Via: community • 9 years ago • 4 comments
Before entering the woods yesterday, I walked through a mountain meadow and came across this tree that had been victimized by parasites (or possibly insects, Sapsuckers) … or drought.
Even as its former self, I thought it retained some of its character and dignity.
I thought that as well when I first saw the photo, but only one branch is bowing low, whereas the rest of the tree is still holding itself up proudly. That is such a human combination of emotions - to be heartbroken due to defeat, but still trying to maintain dignity.
It reminds me of a part of a story-- The tree on the cliff, though twisted and knarled, may not be perfect as the tree in a sheltered nook, but it is often more beautiful and bears the richest fruit.
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It looks like it's...sad....
I thought that as well when I first saw the photo, but only one branch is bowing low, whereas the rest of the tree is still holding itself up proudly. That is such a human combination of emotions - to be heartbroken due to defeat, but still trying to maintain dignity.
It reminds me of a part of a story-- The tree on the cliff, though twisted and knarled, may not be perfect as the tree in a sheltered nook, but it is often more beautiful and bears the richest fruit.
As a "bent tree", I like that thought!