
Why Democrat's Are Losing Followers


Category:  News & Politics

By:  citizen-kane-473667  •  8 years ago  •  49 comments

Why Democrat's Are Losing Followers

I could say it's for the same reason that Republican's are; simply that they no longer represent those that are their core supporters. Let the howling begin!

Just like the Republican's, the Democrat's have forsaken the multitudes in favor of the few.  Once upon a time, Republican's were the Party of Business--large AND small; now they could give a shit less about the small business owners as they chase those Mega Donor Dollars! Enter the Democrat's. Looking to win--at any cost--they too have turned their backs on the majority of American's that formerly supported them; those that need a hand up, not a handout. Democrat's seem to believe that they can buy votes by kowtowing to the less fortunate instead of the disenfranchised workers who actually do have jobs and pay taxes. They (the Democrat's) fail to realize that these people are actually very intelligent. They can see through the bullshit the Democrat's are flinging against every wall just to see what will stick and what won't.  Feigning outrage at the drop of a hat, they fail to call their own to task...and they hypocrisy is becoming ever so clear even to their own diehard supporters. Sure, T-Rump talked some shit on tape, but I have yet to see a cum-stained dress.  If we see one, will he get a pass dear Democrat's? T-Rump grabbed some ass and kissed some women--hardly Presidential conduct I'll agree,  One problem--he wasn't President when he did it. Now if the fact that he did such thing before he became President, then what will we do about Bill Clinton? I mean we do have a rapist as an ex-President.  Should we charge him with it? Where is your outrage Democrat's?  Instead, he is placed on a pedestal....

Speaking of pedestals, where is your outrage over sHillary Clinton's behavior? 33,000 deleted emails during an investigation? What exactly was her role in the Uranium One Deal? Her intimidating women who spoke up about Bill's sexual assaults? TravelGate? Bet you don't even remember that the Clinton's rented out the Lincoln Bedroom do you? Too busy dodging sniper fire I suppose. 

This is what you Democrat's seem to fail to understand--I don't like t-Rump either, but compared to what you have offered as a choice, he is the Devil I don't know! The Devil's I do know--the ones you are offering as an alternative, have already proven themselves to be the worst liars and hypocrites of any of those infecting the halls of Government. Why?  It's simple...the Republican's aren't claiming to represent me--the working class.  They are straight up about representing Big Business, which in turn benefits Small business half the time.  They aren't promising me the moon and a land full of milk and honey.  They're telling me like it is--if I don't have money, they don't give two shits about me.  You, on the other hand, have promised me that if I support you, that you will fight Corporate America, ease my sufferings, and take care of me both in sickness and health


You lie so much that you have come to believe your own lies! Your Leaders are worse than the Republican's! The Republican's are self-centered, egotistical bastards with no regard for me or my family and friends...but at least they aren't smiling in my face when they are knifing me in the back like YOU are!


jrDiscussion - desc
Citizen Kane-473667
Professor Quiet
1  author  Citizen Kane-473667    8 years ago

Time to wash our hands of BOTH of these pieces of shit party's...

Freshman Silent
1.1  Ballew74  replied to  Citizen Kane-473667 @1    8 years ago

Well said my friend! I couldn't agree more with you. Both parties are bullshit but at least with the GOP I know what I see is what I get. Democrats pretend to take the high ground but are nothing but a bunch of lying hypocrites. And all the while the liberal owned MSM and Hollywood keep pushing the narrative that Democrats in Washington are for the poor and downtrodden as the party loyalist eat it up like it's the tastiest shit sandwich they ever ate. Let's hope eventually some of these folks will wake up to the fact that neither party is out for us. Both Parties are out for themselves don't be disillusioned by the bullshit.

Thank you for this I almost gave up on this site after just starting but this right here gave me hope that not everyone on this site is a bleating sheep being led to slaughter by the party they are loyalist too. 

Citizen Kane-473667
Professor Quiet
1.1.1  author  Citizen Kane-473667  replied to  Ballew74 @1.1    8 years ago
not everyone on this site is a bleating sheep being led to slaughter by the party they are loyalist too

Hardly actually. Even the diehard of BOTH Party's are looking for an out.  I'm looking forward to a groundswell of (I)ndependents taking office--or the lowest turnout for elections since this country was founded...

Freshman Silent
1.1.2  Ballew74  replied to  Citizen Kane-473667 @1.1.1    8 years ago

 I'm looking forward to a groundswell of (I)ndependents taking office--or the lowest turnout for elections since this country was founded...

I doubt it too many people loyal to the "D" or "R". They are few up but keep coming back to what they know. We need to flush out the old and bring in some new blood. This country has gotten stagnant keeping the same status quo these years. No one in Washington want to "drain the swamp" but we the people can if we would come together and say enough is enough. Won't happen I believe but would be nice.  

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
1.1.3  Perrie Halpern R.A.  replied to  Citizen Kane-473667 @1.1.1    8 years ago

Hello... fellow independent here. 

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
1.1.4  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  Perrie Halpern R.A. @1.1.3    8 years ago

And here.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
1.1.5  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @1.1.4    8 years ago

Me too. The only party I voted for was the birthday party.  

Professor Participates
1.1.6  Snuffy  replied to  Ballew74 @1.1.2    8 years ago

Wasn't this past election the first time in history that registered Independents outnumbered either major party?  I'm not sure but I thought I saw that graphic during the election.  Would sure  hope that independent candidates start to increase in congress as this is 100% correct.  The two party system has become so large they are now the tail that wags the dog.

Professor Principal
1.1.7  JohnRussell  replied to  Perrie Halpern R.A. @1.1.3    8 years ago

How did you get mixed up with this crowd on this seed Perrie? 

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
1.1.8  Perrie Halpern R.A.  replied to  JohnRussell @1.1.7    8 years ago

I am and have always been an independent. Here is the thing about independents.. we don't agree on most things.. because we are "independent". So I don't have to agree with anyone else here or vice versa. I realize that it's hard to understand for people who are party loyal, but that is how we roll. All I was doing was identifying as an indie, not validating anything else. 

And I have to say, that I kind of resent, having to clarify my position. 

Professor Principal
1.1.9  JohnRussell  replied to  Perrie Halpern R.A. @1.1.8    8 years ago

All I said is look at the company you are keeping on this seed. 

I don't think any of these conservatives here are "independents". Their criticism of the parties is almost entirely along the lines of criticizing the Democrats. That is how they roll, as we say. 

I am not impugning YOUR independent status, just commenting on where you chose to express it. 

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
1.1.10  Perrie Halpern R.A.  replied to  JohnRussell @1.1.9    8 years ago

I read the article. It says that both parties should take a walk, although it mentioned the Democrats in the title. 

Professor Principal
1.1.11  JohnRussell  replied to  Perrie Halpern R.A. @1.1.10    8 years ago

"Sure, T-Rump talked some shit on tape, but I have yet to see a cum-stained dress.  If we see one, will he get a pass dear Democrat's? T-Rump grabbed some ass and kissed some women--hardly Presidential conduct I'll agree,  One problem--he wasn't President when he did it."


This is the sum total of the criticism of republicans in this seed

I could say it's for the same reason that Republican's are; simply that they no longer represent those that are their core supporters. Let the howling begin!

Just like the Republican's, the Democrat's have forsaken the multitudes in favor of the few.  Once upon a time, Republican's were the Party of Business--large AND small; now they could give a shit less about thesmall business owners as they chase those Mega Donor Dollars!

85% of the article is an attack on Democrats. As are most of the replies from people who claim to be "independent". 

I agree you ARE independent. I said that already. 

Citizen Kane-473667
Professor Quiet
1.1.12  author  Citizen Kane-473667  replied to  JohnRussell @1.1.11    8 years ago

Yes, the articles main thrust is a condemnation of the Democrat's for turning their backs on their core.  I must question your reading comprehension when you state that there are only TWO attacks on the Republican's, and then turn around and quote TWO more:

for the same reason that Republican's are; simply that they no longer represent those that are their core supporters

Did you miss that part of the entire sentence?  Does that not sound like a criticism of the Republican Party? Moving forward:

Just like the Republican's, the Democrat's have forsaken the multitudes in favor of the few

Does that sound like praise for the Republican Party to you?

Once upon a time, Republican's were the Party of Business--large AND small; now they could give a shit less about thesmall business owners as they chase those Mega Donor Dollars!

...or that? I pointed out how the Republican's have turned their backs on the majority of their supporters in favor of large campaign donors, and you somehow take that as a compliment to the Republican's?

Dude! You seriously need to remove those Partisan blinders! Not everyone who is criticizing the Democratic Party are endorsing the Republican's. Too many of us are Independents simply because of just that kind of bullshit of "If ya ain't For Us, you're agin Us". Clean up your own House before you worry about the Others.

Colour Me Free
Senior Quiet
1.1.13  Colour Me Free  replied to  Perrie Halpern R.A. @1.1.3    8 years ago


Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
1.1.14  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  Citizen Kane-473667 @1.1.12    8 years ago

I like your summation here CK, I also see something happening on the Democratic side that I HOPE will continue to grow, right now it is a grassroots effort but, it has shown that it works in states like Virginia, new Democrats coming forward and, taking local seats. If that can be done on a national level, ie, the Congress we will see a sweep, I think, in 2018 but, it does depend on what the Democrats in charge will finance.

Citizen Kane-473667
Professor Quiet
1.1.15  author  Citizen Kane-473667  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @1.1.14    8 years ago
it does depend on what the Democrats in charge will finance.

Which is why they are doomed. The Establishment Democrat's don't want to cash in yet. They will keep denying funding to those who would actually bring about a real change to our Social system, like Universal Care, free college education for those that really try hard to pass, a Living Wage, CoL increases for Social Security that will ensure those that have been paying into it don't eat cat food in Section 8 housing. 

Freshman Silent
1.2  Iamak47  replied to  Citizen Kane-473667 @1    8 years ago

I think Lewis Black summed it up nicely;

"....our two party system is a bowl of shit looking at itself in the mirror"
Rex Block
Freshman Silent
2  Rex Block    8 years ago

If the Democrats had run Jim Webb instead of Hillary (it's her turn!) Clinton, he probably would have gotten my vote, because I can't stand Trump. As it turned out, Trump was the only viable option. The liberal fools have not seemed to learn from their mistakes, and are more intent on bringing down Trump, than rebuilding their party. It's not working for them, but they are too blind to see it. The voters, on the other hand, are all too aware of how they are being duped by the Dem dummies and are very likely to hand them another loss next fall.

Professor Principal
3  JohnRussell    8 years ago

An "independent" article that is nearly entirely about attacking Democrats, that attracts NT conservatives and right wingers into agreement with it (with ban exception or two).


Freshman Silent
3.1  Ballew74  replied to  JohnRussell @3    8 years ago

Truth Hurt Russell??? Seriously both parties are bullshit but only one lies about being the party of the poor and downtrodden. It's funny you attack this article but love another article with like 30 words and 12 sentences that amount to "Democrats won! Fuck Trump! Fuck Republicans!". Why not make a retort to Citizen Kanes argument? Or is that beneath you?

Citizen Kane-473667
Professor Quiet
3.2  author  Citizen Kane-473667  replied to  JohnRussell @3    8 years ago
that is nearly entirely about attacking Democrats

And yet mentions Republican's and T-Rump nine times...

Your Partisanship is showing!

What's next? Excusing Bill Clinton because he isn't President?  Okay, I suppose we need to excuse Bill Cosby and Harvey Weinstein too then. Or maybe we should excuse Jefferson for his freezer full of cash because he is a Democrat? Where the hell is your outrage?  You can't focus it on just one Party and hand out passes to your own for the exact same behavior.  Doing so is being hypocritical.  And yet here you are...a shining example of exactly what I have written!

Professor Principal
3.2.1  JohnRussell  replied to  Citizen Kane-473667 @3.2    8 years ago

I guess I hit a nerve. 

It's funny to me to see people who do little but complain about one side then come on an article and claim to be objective independents. It's silly, but if you think you can carry it off keep trying. 

Freshman Silent
3.2.2  owlsview677  replied to  Citizen Kane-473667 @3.2    8 years ago

Just a hooting and a shrieking here. What a wonderful surprise to see you still hanging around here. This is the quality of article that if it got seeded elsewhere would attract people of intelligence.People with a better sense of reality than the standard fare of two bit partisanship.

Scrutinizing your article. Spot on with the truthfulness of all of your points. But! LOL you knew there had to be one. I believe you are being a bit narrow minded with your application of the broad brush.

It seems you have missed the fact that the Republican Establishment leadership has been all but completely destroyed. The Democrat Establishment leadership is still thriving and calling most of the shots. Ironically because of the lack of any real unified anti-Establishment leadership. Okay, probably left a lot of partisan people in the dust there. That's okay though. If they still want to equate partisan loyalty with true patriotism in the dust is where they belong.

There is nothing wrong with being a Democrat or a Republican after all there are are people with liberal views and conservative views. What is wrong is supporting those who are wrong just because they belong to the same party.

You alluded to independents with the (I) taking office. I am cool with that, hope more do. It isn't really all that necessary. You don't have to be a registered Independent to think and act for yourself. The Republican Party Establishment  got raped from the inside out.

Independent thinkers of both parties really screwed up in Alabama and "Independents" didn't do enough. Alabama got it half right. No way should an extremist such as Roy Moore ever be elected to serve in the Senate. It's a damn shame that another Democrat Establishment shill got elected.

How low will the Republican Establishment stoop to maintain control? It is downright disrespectful to John McCain and the voters of Arizona for him to be still serving in the Senate. They need his vote for the budget. Now they may not get it anyway. He is in the hospital suffering from the side effects of brain cancer and it's treatment. A damn good man, doesn't deserve what is happening to him. At the same time just because he is a good man and national hero it isn't right for the people to be represented by a man with brain cancer which requires intense chemical treatment to combat.

Semantics makes it tough. Being a Republican isn't bad. Neither is being a Democrat. Eliminate both parties and it wouldn't be long before two other parties rose to power  bearing different names but with the same basic ideologies.  There is no need for the bases of both parties to be hammering at each other. They make up the base of the whole country and have a common task. Get rid of the dishonest and selfish leadership that has commandeered our government and economy. Hoot ! Hoot !

Citizen Kane-473667
Professor Quiet
3.2.3  author  Citizen Kane-473667  replied to  owlsview677 @3.2.2    8 years ago
It seems you have missed the fact that the Republican Establishment leadership has been all but completely destroyed.

True, but they were never calling the shots really. Just like with the Dem's, their MegaDonors are.

What is wrong is supporting those who are wrong just because they belong to the same party.

Exactly, and the premise of this whole article is that even the Democrat's core supporters are becoming aware of the hypocrisy and are beginning to turn their backs on the Party for just that reason.

Get rid of the dishonest and selfish leadership that has commandeered our government and economy. Hoot ! Hoot !

And there, in a nutshell, is the meat of the matter! From what I have seen, as you also stated, the Republican Party Leadership is pretty much dead, as is their whole Party for that matter.  T-Rump didn't win because he was a Republican; he won because he wasn't sHillary! In my heart of hearts, I seriously believe that BOTH Party's need a makeover from the top down. They BOTH need to get back to their core values--Democrat's supporting and promoting the working class, and the Republican's promoting and supporting the interests of business; both Large AND Small. This presented a balanced agenda on the Hill where the Federal Government was actually working for both sides of the coin. The way it stands now, Corporate America holds the coin, and We The People don't have anyone representing our interests at all.

Citizen Kane-473667
Professor Quiet
3.2.4  author  Citizen Kane-473667  replied to  JohnRussell @3.2.1    8 years ago
I guess I hit a nerve.

It actually looks like I hit yours John.

It's funny to me to see people who do little but complain about one side

Could it be that is because the side I am complaining about is the one that claims to be my bestest buddy?  My knight in shining armor? My protector from the Corporate dragon?  Instead of doing what they promise, they instead have become what they condemned.

I'm not a Republican. I'm not a business owner. I'm Blue Collar, and aging. I'm raising kids that soon will be headed off to college. I own my home--and the mortgage that goes with it, and pay taxes. I'm not looking for handouts; I'm looking for relief. Relief from high taxes to pay for wars to protect Corporate interests. Relief from taxes that pay for Illegal Immigrants healthcare and schooling. Relief from the high cost of Health Insurance so those CEO's can make multi-million dollar salaries. I don't want Bankster's who crashed the economy to get million's of dollars in bonuses they paid for by making interest free loans from the Feds to buy Government bonds with. I'd much rather see them UNDER a jail! <--And that's just the tip of the iceberg!!!

No John, I don't fit in your nice little pigeonhole...

Colour Me Free
Senior Quiet
3.2.5  Colour Me Free  replied to  owlsview677 @3.2.2    8 years ago

Thank you for the thought provoking comment!

Professor Principal
3.3  JBB  replied to  JohnRussell @3    8 years ago

While "Independents" could theoretically come in every strip from the reddest red to the bluest blue and from ulta liberal to dyed in the wool alt-right. Independence does not mean left or right or even middle. What independent means in our current political state is an inability fo choose a side or in some cases the unwillingness to choose a side. More and more People are loath to call themselves either Democrats or republicans but that does not mean that the political divide is closing. Everyone knows, or should know, that demographically the alt-right is doomed. There just are not enough uneducated rural whiteass backwater intolerant fundies being born to match the big changes happening within our population. America is getting browner and more diverse and more tolerant over time and there is nothing, not one thing except gripe about it, that racist rednecks can do about it other than threaten to leave our union, again. I lived through Jim Crow, legal segregation and systemic discrimination Anyone who does not see that things have changed and continue to change for the good of all regarding race is not paying attention. The thing is that race will become a non-issue because economic inequality does not play along racial lines. Liberals stand for economic and social justice and the gop does not. The Grand Old Party of Lincoln devolved unto the gop of today which is a the mixture of dying political factions including a great many intolerant small c christian fundamentalists, racist throwbacks, homophombic nutters and other dying factions. Thus liberalism is wins over time. It is as Dr. King noted. "The arch of a moral universe is long but it bends towards justice". We will not marching backwards with the reicht wingers. Anyone not choosing a side stands morally with losers. The only way the far right can win anymore is to cheat cheat cheat. Thanks to that and with Vlad Putin's help we have Trumpism. Anyone still standing with the gop once this is all said and done will be treated poorly by history especially the appeasers...

It Is ME
Masters Guide
4  It Is ME    8 years ago

Trump doesn't seem to be the brightest Political Bulb in the box, but which one of the Democrats or Republicans actually are. patience

You can find so many "Stupid" quotes they have all said......year after year. I think my most fav. "MOST Stupid" quote EVER, was from Good Ol' Maxine Waters (I think her light has flat gone out with no way to repair it) "this liberal will be about.....ummmm.....errrrr....we will.....ah.......basically.....hmmmmmm."

I do like his tweets that go after all sides of the Political spectrum. Get's them jumping up and down, throwing temper tantrums, calling Trump a meany. He does get them to show their True colors they always hide when they speak to us in Pretty political speak. laughing dude  

All I seem to hear from our oversized Government (That includes State and City) is:

"Here's a few Crumbs back to shut you up" ! "Now vote for me again....or else.....Armageddon, dead Old Ladies, no SS, roads and bridges destroyed, no help at all....etc." ! close call

It Is ME
Masters Guide
4.1  It Is ME  replied to  It Is ME @4    8 years ago

STUPID MAXINE..............and they keep electing her ! close call

Citizen Kane-473667
Professor Quiet
4.1.1  author  Citizen Kane-473667  replied to  It Is ME @4.1    8 years ago

laughing dude

Senior Guide
4.1.2  XXJefferson51  replied to  It Is ME @4.1    8 years ago

In her district they will elect her for life no matter how outrageous her comments and actions are.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
4.1.3  It Is ME  replied to  XXJefferson51 @4.1.2    8 years ago

Stupid "IS"....doing the same thing over and over....expecting a different result. chuckle

Does she mimic her constituents way of life ? crazy

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
4.1.4  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  XXJefferson51 @4.1.2    8 years ago
In her district they will elect her for life no matter how outrageous her comments and actions are.

Look at her district.  LA?  Not really a hot bed of Mensa candidates.

Sophomore Quiet
4.1.5  lennylynx  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @4.1.4    8 years ago

I disagree, in fact, I would say LA IS a hotbed of Mensa members, with one of the higher Mensa densities in the country! Happy

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
4.1.6  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  lennylynx @4.1.5    8 years ago

If they keep re-electing Waters, no, they aren't.

Citizen Kane-473667
Professor Quiet
4.1.7  author  Citizen Kane-473667  replied to  lennylynx @4.1.5    8 years ago
with one of the higher Mensa densities in the country!

Proving once again that the Stupid will always breed faster than the Smart...

Sophomore Quiet
4.1.8  lennylynx  replied to  Citizen Kane-473667 @4.1.7    8 years ago

You can join Densa with the rest of the righties CK!  Happy

Citizen Kane-473667
Professor Quiet
4.1.9  author  Citizen Kane-473667  replied to  lennylynx @4.1.8    8 years ago

Are you feeling lonely? Why am I not surprised with such a winning attitude...

thumbs up

Professor Silent
5  SteevieGee    8 years ago

Democrats are losing followers?  Not in Alabama.

Freshman Silent
5.1  Iamak47  replied to  SteevieGee @5    8 years ago
Not in Alabama

Going forward, I hope you're right.  But I just don't see progressives allowing any part of a party platform that appeals to Alabamans(sp.?). 

Rex Block
Freshman Silent
5.2  Rex Block  replied to  SteevieGee @5    8 years ago

Temporary aberration.

Yes they are, they really, really, are!

Citizen Kane-473667
Professor Quiet
5.3  author  Citizen Kane-473667  replied to  SteevieGee @5    8 years ago
Democrats are losing followers?

Bold prediction since Jones won by a little over 1% of the total votes cast.... and less than 18% of the voters actually voted !

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
5.4  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  SteevieGee @5    8 years ago

I would love this to be true but, I look at things without rose colored glasses on and, what i see is, a very unpopular Republican ran for the Senate so, the lesser of two evils, (in the minds of Alabamians) was the Democrat.

A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
6  A. Macarthur    8 years ago

The PARTY OF JESS WILLARD TRUMP is about to capitulate on its tax bill … and it is becoming more obvious every day, that for Republicans …

And even the dim bulb Trump will soon realize (or, someone will explain to him), as it becomes more likely that Democrats will take the Senate and possibly the House in 2018, the more likely it is that he'll be impeached or, criminally indicted.

Resign a la Nixon, Mr. Trump, while you can still avoid a High Crimes and Misdemeanors outcome, or a charges of CONSPIRACY, et al.

Whistle past the graveyard Trump-sycophants … Jess Willard won't win this bout!

A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
7  A. Macarthur    8 years ago

And Willard beat Johnson ... 

... in a fake news sort of way.

No intelligent individual thinks Trump is a populist, and after he fucks over the “evangelicals” who knew exactly why they supported him and those who were suckered by pie-in-the-sky carnival barking, when they lose their health care and social security while paying more taxes ... when it is explained to them that there can’t be tax breaks for the rich and simultaneously money for infrastructure jobs,

... they will, at revelation time ...

... kneel at the throne of Bannon and be consoled with ever more Jess Willard bullshit.

Ignorance can be remedied but ya’ can’t fix “stupid”!


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