
13 Year Old Wins A $70,000 Car In A Raffle…What She Does Next Absolutely STUNS Everybody


Category:  Religion & Ethics

Via:  xxjefferson51  •  10 years ago  •  4 comments

13 Year Old Wins A $70,000 Car In A Raffle…What She Does Next Absolutely STUNS Everybody
When she bought the tickets and entered the raffle, she knew she wasnt old enough to actually use the prize, but that didnt keep the girl from accepting it and surprising everyone with what she did next.Erin Byrnes, 13, took the $200 she raised collecting aluminum cans and bottles over the summer and took a chance, buying 60 raffle tickets at the annual Josephs House fundraiser in Syracuse, N.Y.AdvertisementKnowing she wasnt old enough to drive away in the prize, she only wrote her last name on the tickets. Her parents were in agreement the choice about what to do with the winnings was all Erins.We never dreamed in a million years that Erin would win, Jeanie Byrnes told Syracuse.com.Rev. Richard Prior reached into the pile of names, pulled out a ticket and Todd Caputo, the owner of Sun Chevrolet, called out the name a last name, Byrnes. Erin didnt hesitate to walk up on stage and collect her prize a fully loaded, brand-new Chevrolet Tahoe worth $70,000.Then and there she knew what she should do with the awesome prize Erin handed her winning raffle ticket over to the charity for which everyone was there to raise funds.Josephs House is a home for pregnant women who might be considering abortion. The home was started by two grandmothers who wanted to give those women another option. They pledged never to take government funds, raising $600,000 to open the doors. Last year, they raised $400,000 and hoped for $500,000 worth of donations this year.Erin was at the fundraiser that night to accept a leadership award. She volunteers at Josephs House, taking care of babies and doing chores around the facility.When she heard about the need to raise funds, she wanted to help, so Erin started collecting cans and bottles that could be redeemed for cash.Kitty Spinelli is one of the two Catholic grandmothers who founded Josephs House. She said they are still trying to figure out the best plan for making use of Erins generous gift.Read more: http://www.tpnn.com/2015/10/03/13-year-old-wins-70000-car-raffle-next-absolutely-stuns-everybody/#ixzz3ncSKpDVL


jrDiscussion - desc
Freshman Silent
link   jennilee    10 years ago
Great story. This is a girl who knows how to put words into action. She will grow up and make a difference, helping people.
Senior Guide
link   seeder  XXJefferson51    10 years ago
She is indeed living what she believes in and is a great role model for her peers and all Americans.
Freshman Silent
link   jennilee    10 years ago
And hats off to the ladies that started and maintain Joseph's house without government intervention.
Senior Guide
link   seeder  XXJefferson51    10 years ago
Thanks for mentioning them. They provide a great service to their community and to those they serve. That they do it with no government funding/control is simply awesome. I am sure the local planned parenthood wishes they weren't there

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