
Can We Admit To Anything The Two Parties Have Done That They Shouldn't Have?


Category:  News & Politics

By:  citizen-kane-473667  •  8 years ago  •  105 comments

Can We Admit To Anything The Two Parties Have Done That They Shouldn't Have?

Just wondering if any Democrats or Republicans can actually admit to where their Party has gone awry? The reason I ask is that I see so many pointing fingers at The Other Side and vociferously attacking them for the same policies that their own side has either proposed, or endorsed, at some point in the past.  If these policies were Bad when say the Democrats posed it--like PAYGO for instance--then Why is it good now?  Simply because the Republicans stole the idea?  Don't get me wrong, PAYGO is a GREAT idea and it needs to be done.  Kind of like cutting taxes and reforming the Tax Code.  All are good ideas that are definitely way past due, but we can't seem to get around to supporting the ideas when The Other Side is trumpeting them? Instead we point to how the Rich will get Tax Cuts too instead of just the Middle and Lower Classes.  Do you really think it would happen in any other way??? I don't care if the Democrats had put together a bill that excluded the Elites, the only way it would get passed was if the Elites got their slice of the pie too.  Anyone claiming otherwise needs to look at exactly who it is passing this legislation in the first place. Rich people who get elected by getting funds from other Rich people!


jrDiscussion - desc
Citizen Kane-473667
Professor Quiet
1  author  Citizen Kane-473667    8 years ago

Time to get past trying to undermine your opponents at the price of cutting off your own nose to spite your face. On the other hand, if you watch these orchestrated "fights" closely, you'll soon come to realize that the real goal is to Do Nothing, and for that purpose, the two Parties are doing an exceptional job!

The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
1.1  The Magic 8 Ball  replied to  Citizen Kane-473667 @1    8 years ago
  the real goal is to Do Nothing,

unless their goal is to screw us over.  they can pass that in 5 minutes during the dead of night.

 luckily for us, the days of

bad trade deals? a measely 2%GDP? open borders? and answering to foreign beurocrats about how we build our country?

 are over :)

Masters Quiet
1.2  PJ  replied to  Citizen Kane-473667 @1    8 years ago
the real goal is to Do Nothing, and for that purpose, the two Parties are doing an exceptional job!

Agreed.  The average citizens are losing because the politicians keep us fighting each other.  I haven't read the tax bill proposal yet so I don't want to comment too much.  I've been off work for about 5 weeks and I haven't been keeping up too much with Washington.  I'll be immersed in it again on Monday.  :0(

Freshman Silent
1.3  TOM PA  replied to  Citizen Kane-473667 @1    8 years ago

     Two quotes from the poet Virgil;  

"They can because they think they can"  

"The noblest motive is the public good"  

     Objective or subjective you take your pick.  

Professor Guide
1.4  Dulay  replied to  Citizen Kane-473667 @1    8 years ago
On the other hand, if you watch these orchestrated "fights" closely, you'll soon come to realize that the real goal is to Do Nothing, and for that purpose, the two Parties are doing an exceptional job!

McCann pointed out the big issue with the Congress right now. Regular order is out the window in both Houses. NO committee hearings, NO public debate, NO testimony from experts in the field, not a word in public about the PROCESS. The GOP and their electorate pretended that legislation negotiated between the partys 'behind closed doors' was illegitimate. Now that the GOP is in charge, the negotiation is WITHIN their own caucus and the Democrats aren't even asked into the room. 

So the process is controlled in total by the GOP and if as you say, their intention is to 'Do Nothing', the Democrats have no way of forcing them to act.

Yet even worse, the Democrats have no way of STOPPING them from acting, especially since the GOP is doing everything under reconciliation, requiring a mere majority vote in the Senate.

Of course, that doesn't stop Trump for blaming the Dems for the GOPs failure to get their shit together...

Sophomore Quiet
5  lennylynx    8 years ago

i blame them both for allowing illegal immigration.

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
6  Sean Treacy    8 years ago

Using taxpayer money to buy votes with reckless spending.

Sophomore Quiet
7  lennylynx    8 years ago

How about if we ban parties all together, perhaps not even allow them to speak to each other unless they are publicly debating policy.  Each member represents the interests of their constituents, period, no backroom deals, no ganging up in a party, everything out in the open?

Citizen Kane-473667
Professor Quiet
7.1  author  Citizen Kane-473667  replied to  lennylynx @7    8 years ago
How about if we ban parties all together,

The common sense reply I've been waiting for.  Open elections across the board! Don't really have to "ban" them since the platforms they run on would need some type of identifier for the voters too lazy to do any real research on the candidates positions. I would also suggest that paid political advertising be publicly funded.  The 1st Amendment guarantees the ability to say what you want; the SCOTUS has made it clear that the venue of that speech can be limited.

So...here is what I propose:

  1. Open elections, including primaries. Sure, some may vote for the Opposition candidate in the primaries that they think will end up costing the other Parties the election, but this also means the same can and will be done to them. I don't see it as a major problem, more of a Check and Balance thing.
  2. Political ads are banned and replace by Publicly Funded  infotainment programs. Instead of 30 second spots, the candidates will be given time for a program(s) on the channels/radio stations they choose to present their stances and allow the public to get to know them. These programs will be shown only on Public airwave stations. For Primaries, ALL candidates will be given an equal amount of time to present their platforms in ONE show that can be re-aired until the Primary election is over.  After that, those garnering at least 10% of the vote will be given an opportunity to have their own "show" on a weekly basis. Weekly shows may be a replaying of a taped show, or a new one--their choice.
  3. Donations may be made to candidates solely for the purpose of mailers and/or for maintaining a web site(s). This still allows for campaign contributions from individuals, but limits the venue where they may be used. (As an aside, I would also suggest that all mailers be limited to 100% recycled material so they don't end up clear-cutting a forest with their attack ads.)
  4. All mailers/web site(s) must list those who sponsored it by name. No more hiding behind anonymity.  Placing a limit of 20 sponsors per mailer would ensure that we don't wind up with 20 pages of names following a paragraph of an ad.

I'm open to suggestions on how this can be made better.  The one thing we need most is to get rid of the "hidden" money pouring into campaigns. The other thing we need is for everyone to be able to run for office. It's time that the little people get a chance to compete for the opportunity to govern themselves, not just corporate shills.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
7.2  It Is ME  replied to  lennylynx @7    8 years ago

Require congress to put up a "Bill" for what it is singly intended for, and not allow any pork to be inserted !

Professor Silent
7.3  lib50  replied to  lennylynx @7    8 years ago

I'm not into bans, but the reason I've NEVER belonged to either party is I hate the party crap.  If everybody would look at the issues and individuals running instead of blindly following the party line we would be in a far better place. 

321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu
Sophomore Participates
10  321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu     8 years ago

Ya know both parties would be meaningless if everyone became a registered independent.

Professor Principal
11  JBB    8 years ago

There are damn good reasons the once Grand Old Party of Abraham Lincoln is now known merely as "the gop"...

It Is ME
Masters Guide
12  It Is ME    8 years ago

Seems congress relies to much on the media hype, as to which way the wind is blowing in the medias mind. Too bad for us !


The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses.

Malcolm X.

True American Pat
Freshman Silent
13  True American Pat    8 years ago

I don't like how either party has been performing.....I am having a hard time thinking of much that either party has done that I like a lot......

As far as a 3rd party......it seems as though the 3rd party candidate effectively get's the person who is the farthest away from the platform of that 3rd party.......

Let me explain.......if the 3rd party is left leaning......the GOP Candidate wins......if the 3rd party is right leaning the Democrat Candidate wins........

I'm not saying that a 3rd party could never be a success.......I'm just saying ..........They have had little success in getting their candidates elected.....IMO.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
13.1  It Is ME  replied to  True American Pat @13    8 years ago
I don't like how either party has been performing.....

Ya gotta give some kudos to Trump though. He goes after BOTH sides.....with BOTH barrels !  Big hugs

True American Pat
Freshman Silent
13.1.1  True American Pat  replied to  It Is ME @13.1    8 years ago

Yes.....I agree......and it is a shame that the GOP doesn't get behind him.....

It Is ME
Masters Guide
13.1.2  It Is ME  replied to  True American Pat @13.1.1    8 years ago
Yes.....I agree......and it is a shame that the GOP doesn't get behind him.....

Some of the dinosaurs he has gone after are a bit peeved that he would have the gutz to go after them. After all, they are "Special"...... "untouchable"...... in their minds !

Same with the robot Pelosi and crying Chuck !

Most of them think they should be "Untouchable" !

Sad part is, it's true. They know folks will vote for them, over and over and over again ! I call it....."Name recognition" voting !

Only the Voters can change that !

Professor Guide
13.1.3  Dulay  replied to  True American Pat @13.1.1    8 years ago
Yes.....I agree......and it is a shame that the GOP doesn't get behind him.....

'Get behind' what? Trump claimed that 'Only I can fix it', made a bunch of promises, then he turned to the 'leadership' of the GOP and dumped the whole mess into their laps. He was SHOCKED, shocked I tell you, that the GOP didn't have any more of a plan to govern than he did. Trump insists that 'It's going to be the best, most beautiful, biggest....ever!' Then he flip flops, obfuscates, undermines the statements of the GOP leadership and LIES about the content of legislation. 

Trump's 'agenda' is such a moving target, exactly WHAT are the GOP suppose to get behind? 

It Is ME
Masters Guide
13.1.4  It Is ME  replied to  Dulay @13.1.3    8 years ago
Trump claimed that 'Only I can fix it', made a bunch of promises, then he turned to the 'leadership' of the GOP and dumped the whole mess into their laps. He was SHOCKED, shocked I tell you, that the GOP didn't have any more of a plan to govern than he did.

Did you EVER think that he did that for a reason ?

Did you forget....He was on National TV, chastising the Republican party for not getting something done on this healthcare debacle, after they said they could fix it for the last 7 years ? Did you miss it when he went after the Dems, for NOT doing what they said needed to be done to fix what they said needed some fixing ?


Did you miss it, when Trump said the world needed to fix themselves, when he was standing under the NATO billions of dollars of self praising monument to themselves ?


Professor Guide
13.1.5  Dulay  replied to  It Is ME @13.1.4    8 years ago
Did you EVER think that he did that for a reason ?

Oh I think he did it because he knew that is what his base wanted to hear. 

Did you forget....He was on National TV, chastising the Republican party for not getting something done on this healthcare debacle, after they said they could fix it for the last 7 years ?

Did YOU forget that he said 'I alone can fix it' during the Republican National Convention? Oh and BTFW, Trump said it would be easy, that it would be beautiful, that HE would get in done IMMEDIATELY. Trump was elected in November and had THREE MONTHS to write at least an OUTLINE of a Repeal and Replace of the ACA. What did he do? Nothing, NADA, Zilch. 

Did you miss it when he went after the Dems, for NOT doing what they said needed to be done to fix what they said needed some fixing ? DID YOU MISS IT ?

No, I've seen Trump defect ad nauseam. The Republicans control both Houses of Congress, the Dems can't 'fix' that until 2018. 

Did you miss it, when Trump said the world needed to fix themselves, when he was standing under the NATO billions of dollars of self praising monument to themselves ?

What I'm missing is the relevance of that part of your comment to the seed. 


Nope. I didn't miss any of it. 

It Is ME
Masters Guide
13.1.6  It Is ME  replied to  Dulay @13.1.5    8 years ago
Oh I think he did it because he knew that is what his base wanted to hear.

You should think "Outside" the box for once !

   Did YOU forget that he said 'I alone can fix it' during the Republican National Convention? 

He's doing exactly what he said he would do. He is FORCING our happy little representatives to finally live up to what THEY promised the "People". What do you find wrong with that anyway !

     What I'm missing is the relevance of that part of your comment to the seed. 

It's ALL part of the overall scheme ! MAKE everyone "RESPONSIBLE" for their "INACTIONS" !

It's not hard for one that isn't partisan to figure out. maybe you should REALLY "Change" your thought process ! It opens ones eyes. winking

Professor Guide
13.1.7  Dulay  replied to  It Is ME @13.1.6    8 years ago
You should think "Outside" the box for once !

You should think. 

He's doing exactly what he said he would do. He is FORCING our happy little representatives to finally live up to what THEY promised the "People". What do you find wrong with that anyway !

Oh please DO list all of the promises that they have kept. I'll wait. 

It's ALL part of the overall scheme ! MAKE everyone "RESPONSIBLE" for their "INACTIONS" !

Who holds Trump "RESPONSIBLE" for HIS "INACTIONS". Obviously not you...

It's not hard for one that isn't partisan to figure out.

It's not hard to recognize that only a partisan could joyfully swill all of that pablum. 

maybe you should REALLY "Change" your thought process

If it would mean following yours, no thank you. I'd rather stay rooted in reality. 

The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
13.1.8  The Magic 8 Ball  replied to  Dulay @13.1.7    8 years ago
Oh please DO list all of the promises that they have kept. I'll wait.

just off the top of my head.... not in any special order and I am sure to miss a few

tpp? dead

the paris deal? dead

border wall? prototypes just finished.

federal hiring freeze  

dakota pipeline

told nasa to get their butts back in space

told the UN and the world, we will remain a sovereign nation, we will put our country first, and we are leaving unesco 

stopped obamacare subsidies to the insurance co's

nafta being renegotiated.  (this is where mexico gets to pay for the wall or nafta will simply end. making mexico broke again)

thousands of regulatory burdens lifted off business (and not even done yet.)

the coal industry has restarted

unemployment?  just hit a 17yr low

the GDP is 3% and will go higher

if nothing gets any better than that? he will be re-elected in 2020 no problem.

people seem to like the idea of a secure and sovereign country with a better than 2% GDP  .... go figure :)

Professor Guide
13.1.9  Dulay  replied to  The Magic 8 Ball @13.1.8    8 years ago
just off the top of my head.... not in any special order and I am sure to miss a few

Hilariously, NOT ONE of those things were done by "our happy little representatives". 

Total fail. 

It Is ME
Masters Guide
13.1.10  It Is ME  replied to  Dulay @13.1.7    8 years ago
You should think.

So Cute !

" Oh please DO list all of the promises that they have kept. I'll wait. "

You didn't read and comprehend my comment....did you. Try it again. stunned

"Who holds Trump "RESPONSIBLE" for HIS "INACTIONS"."

Trumps done quite a bit. Go outside the MSM box, and you can find what he has done so far. It's a long read though, so It's probably too much !

"It's not hard to recognize that only a partisan could joyfully swill all of that pablum. "

So cute again !

"I'd rather stay rooted in reality."

What "IS" reality these days. thinking

The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
14  The Magic 8 Ball    8 years ago
It's time for a third party.

I see your point. however, a third party will not end their power, but will only lessen their political influence 

 they need to be removed permanently.

it would be faster and less of a pain in the butt in the future if we just kicked them all out at the polls asap,   enacted term limits and started from scratch like that.


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