


Category:  Other

Via:  leotie  •  12 years ago  •  42 comments


If you had all the money one could want, what would you do? Me? I'd have a room 12' X 12' with cabinets and drawers lining one wall, a big TV hanging on another wall and a long table with craft supplies. I'd make dreamcatchers, beaded jewelry and cross stitching all day and probably most of the night.

I would set up college scholarships for Indians to go to the best schools in this country, and make sure they had everything they needed to succeed and GIVE money so the reservations could have decent businesses and people could have jobs. The children would have what they needed for school, etc.

Viet Nam Veterans organizations would have money to help these men with housing and whatever else they needed, as they are absolutely one of my favorite groups of people.

So, if you had all the money one could want, what would you do with it? Fantasize a little and lay it out for us.


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Principal
link   Kavika     12 years ago

I'd do much of what you would do Susan.

BTW, I haven't seen you at Anishinaabe, lot's of good article there.

Freshman Silent
link   Miss_Construed    12 years ago

I'd set up a research lab and funding organizationand work and fund a bunch of things... mostly

1. help the effort to map neurological signals in the brain

2. support the genetic library research effort

3. support the foldit and RNA version programming

4. support 23andme

5. look into biometrics, synthetic biology and epigenetics

6. lots of other things I could spend hours listing...

Freshman Silent
link   jennilee    12 years ago

I like to think that I would use a large portion of the money to support a good cause, and make sure my grandkids got the chance to get a good education so they could take care of themselves and their families. As for me, I would love to spend many of my days in a hammock on a secluded island, with an unlimited number of books within reach.

Nigel Dogberry
Freshman Silent
link   Nigel Dogberry    12 years ago

I would be doing much of what you would be doing, Susan. But, I would also make sure my family was secure, that they were healthy and comfortable.

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser    12 years ago

I'd do the best I could.

I'd take care of my mother's needs. I'd make sure my son's education was secure. I'd ask my husband what he wants to do and let him do it-- within reason. (If he wants to race motorcycles again, NOPE. Hear that, Magnum? You're too old and dear for that nonsense.) I'd try to start something, some business, something somewhere in eastern KY that would give people something to do, that paid well, other than work in a coal mine or starve. I'd make sure that there were a few well-equipped public libraries in the counties that don't have any.

I'd like to try growing tea. I bet we have good land and a good climate in KY for tea. I want to be a bee keeper. I want to have a wildflower farm. That, of course needs workers to help, and do. As much as I love bees, I'm allergic to them, so I'd have to hire help. I'd like to buy a big wad of land and let it be wild on most of it, with tea on the some part of it. Maybe a bed and breakfast. Keep the hunters out and meth lab people out and the bible thumpers out, and just let it all be. And I don't want to have to clean any of it. No more vacuming for me! Smile.gif

Mainly, I just want to be busy, happy, and helpful.

Freshman Silent
link   Arch-Man    12 years ago

Help people.

Debora Zahn
Freshman Silent
link   Debora Zahn    12 years ago

First I would give a very large amount to my church and to my church's mission fund.

My Mother has never had anything extra special. I would get rid of that house that was not really built for her and build her a home that was set for all of her special needs. I'd make sure that she had all ofher medical needs met by the finest caregivers and give her the nicest life she could have in her latter years.

MyMother n law came from Germany right after WWII, she has never had a really nice home so that would be what we would do for her. Then we would let hergo to Germamy to see her family when she wanted.

For our children and grandchildren we would set up trust funds and ensure that they have the best education for what they want when they grow up.

Then I would take my husband on the honey moon we have never had, maybe to Africa where I went on my first mission trip. Then to some place nice, like a quiet island where we could be away from phones and cars. Just for a few days, no TV, no phone, no car. Then let's see if we can find something to do. Grin.gif

Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Leotie    12 years ago

Motor coach sounds great, but it wouldn't give me the room to do my crafts. But I could have one and take a load of crafts around to give away.

Great idea, Royal.

Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Leotie    12 years ago

That's a wonderful idea! I'd try that, and would hope that it could be done.

Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Leotie    12 years ago

I don't know what it means to live lavishly. I think I might would move out of this building if I could find a space to do my crafts.

Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Leotie    12 years ago

I don't know what living lavishly is like. I might would move from this building if I had the room to do my crafts. I would also hire someone to do my housecleaning for me!

Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Leotie    12 years ago

I have an idea of what the first and fourth one is, but would you please explain the rest?

Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Leotie    12 years ago

That one sounds great.

Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Leotie    12 years ago

Don't have too much family anymore, but I sure would take care of my friends. I've always wanted to walk up to a stranger and hand them a couple of thousand dollars just to see their reaction.

Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Leotie    12 years ago

That sounds good, too.

Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Leotie    12 years ago

No problem, Phoebe, I understand completely. It gives the old brain a workout trying to figure out what to do with that kind of money.

Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Leotie    12 years ago

What would you do for yourself, Arch-Man? Or would helping people do it for you?

Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Leotie    12 years ago

That sounds great, Debora.

You know, the one thing that runs consistant through these answers is that every last one of them involves helping someone else. That's absolutely fantastic. No matter what group of people or animals, you all want to give your money for good causes.

Freshman Silent
link   Miss_Construed    12 years ago

2. the genetic library is the encompassed effort of both epigenetics and genetics... so it is figuring out what stretch of DNA does what and how changes affect what the DNA gives as an output. It's a huge endevor because of the amounts of DNA that go un-used in eukaryotic cells, but can be put into the mix with a simple methylation.

3. there are two new online endevors right now to get people to help scientists with figuring out the folding patterns of native proteins and mRNA. Recently it has been theorized that mRNA was the old way cells signaled back when they were little more than membranes floating in the sea. The first online endevor is called foldit and it is a computer program "game" where people "play" to fold amino acid chains into the lowest energy composition. Often times it is easy to know the amino acid sequence of a protein, however the 3D structure is very difficult. The second online endevor is the same thing for RNA and is called etRNA. Very awesome programs where they let people play with the millions of combinations that are possible with each stretch of material. Google the terms if you want to play the game.

5 Biometrics is a somewhat new software business in which people are converting health records and producing monitoring devices (like in your phone) that allow you to take pictures of problems, pee on printable paper, or even give yourself an xray and send it to doctors for health help. The biggest money saver is the conversion of paper records to a single health database for doctors to keep your records (no matter which hospital or health clinic you go to). The devices are secondary right now, but I think they will be a very important part of health care in the future.

synthetic biology is the study of protein structures and how they work mechanically. It includes the ability to synthesize protein machines. Right now the furthest they have gotten is a protein box that opens when a signal is used (like a magnent), this allows for targeted drug release therapy. Also, they are making nanobots out of proteins, synthetic cells, and even synthesizing cells with stored information (like a spy cell with a code in it).

epigenetics is the study of DNA structural and helper protein structural modification that affects genetic material. So, the core information I can give in a short blurb is... say your grandparents were part of a famine, their DNA could have been methylated by stress that they lived through in their lifetimes, and the DNA that you then get through your parents from them retains that methylation, so your metabolism is changed because they lived during famine. Epigenetics is a study that pretty much says there is no way to clone a primate, no way to re-engineer your life, or even recreate the you that exists, because as you live your DNA changes in ways that arent able to be tracked. Epigenetics is just as important as Genetics in determining you and your function.

charger 383
Professor Silent
link   charger 383    12 years ago

I would restore Norfo;k and Western steam locomotive 1218 to running condition

Freshman Silent
link   Arch-Man    12 years ago

I like helping people first and then I get blessed; it keeps me from being selfish.Smile.gif

Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Leotie    12 years ago

Missed_Diagnosis...thank you very much for the explanation. I want to do some readeing about them, it sounds interesting and that catches me biif time/

Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Leotie    12 years ago

I might not 100% agree iwth that, but I can CERTAINLY understand it.

Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Leotie    12 years ago

I love the trains, for memorial reasons. I have lots of good thoughts about them. Maybe one day, I'll tell the story on here.

Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Leotie    12 years ago

Gunny, I could go along with that one in a hurry!

Debora Zahn
Freshman Silent
link   Debora Zahn    12 years ago

That is the greatest thing about so many people. There are really a lot of wonderful people in the world. Smile.gif

retired military ex Republican
Freshman Silent
link   retired military ex Republican    12 years ago

I would buy a lage ranch and take in those older dogs that no body wants at the animal sheltershave a VET on premises to take care of all their needs. Dogs are way to often left in abandoned homes to starve or die from thirst or both or dumped along side the highway.

I would insure that all public schools had a funded food for hungry childrens program. If in I could if in only I could.

Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Leotie    12 years ago

Loozerio, one thing about it is you could do whatever you got a notion to do at any time you chose to do it.

Sending you a FR.

Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Leotie    12 years ago

Good point there.

Polly Cooper
Freshman Silent
link   Polly Cooper    12 years ago

Well, I already have that craft room you're talking about and it's wonderful. I always said if I had the money I would build homes for all my nieces and nephews and my sons. (FYI, that's actually 14 houses). I'd build new homes for my brothers/sisters/inlaws as well. (that's another 7) My best friends need houses too. So now I'm basically building a compound/community so we might as well build a little general store, a recreation building, swimming pool, tennis courts and as far as what I would do every day, I'LL RUN THE LITTLE RESTAURANT on the corner of Main Street.

retired military ex Republican
Freshman Silent
link   retired military ex Republican    12 years ago

Well Lucy I had that covered for many years. Thought I'd try it with just a little more money still not rich but home almost payed for, all cars are paid forsail boat almost payed for. People( friends ) I have who approach the rich stage many are miserable, somehateful and overall basically stingy. Frugil to the enth degree.

Some friends huh. Most of the lower middle class tend to be happier much more honest and giving.

Freshman Silent
link   Strangerthanfiction    12 years ago

Sadly I dream and plot this all the time. But if you are gonna dream, dream big I say. It all depends on how big the windfall was but if it was big enough.

1) Take care of me, my friends and my parents. I would throw a shindig, cut them all a cheque which I would place in sealed envelopes and then say as I hand it to them..."The Bank of Manuela is now CLOSED" aka you waste it all sucks to be you!

2) Once I set up my dream space with my dream photo studio, I can spend my life doing what I love taking photos!

3) Finally get the horse I wanted since I was 11!

4) Open a dual purpose Shelter. I want it to be an animal shelter and a homeless shelter combined. One section would be for the animals and one section for the people and then the people would besides having a safe place to stay, food and clothes. They would learn a skill and help at the shelter and to help with the animals, the care, feeding, adoptions process. The love the animals and the people would develop would help them both. And also have services to help with things like addiction and job skills and when they finish the program they would leave hopefully with jobs and new places to stay so the next person would come in and take advantage of the program!

5) Enjoy live be happy and not worry anymore. 103.gif

Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Leotie    12 years ago

Well, Retired mi;litary, if money was no object, you could do that and have a great tiome of it. Two things I really admire you for. The care ofdogs is one thing, but the fact that you are a Veteran, I will tell you this: Thank you, sir and WELCOME HOME!

My sleeping pill is kicking my hindquarters, so I am going to have to go to sleep SOOM.

Freshman Silent
link   Summer    12 years ago

If money was of no concern for me, first I'd pay off my student loans, then I'd make sure my parents could retire comfortably.

I would continue medical school and residency (I know some in medical school that would quit school - but not me). However, when I was done, I wouldn't practice for money - I would work for free for those that needed the medical care.

Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Leotie    12 years ago

I'd need room for all kinds of beads, hoops, leather strips, thread, fabric, and a big table to work on. I do beadwork with the little tiny beads, dreamcatchers, and cross stitching. Also would add a recliner.

What kind offood would youserve in the restaurant? Could I go in with a pair of cutoffs, or would I need to be dressed to the nines? I prefer very casual and comfortable, which to me is loose and baggy.

Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Leotie    12 years ago

I've been poor about all my life, so I know what that's like. If you had the money, you COULD give it all away if you wanted.

Have to say that I am really happy now, even if I don't have a pot to pee in.

Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Leotie    12 years ago

That sounds good, too. I've seen programs on TV where prisoners are training pups to be service dogs, and it helps the prisoners, I think more than the dogs.

Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Leotie    12 years ago

But if money was of no concern, you'd still have enough to be very comfortable.

Polly Cooper
Freshman Silent
link   Polly Cooper    12 years ago

You can wear anything you want - even your swimming suit. I'd serve good old fashioned comfort food.

Freshman Silent
link   Summer    12 years ago

Thanks, Gunny

Freshman Silent
link   Summer    12 years ago

True. That would be true for everyone - regardless of how they answer the question.

Tex Stankley
Freshman Silent
link   Tex Stankley    12 years ago

I'd fix everything I have that's broke, get the FJ60 back on the road and build a teeny little Cob hovel out in the woods. Along with a real studio. Selfishly speaking, I'd probably have more guitars, guns and books. And, a bunker full of art supplies.

Then I'd fund my Most Amazing Daughters, family, friends, artists and revolutionaries.

The time not spent producing art or doing Hipbilly shyte would probably be spent organizing, educating and agitating the working class.


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