Whus Yer “Handle”…???..."Lost and Found"
Many of you good folks have uprooted and recently transplanted yourselves in more fertile soil. As part of this transition, some have retained your previous Screen Name and Avatar and others have made some changes.
As a resultit can be difficult to FIND the friends youve known at the ole place, or for your friends ta FIND you!!!
If you have changed your screen name and/or avatarplease check in and provide your previous and current screen name, so your friends can find you more easily and get hooked up again. If you are having challenges figgerin thangs outsimply give a holler ta Miss Perrie or anyone fer thaa matter. Folks are more then willing to share what theyve figured out already. Jus be patient.
(Self Appointed Campground Host)
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Time Lord, aka...Timey, TL, M'Lord, Yer Lordness, yada yada yoda...
PR moment anna word from our sponsor..."Come join us at "Timey's Place"..."
Tex on the Vine. Tex Stankley here.
Well, I am the redundant "Stephanie (o'stephanie)". Like a nametag.
Good idea, TL!
Is thaa yer same avatar...?
Like mine...it jus makes things easier. Nothin wrong wit da...
You DID change yer avatar tho...
according to the special K cereal,..my love handle is 2.5 inches...
Naw, I had one of my ink drawings. It's so easy to change things here this one will probably alter soon. Big Dawg might be sad though.
Sorry brother...yer ALWAYS gonna be WhoYa ta me.
Now thars no need ta git all uppity...some of us are jus slow learners.
Lone Ranger...are ya braggin or complainin...?
Let's see... was Born Perrie L. Berlin... married became Perrie L. Berlin-Halpern, went to the other place and was just Perrie and came to NT still as Perrie.
I must be a Perrie, I think, but I respond to almost any name!
But don't call me late for super
I kept both my avatar and screen name the same so I'd be easier to find. I've got to figure out privacy settings and all that good stuff, but it's pretty easy to navigate.
Hey Miss P...errr Miss Willow...thanks fer the heads up!
An you'll ALWAYS be M'Lady ta me...yer Grace.
yer humble servant...
...ditto Miss Sparrow.
I was Stephi C. on the Vine, and that little sun was my avatar there. I had just discovered the Vine the beginning of last summer. I really learned a lot in my short time there, and made some sweet friends! Once school started (for my own 2 treasures and myself~ I teach 1st Grade ) changes started happening on the Vine that I either didn't understand, or have time to, so I left. I didn't have the kind of time invested there that many of you did, so I am not angry or anything....I was still so new to it all, but it did hurt my heart to leave the friends I made there. One day, Jerry V. invited me here and to my delight, the very ones I thought I would not ever "see" again were right here on NT! And I have found some new ones, too. I find it to be a very amazing, wonderful little haven here and am glad to be a part of it.
I'm really glad to see you here! I was hoping you'd come!
Dear Miss Can'tlee...it's a pleasure ta meet you. Ah don't balieve our paths have crossed before at da udder place, but they have NOW. Ah'm glad you have been reunited with folks that you have connected with.
Ah had four anna half years vested in da udder place, but ah'm not angry either. It was certainly difficult to contemplate "leafing" before the 'change'...but once the change hit, ah knew it wuz "Time" ta do sumthin different.
Is yer account at da udder place still 'active' or have you already deleted it? Ma account is still open, but ah have only been back once. On APRIL FOOLS DAY...some friends'n ah are gonna JUMP off at da same "Time". Iffin yer not already 'gone', yer welcome ta come join us. It should be fun...
Hi....Oh, gosh I am not sure if my page is still on the vine or not...if it is, the April Fools thing sounds hilarious and I will jump with you all (y'all). I do believe this is the first we have encountered each other, but I am very glad to be here now.
No changes for me which is good, cause change makes me grumpy. LOL.
Willow!!! My screen name was ERich-(insert random numbers after)
I chose my first name, but my pic has my daughter instead of my son....
I'm robinm85 just like I am on the vine. I still have an account over there because NT doesn't work for me at work. But I have the day off so here I am.
I'm still trying to find my friends.
Hehe.... I wish I was young! I joke that I had my daughter at 10... only those with a twisted sense of humore find that funny. She's the blonde...
She is 21 and I am 43... I did have her young. I also have a son who is going to be 8 in ten days.
Hi Gunny!
Please don't take this wrong... it is meant to be funny... but my family always tells me that if I HAD an Indian name it would be Babbling Brook!
Glad you're here, dear robin! I've missed you!
I think you find it is just not the Beta thing bringing us here.
WaabishkeWajiw...you are absolutely right...people have MANY valid reasons for being here...not ta mention thaa it's a good place ta be.
If you haven't closed up shop and deleted yer account yet...ya might consider waiting until APRIL FOOLS DAY...an JUMP OFF THE CLIFF TOGETHER...
An YES...so very thankful for your FR.
Miss Can'tlee...yes it is. Ah make it a point ta remember 'names'.
Unless you physically DELETED your account, it should be still up. If it is...we will see you on the precipice...!!!
Robin...if you are 'entertaining' the thought of closing your account at the 'other place'...why don't you hold off until APRIL FOOLS DAY...April 1st...those of us who still have our accounts open and want to 'bail'...will be joining hands and making the LEAP together!
Sort of a KOOOMBIYA moment we can all share together...
are we gonna sing that first? hahahaa
Mornin' Time Lord! This is G. H. with the pic of the back of me at NV. Here I misunderstood the filling in info part and put my full name, didn't know that was going to be my permanent name here. Oh well. learning new things everyday! Avatar here is picture of SW Native Sculpture "Storyteller"
I didn't know you at first!!! (((((((((((((GH))))))))))))))
You can change it on your profile... If you go to My Page, scroll down the center of the page, and you'll see a section that says Profile, with a little button that says edit... Click on that, and you can change anything you want!
Got to keep my name and my pic. Just joined up today. Hope I like it here cuz that new and improved place kinda sucks!
It's good to see you here!
Thanks~! I will tell my family to change it!
New, well not a new name but using it now. Awanita was known in the old place as Knowlton's Rangers.
I need to start keeping a list...
awww!~ We were friends on the vine! I remember that name! Nice that you are here!!!
Ok, Willow, you were a friend of mine on the vine. I was Phuggy there; here, I use my name. So, we have to pick up that friends thang again.
How is that precious Trav? Give him an ear scratch for me. Phhugs is laying here on the bed beside me snoring. At least he hasn't pharted yet (keeping fingers crossed).
LoneRanger, how the heck are YOU/ It's been awhile since I've seen you. I was Phuggy on the Vine, now I use my name.
Perrie, thank you. I know it's stepping off track just a bit, but thanks you for getting this place started and having it for us. I felt like a fool the first couple of days I was here, now, it feels like home to me. I see so many of my friends here, and it just feels so cozy.
Time, I apologize, but I wanted to thank her and I saw her name and picture and my fingers flew.
Stephi, Time Lord is a wonderful person, and has an absolutely wonderful sense of humor, but Lord have mercy, when he get's riled, you wouldn't even believe it's the same person! I love him any how. He's good people.
Oh, I am SO glad to see you here! I was Phuggy on the vine. I do wish we could get FIN here.
I think he's here, as tsula... But don't quote me on that-- I need to start keeping a list!
Why, thank you for the words of wisdom, Miss Susan...I shall try not to rile up the Time Master! ha I just love it here so much!!!!!!!
Miss GH...sure glad to see you here. Many folks are going through the 'learning curve', myself included. It jus takes "Time". Ah figgered iffin ah've gotta figger out a whole new system, it might as well happen where all my friends have congregated an regrouped.
Many like yerself, have reincarnated here with different avatars and screen names...so I found thaa it can be difficult to track down and find yer friends. Hopefully, others who have made some changes will find the article and make themselves known.
So good ta see you again. If you haven't yet closed yer account at the 'ole place' yet...think about holding off until APRIL FOOLS DAY. A bunch of us are going to hold hands and LEAP OFF together, then come back here ta celebrate.
Awanita...hows thaa 'woman's pipe' comin...?
When things settle down here...ah've got some dried Kelp ta send to ya. Great stuff to work with. You'll see...
'preciate ya comin by and makin yerself known...
...chuckles...heeeeey Miss Can'tlee...ah'm glad yer enjoyin yerself. Ya seem ta have hit it off ova at da 'Place'. Ah'm naw shur iffin thas a good thang or not givin the company yer 'hangin' wit...Ah'm headed over to da 'place' right aft'a ah finish here ta see wus goin on...no doubt, therez mischief afoot.
naaaaooooooow when have you eva seen me 'riled' Miss Susan...?
ah dare sae...nev'a...whaachew see iz pretty much whaach'a git.
Waaail...Miss Can'tlee...ah no ma limitations...
chuckles...so ya did...
I can't keep it all straight either, dear Timey!
I keep FLYNAVY1 everywhere. It keeps it easy for those that drink and post to remember to like or hate me. (Sober ones too!)
I was Brite on the Vine... and I've used the name BriteBlsn (Brite Blessing) for over 20 years on line... But I write often under my "real name" of Rebecca Kesler... so when I registered here, I used my real name. Rescue yelled at me, saying she couldn't find me... SO I added the Brite. Chef Lamby is the same, though...
Miss Tink...hopefully this will allow you to reconnect with friends. There are six pages so far. You might want to leaf back to see what changes have been announced.
my pleasure Miss Tink...glad you found it helpful
Buzz of the Orient both there and here. Only the avatar has been changed to protect the innocent.
Hi Y'all:
NC Slim on NV and NT--same name and same avatar.