Via: hal-a-lujah • 9 years ago • 26 comments
I'm travelling and only have access via smartphone at the moment. I wanted to post a video that deserves attention, but a glitch in NT's platform will not allow videos to be posted by phone in the body of an article. Therefore, please see the video linked in the first comment.
"Brown" is a new race that was recently created by some politically correct nit-wits so that, even thought they were actually White (i.e. "Caucasian") they could play the victim card!
Or maybe it was the race card. Or some sort of Trump Card. Or maybe of the queens...whatever!
I am confused my atheist friend as to the point you are making in the first video. Is it that god that the judeo/christian/islam worships is a petulant child?
He would have to be, if organized religions had any truth to them. This is pretty well substantiated throughout the video.
There is a difference in believing in a god, or creator, or great spirit (fill in the blank), and religion. I think that religion is man made, but that doesn't preclude the belief that this universe had a helping hand... but not in the bratty kid sense.
For every one of them, there are many hundreds of thousands of "believers". I have no problem with those who embrace pantheism in any form, nor do most atheists.
Well, I said "If God Exists" for two reasons. First, it is the title of the video. Second, the existence or non-existence of God is a matter of faith and cannot be otherwise.
The big question for me is how do people actually have "faith" ? I don't think you're born with it. At least I wasn't. Was raised Catholic and attended Catholic schools thru high school. But it never felt natural to me.
So god is white ?
So god is white ?
No-- she's "Brown".
"Brown" is a new race that was recently created by some politically correct nit-wits so that, even thought they were actually White (i.e. "Caucasian") they could play the victim card!
Or maybe it was the race card. Or some sort of Trump Card. Or maybe of the queens...whatever!
I am confused my atheist friend as to the point you are making in the first video. Is it that god that the judeo/christian/islam worships is a petulant child?
He would have to be, if organized religions had any truth to them. This is pretty well substantiated throughout the video.
Dark Matter videos are beautifully orchestrated.
I'm not going to go too hard on this video, it has a few interesting points.
The dorky meek little guy cannot be God though. God would not be taking , or needing, instructions.
He would have to be, if organized religions had any truth to them. This is pretty well substantiated throughout the video.
There is a difference in believing in a god, or creator, or great spirit (fill in the blank), and religion. I think that religion is man made, but that doesn't preclude the belief that this universe had a helping hand... but not in the bratty kid sense.
Religion and belief in god are inseparable in this world for the vast, vast majority of believers.
There are many scientists who do not belong to a faith, but believe in a creator.
For every one of them, there are many hundreds of thousands of "believers". I have no problem with those who embrace pantheism in any form, nor do most atheists.
Maybe "God" is just a "middle man" that humanity is capable of understanding.
Is god white ?
No, just his wetsuit.
The dorky, meek little character in the cartoon is not God. That kind of ruins the whole effect.
If God Exists, it is beyond the ability of this video to explain. That is the eternal conundrum.
Do the other Catholics know you are agnostic?
I'm not agnostic. I believe that God exists and the Catholic religion is a means of establishing 'communion' with that Supreme Being.
The video did get one major point right. Human religions are cultural expressions.
Generally speaking, when you begin a sentence with "If God exists", you come across as agnostic.
I think we may have just had a breakthrough!
Well, I said "If God Exists" for two reasons. First, it is the title of the video. Second, the existence or non-existence of God is a matter of faith and cannot be otherwise.
The big question for me is how do people actually have "faith" ? I don't think you're born with it. At least I wasn't. Was raised Catholic and attended Catholic schools thru high school. But it never felt natural to me.
There is no if. He does exist.