
Where Is Thumbkin?


Category:  meta

Via:  release-the-kraken  •  9 years ago  •  22 comments

Where Is Thumbkin?


With the recent outbreak of Meta thumb comments disrupting article I thought it my be useful to provide an appropriate and healthy avenue to discuss.

The Newstalkers has an added feature where members can like or dislike a comment from another member with a thumbs up vote or a thumbs down. Most members don't particularly care when they receive a thumbs up acknowledgement of agreement or a thumbs down acknowledgement of disagreement. Some however seem to take the negative feedback personal and this article may help the minority of members adversely affected by the feature.

When you post a comment on an article are you entitled to a response?

While it is nice to have polite conversations and disagreements on the forum, you are not owed or entitled to a written response. 

If someone gives your comment a thumbs down does it mean they do not like you?

While that is a possibility most adults using the feature disagree with the comment.

Does a thumbs up or thumbs down acknowledgement mean you have won or lost an argument?

Absolutely not. It may be the thumbing member simply did not have time to respond or they chose not to for one reason or another. Once again your membership at TheNewstalkers does not entitle you to a response or explanation.

If i receive a thumbs down does it mean I am a bad person?

While some people take the thumbs down acknowledgement personally this in no was determines the well been of that individual. Therefore unintended consequences created by the thumbs down are no way the fault of the thumber.

Should I call out and demand a written explanation when I receive a thumbs down?

As irritating as you may find this negative acknowledgement, being disruptive and off topic on an article seeded by another member is disrespectful to the other members on the forum who may be enjoying the seed or article. 

Should I contact a moderator to complain about thumbs down acknowledgements?

No, there is no violation in the Code of Conduct against sending a member a thumbs down in response to a comment. 

What should I do If I cannot come to terms with a Thumbs Down Response?

If you are struggling to come to terms with a negative response to a comment, please consider logging off for while. All positive and negative feelings created by the Internet can be avoided by finding something else to do.


It really doesn't matter does it?


jrDiscussion - desc
Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
link   Buzz of the Orient    9 years ago

Thumbs up doesn't always mean you like a comment, or are just providing support for the commenter. It can also mean you're just looking for a ride.

Professor Expert
link   Krishna  replied to  Buzz of the Orient   9 years ago

Thumbs up doesn't always mean you like a comment, or are just providing support for the commenter. It can also mean you're just looking for a ride.

Or else they were so high when they clicked it they couldn't tell the difference....

Professor Silent
link   Cerenkov    9 years ago

Thank you for addressing this important issue, Kraken.

Professor Principal
link   Kavika     9 years ago

I don't care if I get a thumbs down. To me it's a badge of honor, since those that thumbs down a comment without addressing the comment  fall into the ''mental midget'' category.

Have a nice day everyone.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
link   Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Kavika   9 years ago

"If someone gives your comment a thumbs down does it mean they do not like you?

While that is a possibility most adults using the feature disagree with the comment."

There is a member of NT to whom I will give a thumbs down to on everything he writes if I happen to want to waste my time even looking at it, and in my case I damn well mean I hate his fucking guts.

Professor Participates
link   1stwarrior    9 years ago

I don't always read threads/seeds/articles to comment on.  I usually read them 'cause they strike an interest chord and I wanna see what's being said.

If I see/read someone make a comment that is totally diametric to the thread/seed/article or if that responder is being a complete azzwipe, I'll give them a thumbs down.  Don't need to explain to them that they are being azzwipes because that will normally wind up have a slam-fest that is way off topic - which is not allowable/agreeable/advantageous to the thread/article/seed.  

If I see a comment that makes sense and is something I agree with, I'll give it a thumbs up as if saying "Yup".

You can't take the thumbs up/thumbs down's as being personal.  Just try to understand that you may have said something that is positive or negative - and move on.

This is not a battlefield.

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   Perrie Halpern R.A.    9 years ago

Good article and well thought out and a subject that really needs to be discussed. 

When I installed the thumbs up/down on the site, I really did a lot of thinking. I realized that there was room for abuse and was hoping that our members were grown up enough to not abuse it. My initial thought was that it would be used kind of like a form of instant polling on a comment. If it is used that way, great! 

But often it is not. It is used as a way of getting even with a person. One time I saw a thumbs down on a photo. I mean really? Yeah, the argument could be made that you didn't like the photo, but when you do it to the same person over and over throughout a day, and then I see it on a photo that they have done, well that is just spiteful. It makes me want to unplug the app. 

I realize that sometimes it just becomes a personal weapon. I don't like that either. 

I feel that there is a value in the app, but people I would like it used more judiciously. 

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
link   Hal A. Lujah    9 years ago

Thumbs down.

Senior Guide
link   XXJefferson51    9 years ago

I'm surprised that none of those so opposed to the use of a thumbs down even bothered to contribute anything to this article.  


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