Canada - The Most Dangerous Country in the Americas
Many articles have been posted here on NT, regarding crime in the United States. Dangerous cities, both big and small. Dangerous states, counties, neighborhoods. We covered them all.
I think that it's time to look at other countries. We are, after all, an international group at Newstalkers.
My vote for the most dangerous country that I've been in, outside the United States is Canada. Yes!! Canada is dangerous.
All the talk about them being nice and polite is pure bullshit. Yes, folks pure bull. Why else would their police wear those amusing costumes. I mean the hat alone is a deadly weapon. More tourists are killed after seeing a RCMP and laughing themselves to death then die in garage fires in the U.S.
Are you aware, that more people are killed by enraged moose in Canada than are killed in the U.S. city of Fargo by gunfire. This does not count those that had too much Moose Head beer and fell down in front of a runaway dog sled.
Are you aware that more people freeze to death in Canada than die in bathtub falls in the U.S. city of Mobile AL.
Their sports are really blood sports. They make the MMA look like child's play.
Curling alone accounts for many fatalities every year. An out of control Rock on ice is a deadly weapon. More Canadians have been killed by the Rock, than have died by frostbite in Bakersfield Ca.
Do you know why Canadian Football only has three downs. It should be obvious to you, having a forth down would result in many extra deaths in Canada, not so in the in the U.S. we have four downs and still don't match the danger of Canadian Football.
This just scratches the surface of the dangers of Canada.
All of this can be verified by Buzz of the Orient, who at one time lived in Canada, but moved to China because of the dangers of living in Canada.
Not surprising that Canada is so dangerous given its proximity to that infamous place we call Chicago.
Hmmmmm, I better check and see if the L runs to Canada pokermik...
I'm OK, Kavika. Though I live in southern California, I am heavily armed against all but nuclear threats to me and my family.
The crowds at the curling matches can get out of control, too. Ice. It's the ice that makes people go freaking nuts. Hockey is played on ice and the players go nuts because of the ice.
Canada is a suburb of Chicago. That's what I hear.
This article explains why Obama has been so reluctant to allow the pipeline for Canadian tar fuels . Its the danger , stupid !
Canadian software is not dangerous . It is merely ineffective .
The five things in Canada that cause the most injuries:
1. Back strain from shovelling snow
2. Broken bones from slipping on the ice
3. Being attacked by a Polar Bear.
4. The trots from eating too much poutine.
5. Injured from falling down drunk due to drinking more than 2 bottles of Canadian beer in a row.
6. Pamela Anderson
I had to google that. It sounded dirty.
Aha Grump. Obviously you've never been to Quebec.
Actually, Pamela Anderson sounds "dirty" to me - "Down and dirty..."
Now this is a real Canadian beauty. Ashley Callingbull, Miss World Canada...Ahhh, man I'm in love all over again.
Nice errrr, ahhhh, cheeks...
Their not nearly as bad as the ''Newfies'' BF...
They did try to hire Al Qiada, but they refused the job. Afraid they wouldn't get paid..
Canadian Company instruction booklet given to their programmers.
It's faux fur Mike. I know, I touched it. I was arrested over the incident.
Ha and ha, Mike. A whole new article for you to follow up on. How many PETA members to we have here on NT?
If your attacked by a Polar Bear Buzz, your usually eaten. Thus your dead...
It's when the ice starts to melt. They load it up with Moose Head.
I have always wondered about the pronunciation of the word "faux". Is it faugh or fuks?
Which "it" were you touching, Mr. Pudmilker? And in public, no less - thus the arrest.
It's pronounced ''wayezhinge'' in Ojibwe. Actually it means, the fur is fake, but Ashley isn't Grump.
LOL, Kav!
Seriously, tho, I think BC is dangerous. They smoke so much there, that you'll die of asphyxiation [sp?] in any of their restaurants!
Naw Chole, it's not smoking. They light the floors on fire to keep warm.
Is that like 2nd degree murder Mike?
Nope. She ain't fake. She is a beauty and very photogenic. She's my cousin.
Wow Grump, your cousin!!! I didn't know she was Scottish, I've never seen her in a kilt.
She is my cousin. I don't think I'm her cousin, though.
Although I couldn't open your photo/video, Kavika, I searched her name and saw photos that would make me fall in love again as well. For example:
I thought I saw an article recently about a guy who survived such an attack.
British Columbia? That's not tobacco they're smoking, Chloe. There you don't have to go up on the mountains to get high.
I heard that they are going re name B.C. ''Mary Jane''.
She is a beautiful women Buzz.
Yup, there was. But it was a polar bear cub,and the guy lost an arm and a leg.
I noticed that, too, the last time I was there.
The cigarettes did give me a headache, tho, and it was worse than anything I've seen here. I haven't been to the east coast US or Europe, where I've been told is a lot like how it is in Vancouver for cigarette smoking, unless they've banned restaurant smoking there, now [in the east US], like it is here.
Snoking in restaurants and other public places was banned in Ontario before I left there more than 7 years ago. I would imagine that BC followed suit soon after. How long ago were you there, Chloe?
When you drive down University Avenue in Toronto, where many major hospitals are located, it is a pity to see the patients standing or sitting in wheelchairs in front of the Princess Margaret Cancer Hospital, still attached to their IVs, smoking.
Three years. I've traveled through the surrounding areas, but Vancouver is the only city I've spent more time in. Amazing people will smoke right to the end, sometimes.
Buzz, my last trip must have been towards the end of old or beginning of new legislation. Good to see they're getting on board, but then there is still this:
Which allows them to get around it, conditionally. There are still facilities in my city that have smoking in their bar section, which often isn't separated by any partition. I was reading a local comment by a merchant saying that there's no way he's going to disallow smoking in the entire establishment, as those customers bring in two to three times more business in drinks.
It's always about the money, not health, it seems.
Or the plan was for it to be dead on arrival anyway......well, All I can say is 'Mission Accomplished'.
Oh yeah, Poutine is truly deadly......and Canadian.
Ontario has Poutine on their menu all over the place too....
End of February,I'm headed to Cape Breton-looking forward to that trip. Will be on the look out for bears and Meese (That's the plural, right?
Goodness gracious ollks like built for speed and comfort. Che Wa Wa nice suit. With rip cords.
Bores and meese???
It was invented in Quebec, but the French have clandestinely infiltrated other parts of the country. C'est la vie.
Ha!!! I don't think you'll see any in Cape Breton unless you visit a zoo.
Saw this fellow in Cape Breton just last month.
That's a "boose" - a result of cross-breeding.
Or a result of way way way to much to drink.
Which one would have drunk too much? The bear or the moose? Or YOU?
I'm afraid that they both did. Me, I'm an innocent bystander.
Oho!!! I know how "innocent" you are. You probably introduced them to each other.
Yup, one of my side occupations is ''matchmaker'' for single bears and moose.
I can't say anymore, it's so top secret that most of the time, even I don't know.
Okay, I'll "keep mum" about it. (Or is that one of those expressions that should go to the dumpster?)
I think that saying should go into the dumpster Buzz...
Nope... Detroit. I can see Canada from my rooftop. It's just over 1/4 mile from my front door.
What aboot the Canadian hottie men-folk, eh?
(for the guys... don't forget, in the summer, the women can go topless)
Poutine... The heart attack in a smoothered bowl.
LOL, I'll bet that you can Ahyoka. How much Moosehead have you had?
Seeing Canada from Detroit is somewhat more credible than seeing Russia from Sarah's porch. However, Canada does not need to be a suburb of a bankrupt city.
Too much poutine? I just learned recently that it was fried cheese curds and...something else...(damn my brain shut down after hearing fried cheese curds). I thought about moving there for an endless supply...drooooooooooolll....and YUM! However, I should probably research what the other thing was, because, to be honest, the cheese curds is all I care about
Poutine is French fries with gravy and cheese curds.
I like it
LOL chelli, it's good stuff. The French Fries help a lot as well.
Looking like the trip may end up in PEI instead....I'm all good with that too-Love PEI, just the beer cost is pretty hard on the it's all 'an import' to PEI!
My wife is Canadian and I really like Moosehead beer; so, for the sake of peace in the home, and brew in the fridge, all I'm gonna say is "Canada Rocks"!
Good one Larry. Keep peace in the family.
Ya know how it goes, if Mommas not happy, nobodys happy.
Honestly though, we don't go to Winnipeg anymore; the crime rate from gangs has sky-rocketed there in the last 20 years. It used to be fun (a sorta European flair to their clothes and such) to go shopping there, but isn't so much so anymore.
I have quite a few rellies in the Winnipeg area, and they have said the same thing about gangs Larry.
Sounds like a heart attack on a plate, but I'm in!!!
Serving up two huge platters. One for Swamijim and one for me.
You're right... But can't we be a suburb of Windsor? I live just south of Detroit... We're not anything like "the D" in Wyandotte.
Windsor is a disaster. The only reason you might want to be a part of Windsor is because you can buy a house there really cheap. I guess it lost its luster when Detroit lost its, because I think a lot of residents of Windsor had worked in the Detroit auto industry.