Haley announces $285M cut in 2018-19 UN operating budget
The inefficiency and overspending of the United Nations are well known. We will no longer let the generosity of the American people be taken advantage of or remain unchecked."
About frikkin time!
Gotta Love Trumps "PRESSURE" on others to poney up themselves for a change. I hear that's called....."Personal Responsibility" !
$285 Million for this. And BILLIONS when we start cutting aid. I love it!!!
Is this the “or else” that she was threatening in regards to Jerusalem?
Yes, obviously.
There may be more to come, but this is certainly a start.
I'm sure it will be a big help when you want the UN to help us with Nk or Iran, or Russia. It just isolates more, I'm sure Putin will be pleased, he is a good case manager.
The UN just supported the US initiative for new sanctions against North Korea.
For now, but if Trump thinks he can rule the UN with threats, that will not last long.
the un has been and always will be our bitch. they will get in line or become irrelevant.
either way our money and our veto powers will keep them in check for as long as we see fit to do so.
the UN has no power over this country and never will.
Actually, with the rising power of Russia & China, and our surrender as world leader, that may not last long. It's the US under Trump that is becoming irrelevant.
our veto power over the UN will last as long as the UN does.
by giving up our veto as you suggest? that would be surrendering power... not happening.
No new powers, just the steady accumulation of power, as Trump tosses away Asia and the Middle East, who do you think will fill the vacuum? Our allies look at us in horror, our enemies rejoice! Trump weakens America, at home and abroad, it's the logical conclusion of republican incompetence.
I love how you equivovate on everything you say. He is a dictator....until you're called out on it, then he not yet a dictator......is there anything that you say that anyone should bother believing?
You seem to imagine that I care what you believe. You're wrong.
There was no apology tour. I won't ask you to keep up, that would be a waste of electrons. You are too far gone in the trump fever swamps.
Nope, I don't care what you believe, just pointing out your wishy-washy stance on.....well.....everything.
The $285 million matters not a whit. The Chinese are solidifying their market share and control in Latin America, existing Asian markets, Russia and The Middle East.
As America 'steps back' a new World Economic and Political leader will fill the void.
Haley and Trump are simply fulfilling 'the promise' to Make America Not Great Any More.
America isn't stepping back.
If respect is bought, it isn't worth anything.
Except it is. Everything I said is accurate. Respect has little to do with this. Commitment and vision is all that matters.
Trump Administration has a vision only onto itself and its commitment is only onto itself. The tax bill is more than proof enough. Honestly, Mnuchin at Treasury?
Think you need to go back to your history books. It is BECAUSE of respect - and tons of money - that the UN is even in the U. S.
And all that did not start with Trump. Both Bush and Obama, by being weak and ineffective, set all that in motion
Did not imply that it was not. But, it is accelerating under Trump and is intentional.
Exactly. Being an expat Canadian living in China for more than the last 11 years, I can verify with my own eyes that China's rise to being the second biggest economy and its global political reach long preceded Trump's election.
Accelerating? How so, and how has that been caused by Trump's election? Do you feel that the USA has the right to deny other countries their right to develop themselves for the betterment of their people, and the rate at which they do so?
Quite frankly, I would like to see what that property in one of the most expensive real estate markets in the world is worth and what, if anything, the UN is paying to squat on it. Then we can talk further "contributions"................
Expecting any semblance of diplomacy from Trump is like expecting decorum from a squealing pig thrown into the middle of a cocktail party. The world needs an international organization like the U.N. where we can address common problems as a global community. What the world doesn’t need is a cartoonish racketeer character like Trump.
Trump announced a UN budget cut on the heels of threatening to make nations pay for defying him on the Jerusalem vote. In one fell swoop, he is linking the two to make clear to the world that, to him, the UN is a transactional (not diplomatic) arrangement and that he expects all who get our money to kneel and kiss his ring . . . or else. This is one of the most crass, myopic, simpleminded administrations in modern history.
We need the rest of the world as much as they need us. So I suppose if we get anybody’s help in the future, it won’t be because we persuaded them with reason but because we bullied and bribed them to do it. Disgraceful.
The UN is a joke at best. It is about as diplomatic and non-biased as a klan meeting is non-racist. Given the chance it will condemn anything and everything Israel does up to and including defending itself. It diss our country any chance it gets at least until it needs our troops to put on a blue target, oops, I mean helmet and go to some world shit hole. I has a human rights commission that is filled with some of the worst violators in the world that the claims the US is the biggest violator.
We provide the bulk if funding to the UN so yeah I do expect a bit more respect from them.
You share Trumps problem, you can't buy respect, you have to earn it.
I shouldn’t have to pick between the UN and Israel but, if that’s the choice, then I pick the UN hands down any day of the week. As for Trump, he’s about as useful to the world as a bull in a china closet. I doubt we could do any worse than this fool if we pulled someone out of line at Walmart or used an actual cartoon like Homer Simpson.
We got Trump but we dodged a bug bullet when he beat clinton. Now that would have been a continuation of Obama's "Make America Mediocre" campaign. His goal was to make tge US as useless as the rest of the world.
Trump, like any other autocrat, thinks blind obedience and respect are the same thing.
That's right; no one should ever have to, but that's what the UN has been engineering for the last 70 years. Israel was the 60th nation admitted to the UN in 1950. Since then, 133 nations have been admitted, and is infinitely more successful and stable than those admitted after her.
40% of resolutions are directed against Israel.
In the 2013 "Human Rights" Council session, there were 10 condemnations issued. 6 were against Israel, and 4 were against the rest of the entire world.
If the UN ever had a legitimate voice, they squandered it, and it was of their own doing.
True but it didn’t do much good to dodge one bullet if you get hit by the other. It’s like an elementary school kid jumping into the cockpit of a passenger jet thinking he can fly because he saw a cartoon character do it in a movie.
The purpose of the UN is to give every nation a right to express their opinion rather than an obligation to echo Israel. So I’ll flip it around and say that Israel squandered its legitimate voice by acting as a rouge nation so often that it has been the subject of 40% of the resolutions. Like I said, if the choice is between the UN and Israel, then I strongly support the UN.
It's a good thing we aren't going to be paying 22% of their budget then isn't it.
Where's the 'thumbs down' key when we really need it? I don't deny you your right to be impressed by the Palestinian propaganda machine and your right to kiss the ass of the Arab potentates who control the vote in the UN rather than support the only true democracy in the Middle East, but your comment sure as hell disappoints me - I used to respect your opinions, so go ahead now and tell me that you don't respect mine either, because that's what I now expect. You like to play chess, don't you? Why don't you go to Saudi Arabia (one of the countries who control the UN and whom you support rather than Israel) where the tournament is taking place and stand in for the Israelis who are not allowed into the country?
And you have the right to kiss as much of Israel’s ass as your lips will cover. I despise Zionism as a form of colonialism. Israel kicked the Palestinians off their land and started this endless conflict (no, I don’t want to debate that point for the millionth time). There is no longer a viable two-state solution due to the spread of Israeli settlements. If Israel wants to be the great democracy that it claims to be, then it should let the Palestinians return home and share the land as one nation. As for the UN, Arabs have just as much right to influence opinion among member nations as Israel has to do the same damn thing through its influence over the most powerful member of the security council (the US, who almost never disagrees with Israel on anything).
Actually, I don’t make it a habit of disliking people just for disagreeing with me. The purpose of the forum is to speak our minds. We did. .
Maybe you can set your chessboard up in Gaza and provide some relief to life in an open air prison.
They brought that upon themselves. Before Hamas took over and started firing rockets at Israeli civilian areas many Gazans went daily to jobs in Israel, passing back and forth freely. I guess you deny the right of the ones who have those rockets rained upon them to prevent them from being supplied to those who fire them. And I suppose you deny the right to prevent those who intend to kill and kidnap innocent Israeli citizens from having access into Israel. It gets kind of hard to know who to trust to cross over when Gazans have been caught crossing at the gates carrying explosives to use to kill Jews. But hey, who cares if there's a few less Jews in the world, eh 1ofmany? Strange, isn't it, that Egypt doesn't want the Gazans to cross into Egypt as well, eh? Guess you must hate the Egyptians as well for that, or if you don't, then that certainly tells me something about you.
The Israelis started it by occupying Palestinian land in a colonial expansion and then pushing them onto a reservation. Occupation creates resistance.
I guess only Europeans have the right to resist occupation.
Who cares if Israel imposes Lebensraum on the Palestinians, eh Buzz?
If you think the Israelis have a right to kick the Palestinians off their land and the solution is for the Egyptians to take them in rather than let the Palestinians return home, then it tells me a lot about you. Israelis have killed the two-state solution. Make it all one state, under one government, one man one vote. A democratic solution shouldn’t be too big a stretch for a society that claims to be the only true democracy in the Middle East. But, to you and the Israelis, it makes more sense to destroy the UN and imperil the peace and security of the entire world rather than share a postage stamp sized piece of land.
Ah yes, I do know where you and your thumbs-up supporters are coming from. I, too, can ignore the series of mandates, declarations and agreements, the defensive conquests and legal history that gives Jews the right to the Land of Israel. Fortunately NT is not "occupied" by many of you, and there are enough who feel differently so that I am not COMPLETELY uncomfortable "occupying" the same virtual space as you. I have nothing more to say about this to you, or to any of your kind.
Think you need to go back and relearn your history. Israel was a country long before Palestine was, but, unfortunately, in 586 BC they were crushed by the Assyrians. However, in the 1200's, people of Judah bought land from the Turks and began re-establishing their homeland. Britain, given control over Turkey and Palestine, determined there needed to be two states - Arab and Jewish - Palestinian and Israeli, which is what occurred in 1948 - UNDER THE CONTROL OF THE UN (former League of Nations).
No, Israel has not killed the two state convention - Palestine and the rest of the Arab world has done that. If you think that Palestine and the rest of the Arab nations in the Middle East are supportive of the UN and the peace and security of the WORLD - sounds like you need a huge bottle of bourbon to make your world more stable.
What you and yours ignore is that Europeans did not have the right to give away others peoples land and that the people who were dispossessed have as much right to resist occupation and Lebensraum as the Europeans did.
Fortunately, the UN is not “occupied” by NT.
Are you really serious???????
"Europeans did not have the right to give away others peoples land and that the people who were dispossessed have as much right to resist occupation"
South Africa - Sudan - Algeria - Poland - Bulgaria - Vietnam - Borneo - Western Hemisphere (South and North America) - India - etc. - etc. - etc.. Europeans have, for CENTURIES, "conquered" people taking their lands and giving their lands away by the handfuls.
Read the definition of Manifest Destiny - European's mantra - repeated over and over and over and over and over.
I don’t need t relearn anything. The Romans drove the Jews out 2000 years ago. The diaspora did not end in the 1200’s. Jews began returning in large numbers when Hitler drove them out of Germany and the Jews used every means at their disposal to dispossess the Arabs of their land to recreate a Jewish state that hasn’t existed for two millennia. The Arabs have the right to resist occupation by the Turks, the British, and the Jews.
The two-state solution is dead because Israel has spread settlements over the occupied territories until a viable Palestinian State is no longer possible. And, yes, the world is a far better place with the UN than it would be without it . . . especially now that Trump is president.
They had the power not the right. I despise imperialism, colonialism, and Zionism. I especially despise the concept of Manifest Destiny and those who used it to justify the conquest of others.
A one state solution in 1948 could have see a modern Palestine as a world leader which changed the ME totally.
Alas we had some British decisions for rather complicated reasons which, on the one hand, passed the ball to the UN to keep their hands clean (business interests) and on the other was determined to punish all Arab Nazi sympathizers who affected WWII in the ME.
The Arabs had been promised independence from Britain in exchange for their support against Turkey in WWI
The Peel Commission exacerbated the Arb revolt of 1936 which resulted in three years of Arab Revolt against the British.
Following WWII, the British and French redrew the boundaries of the ME in a haphazard way without regard to nationalities, tribes, or religious sects and we are still seeing the reverberations today.
Partition was passed by a majority of UN members with a preamble that said that Israel was being created to be a "Home for the Jews". A one-state solution in a democratic country where majority vote means something would defeat such a possibility due to demographics and differing birth rates. It should be obvious that Israel would no longer be a "Jewish State" (something that the Palestinians will never agree to.) The only way to prevent that in a "one state" democratic country would be to not give equal voting rights to the Palestinians (which is what they enjoy in Israel now) and that would justify Israel-bashers from declaring Israel to be an Apartheid state, which it is not. I know that. Israel knows that. Pretty well every intelligent person in the world can figure that out for themselves.
And this is why so many in the UN oppose Israel. First of all, Jews are not entitled to a Jewish dominated state (through numbers or weighted voting) nor should people in a true democracy expect one. White South Africans, whose bantustan/reservations mirrored the Palestinian situation, gave up the need to maintain a colonial based white dominance over the population. Israel should do the same and pretty near all intelligent people in the UN have figured that out already.
@ 1ofmany
Israel was created to be a "Home for the Jews" and the only way that can continue to be viable is if it remained a Jewish State. It was because Jews have been historically and still are discriminated against as a minority around the world, and that discrimination and the results of it continue to this day. There is nowhere on Earth where they are truly welcome except Israel. Of course you don't know what that's like, because you're not Jewish.
The "one-state" solution in the Middle East cannot be maintained for the reasons I indicated in my previous comment, and since we all know how Arab/Muslims make life miserable for anyone who isn't a Muslim living in most Muslim countries, Jews would be dhimmis paying their jizyah just to exist in Israel down the road. But then you don't give a shit about that. And then I guess you feel the Palestinian Muslims don't have anywhere else to go - I guess there just isn't room for them in other Muslim countries, as you can see on this map:
Got a magnifying glass? Where is Israel?
The funny thing is that even the Arab/Muslim countries don't want the Palestinians. I wonder why?
Nonsense, there is no absolute right or wrong, no absolute good or evil, it's all subjective.
And I think that attitude sells short both the indigenous Jews and the European Jewish refugees.
I attended a seder once in my 20's where the host's father went off on a rant that the creation of Israel was the boldest anti-Semitic plot he had witnessed since WWII. He sincerely believed it was designed by the UN and Britain to put all of the Jews in one place in harms way where their mortal enemies could stamp them out once and for all to "solve the Jewish problem". And he was not alone in that assessment.
How close has it been, how many times?
Eventually, by whatever "defensive" means, Israel has prevailed. But at what price?
The UN has routinely condemned them for human rights violations by margins as large as they approved that original mandate, but somehow those condemnations of IS are illegitimate?
As you yourself have admitted, they make peace less possible by the highly questionable settlement processes and their abuse of West Bank rights like the multiple unsafe landfills.
I once had a friend named Yoni Netanyahu who died in Uganda in 1976.
I'd like to think he never would have approved of some of his brother's decisions.
But I also know from first hand experience that some of Benny's hard headedness is the result of Yoni's death.
What a mess,
So sad...
Save there were still Jews in the area when the Arabs invaded around 0636.
Jews began returning in large numbers when Hitler drove them out of Germany and the Jews used every means at their disposal to dispossess the Arabs of their land to recreate a Jewish state that hasn’t existed for two millennia.
They'd been buy land for quite a while, often from Arabs that didn't live in the area, how despicable, and underhanded of the Jews.
The Arabs have the right to resist occupation by the Turks, the British, and the Jews.
What on earth gave you that idea?
That old fallacy, the return of these settlements can't be negotiated in anyway way shape or form.
No, as first the Palestinian would need to be willing to negotiate.
And, yes, the world is a far better place with the UN than it would be without it . . . especially now that Trump is president.
Right, the UN failed almost in it's infancy, since then it's been nothing more than a stage for murders, despots, and other alleged world leaders.
There are many Jews who don't give a shit if Hamas carries out its threat - ones like Noam Chomsky, Bernie Sanders, etc. They are Jews who have no particular attachment to their religion. What you said about being at a seder where the leader lambasted Israel I find so amusing because at the end of every seder, the Jews say "Next year in Jerusalem", paying heed to the biblical psalm that says: "If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, may my right hand wither and my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth."
Democracy is a system of governance, nothing in this prevents Jews from having a state.
There are Muslim states are there not?
There are Christian states are there not?
So what is it about democracy that prevents a state being Jewish?
Jerusalem is not Israel.
And I've said a lot of things in Latin that actually had no meaning to me.
I suppose that holds true for people who recite Hebrew prayers as well,
but M's father and mother had tattooed numbers on their arms, from the Nazis,
I suppose, in his advanced age, he no longer conformed very well, or was not considered the family leader at various family gatherings.
He oft chastised me as a Gentile, as if I had a choice at birth, and told us he hoped it didn't snow for Christmas, (he thought Irving Berlin was a huge sell out too )
Funny because he himself bucked the "party line" about Israel.
The existence of Israel makes no one a more righteous Jew than the Vatican City makes anyone a better Catholic.
It takes all kinds, they say.
Righteous Jews don't face Mecca or the Vatican or the North Pole when they pray.
I wish you well with your Glaucoma, perhaps your Buddhist relatives can recommend some herbs stronger than spinach.
One can always hope.......
Good night
"Entitled"????? Since when does a country/group have to be "Entitled" to belong? Jews don't belong in a Jewish state because they're not "Entitled"????
Who entitles them then?
Dispossessing the Palestinians in order to create Israel was wrong. One way or another that wrong will eventually be undone.
And because of settlement expansion, the one-one state solution is all that remains. The Jews wanted all the land so take it WITH the Palestinians.
You’d need even greater magnification to see the Palestinian bantustan.
If you forced my grandma out of her house because you didn’t have a place of your own and then had the nerve to say that she should stop squawking about it because she can move in with me, I’d grab a baseball bat and run over to help you move out.
Jewish colonial expansion has eliminated the possibility of creating a viable second state. A one-state Democracy will not long be Jewish dominated.
They don’t have to dominate in order to belong as is the case for blacks in America or whites in South Africa.
If you can’t stop me from taking your wallet, then I’m right to do it because there’s no absolute right or wrong or good or evil?
It comes with the spine.
There are millions of Palestine refugees concentrated in Jordan, Lebanon, Gazza, the West Bank, Syria
as well as tens of thousands in Egypt and Iraq.
old article from 2010
this UN org site is presumably up to date and claims 5 million Palestinian refugees in 58 recognized camps.
Jerusalem, literally means City of Shalem, the Canaanite god of dusk.
You remember the Canaanites, the original people in Moses' Promised land.
According to the UN mandates and subsequent votes and mandates, Jerusalem is an international open city.
Not likely, but keep praying for a peaceful solution rather then Armageddon....
Only a small minority of those are still actual remaining refugees. The vast majority are subsequent generations. Historically, in every other refugee circumstance refugees have been absorbed by other countries, and Israel, then with a small population, absorbed about 750,000 refugees forced to leave Arab/Muslim countries and Israel did it without a whimper, while the billion Muslims in their (many oil-rich) countries refused to absorb the Palestinian refugees. If UNRWA is still going to continue, it will eventually bankrupt UNRWA financial supporters.
True, the original figure was 750,000 refugees and they have multiplied in place, which is why they should have been accommodated or absorbed decades and decades ago.
Family size is becoming a real issue, Arab Israeli citizens average 3 children per household. Israeli Jews slightly less than 2
while the Ultra Orthodox have 4; to make matters worse UO men tend not to work, instead studying and praying. The government still rewards immigrants and baby making.
The Israeli economy and welfare generosities cannot survive this in the long run.
Peace is arguably much cheaper
I have no love for the Ultra-Orthodox. IMO the only benefit they provide to Israel is to increase the Jewish demographic. In all other respects they are a detriment.
Since your comment about glaucoma is way out of context, please clarify what you REALLY mean by making it.
Somewhere in another thread you indicated that marijuana would be helpful for glaucoma but that in Chunking it was highly frowned upon.
That's a shame because it does work.
However, I wasn't being snarkastic that Buddhists and or Chinese herbalist wouldn't have something that could help you.
Happy New Year to you and yours.
Bullshit! That's not the truthful answer, and you know it, and I know it, and so will everyone else know it. If it had to do with another thread there was no reason to put that comment here. It MIGHT have been in context IF I had completely misread something that was written, or that I used a lot of faulty spelling in my comments, but that's not so. Now tell the truth why you made the comment on this thread, if you have the guts to do that.
I stand by my answer.
It's a shame you cannot accept it.
I'll go back to watching football now, good night.
Have a Happy New Year.
Again that's bullshit. As I said before, it has a whole other meaning than what you profess - very clever on your part, but I know that your comment had NOTHING to do with my PHYSICAL vision, and by this time everyone else knows as well. There's a CoC reason why your comment was allegorical, isn't there.
No, the fuss and bother over the settlements are a Palestinian gambit, it's merely to avoid meaningful negotiations. The Israelis had begun to develop the Sinai, yet they handed it back for peace, the Israelis have a track record of ceding land for peace.
A one-state Democracy will not long be Jewish dominated.
I've been hearing that for years, it still hasn't happened yet, it's an anti Israeli wet dream.
None of this shows how democracy negates a Jewish State, you did say "First of all, Jews are not entitled to a Jewish dominated state (through numbers or weighted voting) nor should people in a true democracy expect one." nothing you've said justifies this.
There are after all Islamic States, they tend to be Islamic "through numbers" yet apparently there is an issue with a Jewish majority State.
Again I submit, there is nothing in the system of Government know as democracy, that prohibits a Jewish State.
Concepts of good and evil are entirely subjective, I mistakenly assumed you knew what subjective means.
What did macho b/s achieve?
They lost against the French
Then the Palestinian Arabs lost against the British
Then the Palestinians & their allies lost against the Jews/Israelis
No one has any absolute rights, not even the right to exist.
All the rights you and others enjoy are entirely man made.
Both these groups are in the minority, you've stated
"First of all, Jews are not entitled to a Jewish dominated state (through numbers or weighted voting) nor should people in a true democracy expect one."
Remind me did the Arabs accept the UN plan?
Remind me did the British implement the UN plan?
Not likely, but keep praying for a peaceful solution rather then Armageddon....
So the probable violent reaction of the Arabs should stop Israel from rebuilding their Temple?
Is the threat of violence a good reason not to do something?
I think not.
See, there it is again, this tacit approval that there is some 'historical legal right' for the Israelis to do as they please.
On the other hand should they remove the 1300 year old mosque and rebuild a Temple there
it should be interesting to see if Revelations is fulfilled or not.
Here, you should enjoy this -
See, there it is again, this tacit approval that there is some 'historical legal right' for the Israelis to do as they please.
Save I never mentioned anything about historical rights did I?
What is there to stop Israel building in their own city?
Only the threat of Arab violence, which you didn't answer, why was that?
On the other hand should they remove the 1300 year old mosque and rebuild a Temple there
Did I say anything about removing a Mosque, care to show me where?
it should be interesting to see if Revelations is fulfilled or not.
I'm sorry, you seem to mistake me for someone else, I'm not a theist.
As for Jerusalem
Remind me did the Arabs accept the UN plan?
Remind me did the British implement the UN plan?
I'm sorry? Have you mistaken me for Michael Palin?
So, lets try again.
Did I say anything about historical rights?
Did i say anything about removing the Mosque?
As for Jerusalem
Remind me did the Arabs accept the UN plan?
Remind me did the British implement the UN plan?
Do you think you'll ever get anywhere near an answer?