even scarier than slasher movies!!! And that is the entire "The Real Housewives of ________" series, Those portrayals are just like real people-- and that's scary!
(Don't get started on "Jersey Shore")
I might have watched both of those programs, if they actually had incorporated a slasher into them...
I watched Wait Until Dark (Audrey Hepburn, Alan Arkin, Richard Crenna), Sunday. It is my favorite scary movie. I don't watch "horror" films.
I don't watch horror films but I'll be watching ''Play Misty For Me''....scary
Great movie and sound track. It was Eastwood's director debut. He moved the setting from LA to Carmel and Monterrey and shoot scenes at a Carmel radio station, the bar was a the Sardine Factory in Monterey and some friends houses. Also used some footage from the Monterey Jazz Festival with Johnny Otis and Cannonball Adderley preforming.
I'm part of a local enthusiast group and some of these people are way too far down that rabbit hole. LOL. I wish I could write screenplays. I have what I think is a fanatic idea for an inexpensive wendigo movie.
That's a good one
Get Out combines horror, laughter and social commentary into a very thoughtful movie.
I couldn't get all the way through that movie, but I did like Us and Nope from Jordan Peele.
The Shining.
“The sleep of reason breeds monsters.”
I have that on 4K BluRay. It's a great movie.
3 From Hell
The Changling ( )
Ghost Story ( )
The Hurse ( )
I've been rewatching The Haunting of Bly Manor, so I'll continue on with that.
Have you seen the new Fall of the House of Usher yet? Same show runner.
I have, and enjoyed it. I have a girl crush on Carla Gugino now.
I've always had a crush on her.
I rarely look at horror movies. I'd have to say Aliens 2 was pretty scary when the space monsters were crawling on the outside of the walls and ceiling where the humans were holed up.
Maybe a couple episodes of Twilight Zone. I like the eerie and supernatural much more than slasher stuff.
I'm currently watching the old Outer Limits. Pretty good writing. I don't care about the effects
we're spoiled because of the computer generated effects they have now. I loved outer limits and twilight zone when I was a kid. we also had creature features. all were on late night on weekends...
iconic intros...
I get into watching the Twilight Zone marathon on SyFy on New Year's Eve and New Year's. One reason I don't like to go out on amateur night
Anyone listen to "The Shadow" when they were a kid?
(I say "listen to" because it was sound only-- Old timey radio!
They replayed a lot of these old radio shows late at night on the radio, so I caught a few episodes in my childhood. My parents got me the Orson Wells radio broadcast of War of the Worlds in a cassette box set for Christmas one year.
Henry Portrait of a Serial Killer. The Hills Have Eyes. My wife won’t watch that stuff so she’ll be in the other room watching Hocus Pocus (lame).
Nice list. I watched Hocus Pocus with my wife a couple of weekends ago. It's still fun.
Haunted House - John Fogerty
The Love Boat, that stuff is even too scary for YouTube.
julie in a thong, tuned up on an 8ball and vodka, hitachi in one hand and a can of reddi-whip in the other? oops, wrong channel...
The Love Boat, that stuff is even too scary for YouTube.
Probably the scariest stuff I watch now is The Nightly News.