What Classic Movie Do You Hate The Most?
What Classic Movie Do You Hate The Most?
From scanning the Front Page from time to time, I've come to realize that I've been mistaken in posting classic movie articles about what is your famourite movie, or favourite classic actor. I should have been trying to match the tone of the preponderance of vitriol, venom, hatred of opinions that are different than your own, insulting of members who are religious when you are an atheist and vice versa, disdain for Trump or for Hillary Clinton, despising members who are right wing when you're left wing, or vice versa. So instead of posting an article about what is good, I think that an article giving you all a chance to name a classic movie you hate would be a better match. So go see the article, and tell us what classic movie you really hate, and why.
Should you want to post a comment, you have to be a member of the Classic Cinema group. If you're not yet a member, it's easy to join. Just click this next link and then click "join the group" and you are automatically accepted. No vetting required, unless you're an immigrant from a country on Trump's black list.
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It looks like the links might not work, so I'll try again:
The article:
The Classic Cinema group:
If THESE don't work, copy the urls and paste them in your browser, and if that doesn't work, fuck it. Just forget it.
Is "Top Gun" considered a classic?
Sure. It's classic 80's.
Loved Top Gun.
That said, one wouldn't expect a "zoomie" to like it.
I expanded my answer in the "real" article. Buzz wants everyone to comment there. Would you go there and post your comment? I've got lots more to say about the dumbest movie of the 80's
I appreciate your support in trying to get members to go to the groups, but I guess it's useless.
A Streetcar Named Desire.
I was sooooo bored watching that movie, but like a car wreck, I just couldn't stop watching.
I never saw it simply because I can't stand Brando. The two classics on my list are 2001/2010.
I did like him in the "Godfather". Thought he sucked in "Apocalypse Now" ! The movie itself was GREAT though. At least they waited until the end to actually show Brando.
A space odyssey ?.....or just those two years of all movies.
I've seen a lot of criticisms that 2001, A Space Odyssey is an extremely boring movie.
It was....but fascinating at the same time. Kind of like the first Star Trek movie. It seemed to drag on forever, but was still watchable.
The space odysses,
Rather than posting on this "teaser" please go to the article itself. I will close comments here if I have to.
Attack of the Killer Tomatoes.
Orgy at Lil's Place.
The Creature from the Black Lagoon.
Dumb and Dumber.
Ernest Scared Stupid.
Not humanity's finest hour those.
Enoch, Demanding a refund on those movie tickets.
Dumb and Dumber was terrible! My kids thought it was hilarious, but they where kids.
I hated E.T.. There, I said it.
The Bridges of Madison County. How he went from Dirty Harry to that snoozer I'll never understand.
All the Elvis Presley movies.
Plan Nine From Outer Space. I have many times tried to watch it but just cannot get past the opening credits.
Plan 9 From Outer Space has been deemed the worst movie of all time by some critics.
We seem to have different definitions of classic movies. Nearly all classic movies have historically been in the 30s-early 60s
I don't consider any movies from the 80s or newer to be "classic"
Many Movie Critcs consiider you right in your opinion of what is a "classic", although different critics have different time frames. If I were to use your opinion as a requirement for the Classic Cinema group it would be lucky to draw 5 or 6 members. So for the purpose of a group that draws some interest here it's necessary not to go back so far. Since you are most likely an aficionado of REAL classic films, have you joined the Classic Cinema group in order to contribute something about REAL classic movies? There are lots of articles in the accessible archives of that group that could interest you.
Tried to watch "Ishtar" once with Dustin Hoffman and Warren Beatty, thought it was going to be so bad it would be funny but it was just so bad it was worse than awful. Not even Rifftrax could make it any better.
In the 50 years between 1940 and 1990 , four films that won the Academy Award for Best Picture stand out as having the lowest ratings on the Internet Movie Data Base.
Tom Jones
Around The World In 80 Days
The Greatest Show On Earth
these are the worst "classic" movies.
I would personally throw in Breakfast At Tiffany's. The premise is charming , but the movie is quite boring.