
I just want one really good Pizza!


Category:  Wine & Food

Via:  polly-cooper  •  12 years ago  •  19 comments

I just want one really good Pizza!

Not Pizza Hut. Not Dominos. Not any of the chains. I just want one really good pizza that isn't gooped up with too much sauce, a crust thick as Obamacare and fake cheese!

How about a superthin and crispy crust with garlic sauce instead of red sauce, artichokes, roasted red peppers, mushrooms and a spattering of real cheese that actually melts. And can you please bake it in an outdoor pizza oven?

If anyone know where I can get such a thing, please advise ASAP 6783_discussions.jpg


jrDiscussion - desc
Jonathan P
Sophomore Silent
link   Jonathan P    12 years ago

1)Call your travel agent.

2)Bood a flight either to LAG or JFK

3)Get a cab, and ask to go to midtown

4)Go to any pizza shop you see.

You pretty much can't miss.

Larry Hampton
Professor Quiet
link   Larry Hampton    12 years ago

I feel your pain Pollyand I've got one for ya.

Rhombus Guys , downtown Grand Forks. The best, hands-down, anywhere!


retired military ex Republican
Freshman Silent
link   retired military ex Republican    12 years ago

Dam that is cruel.

Junior Quiet
link   Spikegary    12 years ago

I live in Pizza Land (No matter what those silly Chicago people say). We had pizza from Molinaro's in Lockport Last night. Thicker crust with fresh garlic in the crust itself. There's a place here called the Pizza Oven (in the City of Lockport) that has the pizza to fit your bill. They even sell it in 'halfs'. Even with cute 'half pizza' boxes. Super thin crust and made your way. There was a place that opened for alittle while called the Brick oven-they had a wood fired brick oven-pizza was really good, but Iheard the building required too much money to get up to code so they shut it down.

Professor Silent
link   Al-316    12 years ago

Anchovies. Now you are talking pizza.

One Miscreant
Professor Silent
link   One Miscreant    12 years ago

MackManco and Manco's on the boardwalk Ocean City, NJ used to do it right.

Freshman Silent
link   Chloe    12 years ago

How about a superthin and crispy crust with garlic sauce instead of red sauce, artichokes, roasted red peppers, mushrooms and a spattering of real cheese

Oh, that's my idea of a really good pizza too, Polly. There are several here where I am that do that... always good.

Larry Hampton
Professor Quiet
link   Larry Hampton    12 years ago

You have to go to a real pizza place for anchovies...love 'em; lottsa places used to carry them.

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser    12 years ago

Great Neck, NY in 1983. Spinach pizza-- white cheese, (don't ask me what, maybe provolone?), white sauce, (alfredo?), and layers of well cooked, well seasoned spinach on a thin crust.

I would love to have another. It was brought to me by a friend, because I was out in the well field and was having all kinds of trouble finding something to eat. May God always bless my friend, and someday, I'll get to have another one.

Heaven! Grin.gif

pat wilson
Professor Participates
link   pat wilson    12 years ago

NEApolitan Pizzeria & Birreria

31542 S. Coast Highway Laguna Beach, California 92651

That'sThe Margherita.Need I say more ?

Yes, I think I see Jesus in the crust !!!


Polly Cooper
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Polly Cooper    12 years ago

Chloe - Glad we have pizza in common.

Freshman Silent
link   Chloe    12 years ago

So am I, Polly! In fact, now that I have that on my mind, I'm going to order one or get the ingredients to make one, though my crust isn't usually their cracker-style.

Freshman Silent
link   Neetu2    12 years ago

Sadly, Polly, the search for a good pizza may mean you have to drive a few hundred miles or maybe fly across the big pond! But if that is not a possibility, I discovered one just 2 days ago at the rooftop Pizzeria at the Plaza in Santa Fe!Smile.gif

Polly Cooper
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Polly Cooper    12 years ago

The other evening I was still in search but I went to a restaurant here in pittsburgh called Primanti Brothers. You may have heard of it or seen it on Food Network. Their claim to fame is putting meat, cole slaw, french fries and tomatoes on homemade Italian Bread.

Well, I ordered their pizza this time and it was fantastic! Cured my craving for at least 5 days!

Freshman Silent
link   Neetu2    12 years ago

Hmmmm, your definition of a good pizza???????? Whatever floats your boat, Polly! If it makes you happy, it must be pizza!Smile.gif

Polly Cooper
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Polly Cooper    12 years ago

Yeah, but not a lot of places carry artichokes and roasted red peppers. When I can order it, I DO!!!

Polly Cooper
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Polly Cooper    12 years ago

LOL, that's not what I meant, Neetu! I didn't get meat, coleslaw and french fries on the pizza! (although I HAVE had a pizza like that and it was delish) It was just a plain old thin crust red sauce pizza with pepperoni, mushrooms and bacon. The crust was great, the sauce was not too spicy (and there wasn't too much on it) and the mushrooms were FRESH, not canned. Pizza - it does a body good.

Note: In my world even a bad pizza is good. A good pizza is a life-changing experience.

Freshman Silent
link   Neetu2    12 years ago

Well, good you explained, Polly! I was beginning to worry...you know, sort of, wonder..Smile.gif

Polly Cooper
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Polly Cooper    12 years ago

Do you EVER EVER EVER post something that isn't hateful? This is about PIZZA, for chrissakes! Why don't you just chill out?


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