If Bees Earned Minimum Wage, A Jar of Honey Would Cost $182,000
Category: Scattershooting,Ramblings & Life
Via: robert-in-ohio • 10 years ago • 48 commentsSad Animal Facts, An Amusing Series That Pairs Adorable Illustrations With Sobering Facts About Specific Animals
Sad Animal Facts is an amusing series from artist Brooke Barker , who pairs together adorable illustrations with sobering facts about specific animals.
Daily illustrations of depressing animal facts that will make you laugh.
images via Sad Animal Facts
I was fascinated by this article and am definitely going to et the book.
Hopefully this article will generate the same smiles for others that I experienced when I came across it
But if bees earned a fair wage, more of them would have discretionary income which they'd pump into the economy which would create more jobs, which would generate more people buying honey, etc. .
BTW, is it discriminatory not to hire WASPS?
These are adorable!
I think we truly underappreciate bees! They work so very hard!!!
Love the rest, too!
A Mac
You make two salient points (as you always do) and I will address them
As to the discretionary income increase, they might put it back into the economy, but a lot of bees are moving money of shore to invest in the expanding activities of silk worms in Asia.
And to the discrimination question, there is a growing movement among WASPS to get into the honey industry long dominated by bees, but it is a very sticky situation with stinging consequences if things go wrong.
Thanks for the perspective
Thanks for the feedback
A picture is worth 1,000 words and these certainly make good points!
Poor..un appreciated animals..... "Elephants can't jump...."Once I did, but nobody saw"
Would killer bees be sent to prison?
LOLOL, very cute.
Good one Buzz!!!
I wonder if the ''worker bees'' are unionized?
A picture is worth 1,000 words and these certainly make good points!That's for sure!
Only the Mud Wasps, because they do the dirty work...
The "Buzz" around the water cooler is that there is going to be a Strike!!
Elephants have always been my favorite aspect of the circus and the zoo.
I have a trip to see them in the wild on my bucket list, but that is just a dream for the time being .....
Killer beesusually are shielded by the "fly your space" laws
Indeed and the struggle now is whether there will be "closed hives" or if the "right to drone" advocates will carry the day against the union
That would be AMAZING to see them in their natural habitat!! I hope you are able to fullfill your wish!
A "Living Wage" is much less for a bee than the human "Living Wage"... The "Minimum Wage" is an attempt to approach a "Living Wage"... for humans, which it usually does not.
We are just having a little fun here, check out the pictures and the captions
No politics involved in this article
Sorry Robert... My comment was a reply to the title of the article... it was about wages (which I thought qualified it for being "on-topic")... and quite pertinent, I thought... Sorry to spoil the "fun"... I'll leave...
[Mal trudges off...]
Stay and have some fun
We tend to be way to serious and controversial most of the time and I just thought this could be a break from that.
In light of the title, which was meant to get readers' attention and draw them to the picture of the bee (and the message) as well as the other pictures and captions as well.
Thanks for the invitation, Robert!!! Truly!!! But I think it is best for me to move on... Nothing about your article, but I'm not in a very "fun" mood right now... Maybe I'll drop back later when I am in a cheerier mood.
No worries you are always welcome
Thanks appreciate the feedback
We have a number of farmers in the area that raise bees and sell the fresh honey
The stands never seem to be short of customers when they are open
A lot of local recipes call for honey as well - the bees are an important part of the ecosystem for sure
Yes; they're members of the AFL-BeeIO.
Since they move raw materials and contrast products I thought they would be split between the Teamsters and the construction trade unions
lol Mac....you stinger!
A Mac
I came across a picture of the union president and spokesman and thought I would share
His name is BuzzBee
Always willing to pay a little extra for tasty honey
He's also the Chief Contract Beegotiator.
One year, in the middle of beegotiations, he had to leave the bargaining table as he came down with hives.
Let us continue.
He must have been beegotiating a tariff on beeswax.
A Mac
I cannot keep up, you are on a roll
I hope not beecause I pay enough for honey already.
I'm allergic to bees, if i'm stung they give me hives. I'm a hard worker and lost a lot of man hours because of it... but don't worry, i'll comb through the details and bee buzzing again by next spring. Not being the worker that I am so used to does sting a little. Luckily my wife is my queen and walks in all like: "ohhh honey you poor sweet sweet thing!" She begins to fuck me and 2000 of my closest friends... or is that ants
To bee or not to bee, that is the question.
lol When my daughters were little, and were getting ready to go somewhere,I would say to them...."Honey..comb your hair"
Our dogs watch tv, too! We put on a tape we have about wild animals and they stare at it, fascinated... Do they know what they're seeing? I don't know, but they sure are interested in it!
I wonder if drones are somewhat related to the killer bees - only difference is that someone else has to guide them, but the problem is that they sometimes mistake what their target is.
Perhaps the drones should stay in the hive rather than buzzing around the world all the time
We had a cat for many years and she loved TV, she would lose her mind when bowling or racing was on and things were moving fast on the screen.
She was more entertaining than what was on the TV