Despicable People
Just when you thought liberals had sunk as low as they could, they break out the shovel and start digging.
Nothing is sacred anymore. Nothing is off limits, and everything is political. This week showed us once again there is nothing Democrats won’t exploit, no grave they won’t dance on, if they think they can score political points. And there’s nothing “journalists” won’t spin, won’t lie about, and no hypocrisy too great to prevent them from smearing their political opponents.
The sad deaths of four soldiers in an ambush in Niger normally would not be a political football, but these times are anything but normal.
In the past week, a media narrative developed about how President Trump hadn’t spoken publicly about the deaths of the men at the hands of an ISIS affiliate group. This didn’t happen by accident, it happened suddenly and from multiple media outlets and “journalists,” as if it were coordinated.
“Why hasn’t Trump said anything about this?” they asked.
Of course, the White House had spoken about it the day after it happened, but since it came from the president’s spokeswoman and not him directly, this fact was ignored. Presidents don’t speak about every death in battle and never have, but this one was manufactured to be different. It was going to be “Trump’s Benghazi,” or so the media hoped.
But there were no warnings ignored, like in Benghazi. There was no 13-hour delay in sending aid. There was no blaming of an Internet video to cover up the failure of the administration to act, and no one was sent to prison for a year to aid in the re-election of the president. The only similarity with Benghazi is the body count.
But liberals never let the facts get in the way of a good story, and since they control the media there is no reason to. Human decency used to be what held back their darker impulses, but they are no longer burdened by such constraints.
When clownish Florida Congresswoman Frederica Wilson (D), accused the president of callousness in his condolence call to the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson, it was a new low for a party setting new lows at a record pace.
Calls from a president are not spontaneous. Staff calls and sets up a time convenient for both. So that Wilson was there was not a coincidence, it was planned. It was going to be a painful call to receive, as every condolence call is soon after losing a loved one. That the Johnson family was upset after it was not surprising; what was is how Wilson marched right to a receptive media to spin their grief into a political knife.
Wilson’s actions were despicable, as was the media’s adopting of her word as gospel and her tactics. Basic human decency was torched when the president’s response was portrayed as “an attack on a Gold Star family” and not what it was – a refutation of a partisan attack by an activist Democrat and media.
President Trump never has been critical of Johnson’s widow. He’s been critical of Wilson and her fellow travelers in journalism. But you’d never know that if you watched CNN or MSNBC. They are lying to their audience because, well, that’s what they do.
It’s what they did when Trump responded to the attacks of Khizr Khan at the Democratic National Convention. He never once was critical of Captain Humayun Khan, the hero who lost his life serving our country, nor did he say anything about how the Khan’s grieved. But being a Gold Star family does not grant absolute carte blanche on everything else.
This was demonstrated by the media’s response to General John Kelly’s lecture to the press on Thursday. Joy Reid and Lawrence O’Donnell, MSNBC’s reliably dumbass-duo, accused Kelly of being a racist for rebutting a black woman’s claims with facts. It seems Gold Star parents such as Kelly are sacred only to the point what they say conflicts with the progressive agenda. Reid and O’Donnell are unworthy of respect.
But they are not unique, they are all too common.
Liberals spent the last eight years calling every policy disagreement with Barack Obama “racist” because the alternative would be defending their failed policies. In the case of this condolence call, it’s easier, and disgustingly cheap, to toss that claim out there than report honestly.
These people are not honest, and they’re not good people. Good people wouldn’t do this.
If Wilson were a good person she wouldn’t go on CNN and accuse Kelly of using a racial slur against her when he called her an “empty barrel.” Of course, if CNN were an honest broker they would not have let that comment go by unchallenged either. And if either Wilson or the CNN host were smart people, they would have known the concept behind the term dates back to ancient Greece.
General Kelly was correct, nothing is sacred anymore. If it can be exploited for political purposes, every tragedy is fair game for liberals. Reality doesn’t matter – truth need not apply.
The fact that no other family has said word one against a condolence call made by President Trump is irrelevant, he was coldhearted to the Johnson family because they say he was.
To believe the guy who made this call to another Gold Star widow is capable of basically telling a woman “Yeah, well, what are you going to do?” during the worst time in her life, that just so happened to be overheard by a partisan Member of Congress, says more about the people who believe it than it ever could about the President.
I never wanted to believe liberals were actually evil, just obstinately wrongheaded and misguided in their belief that the policies they advocate only failed everywhere they’ve been tried because they weren’t the ones implementing them. This manufactured story has me rethinking that opinion.
What else can you call people willing to distort the truth, to smear a good man like Kelly, simply to put some points on the board in a political battle? It wasn’t done by accident, it wasn’t done casually without forethought, it was done deliberately with purpose. If there’s another word to call that, I’d like to hear it.
The President lied about what he told a grieving widow, period. Kelly lied for the Liar-in-Chief as well.
They president (obama), hillary clinto, susan rice and the left wing media lied to the families of the victims of Benghazi and the American people. clinton did it right to their faces and you accepted it.
Obama lied to the dead and injured after Fort Hood by refusing to call it what it was, a terrorist attack, saying it was "work place violence" instead. The ledt accepred his lie and ran with it.
I am glad for this article for one reason. It might replace the 650 comment monstrosity since it plows the same ground.
This all falls on Trump and the toxic effect he has on everything and everyone he touches.
He was asked, at a press session, whether he had contacted the families of the four dead soldiers. Instead of just answering and perhaps finessing the question, Trump went into attack mode criticizing previous presidents and claiming he was much more conscientious than they in doing this "condolence" duty. He particularly named President Obama as lacking in the way he spoke to or contacted the Gold Star families.
Who was surprised then the next day when a Democratic congresswoman criticized Trump for the way he spoke to a young widow in her district? Trump had set the table for this with his idiotic comment about Obama the day before.
Then Trump compounds his troubles by lying about what he had said to widow. He claimed he never said what the congresswoman said he said. Via comments by General Kelly the next day (Wednesday) we learned that Trump had indeed told the widow that her husband 'knew what he was getting into'. So Trump was found to be lying about what he said to a Gold Star widow. Wonderful.
Trump's slime has rubbed off on a four star general.
He is total slime. There was a benefit for hurricane relief and all living presidents, including one in failing health and in a wheel chair appeared. Guess who didn't? He did send a video but his priority was golf, not appearing in person.
And guess who WASN'T invited by Gaga and her group?
This reveals how toxic the media and leftist have become in their anger for loosing an election....
We have in our midst a bunch of people who have no compassion for anyone, if they can twist anything into something they think will advance their agenda they will do it.
They are called DEMOCRATS!
Remember this when it comes time to vote.....
They claimed they had a mountain of trash?
I submit they ARE the mountain of trash!
They pointed a finger and called everyone that disagrees with them Deplorables?
Who's actually acting deplorable?
The evidence is plain people.
Vote the truth you see and hear everyday.....
IF you are a deplorable, then vote for a deplorable!
Trump lied about what he had said to a Gold Star widow.
Spare a little of your outrage for him.
You have a recording of what he said?
His chief of staff heard the conversation and recounted it as including the part about "he knew what he signed up for'.
This is not kindergarten and we dont have to constantly recount news stories for those who are unaware of them.
So you think that soldier that died was too ignorant not to know the risk he signed up for?
Yep. He said that Rep. Wilson was lying when she described his words to Johnson's widow to the media. She wasn't. Trump claimed that he didnt say something that he actually did say.
He DID tell Johnson's widow words to the effect of "he knew what he was getting into". Kelly's statements about the conversation (which Kelly was listening to) confirm that.
Well we have a built in excuse, everyone on the other side is so much better than us... so because of that long held Deplorable Democrat belief, we have a built in excuse for our behaviors.....
Thank you, you gave it to us...
Now to the important question,
What's your excuse?
Clinton lied right in the faces of the Benghazi dead, in person and on tape and you dismissed it
And so did Clinton about Benghanzi. But you drank that kook aid right up.
Did Obama contact the 1000+ families during his tenure as President? I'll make it easy for you....No he didn't.
The comments followed an early morning tweet, in which the president claimed Wilson “totally fabricated” her account of the call.
" Well, let me tell you what I told him. Let me tell you what my best friend, Joe Dunford, told me -- because he was my casualty officer. He said, Kel, he was doing exactly what he wanted to do when he was killed. He knew what he was getting into by joining that 1 percent. He knew what the possibilities were because we're at war . And when he died, in the four cases we're talking about, Niger, and my son's case in Afghanistan -- when he died, he was surrounded by the best men on this Earth: his friends.
That's what the President tried to say to four families the other day. I was stunned when I came to work yesterday morning, and broken-hearted at what I saw a member of Congress doing. A member of Congress who listened in on a phone call from the President of the United States to a young wife, and in his way tried to express that opinion -- that he's a brave man, a fallen hero, he knew what he was getting himself into because he enlisted. There's no reason to enlist; he enlisted. And he was where he wanted to be, exactly where he wanted to be, with exactly the people he wanted to be with when his life was taken.
This was from Kelly, who was in the room.
This is what we call a "smoking gun".
Now stop pestering me with drivel OSM.
G'morning Nowhere! Donut? And I would like to thank you right wingers for so convincingly proving Hillary's 'deplorables' comment to be correct.
I think the name she picked out for the party is a good one, it represents exactly the way you are all acting....
Democrats, the deplorable party. Sounds good.
Hillary nailed it I think
You know, as everyone knows, Hillary was referring to Trump voters. Why would you post such blatantly obvious nonsense? Have you no self-respect?
Just doing what you guys are doing....
If it works for our betters why won't it work for us?
There's no need to use nonsense to make the right look bad, all we have to do is quote you verbatim, note what legislation you are trying to pass and what your position is on the issues. When we do this you cry foul as if you're being victimized.
Hey we get nonsense every day, we have gotten so much nonsense we just have to give some back, You think you are going to force us to accept nonsense all the time?
I mean if that is the mode of expression we are going to be forced to use, we might as well start right now....
I mean democrat deplorables love to dictate the conversation don't they? It's in the Rules for Radicals isn't it?
So hey, we give up, we will communicate the way you guys like...
What's wrong with that?
I mean Deplorable Democrats, hug one today, they are an endangered specie you know....
I love it! The rightists have control of every aspect of our government and they are STILL whining about the left? Just more proof that the right cannot govern, tell the truth, lead, or get a DAMN thing done without fighting among themselves. The right gets more pathetic by the minute...PRICELESS!!!!
Nonsense. The Senate and House are controlled by the Rockefeller Statist Establishment Republicans. They continue to stop any real conservative efforts to restore our Government to obedience to the Constitution and away from Marxist statist collectivism.
The Republicans have never passed any legislation repealing the leftist expansions of Govt by Wilson, FDR, LBJ, Nixon, Carter, or Obama.
All those programs and departments remain to this day.
Supposed Conservative control of the Federal Govt is a joke. We haven't had conservatism in the Federal govt since Coolidge
So you agree with me that the right is in control of the government, and the left is not to blame for the epic dysfunction going on in our government today.
No, I said just the opposite. The Republican Establishment that control the House and Senate are on the left, not right
“General Kelly was correct, nothing is sacred anymore. If it can be exploited for political purposes, every tragedy is fair game for liberals. Reality doesn’t matter – truth need not apply.
The fact that no other family has said word one against a condolence call made by President Trump is irrelevant, he was coldhearted to the Johnson family because they say he was.
To believe the guy who made this call to another Gold Star widow is capable of basically telling a woman “Yeah, well, what are you going to do?” during the worst time in her life, that just so happened to be overheard by a partisan Member of Congress, says more about the people who believe it than it ever could about the President.”
this townhall article is excellent and sums up what has been happening perfectly..
i too used to think that liberals were misguided and undereducated but now what i see is downright evil & sinister..i have seen family members and long time friends told they are no longer a part of a liberals life if they voted for trump...the hatred is real and i hear not only talk about shutting down the right of conservatives to speak but that a policy of outright genocide would be permissible...i am seeing very little difference in what ISIS is proclaiming and what many on the left would like to see done..tearing up our constitution and becoming a country where only a select few have the right to express a opinion or render judgement.......hopefully there are enough sane people left here in this country to prevent it, but what i have seen is the left is willing to do ANYTHING to get it's way and do anything TO anyone who is in their way.
I am seeing a lot of new (and a couple old) "conservatives" on NT ranting and raving here and there and above and beyond, and huffing and puffing as if all the hot air cuts the mustard. Mercy.