
'Hazards of Homosexuality' Flier Distributed at Values Voter Summit


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  eginnj  •  8 years ago  •  55 comments

'Hazards of Homosexuality' Flier Distributed at Values Voter Summit

A flier promoting a book on the "health hazards of homosexuality" was distributed to guests at Values Voter Summit where President Trump spoke.

by John Paul Brammer / Oct.13.2017 / 4:15 PM ET

A flier distributed at the Values Voter Summit in Washington, D.C., on Friday that promoted a book titled "The Health Hazards of Homosexuality" prompted outcry when photos surfaced on social media.

The flier was given out to attendees at the gathering where President Donald Trump spoke in complimentary tote bags that also included a sticker saying, "I don't believe the liberal media."

MassResistance, a group based Massachusetts that identifies itself as "a pro-family activist organization that educates people to help them confront the attacks on the traditional family" on its website , created the fliers to promote the book by its founder, Bryan Camenker.

A request for comment from MassResistance was not immediately returned. The Southern Poverty Law Center has designated MassResistance a hate group since 2008.

According to its preface, the book "aims to alert the public — especially young people and their parents — on the serious physical and physiological health dangers inherent in adopting a 'gay,' lesbian or bisexual (GLB) identity."

The book says the U.S. Supreme Court ruling on Obergefell v. Hodges, the case that resulted in the legalization of same-sex marriage nationwide, made "sodomy a right and a legitimate basis for marriage."

It also claims homosexuality is a mental disorder and the truth is being suppressed by "the homosexual lobby and their allies," including the "radicalized" entertainment industry, press and educational establishments.

The book touts an official endorsement from a Dr. Paul Church, where he is listed as "Urologist, Asst. Clinical Professor of Surgery (part-time), Harvard Medical School Boston, Massachusetts, October 2016." A spokesperson for Harvard Medical School told NBC News that Church has not been affiliated with the school since December 2015.

Church was fired in January 2016 from his position as a urologist at Beth Israel Deaconess, one of Harvard’s affiliated hospitals, for sending anti-gay emails to staff.

Trump received a standing ovation at the Value Voters summit, which was organized by the Family Research Council (FRC), when he said in his remarks Friday that Americans "don't worship government, we worship God."

He became the first sitting president to address the annual gathering of evangelical conservatives, a powerful bloc that helped propel him to the White House in November.

According to its website, the FRC "does not consider homosexuality, bi-sexuality, and transgenderism as acceptable alternative lifestyles or sexual 'preferences'; they are unhealthy and destructive to individual persons, families, and society."

LGBTQ advocate groups condemned Trump's appearance at the summit.

"This morning, addressing a gathering of some of the most extreme anti-LGBTQ activists in the country, Trump once again legitimized hate speech and vowed, again and again to write discrimination into law by pushing laws focused on religious exemptions," Sarah Kate Ellis, president and CEO of GLAAD, a media watchdog group, said in a statement, adding that religious exemption laws serve to legalize discrimination.



jrDiscussion - desc
Freshman Silent
1  seeder  eginnj    8 years ago

MassResistance and the FRC spewing the usual garbage.  And of course, Trump supports their lies and misinformation (because that's all he knows).

Professor Quiet
1.1  arkpdx  replied to  eginnj @1    8 years ago

MassResistance and the FRC spewing the usual garbage.

Says you. Of course you think anything that doesnt confirm to your narrow view of the world is garbage. It seems too that you somehow think that things must be cleared through you or those like you. 

From the article

The Southern Poverty Law Center has designated MassResistance a hate group since 2008.

The Southern Poverty Law Center designates just about every group to the right of Chairman Mao as a hate group. They gave no credibiity. 

Freshman Silent
1.1.1  seeder  eginnj  replied to  arkpdx @1.1    8 years ago

They have a lot more credibility than you do.

Professor Quiet
1.1.2  arkpdx  replied to  eginnj @1.1.1    8 years ago

The FBI doesnt think they are credible. 


And what makes you think I care whether you think I am credible or not. Frankly your opinion and $5 will get me a cup of coffee a Denny's. It only costs $3 dollars without your opinion. 

Professor Guide
1.1.3  Dulay  replied to  arkpdx @1.1.2    8 years ago

That link states the reasons why the FBI doesn't cite the SPLC data anymore and it has NOTHING to do with their credibility. But you knew that because it's been posted here ad nauseam, yet you and yours keep linking the same BS over and over again. 

Professor Guide
1.1.4  Gordy327  replied to  arkpdx @1.1    8 years ago
Says you.

Isn't that enough?

Of course you think anything that doesnt confirm to your narrow view of the world is garbage.

Maybe because it usually is. Eginnj's views tend to be more logical and enlightened.

The Southern Poverty Law Center designates just about every group to the right of Chairman Mao as a hate group.

If the shoe fits.

They gave no credibiity. 

Neither do you. And Dulay's follow up post only proves it.

Professor Quiet
1.1.5  arkpdx  replied to  Gordy327 @1.1.4    8 years ago

Isn't that enough?


Maybe because it usually is. Eginnj's views tend to be more logical and enlightened.

No they tend to be liberal BS. 

If the shoe fits.

It usually doesn't

Neither do you. And Dulay's follow up post only proves it.

I'll ask you the same thing. What makes you think I give a rats fat patoot what your opinion is?

Professor Guide
1.1.6  Gordy327  replied to  arkpdx @1.1.5    8 years ago

That's your problem then.

No they tend to be liberal BS.

No, they are logical and enlightened. The fact that you seem to defend the FRC and massresistance speaks volumes about you.

It usually doesn't

But this time it does.

I'll ask you the same thing. What makes you think I give a rats fat patoot what your opinion is?

I couldn't care less if you do or not. but then, eginnj did cite a fact. You, not so much.

Professor Quiet
1.1.7  arkpdx  replied to  Gordy327 @1.1.6    8 years ago
The fact that you seem to defend the FRC and massresistance speaks volumes about you.

And defending antifa says and blm says alit about the left and none ot it is good. 

But this time it does.

No as I said before, ecpose facts and the truth to a liberal and it is like tossing a vampire into the sunlight. 

Professor Guide
1.1.8  Gordy327  replied to  arkpdx @1.1.7    8 years ago
And defending antifa says and blm says alit about the left and none ot it is good.

What does antifa and BLM have to do with anything? You seem to be trying to turn this into a left vs. right thing. The issue is about MassResistance and the FRC.

No as I said before, ecpose facts and the truth to a liberal and it is like tossing a vampire into the sunlight.

Here's a fact: Massresistance and FRC are both well known hate groups, especially with regards to homosexuality, among other things. So again, your defense of them speaks volumes about you! And your generalization about liberals not only shows a bias on your part, as well as an ad hom attack, but it only further demonstrates your lack of credibility!

Professor Quiet
1.1.9  arkpdx  replied to  Gordy327 @1.1.8    8 years ago
 both well known hate groups, especially with regards to homosexuality

Seeing how most onthe left says that anyone that does not fully embrace the homosexual agenda or even comes close to saying it is an abnormal lifestyle is consixereda hate group i am not surprised you think so. Of course many if not most liberals beleve that anyone and anything that beleve exactly like they do is hateful and deplorable. 

only further demonstrates your lack of credibility!

Did you miss the part where I said i don't give a rats ass about your opinion.?

Professor Guide
1.1.10  Gordy327  replied to  arkpdx @1.1.9    8 years ago
Seeing how most onthe left says that anyone that does not fully embrace the homosexual agenda or even comes close to saying it is an abnormal lifestyle is consixereda hate group i am not surprised you think so.

I don't know anyone who says that. But then, what word is best used toi describe those who think gays should be discriminated against or treated as second class citizens?

Of course many if not most liberals beleve that anyone and anything that beleve exactly like they do is hateful and deplorable. 

Nice sweeping generalization.

Did you miss the part where I said i don't give a rats ass about your opinion.?

Did you miss the part where I said I couldn't care less?

Professor Quiet
1.1.11  arkpdx  replied to  Gordy327 @1.1.10    8 years ago
Nice sweeping generalization.

And next you are going to tell me that you are pure as the driven sniw and have never done that. 

Professor Quiet
1.1.12  arkpdx  replied to  arkpdx @1.1.11    8 years ago

Oh yeah i forgot. I don't believe you on that either. 

Professor Guide
1.1.13  Gordy327  replied to  arkpdx @1.1.11    8 years ago
And next you are going to tell me that you are pure as the driven sniw and have never done that.

I see you can't refute my statement.

Sophomore Silent
1.1.14  Phoenyx13  replied to  arkpdx @1.1    8 years ago
Says you. Of course you think anything that doesnt confirm to your narrow view of the world is garbage. It seems too that you somehow think that things must be cleared through you or those like you.

that could be said about people from both sides of the aisle, correct ?

Sophomore Silent
1.1.15  Phoenyx13  replied to  arkpdx @1.1.9    8 years ago
Seeing how most onthe left says that anyone that does not fully embrace the homosexual agenda or even comes close to saying it is an abnormal lifestyle is consixereda hate group i am not surprised you think so.

could you please post some links to prove this ? i have not heard of this yet, so i would like to see those official statements.

Also, please include what the "homosexual agenda" is - i still can't find that anywhere :(

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Freshman Silent
1.2    replied to  eginnj @1    8 years ago
lies and misinformation

E.A So what does the CDC says about " High Risk Activities " and where does Oral and Anal Sex rate?>

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Freshman Silent
1.2.1    replied to  @1.2    8 years ago

Homosexuality and Risk.jpg

Freshman Silent
1.2.2  seeder  eginnj  replied to  @1.2    8 years ago

The FACT is that the USA has a very low percentage of ALL HIV/AIDS patients worldwide, and on a worldwide basis, the overwhelming majority of HIV/AIDS patients are heterosexual men.

Rex Block
Freshman Silent
1.3  Rex Block  replied to  eginnj @1    8 years ago

Male gays are by nature promiscuous and continue to indulge in unsafe sex in spite of potential consequences.

Lesbians don't have this problem

Sophomore Quiet
1.3.1  Skrekk  replied to  Rex Block @1.3    8 years ago
Lesbians don't have this problem

Indeed - it seems that people with dicks are the real problem regardless of their sexual orientation.

Sophomore Silent
1.3.2  1ofmany  replied to  Skrekk @1.3.1    8 years ago
Indeed - it seems that people with dicks are the real problem regardless of their sexual orientation.

There’s only a problem if you don’t know what do with it. 

Professor Guide
1.3.3  Dulay  replied to  1ofmany @1.3.2    8 years ago
There’s only a problem if you don’t know what do with it.

That's refuted by the data coming from South Africa.

HIV prevalence among South African women was nearly twice as high as men, 25% of new infections are women between 15-24, 360,000 children (aged 0 to 14) were living with HIV and 2.3 million children in South Africa have been orphaned by HIV and AIDS.

From those numbers, they know what to do with it, they just aren't doing it safely...

Sophomore Quiet
1.3.4  Skrekk  replied to  1ofmany @1.3.2    8 years ago
There’s only a problem if you don’t know what do with it.

Given that HIV is overwhelming a heterosexual disease in most of the world, it seems that straight guys are indeed the biggest problem.

Professor Guide
2  Dulay    8 years ago

One would think that everyone participating at the Values Voter Summit would have already read Bryan Camenker's book. After all, they've been selling this clap trap for 8 years now, so they should have it memorized. 

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Freshman Silent
3      8 years ago

So what is the Highest risks and do people have a right to know?

HIV 2014.JPG.jpg

Professor Guide
3.2  Dulay  replied to  @3    8 years ago
So what is the Highest risks and do people have a right to know?

It's ironic that you ask this question and then post CDC data. Your own comment proves that CURRENT empirical data is easily available to the general pubic.

The attempt to sell an outdated, ideologically biased book isn't about giving people information, it's about intentionally dispensing misinformation and lies. 

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Freshman Silent
4      8 years ago

Some further FACTS that can not be denied!

HIV 2015.JPG.jpg

pat wilson
Professor Participates
4.1  pat wilson  replied to  @4    8 years ago

Maybe I'm being dense but what does this chart show ?

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Freshman Silent
4.1.1    replied to  pat wilson @4.1    8 years ago
Maybe I'm being dense but what does this chart show ?

E.A See what Shepboy posted above repeating has no merit! 3.1   Shepboy 

If it is still Not Clear see what your local Hospital/Clink/Medical Centre have to say on those numbers

Sophomore Silent
5  1ofmany    8 years ago

If Trump favors MassResistance, when is he going to actually do something to help other than talk?

Sophomore Quiet
5.1  Skrekk  replied to  1ofmany @5    8 years ago

Trump has already done a number of things to harm LGBT folks so he clearly endorses the vile agenda of hate groups like MassResistance and the FRC.

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Freshman Silent
5.1.1    replied to  Skrekk @5.1    8 years ago
LGBT folks so he clearly endorses the vile agenda

E.A  " Vile Agenda " so Lies about Pathogens infections deaths cause effect are not " Vile " interesting!

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Freshman Silent
5.1.2    replied to  @5.1.1    8 years ago

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Freshman Silent
5.1.3    replied to  @5.1.2    8 years ago

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Freshman Silent
6      8 years ago

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Freshman Silent
6.1    replied to  @6    8 years ago

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Freshman Silent
6.1.1    replied to  @6.1    8 years ago

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Freshman Silent
7      8 years ago

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Freshman Silent
8      8 years ago

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Freshman Silent
8.1    replied to  @8    8 years ago

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Freshman Silent
9      8 years ago

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10      8 years ago

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11      8 years ago

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Freshman Silent
12      8 years ago

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Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
12.1  Perrie Halpern R.A.  replied to  @12    8 years ago


Please stop spamming this article with other articles.

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Freshman Silent
12.1.1    replied to  Perrie Halpern R.A. @12.1    8 years ago
Please stop spamming this article with other articles.

E.A Interesting so Countering FACTS are Spamming? Who would have thought, many thanks!


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