
France: Emmanuel Macron, Useful Idiot of Islamism


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France: Emmanuel Macron, Useful Idiot of Islamism

France: Emmanuel Macron, Useful Idiot of Islamism

by Yves Mamou, Gatestone Institute, May 7, 2017

Emmanuel Macron (Image source: European External Action Service)

During the cold war with the Soviet Union, they were called "Useful Idiots". These people were not members of the Communist Party, but they worked for, spoke in favor of and supported the ideas of Lenin and Stalin. In the 21st century, Communism is finally dead but Islamism has grown and is replacing it as a global threat.

Like Communism, Islamism -- or Islamic totalitarianism -- has been collecting its "Useful Infidels" the same way Communism collected its Useful Idiots. There is, however, an important difference: under the Soviet Union, Useful Idiots were intellectuals. Now, Useful Infidels are politicians, and one of them may be elected president of France today.

Emmanuel Macron, Useful Infidel, is not a supporter of terrorism or Islamism. It is worse: he does not even see the threat. In the wake of the gruesome attacks of November 13, 2015 in Paris, Macron said that French society must assume a "share of responsibility" in the "soil in which jihadism thrives."

"Someone, on the pretext that he has a beard or a name we could believe is Muslim, is four times less likely to have a job than another who is non-Muslim," he added. Coming from the direction of Syria and armed with a Kalashnikov and a belt of explosives would, according to him, be a gesture of spite from the long-term unemployed?

Macron comes close to accusing the French of being racists and "Islamophobes". "We have a share of responsibility," he warned, "because this totalitarianism feeds on the mistrust that we have allowed to settle in society.... and if tomorrow we do not take care, it will divide them even more ".

Consequently, Macron said, French society "must change and be more open." More open to what? To Islam, of course.

On April 20, 2017, after an Islamist terrorist killed one police officer and wounded two others in Paris, Macron said: "I am not going to invent an anti-terrorist program in one night". After two years of continuous terrorist attacks on French territory, the presidential candidate said he had not taken the country's security problems into account?

Moreover, on April 6, during the presidential campaign, professor Barbara Lefebvre, who has authored books on Islamism, revealed to the audience of the France2 television program L'Emission Politique, the presence on Macron's campaign team of Mohamed Saou. It was Saou, apparently, a departmental manager of Macron's political movement, "En Marche" ("Forward"), who promoted on Twitter the classic Islamist statement: "I am not Charlie".

Sensing a potential scandal, Macron dismissed Saou, but on April 14, invited onto Beur FM, a Muslim French radio station, Macron was caught saying on a "hot mic" (believing himself off the air): "He [Saou] did a couple things a little bit radical. But anyway, Mohamed is a good guy, a very good guy".

"Very good", presumably, because Mohamed Saou was working to rally Muslim voters to Macron.

Is Saou an isolated case? Of course not. On April 28, Mohamed Louizi, author of the book Why I Quit Muslim Brotherhood, released a detailed article on Facebook that accused Macron of being a "hostage of the Islamist vote". Republished by Dreuz, a Christian anti-Islamist website, Louizi's article gave names and dates, explaining how Macron's political movement has largely been infiltrated by Muslim Brotherhood militants. It will be interesting to see how many of them will be candidates in Macron's movement in the next parliamentary elections.

On April 24, the Union of Islamic Organisations of France (UOIF), generally known as the French representative of Muslim Brotherhood, publicly called on Muslims to "vote against the xenophobic, anti-Semitic and racist ideas of the National Front and [we] call to massively vote for Mr. Macron."


Is Macron an open promoter of Islamism in France? It is more politically correct to say that he is a "globalist" and an "open promoter of multiculturalism". As such, he apparently does not consider Islamism a national threat because, for him, the French nation, or, as he has said, French culture, does not really exist. Macron has, in fact, denied that France is a country with a specific culture, a specific history, and a specific literature or art. On February 22, visiting the French expatriates in London, Macron said: "French culture does not exist, there is a culture in France and it is diverse". In other words, on French territory, French culture and French traditions have no prominence or importance over imported migrant cultures. The same day, in London, he repeated the offense: "French art? I never met it!"

Conversely, in an interview with the anti-Islamist magazine, Causeur, he said: "France never was and never will be a multiculturalist country".

Because he is a politician, Macron is not addressing the French people as a whole. He is addressing different political customer bases. When visiting Algeria, Macron said that colonization was a "crime against humanity". He evidently hoped this remark would help him to collect the votes of French citizens of Algerian origin.

During the presidential campaign, Macron was always saying to people what they wanted to hear. French people may well be on their way to discovering that for Macron, belonging to a homeland, thinking of borders and defining oneself as belonging to a mother language or a specific literature or art, is nothing more than junk.

Yves Mamou is a journalist and author based in France. He worked for two decades for the daily, Le Monde, before his retirement.


jrDiscussion - desc
Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
link   seeder  Buzz of the Orient    8 years ago

"French culture does not exist, there is a culture in France and it is diverse". In other words, on French territory, French culture and French traditions have no prominence or importance over imported migrant cultures. The same day, in London, he repeated the offense: "French art? I never met it!"

He never met French Art?
Manet, Monet, Chagall, Cezanne, Renoir, Matisse, Degas, Gaugin, Rodin, Dubuffet, Toulouse-Lautrec, Rousseau, Seurat, Delacroix.......

Migrant cultures are more important to him than French culture - which includes literature, does it not?

Zola, Voltaire, Rousseau, Camus, Victor Hugo, Jules Verne, Alexander Dumas, Simone de Beauvoir, Marcel Proust, Baudelaire, Honore de Balzac, Rimbaud, Georges Sand, Maupassant, Cyrano de Bergerac, Moliere, Stendahl, Nostradamus, Marquis de Sade, Jean Luc Godard, Rabelais.....

How about classical music?

Debussy, Ravel, Berlioz, Bizet, Saint-Saens, Offenbach, Charpentier, Faure, Legrand, Dukas, Lalo, Schoenberg....

And he calls himself a Frenchman?

Professor Silent
link   Cerenkov  replied to  Buzz of the Orient   8 years ago

Macron would destroy French culture if elected, and we would have one more third world Islamic failed nation in Europe. 

Sophomore Quiet
link   Randy    8 years ago

"French culture does not exist, there is a culture in France and it is diverse".

"there is a culture in France and it is diverse". I don't see the problem. There is an American culture and it is diverse.

In other words, on French territory, French culture and French traditions have no prominence or importance over imported migrant cultures

In other words is a bullshit opinion and is meaningless.

"French art? I never met it!" He is in need of some instruction. So?

As such, he apparently does not consider Islamism a national threat because, for him, the French nation, or, as he has said, French culture, does not really exist. Macron has, in fact, denied that France is a country with a specific culture, a specific history, and a specific literature or art.

Where? When? Opinion?

He calls himself a Frenchman because he is. He refuses to isolate France from the rest of Europe and the world. He knows that rampant Nationalism is an extreme right wing disease that is infecting many nations and is fed by Russia with a goal of controlling the nations that it conquers. It is on the verge of doing so in the United States. And what of the Putin backed alternative Le Pen? She would build a wall around France, much like Trump would attempt (and laughingly fail) to build a wall across the South of the U.S.), She would demand a national and racial purity that brings back echos of Aryanism, much as the same being pushed by Bannon and Miller. Is this the direction we want to go out of fear of Islam? To becomes what we know that we hate? To fall into the trap of fascism out of fear and to be seduced by that alternative? I won't be. Trump and Bannon and Miller and Putin represent Fascism. Le Pen and Putin represent Fascism. And I will not have any part of it. I will not become a Nazi because I am scared of Islam.  I will face Islam in other ways rather then swallow poison to inoculate myself.


Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
link   seeder  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Randy   8 years ago

Thank you for your opinion. Macron is most likely going to win anyway so you needn't worry that the creeping Caliphate will be stopped there.

Professor Silent
link   Cerenkov  replied to  Buzz of the Orient   8 years ago

And the useful infidels will have again assisted in their own eventual demise.

Dean Moriarty
Professor Quiet
link   Dean Moriarty    8 years ago

The French people are digging their own graves if they elect Macron. Le Pen is about as close to Trump as they can get when it comes to Muslims. 

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
link   seeder  Buzz of the Orient    8 years ago

No sujrprise. France has done what it does best. It has surrendered.

Professor Silent
link   Cerenkov  replied to  Buzz of the Orient   8 years ago

Now they can reap what they have sown.

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   Petey Coober    8 years ago

Macron said, French society "must change and be more open."

France is already the most "open" country in western Europe . It has the largest % age of muslims in that region ... much to its detriment . There are places in France that are off limits to non-muslims . The problem isn't that France doesn't welcome muslims . Its that the muslims already in France are not accepting of French culture ...


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