The Final Draft of The CoC
Before I present the NewsTalkers final draft of the Code of Conduct, I would like to thank several of our members for taking a very active part of it's creation. First, I would like to thank A Mac, for taking my first draft and doing his union magic to the language of it. I would like to thank Bruce, for making sure that it was fair and balanced. I would like to thank Terry, for taking on the job of shortening it, while keeping the legalize and finally, I would like to thank the NewTalkers community for their contributions, so that we could meet the needs of the community. And now, without further ado.... The final CoC.
Code of Conduct (CoC)
1. No Personal Attacks: Please follow the "Golden Rule," that is, treat others as you would want to be treated. Address issues and arguments, not individual members or posters. Comments or articles designed as personal attacks or those which in-and-of-themselves, are abusive, threatening, harassing or offensive, are prohibited. Comments, posting of articles, etc. that violate this rule are to be reported to the administrator or moderator. When reporting any comment or article, please provide the link (addy), the title of the article and the number of the comment. All posters/members should refrain from further inflaming an already heated situation.
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I decided to leave it open for comments, but this is it. We have beaten this horse to death.
This seems to cover more potential problems than the previous version . Also it
does so w/o resorting to tortured or tangled prose . Thanks Terry . Nice work .
It gets my vote .
I afraid that a lot of that previous language was my own, and Mac did his best to make it work. I wanted to keep the number of rules low, so I got into bullets. But hey, who was I fooling. Mac did the best he could with what I gave him.
But don't let me stop you!
Perrie ,
Whatdya think you are ... a lawyer ?!
Ah Dah, Now I get your joke!
OK, So I am trying to make sure that everyone takes a look at the final draft.
Good! That was the point of doing a first draft. The community gets a say.
Perrie ,
So far only 3 have voted in the poll . Is that because you didn't include a category
for "It's about the same as the previous version" ?
Why thanks. Editing is easy, drafting is the tough part!
No. I but play one on TV.
I donno? As admin, it my duty to post it. If people don't want to look at it, ignorance of the rules, is no excuse. And it's not the shorter with more numbers, LOL! But really, it has stuff that the members were concerned about.
Oops .... My error . It was A Mac as well as T Mac who did this excellent work . And it doesn't even use legalese to make its point ... Well done !
That could be an improvement over playing one in court.
"Fuck off" should be banned just like "fuck you" because they are the same insult. Now I personally have no problem with saying piss off instead. But if you say "fuck off" to someone you are saying "fuck you" in a slightly different manner, but it's the same thing and that needs to be added to banned phrases.
There is a difference between "Fuck you" meaning the same as "Go fuck yourself" which is an obscene act, and "Fuck off" which is a directive to tell a person to stop doing whatever he/she is doing and go elsewhere. How about "Go to hell"? Where would that fit in? Perhaps it is just giving someone directions.
However the level of the insult is the same IMHO. Go to hell is the same. IF it's directed at another member and it's obscene and I would like to see personal insults and attacks banned. Fuck off IS a personal attack on another member and so is go to hell. If you say the GOP can fuck off, that's acceptable. But if you tell another member to fuck off, that is a personal attack and insult on another member.
I guess you're right.
You do realize that this is from a CoC discussion from 2011, right?
But my argument is still right
Then and now.
That's funny. It looks like it came up because of a comment from me, but I didn't comment until it was already on the front page. How did it get there?
There HAD to be another message up before mine that's been deleted.
Thanks. Not my style.
Maybe we should all Fuck Off (ooops!)
Bringing this article back from 2011 was done as a prank and then the person deleted the article they posted. I have three or four people that I personally suspect to have done it...
I didn't say you were a suspect. This was done by someone with cunning and a smart and evil imagination.
You're here.
What about "unfuck you"? Wouldn't that be a personal attack to take fucks away from you?
I hadn't fucking thought of that?
I could go back to be fatherless, if I could unfuck a few different women! I'd have saved a fortune in child support!