Is Nothing Safe? In Zambia, a man has been sentenced to 15 years prison for having sex with a cow. The details in the Zambia Daily Mails report are crucial:
A PEASANT farmer of Chimula village in Mbala district has been sentenced to 15 years simple imprisonment by the Kasama High Court for having sex with his brothers cow.
Ndola High Court judge Charles Chanda, sitting in Kasama last Monday, imposed the sentence on Wegress Simpanzye, 73, after corroborating evidence adduced to the court by the prosecution and the witnesses.
During trial, Gerald Simpanzye told the court that on the material day in the morning, he took the cattle for grazing in one of the fields but later went to another field to harvest maize.Mr Simpanzye testified that as he was returning to where he had left the cattle grazing, he saw the convict standing on a log and having sex with one of the cows.
When he asked the convict what he was doing with the animal, he apologised and offered to give the witness K500 and a cow as compensation.But Mr Simpanzye reported the matter to his brother Richard, who is the owner of the animal, who later reported the matter to the police.
Police then advised the complainant to take the convict and the cow to the veterinary department, where the animal was examined and semen was discovered in the cows genitalia.
The court also heard that the convict must have used charms on the animal as he was found with leaves in one of the pockets of his pair of trousers and that when the leaves were taken away from him, the molested cow became violent
In defence, the convict attributed his actions to demonic attacks, which he had been suffering from since 1972.
Is nothing safe..?
In defence, the convict attributed his actions to demonic attacks, which he had been suffering from since 1972.
Is it OK or PC to say "a good Christian would have just forgiven the man,....while a good Texan would have just shot him...."
You have a clear winner for the most bizarre news story that I have ever read!
LR...I honestly don't know, but I DO know that this is one sick man...
WOW, JR would you have liked the story better if the man had been white and the cow black,.../s
Ya think??
John What is the point of this?Simply to post things that aren't the news every day, a change of pace so to speak.
Wow! Magic leaves!
This is a bizarre story, and I'm glad the cow wasn't hurt... What is it with some people? I wonder how long he has been doing this?
Gives a whole new meaning to the word, "Cowabunga!"
"Cowabunga" !!
That's hysterical!!
This is udder ly disgusting.
In defence, the convict attributed his actions to demonic attacks, which he had been suffering from since 1972.
Ah ha, the old ''Devil made me do it'' defense.
Don't you mean udderly disgusting?
There used to be a song that friends of my parents sang, while badly playing the ukelele-- " Oh, Pass the udder udder over to my udder brudder... " was the chorus!
I did Dowser, it's that I was laughing so hard over cowabunga that my fingers got mixed up.
A PEASANT farmer of Chimula village in Mbala district has been sentenced to 15 years simple imprisonment by the Kasama High Court for having sex with his brothers cow.
His BROTHER'S COW?!? Is nothing sacred anymore? I mean his own brother.....
Dinner: hurled.
All I can say is that I never had to resort to the magic leaves to get laid....most of the time!
And I am almost 100% certain they were all human females.....almost....
lol Perhaps an aphrodisiac???
Apparently not....sigh
I think you're correct about that "Primitive Peoples" observation JR.
Mid 60's, a bunch of teenage Texas rednecks, (myself included), were getting drunker than Cotter Brown, late at night, under the stars, in a place called " Magic Valley Ranch ", (real name, real place, just south of Dallas back then).
One of these young hooligans bet the rest of us that he could make sweet, sweet love to one of the heifers on the other side of the pasture fence. We, of course, egged him on. Heavy Joe went into the pasture, picked himself a gal, dropped his drawers and lifted her tail.
The cow was so startled by this indignity that she proceeded to dump a bucket load of wet manure all over him!
It's a wonder I survived the night. We were laughing so hard at his shock, discomfort and outrage that we could barley catch our breath.
Made him sit on the hood of the truck till we reached a watering hole where he could clean up some.
Yup, "primitive people", is an apt description.
HJ got what he deserved that night.
Magic leaves = Marijuana? I understand those leaves are magical.
Cough....cough.....ack.....cough.... ack.....cough.
Oh no!! I hope you made it to the bathroom in time!!
I HOPE they were!!
Close one, i just sent Sister a Peach flavored swisher sweet cigar. ???????