He is the Son of God. He described his 2nd coming in detail, what conditions would be like, much like the days of Sodom and Noah. He described who would be saved and not based on several parables and statements. He also said no man knoweth the day nor the hour of his return, only the Father. It will be a loud and triumphant event that every eye shall see. It will end all human life on this earth. The dead who are saved will rise first and then the living saved will rise up to meet Him. His brightness combined with the last of the final plagues and earth convulsions as great as that at the flood will end all remaining human life. Then there will be two feasts. That of the righteous with God when we get to heaven and that of the birds here on earth who will devour the bodies of those actively hunting and persecuting His living followers at the very end. That fate doesn't happen to all of the lost, only to the active persecutors. His coming will occur when for the believers all seems lost here except the assurance of salvation and the non believers and those who follow the evil one posing as if he were Jesus , believe victory is theirs...
Any day now .....
No man knoweth the day nor the hour of His return. Only The Father knows.
How convenient for Christianity.
Only The Father knows.
Well, let's not forget The Shadow...
The Shadow Knows!
I can't open the YouTube article, but if it isn't mentioned I'll add no. 11 - He was a mere mortal, although a righteous one.